

【作者】 孙晓强

【导师】 苏勇;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 在复杂多变的环境中,有效提升品牌资产是一项挑战性的工作,品牌代言人的合理运用就是有效提升品牌资产的手段之一。然而,与热火朝天的品牌代言人实践相比,对品牌代言人的理论研究还处于混乱状态,尤其是品牌代言人应具备何种特质、品牌代言人对于品牌资产的作用机制等,尚存在诸多研究空白。从此种意义上而言,理论已经滞后于实践的发展。因此,本文研究的核心问题是品牌代言人对品牌资产的影响机制。本文通过基于消费者心智的品牌资产(本文表现为品牌联想)和基于消费者——品牌关系的品牌资产两个视角,对这一问题展开研究,并重点在品牌关系视角下,探讨了品牌代言人可信度特质对品牌资产的作用机制。基于消费者品牌认知的品牌联想是是品牌资产的重要构成。本文首先对四个产品类别的八个品牌开展了品牌自由联想实验,主要通过各品牌被试对代言人的提及率和品牌代言人对品牌联想的贡献度两个指标,证明了品牌联想视角下品牌代言人对于品牌资产的贡献。之后,通过规范的量表开发步骤,利用多种方法发展测项,在跨六个行业样本的基础上进行探索性因子分析,得到了品牌代言人可信度特质的三因子模型,这三个因子分别是名气声望、产品关联和可信赖性。然后又通过验证性因子分析,对该模型的信度、效度进行了验证。最后,本文在品牌关系视角下,探讨了品牌代言人的可信度特质对于品牌资产的作用机制。本文将品牌关系置于品牌价值链中考虑,分析了品牌关系形成的前置因素和后向结果。将品牌代言人可信度特质的三个维度、品牌关系质量的三个维度与品牌资产的后向产出结合起来,构建了“品牌代言人——品牌关系——品牌资产市场产出”三者之间的结构模型,通过实证数据,对该结构模型及路径关系进行了检验。并通过与若干对立竞争模型的比较,进一步论证了假设模型的适配性。本文通过研究,得到了以下主要结论:1、品牌代言人会影响到品牌资产的形成;2、品牌代言人可信度特质模型表现为一个三因子结构模型;3、品牌代言人的名气声望通过可信赖性对品牌信任产生间接作用,对品牌信任的直接作用,受到其它变量调节;4、代言人的可信赖性对品牌信任有直接影响;5、品牌代言人的产品关联性对品牌关系有直接影响;6、品牌情感是品牌关系的高级阶段;7、品牌溢价主要被品牌象征价值和品牌情感所影响,再购意向主要被品牌信任所影响。从理论层面而言,本文可能的创新主要体现在以下几个方面:1、在两个不同视角下证明了品牌代言人对品牌资产的提升作用;2、建立和验证了本土化的品牌代言人可信度特质模型;3、提出了品牌关系的前因模型,验证了“品牌代言人—品牌关系—品牌资产市场产出”三者之间的结构关系;4、揭示了品牌关系形成的过程。

【Abstract】 Promoting brand equity is a challenging task in the complicated and various environment, and using brand endorsor appropriately is one of the most effective ways. However, the theories concerning that are still in a mass compared with the advanced practice, especially in the aspects of the demanding charictoristics of the endorsor and the running systems. To some extent, the theory is largely lagging behind the practice.This dissertation involves two problems: one is the effecting system of brand endorsor to brand equity, and the other is the reliability of the endorsor. This dissertation, is about to integrate the customer-based brand equity theory and the consumer-brand relationship theory from the perspectives of brand association and brand relationship and discuss the effecting system of the endorsor’s source credibility to brand equity. Firstly, since coustomer-based brand association is the most importand part of brand equity,a free brand association experiment based on eight brands in four types of products is carried out with two indications,including the mention frequency of the endorsor and the contribution of them to the brand association,both of which demonstrate their contribution to the brand equity in the perspective of brand association.Secondly, a three-factor-model concerning the reliability of the endorsor is approved by standardized scale developing procedure. It also involves the exploratory factor analysis based on six sectors through various methods. The three factors mentioned above are: fame, relevance to the product and reliability. Then, the reliability and validity of the model is tested and approved with confirmatory factor analysis.Finally, this dissertation discusses the effecting system of the endorsor to the brand. It analyzes the antecedents and consequences of brand relationship through putting the brand relationship into brand value chain. A structure model among endorsor,brand relationship and the market output of the brand equity has been build up by integrating three factors of the reliability of the endorsor,and three indications of the quality of the brand relationship. Then, the model and its path is tested with valid data,after that,some competing models are tested.Goodness-of-fit indexes of assuming model are tested good.The following conclusions are made in the research:1. the endorsor has an influence on the brand equity; 2.the charictoristics of the endorser can be described by a three-factor-model;3.the fame of the endorsor has an indirect effect on the reliability of the brand throughthe reliability of themselves ,its direct effects are affected by other variances;4.the reliability of the spokesperson has a direct effect on the reliability of the brand;5.the relevance between the spokesperson and the product has a direct effect on therelationship of the brand;6.brand emotion is the up end of brand relationship;7.the price premium is the result of symbol value and brand emotion.Repurchaseintention is influenced by brand trust;The innovation of this dissertation can be seen from the following aspects:1 .It demonstrates the use of brand endorsor to promotion brand equity from twodifferent perspective;2.It builds up and tests a localizational source credibility model of brand endorser;3.It puts forward the model for the cause of the brand relationship, approves therelationship of the structure between endorsor,brand relationship and the productmarket output of brand equity;4. It indicates the process of the forming of brand relationship.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期