

【作者】 顾迎新

【导师】 章培恒;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国文学古今演变, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以清末民初北京地区在白话小报上刊载的小说为研究对象。清末民初北京地区出现了针对中下层市民阶层而创办的白话小报。小报出现以后不久,便开始有白话小说在上面连载。北京地区作为传统专制等级政体的统治中心,中下层市民群体的思想状态和审美趣味都比较传统,因此这些小报上登载的小说有如下特点:在内容和思想意识上,北京的小报小说表现出传统保守的特点。小报小说的作者们在作品中反对女子抛头露面、自由出入公共场合,反对女子与男性随意谈话、交往。同时,他们对男女之间的“爱情”持反感和反对的态度,将“爱情”浅薄地理解为对异性容貌的迷恋。在北京小报小说的情节安排中,几乎所有向往自由恋爱和自主婚姻的女性,都安排了非常悲惨的结局,作为她们“不守妇道”行为的报应和惩戒。在社会人际关系方面,北京小报小说表现出一种对于强权专制的驯服和攀附心态。无论是小说中塑造的人物还是小说作者本身,都表现出一种对权力的习惯性的顺从和膜拜。由于经济收入低下,生活贫困,中下层市民群体的教育水平普遍低下,在市民群体中还存在着大量的迷信思想。而北京小报小说尽管对于这种迷信心态采取批判的态度,但是由于小报小说的作者们本身对近代自然科学知识的匮乏,在小报小说中同样也充斥着因果报应、天道循环等迷信想法。在以犯罪案件为题材的北京小报小说中,北京小报小说的作者们对于穷凶极恶的杀人罪犯表现出一种崇拜和钦佩心理。在处决犯人的描写中,作者们着力于对于行刑过程和整个场面的夸张和渲染,表现出对于个体生命和死亡意识的淡漠心理状态。由于北京小报小说的创作理念和目的即是扬善惩恶、揭露恶人阴谋,因此小报小说主要篇幅和注意力都集中在对于恶人所遭到的可怕报应的描写和犯罪计划的实施过程的叙述上。同时,小报小说的作者们还把小说作为解闷醒脾的工具,导致小说的作者们创作态度极其不认真。在改编的古代文言传奇小说、白话小说、戏曲剧本中,北京小报小说的作者们从自身的传统伦理道德立场出发,对小说原文中的男女爱情故事进行曲解,并极力回避或篡改其中有关情欲的描写和场面;将小说原文中的艺术想象视为迷信加以解释,破坏了原文的艺术手法,降低了原文的审美价值。在形式上北京小报小说向传统评书形式靠拢,基本上因循着评书的叙事套路。小说的叙述以情节为中心;人物形象简单、脸谱化;叙事角度、结构单一;故事情节追求热闹、花哨,语言要求通俗、搞笑。符合中下层市民阶层的审美趣味和价值观念。清末民初上海地区受到西方文化的影响,上海地区的小说也在西方翻译小说的影响下发生了改变。将上海小报小说与北京小报小说相比较可以看到:中国小说在西方文学的影响下,产生对“个体意识”的肯定,叙事模式由原来的以情节为中心转向人物心理和情绪为中心,叙事角度也从原来的第三人称全知视角转向多种人称视角。开始自觉地追求小说的艺术技巧和审美价值。这些都是在西方文学影响下中国小说出现的新的因素。清末民初北京小报小说中所包含的传统因素,在同时期的“新小说”、五四新文学中的“为人生”小说、左翼文学、抗战救亡文学及毛泽东的《在延安座谈会上的讲话》中都有体现,表现出中国传统文学因素在现代文学中的延伸。

【Abstract】 This paper mostly study the novels published on the colloquialism newspaper at later Qing Dynasty and the forepart of Republic of China. The Colloquialism newspapers for the middle-under-level citizen appeared at Peking at later Qing Dynasty and the forepart of Republic of China. The novels entered the colloquialism newspaper before long the appearance of them. The ideology and taste of middle-under-level citizen had been all conservative, so the novels published on the colloquialism newspaper have characteristics as follows:The content and the ideology of the novels published on the colloquialism newspaper at Peking are conservative. The authors had been against that female entered the public and affiliated with male freely. They revolt against the "love" between the man and women. They regard the "love" as infatuation to the feature of isomerism. Almost all the female yearned the freedom of love had been miserable because they had not been abided the rule of femineity in the novels published on the colloquialism newspaper at Peking.There had been a psychology of succumb to the power at the novels published on the colloquialism newspaper at Peking. The author and the dramatis personae had been all dutiful and worship to the might.The level of culture of middle-under-level citizen had been low by the reason of destitution. A majority of citizen had thought of superstition. Although the author of the novels published on the colloquialism newspaper at Peking animadverted on the thought of superstition, there had been comeuppance in the novels published on the colloquialism newspaper at Peking due to the scarcity of the modern natural science of the author.The author adored the extremely vicious criminals at some novels published on the colloquialism newspaper at Peking of sin. They high on the depiction of the process of death penalty and disregarded the consciousness of life and death.The mostly sections and chapter and the attention of the novels published on the colloquialism newspaper at Peking focused on the Nemesis to the baddie and the depiction of the process of delict, resultingly the aim of the novels had been poetical justice and exposure the intrigue. The author treated the novels instrument of pastime, it resulted in the attitude of easygoing of writing.The author also recomposed the classical Chinese and colloquialism story and play book of drama. They misconstrued the love story and slide over or sophisticated the depiction of sex according as the ethic of the middle-under-level citizen; they counted the imagination of literature to the superstition, it debased the art value of primary works.The modality of the novels published on the colloquialism newspaper at Peking closed to the modality of tradition PingShu. The center of narration was scenario; the characters were simple; the point of view and sequence of narration were all singularity; the story pursued jollification and garish; the language of the novels was earthliness and farcicality. That all accorded with the ideology and taste of middle-under-level citizen.Shanghai full under the effect of occidental Culture at later Qing Dynasty and the forepart of Republic of China. The novels at Shanghai had transformed also at the version of occidental novels. We can see there were many transformations had happened via contrasting the novels of between Peking and Shanghai. The novels of China uphold the consciousness of individual, and the center of narration of novels had changed to psychology and emotion, and the point of view of narration had changed to first person and limited. The author had begun to pursue the art technique and the value of aesthetic self-conscious. All that were new complications at the affected of the occidental of literature.The traditional factor at the novels published on the colloquialism newspaper at Peking had been continued at the "new story", the " for life literature" of WuSi new literature, the left-winger literature, the literature of save the nation from extinction, and "the speech at the colloquia of Yan’an". It suggests the tractility of traditional factor of china literature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】577