

Integrated Optimization of Lean Inbound Logistics

【作者】 陈瑶

【导师】 霍佳震;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 现代物流与供应链管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 制造企业的主要物流活动可以按发生区域划分为供应物流、生产物流、销售物流和回收物流。其中,供应物流是连接(一级)供应商与制造企业之间物料供应的重要活动。稳定高效的供应物流系统是企业生产制造系统的重要后勤保障,而精益供应物流系统也是近二十年间国内外制造企业所纷纷学习采用的精益生产模式的重要支撑。在精益生产模式下,生产线以JIT准时制生产产品,同时要求供应物流系统在每种零部件被生产线需求的时候JIT准时到达,在合理的成本范围内,以“少量多频”的JIT送货方式剔除物料过早到达和库存囤积的各种“浪费”。本文综合考虑生产与各物流活动(如运输、库存等)的成本与效益,在精益原理下研究制造企业供应物流的整合优化方法,分别在直接送货和间接送货方式下,解决多零部件JIT供应的几个关键的策略层决策问题。首先,在文献综述的基础上,提出了制造企业供应物流系统的基本构架和模型,探讨了精益供应物流的原理和运作机制,研究了零部件供应ABC分类方法,解决了精益供应物流策略层决策中的一个重要问题,即直接/间接供应方式的选择。对A类零部件,在JIT直接供应方式下对其供应物流策略进行了整合优化研究。从最理想的供应商与装配制造厂都采用JIT生产的情况开始,逐步调整假设,讨论了供应商最大生产率JIT生产、同步生产、混线生产和大批量生产四种可能的情况,分别进行了流程描述,分析了各供应物流和生产活动,建立了以供应总成本最优为目标的整合优化模型,并给出理论最优解。然后考虑了实践运作中可能遇到的各种约束(运输、仓储等方面),分别给出了解决方法,获得运作最优解。最后,在单产品决策优化的基础上,对单供应商提供多种零部件的情况进行了研究,并以上海某汽车零部件供应商的实际案例进行了案例分析。对B/C类零部件,对其采用经过中间仓库的JIT间接供应方式下的供应物流策略进行了整合优化研究。从最基本的单零部件经过中间仓库的单独运输开始,逐步调整不同零部件和供应商之间运输合并的复杂性,分别讨论了集货和短驳皆不合并运输、集货不合并短驳合并、集货和短驳都合并运输三种情况下的优化问题,分别构建了整合优化模型,设计并实现了有效算法进行求解,利用汽车制造业数据进行算例分析和实证。其中,包含短驳合并的问题被视为一类直接合并策略的“联合补货问题”,构建了多约束的非线性混合整数规划模型,设计并实现了基于BFD的启发式算法和“组群遗传算法”进行求解;包含集货运输合并的问题(循环取货路径)被视为一类需求不可拆分的“库存-路径联合优化问题”,构建了多元、多约束、非线性的混合整数规划模型并分解为两个层面的嵌套模型,设计并实现了“带更新节约算法”和“混合组群遗传算法”进行求解。所设计的“整数箱子编码的组群遗传算法”适合求解分组问题,包含了“两点组群杂交”、“基于适应值的启发式组群变异”等具有创新意义的遗传算子,实验算例证明了算法的有效性。决策优化必须得到实践中的供应物流运作模式的支持,因此本文对供应物流管理中的另一个重要决策问题,即供应物流运作模式的选择进行了研究,分别分析了传统的非整合运作模式和以LLP为代表的整合运作模式,描述了两种运作模式的运作机理,进行了计算机仿真比较与分析,得出了结论:只有在整合运作模式下,才能有效实施包含运输合并的精益供应物流整合决策优化,并使供应物流总成本和运作效率得到显著提高。最后,对进一步的研究方向进行了简要的讨论。

【Abstract】 The logistics of manufactories can be mainly classified as inbound logistics, in-plant logistics, outbound logistics and return logistics. Inbound logistics is the important linkage between the first-tier suppliers and manufactory, as one of the fundamental value-adding activities of manufactory. Manufacturer’s inbound logistic system is much more complex than outbound one, especially to assembly plant, such as Vehicle Manufactures, but less attention has been paid.Inbound logistics system is the significant support of manufactory’s production system. While worldwide manufactories are applying Lean production system, Lean should also be extended to the Inbound Logistics system in order to support Lean production. The assembling line produces products under Just-In-Time principle In Lean production, with the requirement to inbound logistics that all the raw material and parts should be supplied to the line just-in-time when they are needed. In Lean inbound logistics, the parts are moved efficiently in small lot-size and high frequency, so as to eliminate the wastes caused by inventory.In the dissertation, under Lean principle, the integrated optimization of assembling manufactory’s inbound logistics is researched, with main attention to tactical decision level. During the research, all the related activities and costs happening in the supply period will be integrated optimized, such as production, transportation, inventory holding and so on, which are paid by suppliers, manufactory or logistics provider.At first, based on the summary of literatures, the goal and content of inbound logistics management are described and a concept model of the system is given. We propose the basic architecture of manufactory’s inbound logistics, the principle and operational mechanism of lean inbound logistics and the ABC Classification method of parts’ supply, which is used to solve an important tactical decision: whether the part is supplied by direct method or indirect method.Then, to class A parts, the integrated optimization models of inbound logistics by direct supply method is studied. Considering suppliers under various production rules, such as synchronous production, batch production and mixed line production, different models under different production rules of suppliers are constructed and solved. Then the operational constraints during transportation and warehousing are involved and give out the operational solution. According to single part optimization, the multiple parts problem is solved, with case study of an auto parts supplier in Shanghai.To class B/C parts, the integrated optimization models of inbound logistics by indirect supply method is studied, which means the parts are supplied through external warehouses. We work on three kinds of optimal problems under different freight consolidation configurations: without consolidation neither in collection or delivery transportation, with consolidation in delivery but not in collection, and with consolidation both in delivery and collection. To delivery consolidation, we try to treat the problem as Joint Replenishment Problem. To collection consolidation by milk-run routes, we treat it as Inventory Routing Problem. The integrated optimal models are analyzed and constructed, which will not be solved by exact algorithm because they are both kind of typically NP Hard combination optimization problem. We design and develop several optimal algorithms to search for the satisfying solutions: A heuristic based on BFD, a grouping genetic algorithm with bin-based representation, a heuristic based on C-W saving with updating, and a mix grouping genetic algorithm. Numerical results of problems with 40 kinds of parts from real case are solved and analyzed, which can verify the effectivity of the algorithms.The decision optimization cannot be implemented successfully in real supply chain without the suitable operational business mode of inbound logistics, so another important decision, the choice of inbound logistic mode is discussed. The traditional unintegrated inbound logistics mode and the integrated LLP mode are both analyzed and compared with computer simulating results.In conclusion, further research directions are briefly discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】F224;F252
  • 【被引频次】27
  • 【下载频次】2801
  • 攻读期成果