

Property Rights, Institutional Evolution and National Growth

【作者】 李芳

【导师】 俞思念;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 财产和财产权是文明社会的标志。促进和保障私有财产权成为是民富国强最有效的法宝之一。这是现代社会的一个基本共识。长期以来,人们对财产的认知存在着尖锐的对立。一种是看到了追逐财产中衍生的种种罪恶,认为财产私有制是万恶之源,试图通过废除私人财产和财产权来消灭人间罪恶;另一种是尊重和保障私有财产权,既然不能将人类的自私从人性中删除,就顺其自然设计一套制度让其合理释放,这套制度就是私有财产权制度。世界范围内因此而建立了两类截然不同的财产权制度——西方资本主义国家确立了以“私有财产神圣不可侵犯”为原则的私有财产权制度和传统社会主义国家的“消灭私有财产、实行财产公有制”的财产权制度。社会主义国家的财产权制度,可分为两个发展阶段,即传统社会主义财产权制度阶段和改革社会主义财产权阶段。前一阶段从1918年前苏联建立到1991年前苏联解体,其他社会主义国家都以前苏联为典范,仿效前苏联的财产制度,消灭私有财产、实行财产公有制。后一阶段,以不断改革开放的社会主义中国为代表,从1978年的改革至今,在纯而又纯的公有制基础上允许和鼓励私有经济的恢复和发展,私有产权得以复兴、生长和发展。空想社会主义财产权理论将私有制与私有产权等同,认定私有制是万恶之源,要实现社会的平等、公正,最根本的办法就是消灭私有制和私有财产,实行财产的公有制。马克思主义经典作家财产权理论始终坚持区分生产关系范畴的所有制和上层建筑范畴的所有权,认为私有制与私有产权属于不同的范畴、不能等同。马克思主张消灭私有制和异化劳动下的私有财产。马克思提出的“重建个人所有制”就是要使个人在自由的、非异化的状态下实现对生产资料的最大程度的、最全面彻底的、最普遍公平合理的个人占有。前苏联,以斯大林为代表的社会主义者教条式地理解马克思主义理论,将私有制与私有财产等同,消灭私有制、消灭私有财产和非公有制经济,实行单一的社会主义公有制,形成了被其他社会主义国家奉为圭皋的“斯大林模式”。1991年苏联解体,标志着苏联模式的彻底失败,继而走上了全盘私有化道路。当代中国私有财产权演变,可分为废除私有财产权阶段和促进私有财产权生长及保障阶段。1949年建国以来至1978年为第一阶段,这是中国共产党照搬苏联社会主义模式废除私有财产权阶段。这一阶段又可细分为两个步骤:第一步,党通过土地改革,在农村剥夺地主富农的私有财产;第二步,通过社会主义三大改造,剥夺了农村和城市所有人的私有财产权利,进而建设纯而又纯的公有制社会,即农村的集体所有制和城镇的全民所有制。剥夺私有财产主要有三种模式:一是农村对地主富农的暴力剥夺模式;二是农村集体化运动中的强制剥夺模式;三是城镇对资本家和私有业主强权威慑下的和平赎买模式。1978年改革以来为第二阶段,这是中国共产党抛弃苏联式的共产主义、走中国特色社会主义道路、在纯而又纯的公有制基础上促进私有财产权生长及保障阶段。中国当代私有财产权的生长呈现出以下三种不同的演进模式:一是农村私有财产权生长模式。党通过承认和鼓励农村家庭承包责任制,使农民获得空前的人身自由和土地承包经营权,农民的私有财产得到承认和增长。