

【作者】 周桐宇

【导师】 苏东水;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 产业经济学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本篇论文从对民营企业发展的关注出发,选择与民营企业密切相关的社会治理方式——民间商会作为切入点,通过对这种“会—企”互动关系的系统考察,对民营企业的发展和民营企业家的组织化过程进行了描述和解释,同时也对中国民间商会的组织属性与功能提出了新的见解。通过对前人研究文献的综述和论证,本文作者提炼出了在当代中国民营企业、民间商会和政府三者之间的关系,即民营经济、民营企业是民间商会得以兴起的物质和组织基础,而民营企业家阶层则是民间商会建立和发展的行动主体,民间商会的发展还受到政府部门的支持或约束措施的影响,其兴起和发展则对民营企业发展和民营企业家成长产生了多方面的反作用。这一关系在本文中被具体化为三个命题:命题一,民营企业的发展与分化和民营企业家阶层的形成是民间商会兴起的基础和行动主体。;命题二,中国民问商会对中国民营企业发展起到了整体的推动作用,但不同地区、不同行业表现出差异性;命题三,中国民间商会的发展过程同时也是中国民营企业主流化和中国民营企业家组织化的过程。为了验证这三个命题,本文作者依托中国特定的制度背景与社会文化现状,采取了“相互嵌入”的分析方法来探讨民间商会和民营企业发展二者的互动关系。即把民营企业发展作为民间商会兴起的基础来研究,分析民营经济、民营企业、民营企业家阶层对民间商会的兴起产生了什么影响;同时把民间商会作为民营企业首选的社会治理方式来研究,分析这种特定治理方式的比较优势是什么,其对民营企业发展产生了什么影响。在“相互嵌入”分析的基础上,本文作者提炼出中国民间商会的特殊组织属性,即中国的民间商会组织是一个以民营企业为主要成员、以区域或行业为物质环境基础的综合性社会承载体。其承载的职能主要分为三个方面:首先是作为经济利益集团;其次是作为社会中介组织;第三是作为民营企业家阶层获得社会归属感和组织化体验的重要平台。本文分析了民间商会履行这三个职能的比较优势,发现其核心优势在于综合性而非某一项职能的优越性。浙江省三个地市的问卷调查在很大程度上验证了本文研究的结论。基于全文研究,本文最后提出了针对民营企业、民间商会和政府三个层面的政策建议。

【Abstract】 This dissertation rooted from the attention to the development of Chinese Private Business (CPB). The author chose the Chinese Non-government Chambers of Commerce (CNCC), which is an important institutional arrangement with CPB, as the research perspective. Through investigating the mutual effects between CPB and CNCC, the author described and interpreted the systematizational course of Chinese Private Entrepreneurs (CPE) and the properties and the functions of CNCC.Based on the summarizing and reasoning of existing literatures, the author abstract the relation among CPB, CNCC and Chinese government. The development of Chinese Private Economy, CPB and CPE is the groundwork of the CNCC, moreover, the governmental behaviors were also a key factor to the rise of CNCC. Accordingly, the CNCC also promote the development of CPE. Those relations can be partitioned to three propositions:①The development of CPE established a foundation for CNCC;②The rise of CNCC promoted the development of Chinese Private Business and Chinese Private Entrepreneurs, but that effect had a regional and industrial difference;③The course of CNCC pullulation was also the process that the CPB going to mainstream and the CPE going to systematization.For testifying those three propositions, the author relied on the institutional background and social culture of China, and adopted the analytical method of mutual embeddedment to explore the mutual effects between the CNCC and CPB. On the one hand, the development of CPB was regarded as the foundation of CNCC; on the other hand, the CNCC was regarded as the first-line social governing model of CPB.On the ground of the mutual-embedded analysis, the author deduced the conclusion that the CNCC is an integrated social organization that consisted of mainly CPB and CPE and based on a region or an industry. That organization bear a series functions, and the most important three are:①It is a economic interest group;②It is a public social agency;③It is a key organization sodality in which the CPE could obtain social identity and organizational belongings. The advantage of CNCC is justly its integration, but not competitive advantage in one concrete function. The questionnaire survey of three cities of Zhejiang province verified the conclusion above.After the theoretical and positive research, the author provided policy advises for CPB, CNCC and government respectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】F203;F276.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1255