

Cardiotoxicity of the Cancer Therapeutic Agent Recombinant Human Endostatin

【作者】 覃晶

【导师】 罗荣城; 许顶立;

【作者基本信息】 南方医科大学 , 肿瘤学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 背景与目的:1971年哈佛大学医学院Folkman教授首先提出“肿瘤生长和转移依赖于新生血管生成,阻断血管生成是遏制肿瘤生长的有效策略”的理论,由此开创了肿瘤抗血管生成治疗的研究。近年来,针对肿瘤新生血管这个靶点新的抗癌药物(如贝伐单抗、索拉非尼、舒尼替尼)已经从实验室走向临床应用,并取得了良好的疗效。除此之外,做为广谱内源性血管生长抑制因子—内皮抑素(Endostatin)在小鼠体内可使93~97%肿瘤停止生长,成为全球最引人注目的抗血管生成药物。然而在以后临床应用中却发现Endostatin在人体内活性很低,科学家无法攻克蛋白质复性的技术难关,生产成本过高无法实现Endostatin的大规模生产。我国学者罗永章等经过长期不懈的努力,解决该蛋白复性的技术难关,创造的改变了Endostatin的氨基酸序列,使该蛋白的药用性能和疗效得到了显著提高。就是这个我国自主研发的新型重组人血管内皮抑素(Recombinant human endostatin,rh-Endostatin,Endostar,恩度),于2005年9月获得了国家食品药品监督管理局颁发的生物制品一类新药证书,它是世界上首例血管内皮抑制素抗癌新药。2006年7月恩度在我国上市开始临床使用,对晚期肺癌的治疗显示出较好的疗效。据恩度治疗说明书描述,Ⅰ~Ⅲ期临床试验安全性评价指出,470例受试晚期非小细胞肺癌患者中有30例(6.38%)出现了心脏不良反应,主要表现为用药初期少数患者出现轻度疲乏、胸闷、心慌等症状,用药后第2~7天内发生心肌缺血,以及心电图出现窦性心动过速、轻度ST-T改变、房室传导阻滞、房性早搏、偶发室性早搏等,研究者认为以上心脏不良反应均为轻.中度,未危及患者生命,其中6.4‰的患者症状较为明显,但均为可逆性,多数不影响治疗进行,不需要对症治疗即可缓解。然而,笔者在恩度临床使用过程中,却发现其心脏毒性发生率和严重程度要高于药物说明书的描述,部分患者因心脏毒性暂停治疗,部分患者需要经对症治疗心脏毒性才能缓解,甚至有一例晚期非小细胞肺癌患者在恩度联合健择治疗的第7天,出现急性左心衰,心电图提示窦性心动过速,心率110~120次/分,偶发室早,N端前脑利尿肽(NT-proBNP)升高到15859pg/ml,最终因心力衰竭医治无效死亡,患者既往有高血压病史8年,用药前心脏功能正常。综合以上,根据我肿瘤治疗中心的用药体会,认为恩度的心脏毒性发生比较广泛,严重性尚待进一步评价。目前临床医生对其心脏毒性的发生警惕性尚不够,关于心脏毒性的早期诊断和预测也应开展研究。既往研究多集中于蒽环类药物或放疗所致的心脏毒性,然而,随着分子靶向药物临床逐渐广泛,越来越多的分子靶向药物心血管不良反应逐渐被发现并受到研究者重视,有关心脏毒性的研究热点也转向了分子靶向药物,其发生机制也有了初步的研究。研究表明单独使用曲妥珠单抗,有4-7%发生心功能不全,尤其是充血性心衰(GHF)和左室射血分数(LVEF)的减少,发生机制可能与心脏组织上的HER-2受体的分化和存活有关。Nature Medicine一篇文章指出,伊马替尼可能增加化疗患者发生心力衰竭的风险,研究者推测,伊马替尼可能是通过抑制心肌细胞上的ABL激酶,并影响细胞内蛋白质合成,从而导致了对心肌细胞的损伤。舒尼替尼也有心脏毒性的报道。尽管临床前试验认为恩度心脏毒性不是十分严重,然而使用过程中出现了左心衰严重不良心血管事件。心脏的副作用是恩度最常见并且是最有可能危及生命的毒副反应,因此,有必要对恩度心脏毒性的严重程度再次评价,筛选临床早期诊断和预测的指标。从长远上考虑,对于心脏毒性的了解越深入越利于新药的国际推广应用。研究表明分子靶向药物的心脏毒性机制不同于蒽环类药物,前者心脏毒性多与药物作用的靶点密切相关,并且信号转导通路参与心脏毒性的机制。研究者也认为每种分子靶向药物的心脏毒性机制都不完全相同,故关于恩度发生心脏毒性的机制需要深入研究。基于上述理论,本研究试图从临床观察和实验研究两方面评价rh-Endostatin的心脏毒性,筛选早期诊断和预测临床指标,并初步探讨其心脏损伤的可能机理。方法:1.将既往使用恩度联合化疗的11例晚期肿瘤患者的资料进行回顾性分析,包括治疗过程中有无心慌、胸闷、呼吸困难等临床症状及症状发生时间,治疗前后心电图(ECG),心肌酶谱及LVEF的改变,评价恩度心脏毒性,并初步筛选心脏毒性早期诊断临床指标。2.为客观评价心脏毒性以及全面筛选心脏毒性早期临床诊断指标,设计了前瞻性临床实验,选择恩度联合化疗18例,单纯化疗12例为对照研究,每周期用药的d0、d15检测ECG、LVEF、CK-MB、cTnT和NT-proBNP等多项指标。3.24只实验大鼠随机分成4组,每组6只。对照组以等体积生理盐水腹腔注射,rh-Endostatin低、中、高三个剂量组,分别给与3mg/kg、6mg/kg、12mg/kg腹腔注射,每日一次,每组各半大鼠(3只)分别给药4周和8周时间,均在末次给药后24h杀死。HE染色各组大鼠心肌组织,光镜下观察病理形态学改变;透射电镜观察大鼠心肌组织超微结构的病理改变;通过TUNEL方法检测大鼠心肌细胞凋亡;通过CD34来标记内皮细胞进行免疫组织化学检测,检测大鼠心肌组织的微血管密度改变。4.分别以100μg/ml、200μg/ml、400μg/ml三个不同剂量的rh-Endostatin处理H9c2心肌细胞24h、48h,不加药物作为对照组,通过Annexin V/PI双染流式细胞仪检测心肌细胞凋亡率。400μg/ml rh-Endostatin处理H9c2心肌细胞24h,不加药物作为对照组,透射电镜观察心肌细胞超微结构的改变。400μg/mlrh-Endostatin处理H9c2心肌细胞,不加药物作为对照组,琼脂糖凝胶电泳DNA Laddering方法检测细胞凋亡。5.体外培养H9c2心肌细胞进行细胞凋亡的发生机制研究。以100μg/ml、200μg/ml、400μg/ml rh-Endostatin三个不同剂量和不加药物对照组进行实验研究,通过共聚焦显微镜检测心肌线粒体膜电位变化,细胞免疫化学方法进行细胞色素C释放实验、化学发光法测心肌细胞胞内ADP与ATP比值的改变。400μg/ml rh-Endostatin处理H9c2心肌细胞14h、28h,不加药物为对照组,Western Blotting方法检测p-JNK和p-eIf2α的表达水平,研究rh-Endostatin产生细胞凋亡的信号转导机制。通过免疫荧光方法细胞定位检测H9c2心肌细胞核仁素的表达,初步探讨rh-Endostatin的心肌毒性作用受体。结果:1.回顾性研究结果提示,rh-Endostatin联合化疗治疗后与治疗前比较心电图异常率有统计学意义(χ2=6.471,P=0.035)。