

【作者】 宋丽丽

【导师】 薛求知;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 信息技术的高速发展和通信技术的变革推动经济全球化深入发展,很大程度上改变了服务的不可贸易性。服务不可贸易性的革命性改变,促使服务外包进入跨国公司外包战略的视野。同时作为国际服务生产和分工的最新形式,当代服务外包对各国服务贸易、产业结构和工资收入等经济层面产生了深远影响,更为发展中国家带来了融入世界经济,获得新的增长动力的机遇。服务外包成为国际商务管理和国际经济领域关注的热点。但是综观现有研究,从研究内容上看,服务外包研究的广度和深度都远远弱于制造外包研究;从研究视角来看,大多站在发达国家立场,并且缺少企业微观运作层次的研究。基于此,本文主要立足接包方,重点研究以跨国公司为主体的国际服务外包行为。研究时又将整一的接包方立场拆分为宏观的东道国和微观的承接方两个分视角,以宏观和微观层面,东道国和承接方视角相结合的系统方式解析跨国公司服务外包行为。针对目前研究的现状,结合现实的研究需要,本文侧重研究了以下几个问题,以期对接包方视角下的跨国公司服务外包做一解析。1、服务外包的内涵和外延以及当代跨国公司服务外包的典型特征。作为跨国公司战略转型工具的服务外包,和转型外包情境下服务外包双方关系的变革;2、跨国公司服务外包对东道国产生的正面和负面经济影响;3、从东道国的视角实证地研究跨国公司服务外包区位选择的影响因素,以为东道国吸引跨国公司服务外包融入国际服务价值链提供指导;4、研究跨国公司服务外包实现的前提和微观动力机制,并重点从微观的视角考察服务承接商的出现和成长对跨国公司服务外包行为的推动和促进作用;5、从承接商的视角,以在华服务承接企业为对象,实证地研究跨国公司服务外包服务供应商选择的影响因素;6、中国承接国际服务外包的政府战略与企业策略。为了对上述问题进行研究,本论文主要在文献综述和理论阐释的基础上,将研究内容分为宏观篇和微观篇,最后落脚到中国如何承接跨国公司服务外包的问题上,主要从政府战略与企业策略两个方面分析。宏观篇的内容主要是研究跨国公司服务外包对东道国的经济影响分析以及从宏观的层面,东道国的视角实证地考察如何吸引和承接跨国公司服务外包,即跨国公司服务外包区位选择问题,这是承接跨国公司服务外包的宏观要素。微观篇的内容则主要研究了跨国公司服务外包兴起的前提以及微观动力机制,重点考察了服务承接商的出现和成长对跨国公司服务外包的推动作用。并从服务承接商的角度实证研究了跨国公司服务外包服务供应商选择的影响因素,这是承接跨国公司服务外包的微观要素。通过研究,本文得出以下主要结论:1、服务外包既是跨国公司在全球化潮流的驱动下应对日趋激烈的国际竞争的创新性企业战略与安排,也是全球国际分工深入发展和政治经济科技环境变化的结果。当代跨国公司服务外包具有国际性和运作离岸性。2、外包是跨国公司实现商业模式转型的重要战略工具。转型外包与传统外包相比具有一些新特征。服务外包双方关系由短期简单交易转向长期战略合作,并且形成新型的风险和利益分担机制。3、在辨清发达国家对服务外包政治争论的前因后果后,指出发包国家对本国跨国公司服务外包的争论和阻碍,其实质是政治利益驱动下的机会主义行为。跨国公司服务外包对东道国具有就业和收入创造效应、优化出口结构效应、产业结构提升效应、知识外溢效应以及促进生产方式改变效应。在关注正面效应的同时,指出了价值链锁定、创新阻滞以及经济脆弱性加大等负面效应。4、实证研究了承接跨国公司服务外包的宏观要素,区位环境问题。从东道国的视角,采用41个东道国的二手数据实证分析了影响跨国公司服务外包区位选择的影响因素。研究发现劳动力成本、劳动力素质、东道国基础设施水平、东道国经济发展水平对跨国公司服务外包区位选择具有显著正向影响。而文化差距因素与跨国公司服务外包区位选择没有显著相关关系。5、国际分工由产业间到产业内到产品内的深化过程,以及国际产业转移软性化的趋势是跨国公司服务外包产生的使能(Enabling)因素。市场上大量专业服务外包提供商的出现成为跨国公司服务外包实现的现实条件。从内生的角度来看,作用于跨国公司自身的驱动和阻碍因素的力量对比决定了跨国公司是否采用服务外包。6、实证研究了承接跨国公司服务外包的微观要素,即服务供应商选择问题。采用问卷调查的方法,获取在华承接过跨国公司服务外包业务的企业的一手数据,构建回归模型,利用SPSS11.5统计软件,从承接企业的角度,实证检验影响跨国公司服务外包供应商选择的影响因素。研究显示:(1)服务承接企业的战略属性诸因素,即与实施和完成外包任务相关的条件和能力,直接影响到服务提供质量和水平的“硬”能力的因素中,企业对IT设施的投入程度、人才可供性、成本竞争力和综合服务能力对跨国公司服务外包供应商选择具有显著正向影响,外部支持环境则没有显著影响;(2)服务承接企业的组织属性包含的诸因素,即反映承接商的“软”能力,并对服务外包的顺利实施能起到推动和阻滞的作用的因素中,国际经营经验、组织声誉、组织文化相容性因素对跨国公司服务外包供应商选择具有显著正向影响,管理技能和行政效率没有显著影响。(3)作为整体的服务外包承接企业的战略属性和组织属性均对跨国公司服务外包供应商选择具有显著影响。因此,既要加强“硬”能力建设,亦要增加“软”能力建设。而且就目前中国本土服务承接商的实际情况来看,“软”能力建设的紧迫性更大。本文可能的创新表现在以下三点:1、采用交易费用、资源基础、全球价值链以及商业模式转型理论对服务外包现象进行多视角阐释,并整合上述理论构建了综合理论分析框架,论述了各理论之间的层次性和互补性。2、从东道国的视角,采用41个国家的二手数据,实证分析了跨国公司服务外包区位选择的影响因素。与既往研究结论不同的是,发包国与东道国之间的文化差距对跨国公司服务外包区位选择没有显著影响。东道国视角的研究及结论更切合服务承接国的实际和需求。3、以在华服务承接企业为对象,通过问卷调查的方法获取一手数据,从服务承接方的视角实证分析了服务承接企业战略属性和组织属性中的各因素对跨国公司服务外包服务供应商选择的影响。研究得出,企业的外部支持环境以及企业的管理技能与跨国公司服务供应商选择并没有显著相关关系,这与人们已有的认识不同。综上所述,本文采用理论和实证相结合的方法,站在外包接包方的立场,对跨国公司服务外包行为进行了系统研究。一定程度上弥补了现有西方主流服务外包研究的不足。而且基于接包方视角的研究对中国等发展中国家更具实践指导意义。

【Abstract】 The progress in ICT(information and communication technology) pushed the globalization to a new phase. It changed the non-tradability of service in great degree. The revolutionary change of service tradability makes service outsourcing come into the scope of MNC strategy. As the new form of international service manufacturing and labor division, the service outsourcing has deep influence on service trade, industrial structure and salary income. It also provides new opportunity for developing country to melting into world economy and get new developing engine. Service outsourcing has become the focus of international business management and global economy.Looking from the extending research, research extent and depth of service outsourcing are weaker than manufacture outsourcing. Most of extending research is based on developed country and short of micro operational research. So, this paper mainly based on developing