农村私有财产权生长模式主要体现在农民的伟大创造上。这些伟大创造,主要体现在包干到户、乡镇企业、兴办小城镇和进城务工等方面。包干到户革命性地开启了中国特色的农民土地财产权的生长空间;乡镇企业打破了“农村——农业、城市——工业”的格局,开创了中国特色的农村工业化道路;以乡镇企业为依托发展起来的小城镇,又打破了“农村——农民,城市——市民”的格局,革命性地开创了中国特色的农村城镇化道路;进城务工是中国农民在市场化改革的当代自发地从事非农产业、增加非农收入的又一伟大创造。农民的伟大创造,不但开辟了中国农民生存与发展的尊长天地,而且开辟了中国改革开放的新时代。二是城镇私有财产权生长模式。党将农村改革中取得的巨大成就运用于城镇改革之中,通过对国有企业的承包经营责任制以及允许城镇个体工商户的政策规定,发育了城镇的私有财产权观念和实践。城镇私有财产权生长主要体现在非公有制经济的发展上。非公有制经济的发展经历了思想解放、政策演进、立法保障和实践突破等过程。首先,党通过思想解放给非公有制经济的生长提供观念土壤;其次,党的政策进行相应调整,非公有制经济经历了从“公有制经济的补充”到“社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分”再到“平等竞争”、“平等保护”的平等主体的政策路径;再次,通过修改宪法和单行立法,将非公有制经济纳入宪法和法律保障的框架之内。有了政策的支持、法律的保障,非公有制经济在实践中不断取得大突破。从盲目崇拜公有制,到允许和鼓励非公有制经济的发展,中国的改革事业不断打开新的局面,非公有制经济得以蓬勃发展起来。三是经济特区私有财产权生长模式。党和国家通过在深圳等地设立经济特区,实行政策优惠,通过开放引进外资借助外力而促进私有财产权的生长。经济特区私有财产权的生长,主要归功于政治家和改革家的卓越创举。中国的政治家和改革家们,以巨大的理论勇气和政治智慧,在长期实行计划经济的社会主义中国,创办了进行市场经济试验的经济特区,为中国市场化改革打开了一个重大的决口,为日后中国名正言顺地确立的社会主义市场经济的改革目标奠定了基础。回顾1949年以来中国私有财产权演变的历史,我们发现,中国共产党主导了私有财产权的变迁,形成了中国在纯而又纯的公有制基础上发育和促进私有财产权生长的基本路径。中国共产党对私有财产权的认识是随着对社会主义本质认识的深入而演进的,对私有财产权的保障也是始终围绕着“以社会主义公有制为主体”和“共同富裕”这两项原则而渐次推进的。中国私有财产权的生长和保障源于中国共产党思想理论上的不断创新和人民群众的伟大实践,是中国特色社会主义理论不断深化的重要表现,表明了我国的社会主义既不是来自于马克思主义经典作家的个别论断,也不是照搬哪一国的发展模式,而是在中国共产党的领导下,在改革开放的伟大实践中,不断解放思想,总结经验和教训,集中全党和全国人民的智慧而探索出来的自己的道路。本研究通过对私有财产权演变的研究后认为,私有财产权的生长和保障为中国的经济发展和社会转型做出了巨大贡献,但也导致了中国收入分配结构和财产结构的重大变化,社会矛盾日渐凸现。如何提高国家创造、保护和配置财富的能力,已成为国家能力面临的严峻考验。回顾、反思和总结财产权利与制度变迁和国家成长的关系是当今社会主义者不可回避的重大理论和实践问题。

