

【作者】 邹军

【导师】 黄瑚;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 网络舆论是网民在平等、开放的互联网平台上进行的公开表达,是民间舆论的重要形式,表现出了明显的民粹主义、非理性等特征。网络舆论具有多样化的表现形态:除了常见的新闻跟帖和网络论坛的讨论外,还有众多颇具特色的表现形态,如黑客集体攻击行动、“网络通缉”等等。与传统的舆论类型相比,网络舆论的生成过程是“可视化”的意见汇聚,表现出明显的直观性。网络舆论在中国的兴起既有赖于中国社会转型的大背景,也归因于现实社会中民间表达渠道的不畅。研究表明,互联网提供的交流空间扩大了中国既有的公共领域,网络空间本身也初现公共领域的曙光。互联网促进了中国市民社会的成长,网络舆论与市民社会之间呈现互动与提升的相互关系。互联网对于中国政治的最大改变之一就在于广开言路。因此,网络舆论在协商民主中扮演着重要角色,它拓展了协商民主的领域。现有的网络协商还存在很多缺陷,它既可以是民意的呈现,也可能沦为建构民意的工具。理想的网络协商还有赖于法律保障、制度建设、公共精神的培养以及知识普及等方面的配套措施。而且,网络协商只能作为协商民主的一种形式,并不能替代其它形式的协商。互联网在中国的社会运动中起着动员和抗争的重要作用。由于社会运动在中国的敏感性,运动中的网络舆论表达都不是在一个正常的环境中进行的,网络动员和抗争受到种种限制。在社会运动中,网络舆论形态和所起的具体作用,以及网络表达的自由度都取决于社会运动的目标与国家总体利益的一致程度。作为一种民间表达,网络舆论的生成与扩散、呈现与驯化、控制与反控制体现的是现阶段的国家-社会关系。一个初具雏形的市民社会正在成长,但国家的主导地位仍然不可动摇。至此,可以得出如下结论:首先,在当前中国,互联网在政治民主化进程中并不能扮演至关重要的角色,它的作用受到各种制约,因而只能发挥有限的作用;其次,也不能排除在某些情况下网络舆论对于现实的重要影响,比如面对特定的议题或者有众多精英人物的参与,网络舆论就可能发挥强大的威力;第三,一旦真正成熟的市民社会在中国出现,民众在现实中拥有了更多的表达渠道,则网络舆论的过度繁荣就可能成为历史。

【Abstract】 Public opinion on the Internet, which is characteristic with populism, irrational concept, is a part of public expression which exits in the equal and open networks, and becomes one of the most important forms of civil public opinion.There are various forms for the Internet public opinion. Besides common news board and the Internet forum, there are other characteristic forms, for example, collective hacker attacking and "the Internet wanted". In comparison with traditional forms of public opinion, the process of forming for the Online opinion is an eyeable collect of opinion and is obviously intuitionistic.The rise of the Internet public opinion in China not only ascribes to the great transition of Chinese society, but also the impede of social civil expression. According to the research, the author finds that the space of communication offered by the Internet enlarges the public sphere in China, and the cyberspace is becoming the embryonic form of public sphere. Tne Internet promotes the forming of Chinese civil society, further more, there is a interrelationship between public opinion on the Internet and civil society.For the Internet, one of the greatest improvements for Chinese politics, is offering a way for the public to express. So, the Internet public opinion, which expands the sphere of deliberative democracy, takes an important part in deliberative democracy. However, there are a few disadvantages for the Internet deliberation today, in that it can show public opinion, but can be a machine of constructing public opinion by government, at the same time. The ideal internet deliberation depends on law protection, institutional construction, cultivation of public spirits, universal education, and so forth. Further more, the Internet deliberation can not take the place of other forms of deliberation, because it just can be one form of deliberative democracy.In Chinese social movements, the Internet plays an important role in mobilization and resistance. However, the mobilization and resistance in the Internet are limited, because social movement is a sensitive topic in China, and the Internet public opinion could not be expressed in a normal environment. In social movements, the form and use of the Online public opinion, the freedom of the Internet expression hinges on the unanimity between the aim of social movement and the benefit of a state.As a part of civil expressions, the emergence and diffuseness, present and docility, control and anti-control show the relationship between the state and society in this period. An embryonic form of civil society is forming, but the power of state plays a leading role, which is still hard to change.So, the conclusions from this research are as follows: Firstly, the Internet can’t play a key role in the process of political democratization in current China. Secondly, the Internet opinion could exert a great influence on the reality in some circumstance, for example it faces a special topic or there are lots of some elites participating in. Lastly, Once a mature civil society have emerged in China, and people would have more access to express in real world, the over prosperity of the Online opinion would probably become part of history.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】69
  • 【下载频次】6546