

Exploring Values of Vocational Education in Existential Perspective

【作者】 卢洁莹

【导师】 王坤庆;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 人的生存是意义性生存。生存问题是时代的主题,职业教育是人的本真生存的开显,但现实职业教育却遗忘了人的本真生存。从本真生存对职业教育价值进行探讨很有必要。这种探讨对引导职业教育发展方向、改善职业教育生活、提升职业教育质量和建构职业教育基本理论具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。生存论揭示人的本真生存,借鉴生存论哲学研究方法论重建本真职业教育价值观,不仅能够弥补传统职业教育理论的缺陷,还能为重新认识职业教育理论中“人”、“促进人的生存质量提升”等核心观念提供新的理论基础。本文除引言外,主要由三部分构成:第一部分:基本理论研究。包括第一章、第二章和第三章。本部分主要探讨生存论视阈中职业教育的基本理论。第一章从职业教育基本概念分析开始,提出职业教育是人的生存彰显这一命题。职业教育与普通教育的区别在于职业教育对象是一定社会中具有追求自身价值的“特定学生”。本文所建构的职业教育与人文主义职业教育、“以人为本”和职业价值观教育的区别在于,职业教育价值观以人的本真生存为根基,而后三者都是以“职业”为立足点。第二章通过对中外“人与职业教育”关系的考察,认为职业教育一直关注人的生存,但需要转换职业教育研究的思维模式。第三章论述生存论对职业教育研究的方法论意义,同时从人的生存角度进一步探讨职业教育基本价值取向。生存论哲学揭示人的生存,生存论意义上的“生存”是一个力求人的生存真谛之反省或反省性概念。“生存”并非简单的“生命存活”,而是“生成着的存在”。生存论揭示本真生存,职业教育引导人进入本真生存。生存论认为人的生存既不同于物的实存,也不是抽象人的存在,而是具体个人的存在。职业教育是与人的生存密切联系的教育活动,职业教育的目的在于关注人的生存,人的生活幸福;在于激扬人的生命活力,在于促进人的发展,提升人的生存质量。从职业教育与人的生存以及生活的关系角度可以更加准确地确定本真职业教育的基本价值取向。生存论视阈中的职业教育不回避职业教育的工具性和功利价值;但职业教育更注重感性实践的人,并将人的生存与自然、社会、历史和文化联系起来;职业教育重视人的生存意义与价值追求;职业教育立足于当下的生存,并诉求人之本真生存。第二部分:实存职业教育现状及形成原因的具体分析,主要是第四章。传统职业教育是一种实存职业教育观,它将职业教育对象看作一种实际存在物。以“物”的方式看人,其内含三个隐喻,即职业教育是“机器人”的教育、“动物人”的教育和“次等人”的教育。此种职业教育观指导下的教育实践追求功利化教育目的、以“职业”规训课程内容,职业学校生活缺乏生机和活力。职业教育遗忘人的生活世界,淡漠人的生存意义和追求;异化学生的个体生存;忽视职业教育的本体功能。实存职业教育观形成原因有以下两个方面:一方面,中国传统儒家文化对职业教育的负面影响。儒家文化的等级性造成中国教育的等级性,使中国职业教育长期处于边缘化状态;儒家伦理使个体生存意识缺乏、生存主体性缺位;职业教育观念落后。将职业教育看成“就业”教育,将职业教育等同于“谋生”教育。职业教育简单化成“能力本位”教育。传统教育观忽略人的生存意义。另一方面,近代以来,工业革命的飞速发展带来的科学知识的霸权,工具理性膨胀,掌握“技术/技能”知识成为职业教育惟一的任务。职业教育最终成为国家社会经济发展的工具,人沦为职业的“奴隶”。第三部分:改革职业教育的现实思考。论文第五章对生存职业教育改革策略进行多维度思考。借鉴德国、美国和日本职业教育发展的有益经验,进一步从职业教育观念层面和实践层面进行探索。本文以为,在观念层面,应树立生存职业教育价值观:职业教育即人的尊严唤醒;职业教育课程即意义生成;职业教育评价即反思性实践。在实践层面,首先,应对生存职业教育目的重新定位:彰显个体价值和尊严;唤醒生命,激扬生命;引导受职业教育者在工作过程导向的实践教学情境中不断追求更高的生命境界。其次,调整职业教育课程内容,职业教育课程内容应包括社会生活课程、职业取向课程和学生生活经验课程。最后,重建职业教育评价体系,重新设置教育主体评价指标、教育活动评价指标和教育效果评价指标。

