

【作者】 潘晓云

【导师】 胡君辰;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 冲突一直以来是组织行为学、管理学中一个被人们津津乐道的命题,而情绪作为人类活动的动力源泉,员工情绪、组织情绪的重要性也随着人力资源被提升至“第一资源”的地位而日益被人们所认识。随着“和谐”概念的盛行、体验经济时代的到来,以及团队组织结构的普及,冲突与情绪的管理凸现出极强的时代紧迫性,因此,冲突与情绪关系的研究极富研究价值。但是通过对已掌握的文献综述后发现,这一领域的系统性研究极为有限。在我国,相关研究或者聚焦冲突,或者聚焦情绪,而此类本土化的实证研究更是少之又少。本文的研究以情绪心理学、组织行为学以及人力资源管理等多学科的理论为依据,从个体、团队两个视角对冲突与情绪进行较为系统、全面的实证分析,试图填补这一研究空白点。在选用常用、成熟的量表的基础上,本文的研究采用问卷调查法(方便取样的方式获得317份问卷)和实验法(每组40人,三组,共120个被试数据)获取数据资料,利用统计分析软件SPSS13.0版与SAS7.2版对数据进行统计分析,并采用了相关分析、方差分析等统计方法,对调查数据进行假设检验和分析,数据分析的结果绝大部分支持了研究假设。基于个体视角冲突与情绪的研究结果显示,(1)在当下中国的组织中,冲突普遍存在。从员工感知的冲突频率上看,总体而言比较适中。通过单一因素方差分析发现,性别、年龄、所在单位性质不同的员工对冲突频率的感知无明显差别;教育程度、所在单位规模、所在岗位性质、在目前单位工作时间不同的员工对冲突频率的感知存在明显差别。(2)在当下中国组织中,任务冲突、关系冲突同时存在。但是员工很少或者很难准确界定冲突事件属于任务冲突或者关系冲突。(3)通过任务冲突、关系冲突与积极情绪、消极情绪两两相关性检验发现,不同冲突类型对组织成员的情绪会产生不同的影响。任务冲突与关系冲突都会引发组织成员的消极情绪;任务冲突还会引发积极情绪,而关系冲突不会引发积极情绪。在冲突对情绪的引发过程中,并不存在性别差异,但会受到个体工作自我效能感、组织价值观念的影响。(4)在中国组织中,合作性冲突管理方式普遍存在。通过单一因素方差分析发现,性别、年龄、教育程度、所在单位性质、所在单位规模、所在岗位性质以及在目前单位工作时间等并不影响员工对合作性冲突管理方式的选择。但是组织成员处于不同的情绪状态下,冲突处理方式的倾向性有所不同。另外,结果显示组织成员个体情商越高,越倾向于选择合作性冲突管理方式。由此说明提升员工情绪管理能力的重要性。基于团队视角冲突与情绪的研究结果显示,(1)团队规模、沟通公开性及目标相似性对团队冲突产生影响。团队规模越大,团队中任务冲突越多;关系冲突越多。团队沟通公开性越强,团队中任务冲突越多;关系冲突越少。团队目标相似性越高,团队中任务冲突越少;关系冲突越少。(2)团队中不同的冲突类型会对团队情绪造成影响。团队中任务冲突构成比例高,团队情绪较好;反之,团队中关系冲突构成比例高,团队情绪较差。(3)团队沟通公开性、目标相似性对冲突管理方式的选择会产生影响。团队沟通公开性越强,目标相似性越高,团队越倾向合作性冲突管理方式。团队情绪氛围也对冲突管理方式的选择产生影响。团队情绪越好,倾向于合作性冲突管理方式,反之,倾向于竞争性冲突管理方式。(4)团队情绪与团队效能也存有相关性。团队情绪越好,团队效能越高;反之,团队情绪越差,团队效能越低。本文的研究促使组织行为学中的“冲突”与心理学中的“情绪”进一步融合,为学术界进行系统性研究奠定了基础。同时为组织进行冲突管理以及情绪管理提供了依据,研究结果对组织管理者将产生启迪作用。说明冲突具有破坏性的力量,也同样具有建设性的力量。管理者应在组织中倡导现代的冲突观,有效地管理冲突。情绪已成为组织生活不可或缺的重要部分,管理者应关注组织成员个体、团队情绪的培育和引导,关注员工情商的提高,从而有助于构筑一支高效能的团队,提高绩效。

【Abstract】 While the concept of harmony social been proposed, experience economy, a new economy been coming, and team, an organization structure been more and more popular, conflict management and emotion management are imminent for managers. Studying on the relationship of conflicts and emotion is very important. But after summarizing the resembling papers, we can find that there are few papers comprehensive studying about it. Thus this exploratory positive study from individual and team view can fill this study vacancy.Referring to the used scales, the study acquires data by questionnaire and experiment method. We acquire 317 questionnaires through convenience sampling and 120 experiment data. Then the present study uses SPSS13.0 and SAS7.2 to analyze data. The statistic methods to test hypotheses include correlate analysis and ANOVA. Most of the hypotheses have been supported by the statistic results.The findings from individual view indicate that, (1) conflicts are inevitable in Chinese organizations. Gender, age, or kind of organizations doesn’t influence staffs’ perception of conflict frequency. But education, size of organizations, kind of position, and tenure influence their perception. (2) Both task conflicts and relationship conflicts appear in Chinese organizations. It is difficult for staffs to distinguish them. (3) Different kind of conflicts leads to different emotions of staffs. Task conflicts and relationship conflicts lead to negative emotion, otherwise task conflicts lead to positive emotion, instead of relationship conflicts. Self efficacy and organization values instead of gender influence the proceeding. (4) Cooperative conflict management is in vogue in Chinese organizations. Gender, age, education, kind of organizations and positions, size of organizations, and tenure don’t influence staffs’ selection. There are different selections with different emotions. In addition, findings indicate that staffs with higher EI prone to cooperative conflict management.The findings from team view indicate that, (1) size of teams, openness and mutuality of goals influence conflicts in organizations. Team size is positive related to task conflicts and relationship conflicts. Greater openness leads to more task conflicts and less relationship conflicts. Higher level of mutuality leads to less task conflicts and relationship conflicts. (2) Different kind of conflicts in teams results in different team emotion. Higher proportional task conflict composition leads to better team emotion, but higher proportional relationship conflict composition leads to worse one. (3) Openness and mutuality of goals influence the selection of conflict management instruments. Higher openness and mutuality of goals lead to cooperative conflict management. The same selection results from better team emotion. (4) Team emotion is positive related with team effectiveness. Better team emotion leads to higher team effectiveness.The present study lays a foundation for systematic study of conflict and emotion in the future. The findings guide managers to form new attitudes toward conflicts. Managers should let everyone in the organization understand that conflicts are inevitable and we will make benefits of cooperative conflict management. With the exception of this, managers should pay attention to staffs’ emotion and team emotion. They should try to improve staffs’ EI through HRD, so that they can raise the team effectiveness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2144