

【作者】 罗剑波

【导师】 黄霖;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国文学批评史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 评点是极具民族特色的一种批评形式与文化现象,而明代则是评点发展中的勃兴与繁盛时期。《楚辞》评点作为明代文学评点的重要组成部分,应当受到学术界的关注与重视。本文以明代《楚辞》评点为研究对象,力图在对相关评点本进行系统整理的基础上,对这一时期《楚辞》评点的发展脉络、评点形态、评点本文本价值、重要评点家及评点本个案等问题,进行详细的考察与评述,并以期进而能够为《楚辞》批评史、学术史以及中国文学评点史提供有力的文献依据与理论支撑。全文共分四章。第一章,明代《楚辞》评点概览。明代《楚辞》评点与评点之兴,尤其是明代文学评点的兴盛背景,有着密切的联系。尽管早期的《楚辞》评点呈现出“注”、“音”、“校”、“评”合一的分布格局,但随着评点家的涌入,特别是名家评点的陆续出现,《楚辞》评点中文学品评的因素则逐渐增强,大致在万历、天启之际,《楚辞》文学评点的序幕即正式拉开,在这之后,越来越多的评家参与到《楚辞》评点中来,质量较高的评点本也刊行于世,《楚辞》评点的兴盛局面也随之逐渐形成。第二章,明代《楚辞》评点本的形态及其版本价值。《楚辞》评点本的形态主要包括《楚辞》评点自身的具体外在形态,与《楚辞》评点所依托的《楚辞》底本形态两个方面。明代《楚辞》评点外在形态的表现较为复杂,而评点所依托的《楚辞》底本形态也呈现出多元化的色彩,明代《楚辞》评点本内部构成的这种复杂性,使其具有了多方面的文本价值。第三章,明代《楚辞》评点家陈深、孙鑛考论。陈深、孙鑛二人代表了《楚辞》评点发展的两个不同时期:作为较早出现的陈深评点,尽管其中存在着较多的训释性内容,但更值得我们注意的是,陈深对于《楚辞》所包蕴的艺术因素已经进行了努力的探索;孙鑛评点产生于万历后期,在这方面孙鑛丰富的评点经验与敏锐的艺术鉴赏能力,使其品评话语代表了《楚辞》文学评点的较高成就。此外,本章对于二人的家世、生平、著述等方面也进行了必要的考察与评述。第四章,冯绍祖校刊本《楚辞章句》考论。作为明代第一个《楚辞》评点本,冯绍祖校刊本《楚辞章句》在评点形式、评点内容以及品评诸家的择取与确立等方面,对于明代《楚辞》评点均有着重要的开拓之功,本章对于以上内容及该本所涉及到的一些其他问题进行了细致的梳理和讨论。明代《楚辞》评点异彩纷呈,名家竞出,作为明代文学评点的重要一脉,有待于进一步系统而深入的研究和探讨。

【Abstract】 Literary evaluations and annotations is a form of literary criticism and a cultural phenomenon with unique Chinese features. The Ming dynasty (1368-1644) is the burgeoning and blooming period for literary evaluations and annotations. Chu Chi is a classic with great literary values and enough attention should be paid to its evaluations and annotations in the academia. That is also one of the reasons why the present dissertation takes the evaluations and annotations of Chu Ci in the Ming Dynasty as the major object of study. Based on a systematic comparison of different versions, this dissertation intends to make an in-depth study on the development, forms, versions, and critics of Chu Ci evaluations and annotations. Based on the afore-mentioned analysis, this thesis tries to give some literature references and theoretical back-up to the history of Chu Ci evaluations and the whole branch of literary evaluations and annotations.This dissertation consists of four chapters. Chapter One is an overview of Chu Ci evaluations and annotations of the Ming dynasty. There is a close relation between the flourish of the evaluation of Chu Ci and the blossom of literary evaluation in the Ming dynasty. Although at the very beginning, the evaluation of Chu Ci had already combined together "annotation", "revision", "transliteration", and "evaluation", it was not until the periods of Wang Li and Tian Qi that the evaluation of Chu Ci became flourished with more emphasis on literary elements and more involvement of noted critics.Chapter Two mainly focuses on the form and the textual value of different versions of Chu Ci evaluations. The form mainly refers to two categories: one is the very form of the evaluated version of Chu Ci, the other is the original version of Chu Ci on which the evaluated ones are based. The forms of evaluated versions are really complicated, so are the original ones. However, it is just because these complications that demonstrate the multidimensional textual values of the evaluations of Chu Ci.Chapter Three is a study on two literary critics. Chen Shen and Sun Kuang are major critics who represent two different periods of the evaluations of Chu Ci in history. Although the evaluations made by Chen Shen consist of many annotations, they still manifest his endeavors of the literary interpretations and appreciations of Chu Ci. The evaluated version made by Sun Kuang came into being in the late Wang Li Period. Because of Sun Kuang’s seasoned experience in literary evaluations and his sharp mind in literary appreciations, his evaluated version of Chu Ci embodied the very achievements of the evaluations of this ancient classic in the Ming dynasty. In addition, this chapter also examines the family origin, life stories, and works of the above two critics.Chapter Four is a case study of the evaluation of Chu Ci in Ming dynasty. Being the first version of the evaluation of Chu Ci in the Ming dynasty, Chu Ci Zhang Ju edited by Feng Shaozu contributed a lot to the evaluation of Chu Ci in Ming dynasty in terms of forms of evaluation, contents of evaluation, and choice of different critics. This chapter makes a thorough study on the above-mentioned issues and other related ones.

【关键词】 明代《楚辞》评点
【Key words】 the Ming dynastyChu Ciliterary evaluations and annotations
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】826