【Abstract】 Existere is the theme of the times. Vocational education is existere. But she is forgetting the human beings. Inquiring the values of her is inevitable. It is of great significance for us to guide the development of vocational education in a correct direction, adjust vocational education curriculum, improve the quality of it and build basic theory of it. On existentialism, it is meaningful for us to establish a theoretical basis of the values of it. This is able to borh eliminate a variety of unhealthy tendencies and understand the beings in vocational education, promoting the quality of the beings’ life.The dissertation is composed of three parts:PartⅠ: Basic theoretical researches include the first, second and third chapters. This part mainly discusses vocational education on existentialism. In the first chapter, from the key words of vocational education, vocational education means existere. General education and vocational education is distinguished. Chapter II discusses the relations between the human beings and vocational education in China and foreign countries. Vocational education is the survival of a significant. Chapter III explores further what vocational education is from human’s existere. The philosophy of existere revealed the existere. Specifically.The existere on Existentialism is the concept of self-examination or reflection to grasp existere. Existere is not simply the substances, but that the existere of generation. Vocational education is the show of existere. Existentialism revealed existere, vocational education guides to existere. It concerns about existere, different from existence, nor the abstract existence, but the existere of specific individuals.Vocational education is closed with existere, ties with the educational activities.Vocational education is aimed at the happy life,to arouse people’s vitality,to promote human development and improve people’s quality of life. Then, it proves the basic oriented-value in an angle of the relationship between vocational education and human survival and life .In an angle of the relationship between life and vocational education, vocational education itself is life, it should be based on immediate survival in order to be human beingsPartⅡ: Analysising the status and its reasons of existence vocational education. Chapters IV is included. The main problem in traditional vocational education is existence vocational education, in which existere were seen as existence. That’s to say, vocational education implies three metaphors: that is, vocational education equals to the robot education, animal-training and the second-class education. This kind of vocational education pursues substance, regulates the training courses by vocation, so school life is in the lack of vigor and vitality. It’s forgetting life-world and existere, alienated individual students to survive, forgetting vocational education functions in ontology. The reasons were mainly in three aspects: First, the traditional Chinese culture impacts on the development of vocational education. China’s traditional Confucian culture had very profound negative impacts on vocational education. In particular, the hierarchy of China’s education and vocational education in China caused the entire education system in the marginalized. Confucian ethics results the lack of awareness of existere, which is the main cause of the lack of thinking. Meanwhile, under the influence of them.What vocational education is was ignored. Vocational education is to be job-education, only for substance and capacity-based education. The basic shortcoming of the above three views is substantialism. The deep-seated reason lies in the expansion of the rational, which brought about the hegemony of scientific knowledge.To grab a means to life become all of vocational education. Vocational education runs as a means to both national socio-economic development and economic competitiveness.PartⅢ: Countermeasures. Chapter V is included. This part carries on mainly the reform of vocational education in different angles. First of all, the paper experiences the developped countries, such as Germany, the U.S.A and Japan. Secondly, values of exsistere vocational education is setted up. They include human dignity-awakening. Vocational education curriculum means the generating-significance.The evaluation is reflective practice. Third, vocational education purpose is repositioned.The paper discusses that the values highlight the value and dignity of the exsistere, awaken and arouse the human being’s life. It is to guide the educatedee to pursuit for a higher realm of life in the work-school.The promotion of existere can be achieved.The curriculum is adjusted, which include social life courses, vocational courses and student-experiencing courses.Finally, vocational education evaluation is reconstructed.

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