

【作者】 夏路

【导师】 倪世雄;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际关系, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 二战后,国际社会中出现了越南、德国、朝鲜等分裂国家。其中,越南、德国分别通过武力、和平模式完成了国家统一。为什么两国能够完成国家统一?为什么两国采取了不同的统一模式?笔者认为,分裂国家统一及其模式选择不是“行为体取向”单一发展的逻辑,而是“结构性取向”综合作用的结果。本文尝试以“复合权力结构”为视角,通过对越南、德国的比较研究,论证“复合权力结构影响分裂国家统一及其模式选择”这一理论假设。复合权力结构是一种多维力量的综合体系,横向上包含硬权力和软权力结构两大内涵,纵向上涉及国家、地区、全球权力结构三个层面,可以细化为国家—硬权力结构、国家—软权力结构、地区—硬权力结构、地区—软权力结构、全球—硬权力结构、全球—软权力结构六项内容。越南武力统一、德国和平统一与“复合权力结构”密切相关。在国家层面,二者的国家—硬权力结构分别体现为南北越南、东西德国的“政治军事”关系:南北越南政治军事对立、北越武力主导政治军事统一;东西德国政治军事缓和、西德和平主导政治军事统一。二者的国家—软权力结构分别体现为南北越南、东西德国的“经济社会”关系:南北越南经济社会离散、北越武力主导经济社会统一;东西德国经济社会整合,西德和平主导经济社会统一。在地区层面,越南与德国的地区—硬权力结构分别体现为中国、法国的“地区大国”因素:中国与南越处于敌对状态、中国默认北越武力主导统一;法国与东西德国关系缓和、法国默认西德和平主导统一。二者的地区—软权力结构分别体现为以东盟、欧共体为特征的“区域主义”状态:南北越南均处于东盟之外、地区局势呈现霍布斯主义文化状态;西德处于欧共体之内,地区局势呈现洛克主义文化状态。在全球层面,越南与德国的全球—硬权力结构均体现为美苏两极的“极的关系”:美弱苏强、美国从东南亚实行战略撤退;苏弱美强、苏联从东欧实行战略撤退。二者的全球—软权力结构都体现为以社会主义和资本主义阵营关系为特征的“意识形态”:美国从南越收缩、美苏默认北越武力主导统一;苏联从东德收缩、美苏默认西德和平主导统一。通过越南、德国比较研究,可以归纳出分裂国家统一问题的同质性与异质性复合权力结构。其中,分裂国家能实现国家统一与“同质性复合权力结构”密切相关:(1)在国家层面,国家—硬权力结构表现为内部主导政治军事统一进程;国家—软权力结构体现为内部主导经济社会统一进程。(2)在地区层面,地区—硬权力结构表现为地区大国默认分裂方主导统一进程。(3)在全球层面,全球—硬权力结构呈现为两极失衡、一极在地区的战略撤退;全球—软权力结构体现为一极在分裂一方收缩、两极默认分裂方主导统一进程。分裂国家统一武力或和平模式选择与“异质性复合权力结构”密切相关:(1)在国家层面,国家—硬权力结构表现为政治军事“对立”或“缓和”、内部“武力”或“和平”主导政治军事统一。国家—软权力结构体现为经济社会“离散”或“整合”、内部“武力”或“和平”主导经济社会统一。(2)在地区层面,地区—硬权力结构呈现为地区大国与分裂“一方对立”或“双方缓和”、地区大国默认分裂方“武力”或“和平”主导统一进程;地区—软权力结构涉及分裂方处于区域组织“之外”或“之内”、分裂方“不受”或“受到”地区组织限制。(3)在全球层面,全球—软权力结构体现为美苏两极默认分裂方“武力”或“和平”主导。其中,国家、地区、全球层面每一项内容的前一因素影响了武力统一模式的选择,后一因素影响了和平统一模式的选择。综上所述,复合权力结构影响分裂国家统一及其模式选择。其中,同质性复合权力结构影响分裂国家能否实现统一,异质性复合权力结构影响分裂国家统一进程中武力或和平模式的选择。该理论的研究对分析朝鲜、中国的统一问题具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Among the Divided-Nations such as Vietnam,Germany and Korea arising after the Second World War,Vietnam was reunified by force,while Germany was reunified in a peaceful way.Why were they able to reunify? Why did they adopt different unification models? The author believes that these issues could not be explained in the logic of "actor orientation",but in the logic of "structure orientation".This dissertation attempts to compare the unification models of the two nations in the perspective of Complex Power Structure and support the hypothesis that "Complex Power Structure determines Divided-Nations’ reunification and their model selection".Complex Power Structure is a system of multi-powers.It contains hard power structure and soft power structure.It involves three levels——national power structure,regional power structure and global power structure.Therefore,Complex Power Structure includes six parts which are national-hard power structure, national-soft power structure,regional-hard power structure,regional-soft power structure,global-hard power structure,and global-soft power structure.Vietnam’s reunification by force and Germany’s peaceful reunification were both the consequence of given complex power structure.On the national level,national -hard power structure included the "political and military" factors,involving the political and military relations between RVN and DRVN,GDR and FRG separately. The political and martial relationship between RVN and DRVN was in tension,and DRVN led the political and martial reunification process by force.While the political and martial relationship between GDR and FRG was in détente,and FRG led the political and martial reunification process in a peaceful way.National-soft power structure was embodied in the "economy and society",including the economic and social relations between DRVN and RVN,FRG and GDR correspondingly.The economic and social relations between RVN and DRVN were in separation,and DRVN led the economic and social reunification process by force.The economic and social relations between GDR and FRG were in integration,and FRG led the economic and social reunification process peacefully.On the regional level,regional-hard power structure was reflected by the "regional big power",related to