治疗后与治疗前比较,心肌酶谱中CK-MB升高具有统计学性意义(t=2.530,P=0.030),其他几种心肌酶变化无统计学意义(P>0.05)。治疗前与治疗后比较LVEF值的改变无统计学意义(t=2.083,P=0.075)。2.前瞻性对照研究结果提示,rh-Endostatin联合化疗组患者治疗后ECG异常改变率以及CK-MB、cTnT和NT-proBNP均轻度升高,第一周期治疗后与单纯化疗组比较,ECG异常改变两组有统计学差异(χ2=6.087,P=0.024),而LVEF值的改变两组比较无统计学差异(P>0.05),两个周期治疗后两组比较CK-MB、cTnT均有统计学差异(P均<0.05),两个周期治疗后两组比较NT-proBNP差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.01)。3.体内实验结果提示,HE染色光镜下观察显示正常对照组心肌纤维排列整齐,无心肌纤维的破坏,细胞质丰富均匀,细胞间隙正常,无水肿;Rh-Endostatin高剂量组4周和8周均可观察到心肌纤维排列紊乱,肌间隙扩大,心肌细胞结构模糊,变性坏死,局部心肌细胞核溶解或消失;心外膜下中性粒细胞及单核、淋巴细胞浸润,8周病理形态改变较4周损害程度加重。Rh-Endostatin中、低剂量组心肌组织无明显病理改变。透射电镜下观察对照组大鼠心肌肌丝排列整齐规则,细胞器无水肿和变性。Rh-Endostatin高剂量4周组和8周组均可见心肌线粒体肿胀、变性,嵴疏松、断裂,肌丝溶解,肌浆网扩张明显,8周超微结构改变较4周更为明显。Rh-Endostatin中剂量组和低剂量组无明显病理形态学改变。TUNEL法测心肌细胞凋亡,镜下观察对照组、rh-Endostatin低剂量组未见心肌凋亡细胞,中剂量组少见凋亡细胞,高剂量组可见较多凋亡细胞。将各组凋亡指数进行统计学分析,提示rh-Endostatin 4周高剂量组凋亡指数显著高于正常对照组,有统计学差异(P=0.004);8周中剂量和高剂量与对照组相比较有统计学差异(P=0.033、P=0.000)。8周高剂量组凋亡指数最高。用CD34免疫组织化学标记内皮细胞,对心肌组织微血管计数,结果提示高剂量rh-Endostatin组4周和8周可观察到血管密度增加,显著高于正常对照组,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。4周高剂量组微血管密度最高。4.Annexin V/PI双染法检测心肌细胞早期凋亡率,结果提示四组相比有统计学意义(F=126.492,P=0.000),其中200、400μg/ml组与对照组相比有显著统计学意义(P=0.000),400μg/ml组凋亡率最高,表明rh-Endostatin能诱导心肌细胞凋亡,并且具有剂量依赖性。结果也提示药物作用时间对凋亡的影响有统计学差异(F=2.927,P=0.092),24h凋亡率高于48h。用400μg/mlrh-Endostatin处理H9c2心肌细胞30h后,DNA被切成不同大小的条带,形成DNA Ladder,而未处理的细胞则是完整的一条带,没有Ladder产生。用400μg/ml rh-Endostatin处理24h后,电镜下可见心肌细胞内空泡增多,核固缩碎裂,凋亡小体产生,内质网扩张,线粒体肿胀,形态变圆,嵴疏松、断裂、消失,染色质块聚。而未处理的心肌细胞核大小形态正常,细胞器无损伤。5.100μg/ml、200μg/ml、400μg/ml的rh-Endostatin处理H9c2细胞18h后,发现随着剂量的增加线粒体跨膜电位下降明显。细胞色素C释放实验提示未药物处理细胞的细胞色素C主要以胞内点状形式分布,表明它主要分布于线粒体中,400μg/ml处理24h后,细胞色素C移位,均匀分布于整个细胞中,表明它已从线粒体向胞浆释放。100μg/ml、200μg/ml、400μg/ml的rh-Endostatin处理H9c2细胞24h后,用无药物作为正常对照,四组之间ADP/ATP值比较有统计学意义(P=0.000),200μg/ml组和400μg/ml组与对照组相比有统计学意义(P均<0.01)。分别于14h和28h收集400μg/ml rh-Endostatin处理细胞蛋白样本,发现药物处理后的p-JNK和p-eIF2a蛋白水平明显高于正常对照组,p-JNK和p-eIF2a的表达随着时间的延长而升高,药物处理14h和18h后p-JNK和p-eIF2a水平与正常对照组相比较均具有统计学差异(P均<0.01)。免疫荧光定位提示H9c2细胞膜上表达核仁素,药物干预后表达量增多,胞浆表达明显增多。结论:1.初步显示重组人血管内皮抑素联合化疗存在轻度的心脏不良反应,对心肌有一定的损伤,但是短期内心功能未受到明显改变。CK-MB和心电图可作为早期监测心脏毒性的检查指标。在重组人血管内皮抑素联合化疗的过程中应该警惕心脏不良反应的发生。2.心电图以及CK-MB、cTnT和NT-proBNP可作为早期监测心脏毒性的临床指标。CK-MB、cTnT和NT-proBNP三种心肌生化标志物联合检测,有助于提高预测rh-Endostatin心肌损伤的敏感性和准确性。3.高剂量的rh-Endostatin对大鼠心肌有明显病理改变,并观察到超微结构的损伤,TUNEL方法也观察到高剂量组大鼠心肌组织凋亡细胞增多,提示心肌细胞凋亡机制参与了rh-Endostatin心脏毒性的病理过程。4.体外实验从细胞的形态学和生化特征证实了rh-Endostatin对H9c2心肌细胞有凋亡作用,推测心肌细胞凋亡可能是导致心脏毒性的重要原因。5.Rh-Endostatin对心肌细胞的毒性机制是因于rh-Endostatin激活了线粒体和内质网应激两条凋亡途径,造成了心肌细胞的凋亡。通过对核仁素的定位表达检测证实核仁素在心肌细胞膜表达,药物作用后核仁素转位,初步推测此膜表面核仁素可能是rh-Endostatin造成心脏毒性的作用受体。

【Abstract】 Background and objectives:In 1971 Folkman, professor of Harvard Medical School, first proposed the hypothesis that all tumor growth and metastasis are angiogenesis-dependent, and blocking of angiogenesis is one of an effective strategy to prevent the growth of the tumor, which founded the field of angiogenesis research. In recent years, angiogenesis inhibitors, such as bevacizumab, sorafenib, sunitinib, which targeted tumor angiogenesis, achieved good effects. Endostatin (ES), a 20 kDa C-terminal globular domain