

【作者】 唐俊

【导师】 张骏德;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 广播电视学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 新闻信息需求是电视观众的第一需求,因而电视新闻节目是电视台的“立台之本”,社会影响力巨大。在处于转型期的中国,新闻节目得以健康地发育,充分发挥传播信息、引导舆论的功能,对于经济社会的发展,对社会主义民主政治的推进都有着重要的意义。然而近年来电视新闻节目的竞争力下降,收视率和市场份额持续下滑,电视市场的泛娱乐化现象十分明显,不少电视台都成了“电视剧台”。这种局面的形成,既有电视新闻业内部的原因,也有来自外部的影响。本文的研究对象是关于电视新闻传播的主要市场竞争关系,研究目的是探讨各类市场环境的改善途径以及相关的竞争策略、制度建设。本文的主要内容和观点如下:第一章展现了电视新闻竞争所处的社会环境、行业环境和市场环境,分析了新闻竞争的社会动因所在,以及行政化的电视行业体制对市场竞争的负面影响。此外,还初步分析了电视新闻的竞争格局和市场结构。本章的主要观点是:新闻竞争包括电视新闻竞争的社会动因涉及政治、经济、文化、技术等诸方面;中国电视的行业体制使得相关的市场带有很强的特殊性,形成了“一个中心,混合竞争”的格局;此外,新媒体的发展对现状形成了冲击。第二章和第三章的研究对象是全国电视新闻节目市场。第二章从媒介经济学的视角,对全国电视新闻节目市场的竞争状况进行了分析。在全国市场上,央视处于垄断地位,省级卫视的发展空间受到较大的限制。这种接近完全垄断的市场结构决定了相应的市场行为,对市场绩效(包括生产效率和节目创新)带来不利的影响,而且有损公平性。第三章则在参照西方发达国家电视新闻节目市场状况的基础上,对改善全国市场的竞争格局进行了探讨。本章认为,央视只应垄断中央时政新闻的报道,以保证中央政令传达的权威性。在此前提下,应减少省级卫视报道全国性新闻议题的准入障碍,对央视构成更有力的竞争,促进中国电视新闻改革及电视产业的发展。此外,本章借鉴迈克尔·波特的三种基本竞争战略理论,提出了省级卫视在现有体制环境下可实行的新闻竞争战略。第四章的研究对象是地方电视新闻节目市场,着重探讨城市市场。本章仍然采用媒介经济学的框架,经过分析认为,城市市场形成了寡头垄断的市场结构,相对全国市场而言,竞争更为充分,更有利于市场绩效的提高和公平性的保障。但地面频道的“民生新闻大战”产生了一些负外部性,需要政府管理部门进行规制。本章还对地方市场未来的竞争进行了展望。第五章研究的是电视新闻传播的对外竞争。在全球化时代,电视新闻的竞争必然是国际性的。本章认为,境外华语电视新闻媒体与内地电视业形成了既竞争又促进的关系,内地电视业的最佳防御之道是“本土化”。随着技术的进步,西方卫星电视新闻频道对内地的影响势必越来越大,而中国对外电视新闻媒体亟需适应国际电视商业化的潮流,以市场运作增强自身竞争力,并有针对性地实施市场竞争策略。第六章和第七章分别论述了对于电视新闻传播的两大替代性威胁——新媒体和娱乐节目的冲击。第六章的基本观点是:新媒体时代的电视新闻节目市场既延伸又分化,因此机遇与危机是并存的。传统电视新闻媒体应发挥比较优势,改革信息生产和传播方式,构建新媒体产业链,积极应对新的市场竞争环境。本章还对新媒体时代电视新闻节目市场的发展趋势进行了展望。第七章分析了传媒娱乐化时代“新闻立台”的淡化、电视新闻节目所面临的市场困境,指出娱乐化是新闻节目发展的歧路,并探讨了电视新闻的改进方向。最后,结语对全文的内容和观点进一步进行了概括和总结。此外,指出了本文研究的不足之处。本文的主要理论创新点有:一、整体性创新:以媒介经济学的视角分析电视新闻节目市场(主要是第二、三、四章)。以经济学的视角分析电视产业、电视市场的论著并不少,但对于电视新闻节目市场的经济学分析却是很少见的,主要原因是电视新闻的意识形态性很强,相关市场的行政化色彩浓厚。尽管如此,电视新闻节目及其巨大的广告收入事实上构成了电视产业非常重要的部分,像中央电视台的广告收入就主要来自于新闻节目,不少地面频道也是靠民生新闻栏目的经济效益支撑。所以,以媒介经济学的视角分析电视新闻节目市场是一种很有新意的尝试,虽然难免有生硬之处,但具有较强的理论创新意义。此外,本文在分析相关市场的竞争策略时,注重引入战略管理理论,使研究更具理论色彩、更为规范。二、核心论点:强化竞争机制,是改善电视新闻传播的市场环境的必由之路。为此,应弱化新闻资源的层级配置性,形成三级电视的市场竞争格局,明确各自的发展道路。鉴于垄断的根本原因是准入障碍,本文提出,在现有体制环境下,只有减少省级卫视报道全国性新闻议题的准入障碍和跨区域经营的障碍,重新配置新闻资源,才能有效改变全国电视新闻节目市场“一家独大”、竞争性不足的状况,促进电视新闻改革和电视业的总体发展。本文借鉴竞争战略理论与核心竞争力理论,系统总结了省级卫视的三种基本新闻竞争战略:粗品化与低成本化、特色化与风格化、专业化与区域化。三、延伸论点:宣传管理部门的有效规制和自身改革,对建立良好的市场环境至关重要。全国市场缺乏竞争,就应放松对地方卫视的规制,建立一个更为公平的竞争环境。有的地方市场出现了低水平竞争、无序竞争的状况,就要通过行政、经济、法律等多方面的手段实行规制,消除“民生新闻大战”的负外部性。对于来自境外电视的竞争,规制思路也应当从完全封闭到适度开放。在新媒体时代,政府规制必然走向社会化、法制化、集中化;对于泛娱乐化现象,还须在制度、政策层面加强对新闻节目的扶持,有效调控电视节目生态。要发挥好规制和调控的作用,促进电视新闻节目市场的健康发展,宣传管理部门自身也必须深化以管办分离为目标的改革。

【Abstract】 News information is what TV viewers need most. Therefore TV news programs are the cornerstones of TV stations while exercising great influence on the society. In the facts-changing Chinese society, the healthy growth of the news programs and its fully playing of the role of broadcasting information and guiding the public opinions are quite important for the development of the social economy and the progress of the socialist democracy and politics. In recent years however, as the competence, rating and market share of TV news programs were constantly sliding down, the pan-entertainment trend in news programs is very obvious in TV markets, and many TV stations are becoming "TV series stations" . The reasons could be found not only in the TV news industry itself, but also in the effect from external world. The research object of this thesis is the major competition relations in the markets of TV news broadcasting. The goal of research is to explore and discuss various ways of promoting market environment, related competitive strategies as well as systematic construction.The major content and points of this thesis are:Chapter 1 described the social, industrial and market environments of TV news competition, and analyzed the social motives of news competition and the negative effects of administrative system of the industry on the market competition. The competition pattern and the market structure of the TV news industry are also discussed in the chapter. The major points are: the driving forces of the news competition esp. the TV