

【作者】 朱吉庆

【导师】 薛求知;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 伴随着创业型经济的兴起和经济全球化的深入发展,一种不同于传统跨国企业的新型国际组织形式——国际新创企业,产生和发展起来了。这类企业从一创始就走上了国际化之路,并能成功地在国际市场上与创立已久的成熟企业展开竞争,整合全球资源实现快速成长,从而对传统国际商务理论提出了挑战。作为一种新型的国际企业组织形式,国际新创企业有着迥异于传统跨国企业的特征,也有着不同于传统企业国际化的路径和成长模式。本文主要回答和解释国际新创企业相互关联而又层次递进的两大核心问题:(1)国际新创企业的存在机制,即新创企业何以能够在创始阶段就开展国际商务活动;(2)国际新创企业的发展机制,即国际新创企业是如何使国际化成为获取经营优势的重要手段。围绕上述两大核心问题,本文通过典型国际新创企业案例进行理论探讨,描述和分析新创企业国际化成长的基本特征,鉴别和探索国际新创企业快速成长背后的内生驱动因素。进而,站在企业家精神、社会资本理论与企业知识观等研究领域与视角的交叉点上,构建国际新创企业成长的理论分析框架:从企业家精神的视角分析,国际市场机会认知与开发是国际新创企业创立与成长的起点与契机。创业的核心在于敏锐地感知海外市场机会并快速、有效地采取行动。具有较强企业家精神的创业者对于存在于国际市场中的机会具有敏锐的洞察力,并且敢于通过冒险、创新和前瞻性行为来把握该机会。新创企业的国际商务活动镶嵌入于企业家或企业所构建的国际社会网络。在资源和能力限制的情况下,通过关系网络整合资源,是新创企业开发和利用海外市场机会、实现国际化成长的路径选择。国际社会网络通过资源获取机制、国际化风险与成本降低机制、信息与机会获取机制和海外渠道获取机制等作用于新创企业的国际化行为。基于企业知识观,企业的国际化过程可以被视为知识积累和组织学习的过程。新创企业的每一次国际化行为都可能使企业进入一个新的环境,并且面临各种新的问题,从而为企业提供了学习机会。与成熟的大型跨国公司相比,受较少惯例和传统约束的新创企业在国际新环境下具有学习优势。新创企业通过国际化行为获得新的知识,将这些知识进行整合并更新到知识存量中,从而构成企业持续成长的基础。在上述理论分析的基础上,构建国际新创企业成长机理的研究模型,考察社会资本和企业家精神对国际新创企业海外市场知识的影响,并进一步考察了海外市场知识对新创企业国际化及其对新创企业成长的促进作用。对理论模型中各变量之间的关系以及如何促进国际新创企业成长作了符合理论逻辑的假设。然后,按照一定标准进行问卷调查,共回收92份有效问卷。分析方法以结构方程模型(SEM)为主,在问卷结构效度分析时采用了探索性因素分析方法。本文分析过程沿用了先分后总的步骤,即先结合相关假设,分析两两变量之间的关系,然后把本文涉及的所有变量合在一起,考虑多个变量的相互影响,并进而检验了海外市场知识和国际化变量在国际新创企业利用自身资源促进企业成长中的传导机制与实现路径。通过上述理论和实证研究,本文实现了以下几个方面的理论创新与贡献:首先,深化了对国际新创企业的本质特征及其成长机理的认识。虽然不少研究也指出了国际新创企业成长的影响因素,但聚焦于“如何影响”的研究文献相对较少,而立足于现实数据的实证研究更少。本文不仅探讨国际新创企业成长的驱动因素,还研究了这些因素是通过什么途径或机制转化为成长的结果的问题,具体而言,就是要对各驱动因素与新创企业国际化行为及其绩效之间的联系进行分析,即国际新创企业成长决定因素的作用机理,是对新创企业成长决定因素理论的深化,也拓展了创业学的研究与应用范围。其次,丰富了国际商务理论的分析层面。在分析层面上,传统的国际化理论存在企业家缺位的问题,无论国际化理论的经济视角还是行为视角,大多从宏观、中观和企业层面探讨企业国际化的动因或影响因素,并没有考虑到人的因素,更没有探讨企业家在企业国际化战略决策中的作用。本文结合部分国际新创企业案例和调研,指出企业家及其创业团队的经历和背景对新创企业的国际化战略具有重要影响,并探讨了企业家在新创企业国际化过程中的作用。分析层次的细化丰富和拓展国际商务理论的研究范畴。第三,在理论模型上,突破了传统的单个的理论范式的局限。本文吸收创业理论、社会资本理论及企业知识观的有机营养,探讨国际新创企业创立与成长的驱动因素,构建综合性的理论模型来全面系统分析国际新创企业形成与成长的内在机理,比以往从单个理论视角出发构建的理论模型更丰富、全面,更具解释力。最后,本文选择中国的国际新创企业作为样本在转型经济环境下首次大规模验证了一些兴起于西方的国际新创企业理论和结果,对国际新创企业存在和成长理论的跨文化研究做出了一定的贡献。

