

【作者】 彭远明

【导师】 杨志刚;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以档案文献遗产作为研究对象,以档案文献遗产的利用和普遍性价值体现为研究目标,以我国特定遗产名录为资源整合的范围,以普遍意义的遗产运行为保护利用的指向,从其形成的不同历史时期、选用的多元化载体材料、使用的丰富社会领域、以及变化的多样性方式与途径等方面对档案文献遗产进行了广泛的、深入的和系统性的研究和分析,既关注于档案的遗产属性的内涵挖掘,也论证了档案工作的规范化操作规程,同时还结合档案的管理体制和学科的研究动态,提出了档案利用的集成方式、遗产保护的系统性模式,并试图构建起方法论指导下的档案文献遗产利用与保护科学体系与方式,以充实和完善在新价值观指导下的档案保护学科新体系和文化遗产保护的新知识领域。档案文献遗产作为在国际化背景下产生档案新的概念,是信息时代档案学科的新发展,是档案理论由过去对档案利用的简单方式,重管轻用的传统思维模式,转变为多元化的利用途径和资源价值扩大的社会新需求。增强了对档案价值和作用发挥的新认识,促进了学科理论体系的发展和知识范畴的拓宽,并随人类社会的发展和文明进程而产生、丰富和充实。这些新发展表现在载体保管、资源开发利用和社会作用发挥等方面有了新的内涵,在管理模式、利用途径,以及社会各领域广泛的信息交流与价值共享的过程的更新内容,以及对其保护与利用合理性的新课题。本文首先阐述了档案文献遗产的产生与社会需求的价值新取向,从档案文献遗产的种类与形式、保护与利用的新途径与方式,以及资源整合新方略等方面进行了档案文献遗产的价值新取向研究。充分阐述了档案文献遗产资源建设的必要性与社会需求,剖析了缺乏规范性保障和技术支撑的现行遗产资源利用的问题,从档案文献遗产的历史形成阶段对遗产资源及其价值进行认真的分析,结合材料学、地域学、环境学的分析,疏理了档案文献遗产整合模式的构建方案与模式——资源的的协调和统筹兼顾的共享利用模式,实现档案文献遗产资源整合的基本途径和程序。其次,研究了档案文献遗产资源整合与实现方式,从我国遗产管理、保护与利用现状出发,阐述了遗产资源的基本情况和主要利用方式,分析了保管与保护工作中的主要问题,特别是按照载体形式,分门别类地剖析了纸质类和非纸类档案文献遗产的资源状况,提出了遗产资源信息的整合策略和资源的的协调和统筹兼顾的共享利用模式,制订出整合遗产内容和遗产利用区域的低成本,便捷式专题式整合方案。第三,系统地分析档案文献遗产利用方式的新需求,利用的倾向性问题,以及档案现有状况与档案利用需求的矛盾,探讨了档案文献遗产资源开发、利用模式特征与信息运行特点,以困境分析的角度揭示档案利用集成服务研究的必要性和紧迫性,从而按照内涵、体系与目标等要求,提出了档案文献遗产信息集成服务的实现方式。第四,根据档案文献遗产损害的多种表现,分析了载体材料与记录内容变化途径与老化变质方式,结合社会政治因素、保管操作规程、环境条件制约、材料自身运动等,档案材料的保护条件与因素分析,进行了社会作用效能的动因分析。并按照不同档案遗产材料的变化特征,对纸质类、照片类磁带类、其它材料类,以及数字遗产的变化进行了深入的、系统的技术分析与机理理讨论,得出了遗产变化的制约因素和规律性特征。第六章的技术分析最后,从方法论的角度,制订出保护与利用档案文献遗产的基本方案,其内容包括遗产保护与利用的顶层设计思想、宏观指导的遗产管理模式研究、遗产的技术保障与环境控制、遗产保护与利用过程中实践操作的模式、方法论在保护与利用档案文献遗产中的目标与解决方案。并结国际宪章和国家相关法律法规提出了国家管理需求的总体实现模式、国家政策、公众化对策的实现模式。本文从世界遗产的角度,透视我国档案文献具有的遗产内涵与外延,从其来源原则进行结构的总体层次分布,深入研究其社会价值与功能。以其形成的年代进行纵向的文化价值的分析,分门别类地疏理我国档案文献遗产的来源、形式和种类。创新性地对档案文献遗产内容与范围进行合理的界定与论述,按照社会需求进行资源整合,构建基于新价值观的档案文献遗产整体性、系统性资源模式。在全面认识与把握档案文献遗产的现状与流通模式基础上,解析方法论指导的目标、模式,从体系架构的复杂性、技术支撑的条件与因素、以及保护与利用的可持续发展战略,架构具有我国特点的遗产保护与利用体系,改进现有的服务途径与保护方式,使档案文献遗产的保护与利用更加科学、合理、有效。讨论档案文献遗产的标准评选与支持理论,分步骤开展保护与利用的方式论,形成具有示范性作用的模式与机制,抢救受损和濒临毁灭的档案文献遗产,建立与健全应对机制,指导和规范全国的文献遗产管理与保护。创新性研究文献遗产的发展及其出现的新形式——数字遗产的基本形式与利用方式和信息时代和数字技术条件下的数字遗产的保护与利用方式。拓展数字遗产形成、利用与保护的探索,确保数字遗产的的有效利用的安全稳定与长期存取。根据国家层面的管理需求,实现信息化条件下层次化管理与科学的保护与利用,制订全民性投入的对策和国家宏观策略,为科学地保护与利用我国档案文献遗产提供有价值的方法与途径。

