

【作者】 刘亮

【导师】 张军;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 西方经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 自20世纪90年代以来,企业家精神在经济运行与经济发展中的作用越来越重要,企业家精神成为促进经济增长的主要推动力。当前的企业家精神研究也随着新增长理论的兴起,从“个人”转移到企业过程或企业事件(即新公司的创立)等“关系经理人”上来。对企业家的研究从个体扩展到组织层次,再扩展到社会和空间层次,即企业家精神产生和成长空间背景,与地区集聚及区域经济之间的关系及其可能受到空间单位(地点、地域和国家)的地理相似性或生态特点的影响。中国改革开放和经济增长的过程实际上也是一个中国企业家阶层和企业家精神形成和发展的历史过程,这是中国经济体制改革应有的成果,而这又反过来推动改革的前进。但目前还没有文献使用中国的省级企业家的面板数据对企业家的创新行为、集聚与区域经济增长进行相关的研究,而国外多数基于发达国家的研究结论也需要用发展国家的实践来检验,作为发展中的大国的中国而言,正在经历着剧烈的经济变化,所以经济活动的空间分布变动也较发达国家更为明显,这也为作者从动态和产业的角度去考察企业家精神、集聚与增长的关系提供了更好的试验场。因此,我们在本文将致力于解决的问题主要有:1、针对目前对于企业家精神的度量在方法上的差异,建立一套综合考虑各方面因素的适合中国数据可获得性的企业家精神指标评价体系。2、通过对相关的企业家精神数据的分析去检验企业家精神与经济增长之间的这种互为因果关系,探讨在中国经济增长过程中的这一重要源泉,为经济增长的企业家理论提供中国的经验支持。3、使用中国的数据来检验企业家精神、集聚和经济增长三者之间的关系,从而为新经济地理学的内生经济增长理论提供基于发展中国家的经验和理论支持。4、使用面板数据,以克服跨国截面数据异质性问题。为了更加全面地回答以上问题,我们对本文的内容作了如下安排:第一部分是导言。在这一部分,我们通过描述中国企业和技术创新的相关情况,对企业家精神的性质进行科学的定义,并引出本文主要研究的问题及框架结构。第二部分力图回顾在不同层次企业家精神研究过程中取得的成果,通过归纳总结探求不同层次企业家精神研究的发展脉络及它们之间的联系。从而为综合考察企业家精神奠定理论基础。第三部分力图在对以前学者对企业家精神度量相关文献和研究成果的基础上,根据中国可得数据的实际情况,对与企业家精神状况相关的指标进行注意分析和介绍,从而建立能够较好度量企业家精神状况的指标体系,为后续的研究建立数据基础。第四部分采用主成分分析的方法,使用1998年至2006年各年的相关数据,对指标体系中各变量进行分析、归纳和总结,从而给有关企业家精神状况的各因子赋值,得出能够描绘出中国总体企业家精神变化状况的计量模型。我们使用该模型对各省级区域1998—2006年的企业家精神状况进行了计算,并以此为基础对中国各区域的企业家精神状况进行比较和分析。第五部分在前面几章建立起来的企业家精神综合指标的基础上,使用动态的省级面板数据和工具变量对经济活动中企业家精神与经济增长关系进行研究,从而证明了企业家精神对经济增长有着正的影响。我们回归的结果也显示,随着企业家精神活跃程度的提高,企业家精神对于区域经济增长的影响将呈加速作用,从而形成“强者恒强,弱者更弱”的局面,在没有其他因素影响的情况下,这将导致东西部地区贫富差距的进一步扩大。第六部分引入空间地理概念,将经济的空间集聚理论引入到对企业家精神的分析框架中来,阐述空间地理集聚对企业家精神影响的内在机制,从而描绘出集聚对企业家精神影响过程的示意图,并在Romer(1990)和John(1995)以及Ace等(2005)模型的基础上分别使用与集聚有关的资本密度、技术密度、人口密度、企业密集度、私营企业投资者的密度和市场密集度等指标对技术变迁的影响进行检验,从而证明了集聚对区域企业家创新能力和区域经济增长有着正的影响。第七部分总结全文并对以后的研究方向做出展望。

