

【作者】 王小明

【导师】 尹伯成;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 外国经济思想史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究了社会资本对经济的影响以及发挥作用的机制。我们建立了一些严格的经济模型去分析个人的社会资本决策与企业的行为,最终分析社会资本对经济增长和收入分配的影响。社会资本包括了经济主体之间互动的关系。社会资本的作用在于(1)它给经济主体提供了关于经济选择和机会的信息流。这些信息降低了组织的交易成本;(2)社会联接可以给参与社会网络的成员带来更多有价值的资源;(3)个人的信誉可以通过社会联系获得社会网络中有关组织和机构的承认;(4)网络成员之间的关系强化了成员之间的信任。这样的信任提高了个体获得社会资源的机会,并且降低了成员之间的甄别成本。本文的研究表明稳态个人社会资本存量将随着投资努力成本的上升而下降,随着个人离开原来的网络而快速下降。在经济个体的早年与老年,社会资本存量较低,而中青年时期则处在较高的稳态水平。网络提供了成员之间共享的信息。网络也为经济主体建立个人的信誉提供了渠道。在网络中,经济主体需要建立彼此信任的关系并遵守共同的规范。社会关系的密集化使一个国家和地区能够高效率地动员资源去从事生产和服务。在委托—代理的分析框架下,最优化的均衡解表明,由于贿赂的存在导致经理人员的努力程度下降以及企业的利润减少。官员直接干预企业经营的结果是国有企业的利润水平下降、贿赂数量增加。本文指出解决贿赂横行的关键在于提高经理的薪水以及设计恰当的激励机制,使经理的合法收入足以保证参与约束成立。收入阳光化,立法惩治隐藏企业收入的行为,这样才能从根本上解决腐败问题。本文建立了一个由企业、金融机构和政府三方参与的甄别模型。模型的动态结果表明,社会资本中的多元融资与信贷服务的分散化可以很好地充当实现硬预算约束的保证机制。同时,在经济转轨的过程中,政府官员对项目的事前甄别能够减少经济中质差项目的数量,并降低预算软约束的水平。我们的分析证明了,在发展中国家,社会资本的微小变动,可能导致规模报酬不变的均衡与规模报酬递增的均衡之间的相互转化,从而导致总体生产率及行业收入的大幅度变化,这说明了对社会资本形成进行政府干预的必要性。本文的研究还表明:在技术创新时期,社会资本水平的下降有利于劳动力人口流入先进部门、刺激未来的技术进步与经济增长。一旦某项新技术相对成熟,社会资本水平的提高将有利于新技术收益在整个经济系统内得以快速地扩散。社会资本可以促进人力资本积累与经济增长。

【Abstract】 The paper studies an important topic that attracts more and more attention of economists: how social capital plays a role in the individual choice and economic growth. We set up some strict mathematical models of economics to explain the reasons and functional mechanisms of investing in social capital.Social capital is formed by the relationship among social agents. It can provide useful information about choices and opportunities. Its connection network can give the members more and more valuable sources. The individual reputation is set up among the members of network. Social capital also confirms the trust for each member.Our research indicates that steady stock of individual social capital will decrease when the cost of building social capital increases. If one person leaves the old network, the associated social capital will decrease to zero. The optimal solutions also prove that the highest level of social capital occurs in the middle age of an agent.Social capital provides the channel to communicate for the members. All the members can set up the reputation and follow the same social norms. The more and more density of net work will lead to higher social effectiveness of national sources to produce more goods and services.Under a framework of principle-agent, the paper studies the role of social capital in the problem of soft budget constrains. This paper sets up a three-agent game model including enterpriser, officer and banker to find that the existence of bribing leads to a lower effort of managers. We think that SBC arises due to the endogenous lack of credible commitment to liquidate a poor project instead of refinancing it in a dynamic game. In order to overcome SBC, we should adopt two kinds of policies: ex ante bureaucratic screening mechanism and more flexible finance system.The paper proves that the small deviation of social capital can incur the large change of the return of scales to affect the aggregative productivity and the industry’srevenue level.We also conclude that social capital can increase the human capital and speed the economic growth for the developing countries that are in the process of transmission from order economy to market system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】F224
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】2269