news competition are linked with political, economic, cultural and technical aspects, and so on; the unique system of the industry makes the related markets quite special and has created a "one-center-with-mixed-competition" pattern; besides, the growing new media also cast impact on the markets. The research object of Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 is the national market of the TV news programs. Chapter 2 analyzed the competition situation in the national TV news markets from the angle of media economics. In the national market, CCTV monopolizes and the space for the development of provincial satellite TVs is quite limited. The almost fully-monopolized market structure has decided the corresponding market activities and has cast negative influence on the market effectiveness (including productivity and creativity of programs) and damaged the fairness and justice of the markets. Chapter 3 discussed the ways to upgrade the competitive patterns in the national markets by comparing it with the TV news markets in Western developed countries. The thesis concluded that CCTV should only monopolize the political news reports to assure its authority of broadcasting central political policies. Based on that, the provincial satellite TVs should not be excluded from reporting the national news events. They should compete more powerfully with CCTV and to promote China’s TV news reform and speed up the development of the industry. Furthermore, the thesis figured out that the competitive strategies for provincial TVs under current systems by applying Michael E. Porter’s three Generic Competitive Strategies.The research object of Chapter 4 is local TV news markets especially the city markets. The chapter is also based on the frame of media economics. Based on its analysis, the thesis concluded that the city markets have evolved an oligopoly market structure in which the competition is fiercer than that in the national markets. But the media war on livelihood news between local channels has created some negative external effect. Thus the management by the authoritative departments of the government became a must. The chapter also looked forward the future of the city market competition.The research object of Chapter 5 is the external competition of TV news broadcasting. In the age of globalization, the competition of TV news is also internationalized. The thesis found that a relation of mutual competing and promoting has been developed between foreign mandarin TV news media and domestic TV industries. The best defend of domestic industries is "localization" . With the progress of technology, the impact of western TV news channels on domestic markets become much greater. Therefore, China’s own foreign news TVs need to catch up with the pace of commercialization in the international TV industries, to promote its competence by market operation, and to apply a tit-for-tat strategy in market competition.Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 discussed respectively the two replacement threats in TV news broadcasting——new media and entertainment program and their impacts. The basic point of Chapter 6 is that TV news markets are not only extended but also divided in the age of new media, therefore the opportunities are coexisting with the risks. The traditional TV news media should give full play to its comparative advantages, reform the ways of producing and broadcasting information, construct the industrial chain of the new media, and actively cope with the new environment of market competition. This chapter also analyzed the development trend of the TV news market in the age of new media. Chapter 7 analyzed the flagging of the concept of "news based TV station" , and the market difficulties faced by TV news programs in the age of entertaining media. The thesis pointed out that entertainment trend of news programs is the wrong direction of development. And, the reform direction of TV news programs is also