【Abstract】 Since 1990s, entrepreneurship has played a more and more important role in the economic operation and growth and even has been the major drive for economic growth. With the rising of new growth theory, the current entrepreneurship research has shifted its focus from "individual" to "relation manager" of business process or event (i.e. the setup of a new firm), from individual level to organizational level and then social and spacial level, that is to say, the relationship between the special background for the entrepreneurship birth and growth, area convergence and regional economy is more likely to be influenced by the geographical similarities or ecological features of spacial units (location, region and country).The process of Chinese reform and opening—up and economic growth is actually the historical process of the form and development of Chinese entrepreneur class and entrepreneurship. It’s the due result of Chinese economic system reform which in turn propels the development of reform. But currently there is no literature on research of entrepreneurship creation, convergence and regional economic growth from the aspect of Chinese provincial enterprises data while most foreign research findings based on developed countries require testing in practices of developing countries. As the developing big power, China is undergoing dramatic economic changes; therefore, the changes in spacial distribution of economic activities are more obvious than in developed countries. This has been an excellent site for research into the relations between entrepreneurship, convergence and growth from the dynamic and industrial perspectives.This paper is dedicated to achieve the following goals:1. to establish a comprehensive evaluation system of entrepreneurship index suitable for our data accessibility, considering the differences of the current measuring methods of entrepreneurship;2. to testify the inter—causal relation between entrepreneurship and economic growth by analyzing relevant regional entrepreneurship data, to discuss the importance of this source of Chinese economic growth and provide Chinese empirical support for entrepreneur theories of economic growth; 3. to testify the relations among entrepreneurship, convergence and economic growth with Chinese data so as to provide experience and theoretical support from developing countries for the endogenetic economic growth theory of the neo—economic geography stream;4. to overcome the heterogeneity of international sectional data by using panel data.In order to achieve those goals, the paper is arranged in the following format:The first part is introduction. It describes the relevant situation of Chinese enterprises and technological innovation, gives a scientific definition of entrepreneurship and scaffolds the structure of the paper and pinpoints the major research topics.The second part reflects on the findings of entrepreneurship research of various levels, concludes and discusses its development and connections between them so as to lay a solid theoretical foundation for comprehensive study of entrepreneurship.Based on the previous studies of entrepreneurship measurement, the third part combines the accessible Chinese data with the previous research findings, analyzes the indexes relevant to entrepreneurship, establishes a better index system to measure regional entrepreneurship and provide a data base for future research.The fourth part adopts the method of main factor analysis. It adopts the relevant data from 1998 to 2006 to make analysis of the index system and draw conclusions, gives values to all factors relevant to entrepreneurship so as to establish the model which describes the general entrepreneurship change in China. We use this model to count the entrepreneurship of all provincial regions from 1998 to 2006 and make comparisons and analyses of the regional entrepreneurship on this basis.The fifth part is formed on the basis of the comprehensive entrepreneurship index system established in the previous chapters. It adopts the dynamic provincial panel data and tool parameter to make relevant research of the relation between entrepreneurship and economic growth so as to prove the positive influence exerted by convergence on regional enterprise creativity and regional economic growth. The regression results indicate that the more active the entrepreneurship, the influence of entrepreneurship on economic growth will accelerate so that the strong will be stronger while the weak will be weaker. This will lead to a larger wealth gap between the east and the west when no other factors are considered.The sixth part adopts the space—geography concept, introduces the economic spacial convergence theory into the framework of entrepreneurship so as to interpret the inner system of convergence’s influence on entrepreneurship and describe the diagram of its process. On the basis of models established by Romer (1990), John (1995) and Ace (2005), it adopts capital density, technology density, population density, enterprise density, density of private enterprise investment, market density and other indexes to testify the influence of technology transfer so as to prove the positive influence of convergence on regional enterprise creativity and regional economic growth.The seventh part concludes the whole paper and conducts discussions about relevant policies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】F279.2;F207;F224
  • 【被引频次】59
  • 【下载频次】5004