【Abstract】 Property and property rights are symbols of a civilized society. To promote and secure property rights is the most effective approach to wealth of people and mightiness of country.For a long time, there has been an antinomy between two perceptions on property. One thinks that private ownership is the root of all evil and property rights need to be abrogated to eliminate evil; the other advocates respecting and protecting property rights. Since the Human Being is selfish,the property rights is designed. Consequently two institutions of property rights were established: western capitalist countries established the institution of private property rights with inviolability of private property as the principle, and traditional socialist countries established the institution of property rights that "eliminating private property and implementing state ownership of property" .The property rights system ofsocialist countries is divided into two stages,traditional socialist countries property rightsand reform socialist countries property rights.The first stage began from 1918 to 1991,until Soviet Union collapsed,the other socialist countries regarded Soviet Union as a model,eliminated private property and implemented state ownership of property. The reform and opening China is the typicality which allowed and encouraged recovery and development of private economy on the pure basis of public ownership,sinc then, private property rights have recovered,grown and developed.The theory of Utopian socialism on property rights equated private ownership with private property rights. The theory of Marxist classical writers on property rights always insists on distinguishing the ownership system that belongs to the category of production relations from property rights that belong to the category of superstructure. The elimination of private ownership system advocated by Marx is only about eliminating the right of using private property to exploit others, rather than eliminating private property itself. The "reconstruction of personal ownership system" presented by Marx is in order to let individuals to realize private possession of means of production under a free and non-dissimilated condition. In former Soviet Union, socialists represented by Stalin dogmatically comprehend the Marxist theories and formed the "Stalin Mode" , which were taken as the highest standards by other socialist countries; they advocated implementing unitary socialist public ownership, pushed socialization and relativization of property rights to the extremity and resulted in prevalent poverty. In 1991, Soviet Union collapsed, which indicated the failure of Soviet mode and the beginning of complete privatization.The evolution of private property rights in contemporary China can be divided into two stages, eliminating private property rights and evolution private rights.Before the reform and opening since 1978, China copied the property institution of the former Soviet Union, and forcibly implemented unitary public ownership and deprived property rights with the following modes: the mode of forcible deprivation of properties of landlords and rich peasants through land reform in rural areas; forcible deprivation mode in rural collectivization movement; and peaceful redeem mode under powerful authority on capitalists and private owners in cities and towns.After 1978, the Communist Party of China abandoned the Soviet Union type of communism, step on the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics, and on the basis of unitary public ownership allowed and encouraged recovery and development of private economy, and since then private property rights have recovered, grown and developed. The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee started a new era of reform for China. The reform abandoned the Soviet Union type of communism, decided to walk on its own a path to build the socialism with Chinese characteristics. The growth of property rights in China presented three modes of evolution:The first is rural property rights growth mode. Through the Party’ s recognition and encouragement on rural household contracted responsibility system, the peasants acquired personal freedom and the right of contracted operation of land; their properties received acceptance and achieved growth, the creativity of peasants found its expression in fixing farm output quotas on a household basis, developing township and village enterprises, setting up small cities and towns, and taking up temporary or permanent jobs in cities, etc. The system of fixed farm output quotas on a household basis unlocks the beginning of the peasants land property rights;The township and village enterprises abolishes the situation which the agriculture can only be holded in the countryside,and the industry can only be holded in the cities,opening a rural industrializepath Chinese characteristics;The small coties and towns,which builded on the township and village enterprises,abolishes the situation which the man in the countryside only be a farmer and the men in the cities only be citizen,opening a rural town path with Chinese characteristics;Taking up temporary or permanent jobs in cities is also the great creativity of the Chinese peasants,which can increase the peasants income greatly.The creations of the peasants set China free from the shackle of Soviet Union mode and opened a new era of reform and opening.The second is the mode of urban property rights. The Party applied the achievements made in rural reform to urban reform, and through the contractual management responsibility system of state-owned enterprises and the policy of allowing small urban businesses of industry and commerce, it developed the concept and practice of property rights in urban areas. The growth of property rights in urban areas found its expression in the development of nonpublic economy. The growth of nonpublic economy found its expression in idealistic liberation,adjusting its policies,amendingthe Constitution and laws and offering support in practice ,etc. providing idealistic soil for the growth of property rights through idealistic liberation; secondly, the Party adjusted its policies, encouraging and guide the growth of property rights, offering people policy support to build up family fortunes, and providing support in practice for the growth of property rights; thirdly, through amending the Constitution and laws, the State put property rights under the protection of the Constitution and laws.and the finally,the nonpublic economy can develop rapidly under these supports.From the fetishism of public ownership, to allowing and encouraging the development of nonpublic economy, China’ s reform cause kept opening new pages and property rights were able to rapidly developed.The third is the mode of property rights in special economic zones. The Party and the State Government established special economic zones in Shenzhen and etc, and implement preferential policies, promoting the growth of private property rights through opening and inviting foreign investment. The credit of the growth of property rights in special economic zones goes to the creativity of politicians and reformers. With great theoretic courage and political wisdom, they established special zones for market economic experiment in China that had implemented planned economy for a long time, opened an important levee breach for the market-oriented reform, and laid the foundation for China for later justifiably establishing the reform objective of socialist market economy.Looking back on the history of evolution of property rights since 1949, we find out that the Party has played the leading role in China’ s evolution of property rights, and formed China’ s basic route of developing on the pure basis of public ownership and promoting growth of property rights, i.e.The understanding of the Communist Party of China about the private property rights gradually becomes profundity according to the understanding about the essence of the socialist countries.The protection about the private property rights also enclose these two principles,which socialist public ownership is the principal part and joint wealth.The growth and protection of the private property rights is the representative of the socialism with Chinese characteristics.That is to say,the road to socialism with Chinese characteristicsis the road on its own leading under the Communist Party of China,neither dogmatically comprehending Marxist theories,nor copying the other countries former.This study thinks the growth and protection of the private property rights has greatly contributed to China economic development and the social transfer,but it also causes great changs on the construction of the income assign and the property,the social conflict starts gradually. wealth is testing the Party’ s governing capability. To promote the State’ s ability of create and control wealth has become an important aspect of the State’ s capability. The testing of wealth on national capability finds its expression in three aspects: promotion of wealth creating; promotion of capability of protecting property; promotion of capability of allocating wealth. Looking back、considering and summarizing the relation among property rights、institutional evolution and national growth from the theory and the practice has become a great task of the socialist.

【关键词】 财产私有财产权演变模式
【Key words】 PropertyPrivate Property RightsEvolution Mode
  • 【分类号】D913;D03
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1071