discussed in the thesis.As the conclusion of the thesis, Chapter 8 summarized the content and points of the thesis. Furthermore, the shortcomings of the research are also mentioned in this chapter.The major theoretical creativities of the thesis are:Firstly, the thesis analyzed the TV news program market from the angle of media economics (mainly in Chapter 2, Chaper 3 and Chapter 4). There are quite a few articles discussing the TV industries and markets from an economic perspective, but few of them have made economic analysis on TV news markets. Why? It is mainly because of the strong ideological character of TV news and the administrative nature of the relevant markets. Even though, TV news programs and their huge commercial income are actually becoming a crucial part of the TV industry. For example, the major commercial income CCTV is from its news programs, and many local TVs are supported by their news programs reporting people’s livelihood. So, it is a nice try for the thesis to analyze the TV news program markets from the angle of media economics. Although there are some improper applications, the theoretical creativity of the thesis is still meaningful. Besides, when discussing the related competitive strategies, the thesis tried to make its analysis more theoretical and standard by bringing the practical content into the frame of strategic management theories.Secondly, core points: The thesis figured out that to strengthen the competitive system is the only way to enhance the market environment of TV news broadcasting. To do that, the hierarchy of the allocation system of news resource should be changed and a three-level competition structure of the TV markets should be established with clear developing patterns respectively. Since the high threshold of the industry is the root of monopoly, the thesis suggested that under the current systematic environment, to diminish the obstacles for provincial satellite TVs to report national news events and operate across regions is the only way to change the situation of monopoly and promote the reform of TV news and the development of the industry as a whole. By applying the competitive strategy theory and the core competence theory, the thesis summarized systematically the three basic strategies of news competition between provincial satellite TVs: crudely-made and low cost strategy, characteristic and stylish strategy, as well as the professional and regional strategy.Thirdly, extension points: The effective discipline and self-reform of propaganda management departments are crucial to the establishment of a favorable market environment. While the national markets are lacking in competition, we should loosen the controls on local TVs to build a fairer competitive circumstances. While there are certain over-competitive situations in some local markets, we should discipline the markets by administrative, economic, or other type of means to eliminate the negative affection of the news war on people’s livelihood. As to the competition from the cross-border TVs, the concept of discipline should be developed from complete closing down to appropriate opening up. In the new media age, government discipline has to become more socialized, legalized and centralized. To coping with the pan-entertainment trends in news programs, the government should strengthen the support to news programs at systematic and policy levels to efficiently adjust the ecological balance of TV programs. We should give full play to the effectiveness of discipline and adjustment to promote the healthy development of TV news program markets. The propaganda management departments itself should speed up the separation of administration from operation, and deepen the reform of cutting off the interest links between itself and the regulated.

【关键词】 电视新闻市场竞争
【Key words】 TV newsMarketCompetition
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】G229.2-F
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】3056