

Quantitative Structural Analysis Based on Corona Imagery

【作者】 陈宁华

【导师】 汪新; 杨树锋;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 地质学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 高陡岩层引起的地震“空白”响应是前陆冲断带构造分析中普遍遇到的难题,在地域广阔、人迹罕至、地表和钻井资料欠缺的南天山山前带,该问题尤为突出。利用高精度遥感影像快速准确的测量地表产状,约束地震剖面解释是解决该问题的有效方法。本文利用解密的美国20世纪60-70年CORONA KH-4B高分辨率卫星立体像对,结合QuickBird和Landsat 7 ETM+多光谱影像,通过对CORONA影像特性研究,建立适用南天山山前带的地表构造产状快速提取和分析的方法,研究成果和创新点体现在以下方面:在方法上,基于CORONA KH-4B卫星遥感影像的自身特性,利用1:50,000地形图、在JX4C数字摄影测量系统的立体观测环境下,提出了逐步逼近的控制点选取方法,解决了标志性地物缺少区域确定同名点的难题,提高了选点精度。利用有理函数模型(RFM)校正了CORONA影像的全景变形,实现了CORONA立体像对在国内JX4C数字摄影测量系统下的矢量测图,同时,采用影像匹配的方法,生成了大比例尺的数字高程模型(DEM)和数字正射影像(DOM)。利用覆盖南天山库车山前带的CORONA立体像对,在JX4C数字摄影测量系统环境下识别岩层三角面,确定特征点的空间坐标,从而建立岩层面的平面方程,在MatLab环境下简单编程实现地层产状(倾角、走向)的计算。通过OZIExplore嵌入式GPS辅助的野外测量及验证,在库车秋里塔格褶皱带地层倾角的测量误差小于3°,满足构造定量分析的精度需求。该方法适用于大面积、高效的构造地貌调查,尤其适于植被覆盖稀少、地层露头清晰、人迹罕至的复杂构造区,具有广阔的应用前景。通过以上研究方法,获取了南天山库车山前带大量的地表构造产状,弥补了地势复杂地区地表资料的欠缺,同时在JX4C数字摄影测量系统下,识别和测量了河流阶地拱曲、断层崖、褶皱崖等地表变形参数,揭示其新构造运动特征。将遥感技术测量的地表参数与野外调查、地震及深部钻井资料相结合,确定了南天山库车山前带秋里塔格中段地表精细的构造变形几何形态。深部资料揭示,南秋里塔格背斜和库车塔吾背斜交汇部发育中新统吉迪克组(N1j)膏盐岩、侏罗系(J)煤层和古-始新统库姆格列木组(E1-2km)膏盐岩三套滑脱层,不同的滑脱层之上的地层分别褶皱变形并发生叠加干涉和位移量的汇合转换,形成了秋里塔格中段复杂的构造形态。在交汇部,中新统吉迪克组(N1j)和康村组(N1k)地层错断并在地表形成若干个表皮褶皱和断层,上新统库车组(N2k)地层虽有扭曲但地层连续,地层由老到新变形逐渐减小,反映了上新世以来该区在沉积的同时继续构造变形。上新统库车组(N2k)和第四系(Q)的生长地层也揭示出该构造一直活动。

【Abstract】 Widely spaced seismic reflection profiles caused by steep strata are a common problem in structural interpretation of foreland fold-and-thrust belt, particularly in remote areas with sparse surface and well data. High-resolution remote sensing imagery is an effective approach for measurement of surface parameters and for constraint of seismic profile interpretation. In this paper, the surface structural parameters of the foreland fold-and-thrust belt in the southern Tianshan Mountain were extracted and analyzed on the basis of CORONA KH-4B high-resolution satellite stereo pairs of 1960s-1970s, which were declassified by USA, as well as QuickBird and Landsat 7 ETM+ multi-spectral imageries. The results and the novel implications are highlighted as follows:Methodologically, an accurate method for ground control point (GCP) selection are built by a gradual mathematical approach in mark-deficient areas, which are achieved in the JX4C digital photogrammetric system, based on the characteristics of the CORONA KH-4B satellite stereo pairs after combining with 1:50000 topographic map. A rational function model (RFM) was founded to rectify the panoramic deformation of CORONA imagery. The corona imageries are then initially supported by the JX4C digital photogrammetric system, meanwhile, large scale digital elevation model (DEM) and digital orthphoto mapping (DOM) are formed using stereo pairs.Triangular faces exposed by eroded drainages are identified to determine the spatial coordinate of the identified point in the JX4C digital photogrammetric system using the CORONA stereo pairs covering the foreland belt of the southern Tianshan Mountain. The strike and dip of bedding are programming calculated in the Matlab system. Field survey by OZIExplore software which is embedded in GPS shows that the measurement error of surface bedding attitude in the Qiulitag Belt of the southern Tianshan Mountain is less than 3°, which reaches the accuracy for quantitative structural analysis. This method is favorable for geological survey in large areas, especially for remote areas with rare vegetation coverage, distinct stratum outcrop, and complex structure.A lot of surface parameters in the Kuqa fold-and-thrust belt of the southern Tianshan Mountain are obtained after application of these method stated above, which fill up the surface data in these complex areas. Some parameters for deformation of river terrace, fault and fold scarp are identified and measured, which are helpful to reveal the characters of neotectonics. The surface deformation of the Qiulitag Belt of the southern Tianshan Mountain has been built based on the surface parameters obtained from remote sensing measurement together with field survey and seismic and well data. Seimic and well data reveal that three sets of detachments of Jurassic coal bed (J), Paleogene Kumugeliemu Formation (E1-2km), and Miocene Jidike Formation (N1j) developed in the structural intersection. The strata developed in various detachments folded, overlapped and interfered, forming complex structural in the middle segment of the Qiutag Belt. The strata of the Jidike (N1j) and Kangcun (N1k) formations formed several folds and faults. The strata of the Kuqa (N2k) formation twisted yet continued with attenuated deformation from old to young stratum, reflecting consecutive structural formation together with durative sedimentation from the Upper Neogene. The growing strata developed in Kuqa Formation and Quaternary also indicate its active duration.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期