

【作者】 吴俊范

【导师】 满志敏;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 历史地理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以近代上海城市空间扩展中的“填浜筑路”为切入点,运用历史地理学方法并辅以数据库、GIS手段,复原了传统农田形态下的塘路系统向城市道路系统演变的具体过程、驱动机制及其环境效应。其学术意义包括:其一,是历史地理学与LUCC视野相结合、以历史时期具体区域的城市化过程为背景、以其土地利用方式转型和环境变迁为个案的前沿性研究。其二,是对太湖流域水环境在近代城市化过程中发生的显著变化及其驱动机制的复原性研究。综观近代上海城市空间扩展与环境演变的全过程,原本就存在差异的传统城乡土地利用方式,对立进一步加剧。一面是农田形态土地利用方式的长期延续,另一面则是城市地产业主导下河浜体系的严重退化。这是城市化进程中人们的行为方式与社会机制同生态环境失却平衡的结果。上海城市化进程中人地关系的平衡点,就在于既要建设城市,发展经济,又要通盘考虑脆弱的区域环境基础,规范人们的土地开发行为,达到人与自然的和谐统一。这对保持上海经济社会的可持续发展,提高人们的生活质量,是至关重要的。

【Abstract】 This paper focuses on the most important municipal means of modern Shanghai from 1843 to 1949,that is,filling-creeks-and-building-roads-on(填浜筑路),and the historical course of how the Tanglu(塘路) land use mode based on agricultural economy transformed to urban road land use mode.The writer tries to reconstruct the historical geographic background,process,driving forces and its environmental effect of this transformation of land use during Shanghai urbanization,employing historical geography method with the aid of data base and GIS.The academic contribution of this paper consists of two parts:1.It attributes to the forland of LUCC program based on the urbanization of a typical area during the historical period.It is a typical case study on regional land use and environmental change.2.It is the particular research on creek-net change and environmental effect of the whole Tai Lake area influenced by modern urbanization.The conclusion is that the minor difference between urban land use and agricultural land use during the traditional age became much larger since Shanghai began its modem urbanization in 1843.The continuation of the agricultural land use conflicts the serious degeneration of creek-net covered by urban area.This was resulted by the unbalance between people’s behavior,social mechanism and ecology.The balance point of human’s behavior and nature of this region,is to survey overally the regional environmental quality and its role in the urban planning and construction.This is very important to the continuabal development of Shanghai society nowadays or in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】TU984.191
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1199
  • 攻读期成果