of the collagenⅩⅧ, as a broad-spectrum angiogenesis inhibitor, which was originally isolated from the supernatant of a cultured murine hemangioendothelioma cell line for its ability to inhibit tumor angiogenesis, has been shown to regress tumors 93-97% in mice, then it attracted the attention of the world. Although endostatin has evident activity as anti-angiogenic agents, neither showed substantial benefit in early-phase clinical trials. Regrettably, low activity in the human body was founded, and scientists could not overcome technical problems of the protein renaturation meanwhile the drugs proved expensive to produce and their clinical development was shelved largely for economic considerations. Interestingly, however, a formulation of endostatin has been approved for treating lung cancer in China, suggesting its potential. Chinese scholars Dr. Luo changed the amino acid sequence of Endostatin and resolved the protein renaturation so that efficacy had been significantly enhanced. A new type recombinant human endostatin (Rh-endostatin, endostar), whicn was reaserched and developed independently by our country and was the first endostatin in the world, had gained formal approvalof State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) as the first category of anticancer drug. Rh-endostatin had gained good effets on advanced lung cancer ever since the clinical application in July 2006.However, inⅠ—Ⅲclinical trials of Rh-endostatin, 30 patients (6.38%) of all 470 advanced NSCLC patients who were subjects in clinical trial had mild/moderate cardiologic adverse reactions of mainly myocardial ischemia within Day2-7 after the administration and posing no dangers to the patient’s life. 6.4%o of these cases had more evident but reversible symptoms, which did not influence the administration continuation but could alleviate without any symptomatic treatment. In the patients with previous coronary heart disease and hypertension, rh-endostatin caused the following frequent cardiologic adverse reactions: sinus tachycardia, mild ST-T change, AV conduction blocking, atrial premature beats and rare ventricular premature beats. In our department of oncology, an advanced lung cancer patient, who was treated with rh-endostatin combined with gemcitabine. developed acute left failure on the day 6 of the first 2-week cycle. An electrocardiogram showed sinus tachycardia and premature ventricular contraction, and heart rates were 110-120 times per min, the concentration of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in serum (15859ng/L) was beyond normal limits (349ng/L), at last she died. Although the patient experienced hypertension (stage I) for 8 years, her blood pressure was stable and heart function was nomal. The case reminded that caution on cardiotoxicity is therefore warranted on the cancer patients treated with rh-endostatin combined with chemotherapy, especially the patients with previous heart disease. Although past studies of cardiotoxicity have typically focused on anthracyclines