country and receiver partner. The research focus is international service outsourcing which operate by MNC.Specifically for the current situation and combined with practical needing, this paper mainly study the following problems. In order to analysis MNC service outsourcing from the receiver perspective.1、The definition and extension of service outsourcing and its typical characters. Service outsourcing as MNC strategic transformational tool and relation transformation of both sides under transformational condition.2、The political and economic influence on receiving country.3、Empirically study the factors that influencing MNC location choice decision-making. Research based on host countries can provide practical guidance for developing countries join into global service value chain.4、Premises and micro dynamic mechanism of MNC service outsourcing.5、Empirically study factors that influence MNC service outsourcing partner selection based on Chinese service outsourcing receiving enterprises.6、Government strategy and enterprises tactics on how to receive international service outsourcing by China.Based on literature review and theoretic analysis, contents of this paper are divided into two parts, that is macro part and micro part. Finally, focus into the question that how to receive MNC service outsourcing business for China. Macro part contents include economic effects analysis on host country and location choice of MNC service outsourcing from host country perspective. It is the macro factor of how to receiving MNC service outsourcing business.In micro part contents , this paper researches premises and micro dynamic mechanism of MNC service outsourcing and put emphasis to service vendor which had accelerated MNC service outsourcing. Then, it researched factors of MNC service vendor choice. It is the micro factor of how to receive MNC service outsourcing business.Conclusions of this paper are following:1、Service outsourcing is the innovative strategy and arrangement of MNC which is derived by globalization and more and more drastic competition. It is also the result of global international labor division and the change of politices, economy and technology. New service outsourcing is international and offshore operational.2、Outsourcing is the important strategic tool for MNC business model transformation. There are some differences between traditional outsourcing and transformational outsourcing. The relationship between services outsourcing partner are transformed from short-term simple business to long-term strategic cooperation. It formed new risk and benefit share mechanism.3、After finding out the antecedents and consequences of the political debate, this paper showed that the essence of the debate was the opportunism behavior which droved by political interest. Service outsourcing influence the sending service country in several issues, such as, employee transposition and creation effect, global value creation effect and trade creation effect. Based on the positive effect in host country, this paper mainly analysis the negative effect of service outsourcing, that is the value chain lock effect, innovation baffling effect and frangibility of economy.4、Empirical research on the macro factor of MNC service outsourcing, that is, location factor. This paper research the factors which influence MNC service outsourcing location decision-making through selecting second hand dates from 41 host countries. Research discovers that labor cost, labor quality, host country infrastructure and economic development level of host country have positive significant effect on MNC service outsourcing location decision. Culture gap between