

Analyses of the Golden Rule and Its Contemporary Meaning

【作者】 熊洁

【导师】 徐宗良;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 道德金律即是指:“己所不欲,勿施于人”或者“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”。这种类似的说法在许多文化中都可以找到,但就道德金律这一术语的使用而言,它首先是在西方流传开来的。道德金律在基督教神学理论、康德的道德哲学,还有利己主义、功利主义、同情伦理学以及分析伦理学等学说中都有其重要地位和意义。不可否认,这些理论从不同视角为我们理解道德金律提供了丰富的思想资源。但与此同时,也都因其片面性而使得我们对道德金律的理解陷入了某种困境,引发了持续不断的争议。研究表明,关于道德金律的讨论主要是围绕这样三个问题来展开的:一、道德金律的“律”的方面,即作为道德律法、规则、规范等等形式的道德金律;二、道德金律的“金”的意义,即如何理解它在道德规范或原则上的第一性、普遍性意义;三、各种表达方式中所包含的“人与己”、“人与人”、“自我与他者”,甚至“人与物”、“人与自然”等等关系问题。正是从这三个问题的理解上反映出西方近现代经典道德理论走的是规范伦理、普遍主义、个人主义等形而上学的道路。实际上,要正确理解道德金律,我们就必须辩证地看待它所体现的规范性与德性精神内涵、普遍性与特殊性以及“自我”与“他者”的道德关系问题。而实践哲学,尤其是马克思的实践观,以及德性伦理、儒家忠恕思想则为我们更好地认识、理解道德金律提供了另一种视域。这就让我们认识到,道德金律是以社会历史实践为基础的,以平等、公正、仁慈、友爱、宽容等等德性为其内涵和精神实质,在实践中既展现普遍道德精神,又饱含文化多样性的道德的原则性规范。具有这种意义的道德金律才能为我们今天构建和谐社会与全球伦理,应对许多现实社会的道德问题,处理人与人、人与自然的关系问题提供某种指引。

【Abstract】 The golden rule is "Don’t unto others as you would have them don’t unto you " , or "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you " . The same idea can be found in many civilizations, but the terminology of the golden rule appears firstly in the East. It has important meaning and situation in the Christian theology, Kant’s ethical philosophy, the egoism, the utilitarianism, the emotionalism, and the meta-ethics. It’s true that these theories give us much ideological resources form different directions, but they also make us falling in dilemma and argument endlessly about the golden rule. I find that there are three questions about the golden rule mainly: 1、The "Law" aspect of the golden rule, namely it’s rule, principle and so on; 2、The "Golden" aspect of the golden rule, namely it’s first situation and universal character in ethical rules; 3、The relations of persons, ego and others, human and things or nature which included in many expressions of the golden rule. From analyzing these three questions of the golden rule, we can find that those east theories above are on the way to metaphysics of the normative ethics, the universalism and individualism. In fact, if we want to understand the golden rule correctly, we would to understand the dialectical relations of the rule and the inherent moral spirit, the universal character and the specific characters, and the moral relation of the ego and others. The philosophy of praxis, especially the Marxian concept of praxis, the virtue ethics and the way of "zhong and shu " in the Confucian tradition open another field of vision for us to understand the golden rule. Enlightened by these theory, We can see that the golden rule is a important principled rule which bases on social and historical praxis, and which includes some virtue, for example equality, justice, benevolence, friendship, and toleration and so on, and which displays some universal moral spirit, and also includes particularity of diverse cultures. The golden rule which has above meaning can guide us for building the harmonious society and the globe ethics today, for coping many really moral questions, for dealing with the relations of persons, mankind and nature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】B82
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】710