

Application and Theory Research for China Telecom Operation Model and Assessment System

【作者】 李安民

【导师】 陆雄文;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在全球经济日趋迅速变革,产业链不断重新划分的浪潮中,运营模式创新成为企业发展的必然选择。新的市场形势下,各行业产业链都在不断细分、拆解、重构、融合,这必然对企业原有运营模式提出了创新的要求。在这样的经济和市场背景下,只有那些有能力主动调整和设计全新运营模式的企业,才能在市场中常立不败之地。全球范围来看,企业运营模式的创新已经取代了单纯的产品创新,成为促进众多企业竞争制胜的主要动力和源泉。对于通信行业来说,尤其是对面临日趋激烈的竞争环境的中国电信运营商,积极探索运营模式的创新则更有深刻意义。中国电信运营商是中国信息产业中的重要一环,也是中国国民经济的重要组成部分。中国电信运营商作为国家的重要构成部分,更需要结合当前经济发展状况,深层次思考企业未来的发展,其中,运营模式创新的思考就是中国电信运营商在日趋激烈的市场竞争过程赢得优势所必须面对的一个核心问题。中国电信运营商的发展必然随着市场化的运作而不断发展前进,市场竞争的加剧,使得电信运营商在新的环境和形势下不断反思,以往的运营模式在新的市场化竞争环境中不再完全适用,在愈演愈烈的竞争环境中,电信运营商如何在产业中定位,如何创造新的运营模式,在产业价值链中如何谋求合理位置和相应的利润分成,寻求可持续发展,这些都涉及到中国电信运营商的生死存亡,这些思考是摆在电信运营商面前的重要课题。在我国新的经济环境下,运营模式创新是中国电信运营商获取长期竞争优势的根本保证,中国电信运营商的任何行为都必须是对自身运营模式的策略反应和优化。企业长期竞争优势的获取不仅依托于企业既有的核心竞争力,更取决于企业通过某种创新获取的连续竞争能力,或者说是动态竞争能力,这种创新不完全是技术、产品方面的单一创新,而是基于能力增长的商业运作模式的创新。中国电信运营商要获得长期竞争优势就必须不断发展其核心竞争力,使核心竞争力通过经营活动形成良性循环和动态的竞争优势。中国电信运营商成功的因素必须是关键的和难以模仿的,这个关键的、难以模仿的因素就是运营模式的创新。因此,中国电信运营商运营模式的创新是更为重要、更为关键的核心竞争力,是中国电信运营商获取长期竞争优势的根本保证。运营模式必然关注中国电信运营商企业运营的各个方面,包括对中国电信运营商企业自身及其产品和服务的定位、选择客户、获取和利用各种必要资源、进入市场获得企业收益等等,另外也需要充分关注中国电信运营商企业运营构成的各方面、各层次之间相互联系、相互依赖的逻辑关系。对于中国电信运营商来说,行业构成和企业运作过程十分复杂,影响因素较多,因此,运营模式的创新必然是一个系统工程,而不是仅仅就企业运营的某一环节进行改良的企业改革。本文在中国电信运营商运营模式的理论和实证分析过程中,基于系统的观点,对中国电信运营商运营模式的关键影响要素和环节作出分析后,进一步对中国电信运营商整体运营模式进行审视和评估,提出中国电信运营商运营模式发展策略,并按照系统功效最大的原则探索中国电信运营商运营模式的相应改进和创新路径。本文基于国内外关于运营模式的理论和相关创新理论研究,给出了运营模式的一般属性和定义(第二章)。通过中国电信运营商的商业运营过程分析(第三章)以及中国电信运营商运营模式内涵分析,对中国电信运营商运营模式内涵的予以说明,对中国电信运营商运营模式的影响要素和构成要素进行分析(第四章)。通过上述研究赋予中国电信运营商运营模式的理论概念新时期的新内涵,紧密结合中国电信运营商的商业运营,进行了中国电信运营商市场竞争的均衡性分析,阐述了中国电信运营商运营模式的实践途径和发展趋势(第五章)。结合行业特点,设计了中国电信运营商的运营模式评估体系(第六章),通过中国电信运营商运营模式的过程性评估和关键性评估(第七章),对中国电信运营商运营模式评估体系的进行了应用与实施(第八章)。