or radiotherapy, more recently interest has turned to drugs that target agents. Cardiovascular side effect of molecular targeted drugs was found gradually. Cardiotoxicity of targeted agent was first reported for trastuzumab (Herceptin), the monoclonal antibody that targets the ERBB2 receptor (also known as HER2). In addition, cases of heart failure have been reported after treatment of patients with imatinib, and adverse cardiac effects are mentioned in the prescribing information for dasatinib (Sprycel), sunitinib (Sutent), sorafenib (Nexavar) and bevacizumab (Avastin). In the initial clinical trials it was evident that trastuzumab had significant cardiotoxicity, which manifests as a decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) or as symptomatic CHF. The incidence of cardiac dysfunction ranged from 4% to 7% with trastuzumab alone, to 27% when chemotherapy that included anthracyclines was dministered concurrently. The mechanism of tratumumab-induced cardiac dysfunction is not fully understood, but some results suggest that inhibition of cardiomyocyte ERBB2 signalling by trastuzumab might be a central mechanism of the cardiotoxicity. ErbB2 normally appears to protect against the development of cardiac myocyte apoptosis and dilated cardiomyopathy. Some researcher found that cardiac myocytes transduced with a tyrosine kinase mutant form of c-Abl that was resistant to imatinib were protected from imatinib-induced cell death suggesting that loss of signaling through c-Abl is critical for the toxicity of imatinib in myocytes. Although the mechanism is less clear, left ventricular dysfunction also develops in 15% of individuals receiving the receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib, used to treat people with metastatic renal carcinoma and stomach cancer. Recently, progress has been made in determining basic mechanisms underlying the cardiotoxicity of these drugs. There are two key features to clarify for each agent: first, the target responsible for cardiotoxicity and, second, the signalling pathway or pathways mediating the toxicity. It is clear, however, that cardiotoxicity is not a target agent ’class effect’ because it seems to be uncommon with certain other target agents. Therefore, toxicity needs to be determined for each agent on a case-by-case basis.Although in most cases the overall cardiac risk of rh-endostatin does not seem to be excessive, the precise clinical magnitude of the problem is not clear and the potential reversibility of the dysfunction is unknown. It is necessary to monitor the myocardial damage in treatment of rh-endostatin combined with chemotherapy, and it is necessary to reseach the cardiaotoxicity mechanisms of rh-endostatin for further study. All these would be profit for clinical application of rh-endostatin in the future.Methods:1. Clinical data of 11 cancer patients with rh-endostatin combined with chemotherapy were analyzed retrospectively. The symptoms including cardiopalmus, chest distress, dyspnea and changes of electrocardiogram (ECG), myocardium enzymogram and LVEF were observed during treatment. Then, the cardiotoxicity of rh-endostatin was evaluated and markers were discovered to predict the heart damage in early.2. Prospective clinical trial was designed in order to screening comprehensively the early clinical diagnosis markers of cardotoxicity. Thirty cancer patients were divided into two groups, Group A (n=18) received rh-endostatin combined with chemotherapy and control group (Group B, n=12) received chemotherapy only, that all these chemotherapeutic agents were less cardiotoxicity. ECG、LVEF and CK-MB, cTnT levels in serum and NT-proBNP levels in plasma, were detected in all the patients before and after therapy in each cycle (do and dis) . The observation lasted two treatment cycles.3. Twenty four healthy rats were randomly devided into four groups, with six each group. Low dose, moderate dose and high dose group received rh-endostatin at a dose of 3mg/kg/d, 6mg/kg/d and 12mg/kg/d by ntraperitoneal injection respectly while control group received the same volume normal sodium alone. Half of rats in each group were killed 24 hour later after four weeks’ administration, and the rest were killed 24 hour later after the whole eight weeks’ administration. Pathomorphism changes in rat myocardial tissue stained with Hematoxylin and eosin were observed by microscope, and ultrastrucural changes in rat myocardial tissue were observed bytransmission electron microscope;cariomyocytes apoptosis were detected with TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay; microvessel density (MVD)in myocardial tissue of was measured by immunohistochemistry marking endothelial cell with CD34.4. We cultured cardiac cell line H9c2 to study the cardiotoxicity in vitro. 100μg/ml, 200μg/ml, 400μg/ml rh-endostatin treated H9c2 cells respectly while control group untreated with rh-endostatin. The ratio of early apoptosis H9c2 cells were quantified with flow cytometry and DNA fragmentation of apoptosis cells detected by DNA ladderinging. Ultrastrucural changes in H9c2 cells were observed bytransmission electron microscope.5. We cultured cardiac cell line H9c2 to study the molecular mechanism of cardiotoxicity in vitro. 100μg/ml, 200μg/ml, 400μg/ml rh-endostatin treated H9c2 cells respectly while control group untreated with rh-endostatin. Mitochondrial membrane potential was analysised using laser scanning confocal microscope; Cytochrome C release was detected using immunocytochemistry; Changes on the ratio of ADP to ATP were measured using chemiluminescence; The protein level of phosphor-JNK and phosphor-eIf2αwas detected with western boltting; The expression and localization of nucleolin were detected by immunofluorescence. Results:1. We found the case number of abnormal electrocardiogram increased significantly at the end of treatment compared with on pretherapy (x~2 = 6.471, P=0.035) and LVEF had not significant change on posttherapy (t=2.083, P=0.075). Among myocardium enzymogram. CK-MB was higher on protherapy than on