

【作者】 辛宝海

【导师】 叶世昌;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 经济思想史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以西方二元经济理论为参照系,对比分析改革开放以来中国二元经济理论的发展演变过程。从经济思想史的角度进行这种比较研究的必要性和价值在于理论必须与现实结合并随实践不断发展才有生命力。改革开放以来,中国二元经济理论是在不同于西方二元经济理论的制度不变,而是在制度变迁的环境中发展演进的。尽管这些理论存在种种不足,仅就制度环境差异这一点,中国二元经济理论就可以看作是对西方二元经济理论的创新与发展。从经济思想史的角度回顾改革开放以来中国二元经济理论的发展脉络,一方面可以使我们能够更好地了解迥异于西方二元经济理论的制度环境对理论分析和政策选择差异性的影响,同时也为我们下一步的理论创新和政策选择提供一个思想资料的平台。在市场经济制度外生给定的西方二元经济理论所处的制度环境中,确实没有必要考虑制度变迁对二元结构形成和转换的影响。但中国二元经济理论的突出特征则表现为对制度、体制因素在二元结构形成和转换过程中的决定作用的重视和强调,制度渐进演变的制度环境自然反映在中国二元经济理论的理论分析和政策设计中,从而提出和研究了西方二元经济理论较少涉及的问题,提出了西方二元经济理论不曾提出的二元结构转换路径。本文把西方二元经济理论的结构转换模型作为基本分析框架,分五个专题展开比较研究:(1)比较分析中国二元经济理论在二元结构形成和转换思路上的创新和发展,制度二元论和制度变迁是中国二元经济理论的基本观点。(2)比较分析中国二元经济理论在工业化理论上的创新和发展,二元工业化和农村工业化是中国学者始终关注的焦点。(3)比较分析中国二元经济理论在农业发展思想上的创新和发展,制度约束使得中国学者不得不综合考虑农业、农村和农民问题在二元结构转换过程中的作用和影响,而不是仅仅停留在产业发展的狭隘视角。(4)比较分析中国二元经济理论在农业剩余劳动力转移思想上的创新和发展,制度环境对经济理论的影响和决定作用在这个领域表现得最为突出,制度变迁的理论分析特征表现得最为明显;(5)比较分析中国二元经济理论在结构转换与收入分配关系上的理论创新和发展,城乡居民群体的收入差别是西方二元经济理论不曾涉及的问题,却是中国学者研究的中心问题。这更清楚地显示出制度环境约束带来结构转换的收入分配效应与西方二元经济理论逻辑的偏离。本文重视探寻理论发展背后制度环境因素的决定作用,这种简单的逻辑关系很容易使人产生制度环境决定论的印象。笔者并不是用制度环境决定论来否定中国学者在理论探索方面的主动性和创造性,同时,作者也并不认为单纯的制度变迁就能解决二元结构转换的全部问题。但制度环境的路径依赖和制度构成中的力量对比已经清晰地反映在中国二元经济理论中。重视制度因素和市场化改革取向在二元结构转换过程中的作用是改革开放以来中国二元经济理论的基本特征和理论偏好。

【Abstract】 By contrast of the dual economy, this paper aims to analyze the evolution process of dual economy in China since the reforms and opening up. In the viewpoint of economic thought history, this contacting research can contribute much to the innovation and development of the theory. Ever since the reforms and opening up, the dual economy of China evolves different from the dual economy with the institution evolution. In the case of the difference of the institution environment, the dual economy of China can be seen as the innovation and development of the dual economy despite its shortcomings. We reflect the development of the dual economy of China from the viewpoint of economic history ever since the reforms and opening up, which can on the one side help us better understand the effect of the institution environment different from the dual economy, and on the other hand bring a thought platform for further studies.In the dual economy, it is not necessary to consider the influence of institution evolution on the development and transformation of dual economy structure. However, the characteristics of dual economy system in China are the focus and emphasis on the key function from sectors of institutions and systems during the course of the development and transformation of dual economy. The development and evolution system environment adequately embodied in the theory analysis and policies design of the dual economy theory in China. Thereby, the route of transfer of the dual economy structure is mentioned.This paper bases the dual economic structural change model as the basic analysis framework, compromising the following five subjects: (1) contrasting the innovation and development in the respect of the dual economic structure transformation in china. Institution Dualism and Institution evolution is the basic points of theory in China. (2) Contrasting the innovation and development in the respect of industrialization theory of the dual economy in China. Rural industrialization is the focus of the Chinese scholars. (3) Contrasting the innovation and development in the respect of agriculture development theory of the dual economy in China. Institution restraints make the scholars think comprehensively the effects of the agriculture、the countryside and the peasants in the process of the structure conversation of dualistic economy.(4) Contrasting the innovation and development in the respect of the Surplus Agricultural Labor migration theory of the dual economy in China. Institution environment woks well in this respect (5) Contrasting the innovation and development in the respect of the structure transformation and income distribution theory of the dual economy in China. The dual economy ignores the field of the income difference between the urban and the rural area, which is the central subject of that the Chinese scholars’ research. This clearly demonstrates the deviation of the institution environment restraints bringing to the effect of income distribution during structure transformation from the dual economy.This paper tries to explain the determinative effect of institution environment in the development of the theory, leading to the illusion of institution environment determinates. The author doesn’t simply deny the creativity of the scholars in the studies of development theory by utilizing the institution environment determinates; neither does the author simply think the transformation of institutions can explain all the questions facing the dual economic structure transformation in china. However, the path dependence of the institution environment and all the factors constituting institution are clearly reflected in theory of the dual economy in China. It’s the basic character and preference of the theory of the dual economy in China ever since the reforms and opening up that emphasizes the institutional factors and market-based reforms.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】F092.7;F124
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1984