

【作者】 赵俊玲

【导师】 杨明; 黄霖; 陈维昭;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国文学批评史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 结合明清时代背景、学术风气、文学思想、评点学、文选学的发展状况,本文对发生、发展于这两个历史时期的《文选》评点进行了探讨。根据参与者身份及评点目的的不同,将《文选》评点著作分为这样三种类型:书商型评本、文人型评本、综合型评本。从书商型评本到文人型评本,评点经历了从商业营利的手段到文学批评的方式的转变。前两类评本的互相影响、作用,产生了综合型评本,它融两者功能为一体。三类评本在《文选》评点的各个发展阶段呈现出不同的风貌。本文即以《文选》评点的历史发展为线索,对各类型评本展开论述:引言部分,对研究对象进行了界定,并回顾了以往的研究状况。第一章,概述明清《文选》评点,包括今存《文选》评本的情况,《文选》评点的历史发展分期及地域性特征,并论证了《文选》评点的研究价值与意义。第二章,论述了明万历年间处于萌兴与发展期的《文选》评点。书商型评本数量最多,文人型评本也崭露头脚。此章研究的重点是书商型评本如何实现了向文人型评本的转变,以及后者的文学批评价值。第三章、第四章,论述了高潮期的《文选》评点。文人型评本是此期《文选》评点的主流,本文对归属此类的孙鑛《孙月峰先生评文选》、邹思明《文选尤》、钱陆灿评本、洪若皋《梁昭明文选越裁》、何焯评本、俞场评本等作了专题研究,包括评点者生平,评本的刊刻、流传,与他人评本关系的辨析,批评的特色及文选学意义等。与文人型评本相间出现的综合型评本,是研究的另一个重点。第五章,论述了持续发展与总结期的《文选》评点。方廷珪《昭明文选集成》归属书商型评本之列,它与五臣注的关系是探讨的重点。于光华《文选集评》是一部集大成与总结性的著作,本文从评点来源、主体内容等方面论证了它在《文选》评点学史上的重要意义。桐城派的《文选》评点成绩平平,仅予简单介绍。余论部分,对比了明清两代《文选》评点的不同特点,指出《文选》评点虽有一个连续的发展过程,但由于明、清是两个社会文化、学术风气极不相同的时代,分别产生于两个时期的评点著作在评点视角、评点形态、评点目的、参与者主体等等方面都存在鲜明分野。

【Abstract】 This thesis attempts to make a research on the literary criticism and annotations of Wenxuan of Ming and Qing Dynasty based on the social backgrounds, academia, and literary thoughts of that period together with the development of literary criticism and annotations itself.According to different purposes and authors, this thesis classifies the criticism and annotations of Wenxuan into three categories: the commercial comments, the literary comments, and the integrated comments. From the commercial comments to the literary ones, the comments saw the changes of commercial profits to literary criticism. Influenced by the afore-mentioned two types, the integrated one was created which had two functions. The three types show a glimpse of various literary attitudes of different historical periods and the present thesis will discuss these works according to the chronological order.The introduction defines the object of this thesis and recalls the history of research on the comments on Wenxuan.Chapter 1 mainly summarizes the comments on Wenxuan including its different versions, different periods of development, geographical characteristics. The value of these comments is also analyzed in this chapter.Chapter 2 discusses the comments on Wenxuan which were produced in Wanli Period of the Ming dynasty. During this period, the commercial comments flourished and the literary comments burgeoned as well. This chapter attaches great importance to the changes of the former to the later as well as their literary criticism value.Chapter 3 and 4 research the works produced during the blooming period. The literary comments accounts for the majority which is also one of the focus of these two chapters. By taking several works as examples which belongs to this type, the author of the present paper focuses on the following aspects: the life story of the authors, the publication and transmission of the works, their distinctive features, and their impact on the comments and annotations of Wenxuan. The other focus of these two chapters is the integrated comments.Chapter 5 delves into the commentary works of the last period with Zhaoming Wenxuan Jicheng and Wenxuan Jiping as two examples. On the one hand, this chapter focuses on the relationship between ZhaomingWenxuan Jicheng and Wuchen. On the other hand, this chapter discusses the value of Wenxuan Jiping in the history of the comments on Wenxuan considering its significant achievements. Given the unimportance of tongcheng school’s comments to Wenxuan, this chapter only gives a very brief introduction of them.At last, this dissertation compares comments of Ming dynasty with those of Qing dynasty. Because of the differences in culture and academia, the comments to Wenxuan of the two dynasties are different in many aspects, such as the angle, the aim, the form, etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1102