pretherapy and there was a significant difference (t=2.530, P=0.030) while the others myocardium enzyme had no significant change (P > 0.05).2. We found that in prospective trial, the rate of abnormal ECG cases was higher in Group A than in Group B on post-therapy (x~2 = 6.087, P=0.024)and LVEF by colored B Ultrasound had not significant difference between Group A and Group B during and after therapy (P>0.05). The value of CK-MB and cTnT were higher in Group A than in Group B during and after therapy and there was a significant difference (P<0.05). NT-proBNP in group A increased significantly during therapy and decreased sharply in intermission of therapy (P<0.01).3. Upon staining with hematoxylin and eosin stain, the rat cardiomyocyte of vehicle-treated group showed neat arrangement of myocardial fibers, rich adqulis cytoplasm, normal intercellular space, without cellular edema, and phanerous transverse striation, while he rat cardiomyocyte of both four-week and eight-week high dose rh-endostatin-treated group showed disorded arrangement of myocardial fibers, dilatation of intercellular space , damage of cardiomyocyte cytoarchitectonics, even degeneration and necrosis, karyolysis in the local myocardium, and infiltration of neutrophil, lymphomonocyte, and leukomonocyte below epicardium. Myocardial pathomorphism changes of eight-week high dose rh-endostatin-treated group were more serious than that of four-week high dose rh-endostatin-treated group. Myocardial pathomorphism changes in moderate and low dose rh-endostatin-treated groups were not observed. Seen from transmission electron micrographs, the rat cardiomyocyte of vehicle-treated group showed that myocardial myofilament arrange was in order and organelles had no hydropsia and denaturation, while the rat cardiomyocyte of high dose rh-endostatin-treated group showed that sarcoplasmic reticulum was dilated evidently, other abnormalities included slightly swollen cardiomyocyte mitochondria and partially effaced cristae. Damage of ultrastructure in moderate and low dose rh-endostatin-treated groups was not observed. TUNEL assay showed there were more positive cells in cardiac muscle from the hearts of rh-endostatin-treated rats than vehicle-treated rats, and there was statistical difference between two groups(P<0.05), while there were few positive cells in cardiac muscle from the hearts of moderate and low dose rh-endostatin-treated groups. It demonstrates that inducing cadiocyte apoptosis is one of likely ways for rh-endostatin to result in cardiotoxicity. In addition, compared with control group, microvascular density (MVD), detected by immunohistochemistry of CD34, decreased in high dose rh-endostatin-treated groups (P<0.05). It indicates myocardial ischemia followed by the decrease of MVD is another likely reason to explain cardiotoxicity of rh-endorstatin.4. We found that rh-endostatin induced dose-dependent apoptosis of cardiomyocytes cell line H9c2, as determined by staining with the potential-sensitive fluorochromes PI and Annexin