

【作者】 郑峰

【导师】 姜义华;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 1902年—1932年,前后三十年时间,曾经在商务印书馆编译所工作过的知识分子人数众多,关系复杂。本文运用知识社会学理论,通过分析近代中国的知识变迁、编译所知识分子的“知识结构”、“知识劳动”,在社会史的层面解读了几类知识分子在近代中国生存和发展的状况。以下是论文基本结构和主要内容。第一章导言,主要介绍论文的选题的缘起、研究现状、研究资料、论文思路。第二章对编译所时代最大宗的几类出版品——教科书、工具书、丛书、期刊进行了梳理,发现它们都是知识程度较低的启蒙图书。商务出版这些启蒙图书主要是出于商业营利的考虑。这几类出版品同时也是编译所知识分子用以向资方换取劳动报酬的劳动产品。对几类出版品的介绍,有助于我们更好地理解编译所知识分子的工作性质和劳动价值,以及他们对于自身、社会和时代的种种诉求。第三章分析了编译所创立、发展、终结的原因,重建了知识分子对编译所工作的历史记忆,论述了编译所知识分子对以“编译”为主要内容的知识劳动的态度。商业化的近代新式出版业的发展为知识分子的职业化的发展创造了空间和机会。然而知识分子与商务资方是一种雇佣关系,他们的知识劳动要受到资方的很大限制,编译的方向、内容、层次都由资方规定,并且编译任务要在资方限定的时间内完成,对于大部分知识分子而言,他们在编译所的工作很难称得上是创造性的知识劳动。第四章论述了编译所知识分子的人际网络。编译所中传统的亲缘、地缘、学缘关系、现代的学术网络、权势网络的形成,涉及到这样一些问题:知识分子掌握了何种知识,程度怎样,社会对各种知识的需求状况,知识分子如何利用他们的知识拓展生存空间。它既反映出了知识分子的知识属性,也反映出了知识分子的社会属性。第五章对编译所历史上的几类知识分子——旧式学人、新式教育培养的新式知识分子、受过现代学术专门训练的高级知识分子——进行了分析概括。这几类知识分子之间的差异以及各自的时代命运,归根到底是由近代中国不断变化的知识劳动的社会生态造成的。第六章结语,指出编译所知识分子身处的知识劳动的社会生态使他们的知识劳动往往以一种令人无奈的形式呈现出来。他们在知识劳动之外,还要利用各种传统的、现代的资源,去为自己拓展生存和发展的空间。本论文所讨论的商务编译所的知识分子,正可被视作中国近代知识分子多歧之路的历史缩影。

【Abstract】 A group of intellectual from complex background worked in the Department of translating and editing of The Commercial Press from 1902 to 1932. Through analyzing knowledge alteration in modern China, especially Knowledge framework and Knowledge work of these intellectual, we can unscramble subsistence and development of different intellectual. This thesis can be outlined by six parts.The first chapter introduces the cause of selection, investigative actuality and data as well as structure of this thesis.The second chapter aims to analyze the publication of the Department of translating and editing. These were mostly low-lying degree illuminative publication including textbook, reference book, series and magazine for the sake of profit. In fact these books are production for working guerdon which reflected their appeal.The third chapter discusses the cause how the Department of translating and editing originated, developed and ended. It constructs the historical memory of these intellectual working in the Department. However, they were wage earner of The Commercial Press. Their Knowledge work was limited and direction, content and extent of translating and editing were decided by those representing capital. So their Knowledge work was basically uninspired.The fourth chapter studies the network of intellectual in the Department. The consanguinity, geography, learned ascendency meshwork of these intellectual come down to the problems as follows: noegenetic domain and degree, social requirement, utilization of knowledge to colonize living space.Chapter five describes the old-style scholar, new-type intellectual and specially trained high-level intellectual. And the mutative ecosystem of knowledge work in modern China resulted in their difference and respective fortune.Chapter six brings forward the conclusion. The ecosystem of knowledge work in the Department of translating and editing didn’t present pure knowledge. Moreover, these intellectual need to colonize their living space by utilizing traditional and modern resource. It is just the reduction of branch roads that intellectual walked on in modern China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】G239.29
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1020