two countries has no significant effect on service outsourcing.5、The deepen process of international labor division from industry to intra-industry then to intra-product and the soft trend of international industry transfer are important factors of MNC service outsourcing. That many special service outsourcing vendor in the market is the practical situation for MNC to realize service outsourcing.6、Empirically research micro factors on how to receive MNC service outsourcing, that is, service supplier select problem. Adopting questionnaire survey method, getting one hand dates, we study the factors affecting MNC service supplier choice. In the research process, we construct a regression model and make use of software SPSS version edition. Empirical conclusions of Chinese services vendor are as follows:(1)Factors attribute to strategy, that is, "hard" capabilities that are relative to implement and complement of outsourcing tasks. It can influence quality and level of service supply directly. The degree of enterprise devoting to IT infrastructure, provability of human resource, cost competition capability and total service capability are positive correlated with MNC service outsourcing significantly. External support environment has no significant influence.(2)Factors attributes to organization, that is,"soft"capabilities of service supplier which have drive or baffling effects to implement and complement of service outsourcing. International experience, organization reputation and compatibility of organizational culture have significant positive effect on MNC service outsourcing. Management skill and administration efficiency had no significant effect.(3)Strategy attribute and organization attribute as a whole all have significant influence on MNC service outsourcing. That is, service supplier not only should strengthen "hard" capability but also should strengthen "soft" capability. It is more pressing for Chinese service outsourcing supplier to strength "soft" capability.The innovations of this research mainly are following:1、Explain MNC service outsourcing from multiplex perspectives, that is transactional cost economy, resource based view, global value chain theory and busin ess model transformational theory. It integrated these theories and constructs a comprehensive theoretic analysis framework. This paper discusses levels and comprehensiveness of different theory perspectives.2、Empirically research MNC service outsourcing location choice by selecting second hand dates of 41 host countries from host country perspective. Most of extending research are based on sending country and developed country. The conclusions and prescriptions are not suitable for developing country. It is different to extending researches that culture difference between two countries is not significantly related to MNC service outsourcing location choice.3、Empirically researched factors influencing supplier choice of MNC service outsourcing make using of dates from Chinese service receiving enterprises. We gained first hand dates through questionnaire survey method in half year.External supporting condition and management skills are not significantly related to service vendor choice. It is different to common sense.To sum up, this paper systematically researched MNC service outsourcing behavior adopting theory and empirical method and based on outsourcing receiving partner. Supply a gap in extending western service outsourcing research. Researches based on developing country are more suitable and practical for china.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】F719;F276.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】5463