V. Transmission electron micrographs of drug-treated H9c2 cells showed results similar to those seen in studies of rats on endostatin, including swollen cardiomyocyte mitochondria, partially effaced cristae and dilated endocytoplasmic reticulum. Aprat from these, karyopycnosis and karyorrhexis were seen clearly, and what is more important is that apoptotic body, small pieces that apoptotic cells shrink in size and break into, was found. There was discernible increase in DNA laddering in the H9c2 cells treated wih 400μg/ml rh-endostatin for 30h.5. We found that rh-endostatin produced dose-dependent collapse of the mitochondrial membrane potential, as determined by staining with the potential-sensitive fluorochromes JC-1. Loss of membrane potential was followed by pronounced release of cytochrome c into the cytosol. Compared with control group, there was also a marked rise on the ratio of ADP to ATP (P<0.05). The expression level of protein of p-JNK and p-eIf2αin the H9c2 cells treated wih 400μg/ml rh-endostatin for both 14h and 28h increased whilel low expression level in control group (P<0.01). Nucleolin expressed on the membrane of normal H9c2 cells using indirect immunofluorescence, and after treating with 400μg/ml rh-endostatin 2h, the expression of nucleolin increased on the membrane of H9c2 cells and nucleolin entered into kytoplasm.Conclusion:1. Recombinant human endostatin combined with chemotherapy had mild cardiac adverse reactions and heart damage, but patients" cardiac function had not changed significantly. It is considered CK-MB and ECG can be used as the markers of early detection on cardotoxicity of rh-endostatin and the cardotoxicity of rh-endostatin should be vigilant against in the course of recombinant human endostatin combined with chemotherapy.2. Rh-endostatin has mild cardiotoxicity. ECG、CK-MB, cTnT and NT-proBNP can predict the cardiotoxicity of rh-endostatin as markers. We suggest the three myocardial biochemical markers had better to be detected together, in order to improve the sensitivity and accuracy of prediction on the rh-endostatin-induced heart damage.3. High dose rh-endostatin would resulte in obviously rat myocardium pathological changes and organelles damage of ultrastructure. TUNEL positive cells in rat cardiomyocytes of high dose group increased obviously. These finding demonstrated that cardiomyocytes apoptosis mechanism involved in the pathological process of cardiac toxicity of rh-endostatin.4. In vitro high dose rh-endostatin treatment of H9c2 cells caused apoptosis as demonstrated by three methods, annexinv/PI isothiocyanate staining, DNA ladderinging, and appearance of apoptotic bodies and organelles damage of ultrastructure.5. Molecular mechanisms of endostrar-induced cardiotoxicity result from activation of the mitochondrial and the ER stress apoptosis pathway, causing cardiomyocytes apoptosis. The finding demonstrates that nucleolin express on the membrane of H9c2 cells, and may be a function membrane receptor for rh-endostatin cardiotoxicity.