【Abstract】 With the emergence of entrepreneurial economy and deepening of economic globalization in recent years, international new venture, a brand-new form of international organizations, which is quite different from traditional multinational corporations appeared and developed quickly. International new venture is a business organization that, from inception, seeks to derive significant competitive advantage from the use of resources and the sale of outputs in multiple countries. The development of international new ventures or start-ups presents challenges of traditional internationalization theory and indicates that managerial implication can be drawn from the exploration investigation of their high-rate growth.As a distinct type of organization, international new ventures possess several different features, follow different internationalization path and growth mode. This thesis explains two connected and step-up questions about international new ventures: First, Existence mechanism of international new ventures, that is, how small entrepreneurial firms involve international business during the early stages of their life circle. Second, Growth mechanism of international new ventures, that is, by establishing an international position early on, new ventures may also enjoy internationalization competitive advantage, which may offset the various liabilities and give rise to long term competitive advantage.To answer the above questions, this thesis describes the basic characteristics and theoretically explores the driving growth forces of international new ventures by conducting case studies, furthermore, building theoretical research framework of international new venture by integrating the academic fields of international business, entrepreneurship and strategic management. This thesis holds that recognition and exploitation of oversea opportunities is the starting point of the emergence and growth of international new ventures, international social capital and network relationships are channels and bridges of involving into the international business by international new ventures, which can be regarded as realization path of internationalization by new ventures under the condition of resource scarcity. Acquisition of foreign market knowledge and organizational learning is an important source of competitive advantage when they enter international markets.Research model, which is constructed on the theoretical analysis, investigates the role of social capital and entrepreneurship in the acquisition of foreign market knowledge and further investigates the positive influences of foreign market knowledge on internationalization and growth of new ventures. The relationship between different variables and growth mechanism of international new ventures are discussed and propositions are presented based on logical reasoning. And then, survey is conducted according to some criteria, with 92 valid questionnaires received. The analysis process of this thesis follows steps of the part first then the whole, i.e. analyze the relationships between two variables according the hypothesis then integrates the variables into a whole model considering the inter-relationships between several variables, and further examine the role of foreign market knowledge and internationalization in the transmitting mechanism and realization path of promoting firm growth by exploring their own resources.This thesis makes several contributions by theoretical exploration of the growth of international new ventures and empirical research.First, we get a better understanding of the nature and growth mechanism of international new ventures as a distinct type of organization. Extant literatures has pointed out the driving forces behind the high-rate growth of international new ventures, however, few research focus on "how it works", and empirical research is rarer. This thesis not only explores the driving forces of the growth of international new ventures, but also discusses how these forces work to transmit to the growth results. In detail, the relationship between the driving forces and internationalization, and then, the consequent performance of international new ventures is analyzed. The growth mechanism of international new ventures is explored which is the deepening of the determinant theory of international new ventures and broadening of the research domain of entrepreneurship.Second, the levels of analysis in international business theory is enriched, at the level of analysis, the entrepreneur is absent in traditional internationalization theory whatever economic school or behavioral school of international business. Extant theories explore the antecedents and consequent performance from macro level, middle level and firm level without the position of individuals, let alone the entrepreneur’s role in the internationalization decision of firms. Based on the survey and case studies of international new venture, this thesis points out entrepreneur (and/or the team)’s experiences and backgrounds demonstrate significant influence on the internationalization strategy of new ventures and then discusses the role of entrepreneur(and/or the team) in the process of new venture internationalization. The discussion of entrepreneur’s role at the individual level enriches and broadens the research domain of the international business theoryThird, we have developed a comprehensive framework drawing on three leading perspectives on strategy to better address how international new ventures grow. This compares favorably with most existing work, which often invokes one of these perspectives. At the intersection of the literature on entrepreneurship, strategy, and international business, it is evident that we are dealing with some very complex phenomenon. Therefore, any single perspective is not likely to sustain itself. The combined insights of these three perspectives—especially the contribution from the more recent, knowledge-based view—are likely to generate more synergy than when trying to advance our research based on any single perspective.Finally, international new venture, which is investigated in western developed countries, can be found sufficient evidence from emerging economies. This thesis demonstrates the theory of international new venture and contributes to the cross-cultural research of the existence and growth of international new venture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期