【Abstract】 This article take archives document heritages(as the a.d.h below) as research object,utilize and general value of the a.d.h as research aim, our national list of a.d.h as scope of resources comformity,general heritages motion as indicator of preservation and utilization,study and analysis a.d.h deeply extensively and systematicly,from different historic periods of formation,diversified carriers matieral of selection, utilization of widerly society territory,and diversified pattern and ways of changes.This thesis talk about the intension of archives heritagic property and standardize operation regulations of archival work,put forword intergrate manner of archival utilization systematic mean of heritages preservation,with manage system of archives and study trend of discipline,also try to constructure the scientific preservation system and utilization patterns of the a.d.h under methodology,and enrich and improve new archives discipline system and new culture heritages preservation knowledge realm.The a.d.h,as new concept of international background,is new deveiopment of archives discipline in information era,and new societic demand of resources value expandition and diversified utilized routine from archives simply usage,traditional management pattern.It increase the recognize of archival value and function,and improve the deveiopment of discipline theory system and expand of knowledge scope,and yield enrich abdundant during society deveiopment advance and civilization progress.This advance bring new intension in carrieres storage,resources utilize and societic function,and new content in management pattern,usage ways and information interview,and new progrom of reasonable preservation and utilization.First of all,This article discuss the yield of the a.d.h and new value indication of society demand,and study new value indication of the a.d.h,from the kinds and means of the a.d.h,new routines and patterns of preservation and utilization.It elaborate detailly the necessary and society demand of the a.d.h resources construction,and analyse current problems of the a.d.h’s utilization lacking standard guarantee and technologic support,the a.d.h resources and its values from historic formation periods,with disciplines of matiral,region and environment,and put in order construct pattern and mean,basical routines and programs of heritages resources comformity.Secondly,study realizing and comformity of heritages resources,from present situation of our national heritages management and preservation and utilization,and elaborate basical circumstances and major utilizat patterns of heritages resources,and analysis main problems of storage and preservation,and especially according to carrier mean analysis resources situation of paper and non-paper a.d.h heritages,and put forword comformity tactics and the sharing utilization mean of heritages resources, and formulate low cost and speed special topic comformity programme of heritages resources all areas.Thirdly,analysis systemaly new utilization demand of the a.d.h,and major problems and contradictions betweens archival present situationand new utilization demand,and study characteristic of the a.d.h’s resources opening,utilization and operation,and announce necessarity and urgency of the a.d.h’s intergrating service model research within difficult position,and put forward the fulfilling mean of a.d.h’s intergrating service.Fourthly,it analysis materials changes and its routines,and also analysis its society function with society political factors,storage operation programme,enviorment controlment,materialc changes and protect conditions etc.According to change of different archival heritages materials,it technologic analysis deeply and systematically heritages of papers, photes,magnetic tapes,other materals and digital heritages,and gain control factors and principal characteristics of heritages materials changes.Finally,formulate the basical preservation and utilization programma of the a.d.h,according to methodology,this is:top design ideal,protice manner, aims and solution projects of the a.d.h’s preservation and utilization, heritages management pattern research of macro-instructure,heritages technologic guarantee and environmental controlment.form national management demand,it put forward the whole fulfilling mean of national politics and public cooutermeasure. This article perspective our national a.d.h’s heritagical intension and scope,according to world heritages,study deeply its society value and function,and whole structure distribution from its origimate principal,and put our national a.d.h’s in order origins and manners and kinds,analysis its culture values from their formation periods.It discusses and definites a.d.h’s intension and scope,and constructs a.d.h’s entiretic,systematic resources mode,and comforms resources according to society demand.On the bases of recognizing and controlling taltilly a.d.h’s present situation and operational manner,it analysis its aim and mode under instruction of methodology,and from complicate of system construction,condition and factors of technologic support,continually developing stratige of preservation and utilization,constructs our national typical a.d.h’s system,and improve current serves routine and preservation method.It discusses a.d.h’s standard choose through public appraisal and support theory,start out preservation and utilization, and forms example manner and mechanism,and rescure the broken and damaged a.d.h,and set up and improve reply—mechanism,and instructs and standards national a.d.h’s management and preservation.It also blaze new trails the new form of a.d.h——digital heritages and study its preservation and utilization,and guarantees its safety and long—term utilization.At last,according to national managemental demand,practice a.d.h.’s step—management and scientific preservation and utilization,formulate the whole people joining—tactics and national macro—tactics,and put forword valuable methods and routines so that it could preserve our national a.d.h scientificly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】G273.3;G273.5
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】2095