

【作者】 金相文

【导师】 曹沛霖;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 政治学理论, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 权利的概念是分析政治社会的重要切入点,权利首先意味着一些根本的道德原则,这样的道德原则中包含诸如自由、平等的价值取向,我们称这种权利为基本权利,它是权利的第一层涵义。但是,基本权利需要外化为具体的权利内容才能体现其实践意义。这就涉及到权利的第二层涵义——法律权利。本文从权利的两层涵义入手,在对权利规范学说进行概要性梳理和解读的基础上,反思权利的普遍性规则及其实践合理性。在第一部分,我们首先从方法论层面对权利规范学说,特别是从康德开始到罗尔斯这个阶段做了总结。其方法论上的个人主义、理性主义和普遍主义的特征,凸显了规则正义理论中权利绝对优先性的价值取向。文章从社群主义、“唯意志”行动理论和后现代主义的视角对权利规范理论的方法论困境进行了分析。法律权利作为基本权利的外化形式,表现为一套规则体系。按照规则正义的有关学说,规则是通过理性的人按照元规则对自己认为能够体现利益需求的程序或机制进行选择的结果,其核心问题是为规则的选择和设计提供思维模式和理论架构。本文在这个部分以微观的理论分析方式,对理性选择学说进行解读和反思。法律权利的形成从实践性角度讲是一种立法活动,为人们真正拥有实然权利提供了可能性。法律权利转化为实然权利作为宏观性的政治实践过程,贯穿着民主与法治的原则。因此,在第三部分我们从宏观的角度对规则运行的实践进行了分析,并以协商民主和选举民主、法律与政策的区分角度,阐明规则正义理论的实践困境。在文章的最后部分,我们以全球性视野反思权利扩展和“泛滥”的理论与实践性后果。尽管权利的扩展体现了全球化趋势下给予个人权利更多关注的积极意义,但是,我们也必须看到该理论不仅难以得到普遍性的价值认同,而且在实践中往往以破坏全球性的民族与文化的多元态势为代价。

【Abstract】 As a key term in the analysis of politics rights are virtually some basic moral principles,such as liberty,equality,and more,which are the basic rights implied in the concept of rights.However the fundamental rights must be concreted into legal rights practically,which is the second aspects of what the right means.The universalism and practicality of rights are the focuses of my dissertation.In the first part,I summarize the normal theories about rights historically,especially from Immanuel Kant to John Rawls.The absolute prerogatives of rights are expressed in the individualism,rationalism and universalism of the normal theories epistemologically.The methodological dilemma is analyzed from three aspects which are communitarianism,voluntarism and post-modernism.Inducted from the fundamental rights,legal right is a system of rules. Based on some views about institutional justice,institutions are the choice of procedures or mechanisms by reason people who pursue benefits following meta-rules.Therefore the most important question is how to build the theory of the rule-making.Micro-analysis is developed about the rational choice in the second part.The formulation of legal rights is a process of law making from the practical aspect,which opens the opportunity of practical rights.As a macroscopically practical political process,legal rights are transformed into practical rights,while the rule of law and democracy are realized.Therefore I discussed the operation of rules in the practice from macroscopic views in the third part.The differences between deliberative democracy and electoral democracy,and between law and policy are also discussed in order to spot on the dilemma of institutional justice in the practice.In the last part of the article,I reflect on the theoretical and practical implications of the abuse of rights globally.Although some positive aspects of the rights’ expanding must be emphasized because the individual rights are enforced,we should know that the theory is hardly consistent with the basic values,and furthermore,the diversities of nations and cultures are cost.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】D08
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】823