【Abstract】 With the rapid and further reform of the global economy and the following borderland rebuilding of industry chain, it is an inevitable trend to innovate the present Operation Model. In view of the overall situation, the original Operation Model must be improved to match the forthcoming new industrial circumstances, that almost each industry continuously carrying forward a succession of actions in varying degrees and stages consisting of : segmentation, separation, reshuffle and integration. Thus, firm can hardly succeed without initiating measures to design and develop a whole new Operation Model under the new economic condition.Globally, the simplicial pattern of products innovation has been substituted by that of Operation Model Innovation, which becomes the main driving factor that contributes to firm’s success in sharp future competition. When it comes to communications industry , especially to the carriers that are evidently exposed to a fierce market competition in China nowadays, there is a far-reaching significance to seek for a Operation Model appropriate. Telecommunications industry is one of the most important components of both Chinese communications industry and national economy. As a very valuable part of national industrial, Chinese carriers should take the sustainable development into account, meanwhile , more proper measures should be taken by Chinese carriers to achieve better Operation Model, which is the central issue to think of, in terms of the current economic situation.While Chinese carriers keeping growing through marketing approaches, further intensified competition make them begin to soberly review their past Operation Mode and get a result that it no longer applies to the situation being faced with, and hence comes a set of questions much closely concerning firm’s subsistence and development ,example for what’s a better location in industry, how to recreate a new Operation model, how to get a reasonable position and profit in the Value Chain of industry, how to sustain the growth going forward.Under the new economic situation of our country, as Technology Innovation is a driving macro stage of self-renovation, Operation Model Innovation is an expanded micro stage of self-renovation. Firstly, Operation Model Innovation is the fundamental guarantee for carriers to maintain a long-range competitive edge, ulterior any activity should revolve around the reaction and optimization of Operation Model. What’s more, the long-range competitiveness is based not only on the pre-existing core competency but on sustainable competency acquired by means of some kinds of innovation further, or we may conceptually refer to it as the Dynamic Competitive Ability which can achieves an integrative innovation of Operation Model instead of a single one of technique or product. To establish a long-term sustaining competitive advantage in market, it is essential for most of Chinese carriers to optimize and develop their established core competency uninterruptedly in order to form a virtuous circle and dynamic competitive advantage in business operation. There’s no question that those key factors leading to success, which can not be imitated easily by other competitors, is much more important to an enterprise. Operation Model Innovation ,which aiming at building such a corporate unique ability, has been arousing much attention and widely regarded as the most essential point in the future market competition. Operation Model is concerned with every phase of the operation, involving positioning firm, indentifying its products and services, selecting the objective market, intergrating various resources necessary and achieving market entry, and structures a correlative and interdependent logical relation across different aspects and levels.The complicated industrial constitution and function of Chinese carriers means that Business Innovation is a systematic enterprise reform more than improvement on some single link. The whole process of the innovation of Operation Model is based on a point of view of systematization and cooperation. After analyzing the key to the Operation Model, it is vital to further estimate the effect from a perspective of the overall situation with the operation Model and adapt the measures for a maximize profits.Based on the theoretical research of Operation Model and Innvoation at home and abroad, the purpose of this paper is summarized as follows: Introduce the general characters and definition of Operation model (chapter2), delimitation the conception of Operation model through the analysis of operational course of Chinese carriers (chapter 3) and that of the connotation of Chinese carriers Operation Model (chapter 4), introduce the theories and new conception of the Operation Model of carriers of a new era, bring up the strategic selection of Operation Model and progress a balance analysis of market competition (chapter 5) close to operational practice ,design the "assessment system of Operation Model" applying to telecommunication operation (chapter 6), through process-oriented and result-oriented assessment (chapter 7) ,applicate and operate the assessment system of China Telecom Operation Model (chapter 8).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】3040