PRC and FR respectively.PRC and RVN were in hostility,and PRC admitted Vietnam’s forceful reunification led by DRVN.While FR improved the relations with GDR and FRG,and accepted the Germany peaceful reunification led by FRG.Regional-soft power structure existed in "regionalism", including ASEAN,EC.Both DRVN and RVN were out of ASEAN,and the Hobbesian culture prevailed in East Asia.While FRG was one of the founders of EC, and the Europe owed Lockean culture.On the global level,global-hard power structure was embodied in the "polar relations",both in the hi-polar characteristics led by U.S.and U.S.S.R.In Vietnam’s reunification,U.S.was weaker than U.S.S.R.at that time,and U.S.’s strategic strength in East Asia was declining at that time.While in Germany’s reunification,U.S.S.R. was weaker than U.S.,and U.S.S.R.’s influence in East Europe was trailing off. Global-soft power structure was concretely expressed as "ideology",which was characterized by the relationship between socialism and capitalism.As to Vietnam, U.S.army withdrew from RVN,and both U.S.and U.S.S.R.admitted Vietnam’s forceful reunification by DRVN.While as to Germany,U.S.S.R.lost the control of GDR,and both U.S.and U.S.S.R.accepted the absorption of the GDR into the FRG. By comparison,we can find the homogeneities and heterogeneities of "Complex Power Structure" in the process of Divided-Nations’ reunification.1) Homogeneity is characterized by the followings:On the national level,both Vietnam’s and Germany’s national-hard power structures were that one of the divided parts led the political and martial reunification process;and both National-soft power structures were that one of the divided parts led the economic and social reunification process.On the regional level,both Vietnam’s and Germany’s regional-hard power structures were that the regional power accepted the divided nation’s reunification process.On the global level,both Vietnam’s and Germany’s global-hard power structures were that the two poles were unbalanced,and one pole withdrew from the strategic region;and both of global-soft power structures were that one pole lost the control of the divided part, and two poles admitted the divided nations reunification by the divided part.2) Heterogeneity is characterized by the followings:On the national level, nation-hard power structures were that political and martial relations were in tension or in détente,and one of the divided parts led the political and martial reunification process by force or in a peaceful way.National-soft power structures were that economic and social relations were in separation or in integration,and one of divided parts led the economic and social reunification process by force or peacefully.On the regional level,the regional-hard power structures were that the relationships between regional power and divided parts were in hostility or in friendship,and the regional power accepted the divided nation’s reunification process by force or in a peaceful way.The regional-soft power structures were that the divided parts were in or out of the regional organization,and the regionalism was Hobbesian culture or Lockean culture.On the global level,the global-soft power structure was that global poles admitted the divided nation’s reunification by force or in a peaceful way.In the above, the former factor led to the forceful reunification,and the latter factor led to the peaceful reunification.All the works help us draw a conclusion:"Complex Power Structures determines Divided-Nations’ reunification and their model selection".The homogeneities of Complex Power Structure determine whether the Divided-Nations could be reunified or not.The heterogeneities of Complex Power Structure determine whether the Divided-Nations’ reunification would choose the force model or the peace model. These theories will count for the Korea and China unification studies to some extent.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】D035
  • 【下载频次】1053