

On the Development Value of Educational Technology

【作者】 左明章

【导师】 郭元祥;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 回顾人类社会的历史,技术曾经创造了无数的奇迹,帮助人类实现了无数的梦想,我们自然会期待,技术也可以作为教育的革命性力量帮助人类实现教育的梦想。随着新技术大量应用于教育教学领域,掀起了一浪高过一浪的技术教育应用热潮,然而,不幸的是,技术理想主义者所心驰神往的“技术支持的教育革命”却迟迟没有到来。技术乐观论者认为技术对教育有着巨大的、毋庸置疑的价值,坚信技术是教育革命的决定性力量;技术悲观论者则怀疑技术的教育价值,他们可以证明教育技术的价值极其有限甚至对教育还存在着负面影响。教育技术真的有价值吗?在技术特别是当代的信息技术正大踏步进入教育领域的背景下,教育信息化已经成为历史发展不可逆转的趋势,我们无法拒绝技术,而是必须要思考:教育技术到底有什么价值?要回答这一问题,首先应对教育技术的发展历史与现实进行检视,吸取成功的经验,更重要的是须找到教育技术理论与实践中的问题。经过详细的历史与现实分析,本人认为,对教育技术价值问题认识不清的根源,在于对教育技术本质的理解存在问题,在于未能正确对待技术与教育的关系、技术与人的关系。因此,需要从技术本质的角度、技术与教育的关系的角度来认识教育技术的本质,需要从教育技术促进人发展的角度来分析教育技术的价值,并需要探讨教育技术何以能够及如何支持教师和学生的发展以实现教育技术的价值。本文从技术哲学角度来讨论教育技术,主要是借鉴技术哲学关于技术本质和技术价值观的相关认识,对教育技术的本质和教育技术的价值进行分析。通过对技术的含义和本质的分析,笔者认为,从内涵上讲,教育技术是为了满足教与学的需要而采用的物化技术和智能技术的总和;从本质上讲,教育技术是人类认识教育和改造教育的一种本质力量的体现,是现代教育的一种展现与解蔽方式,是技术理性在教育领域扩展的中介与具体形式。通过技术价值观的分析,笔者提出,教育技术价值的本真意义在于促进人的发展,教育技术价值的本质乃是发展价值。必须从促进人发展的角度设计与使用教育技术,人的发展既是教育技术的价值起点,也是教育技术价值最终实现与否的判断依据。教育技术的一切设计、开发、应用、推广等活动,都必须将人的发展放在最首要的位置,评判每一个教育技术产品、工具和活动,都是以人的发展作为唯一的价值尺度。文中还通过对教育技术与教师和学生的关系的分析,阐明了教育技术对教师和学生的价值二重性,并从实践层面阐述了教育技术发展价值实现的策略。文中对教育技术领域广泛存在的技术决定论、技术工具论、工具理性等观念展开了分析和批判,并认为教育技术是负荷价值的,在开展教育技术的价值批判的同时更应重视对教育技术价值观的建构。应辩证地看待教育技术的技术理性本质,因为技术理性是工具理性和价值理性的统一,要在弘扬价值理性的前提下设计和使用教育技术,要防止工具理性的过度膨胀挤压价值理性,也要避免过度夸大教育技术的负面作用而彻底否定技术理性。本文共分七个部分:绪论主要是提出问题和分析研究现状,并介绍了本文的研究思路、方法与主要内容;第一章通过教育技术的历史考察和现状分析,揭示了教育技术演变与技术观念变迁的过程,分析了当前教育技术领域所存在的主要问题,提出教育技术本质和价值问题研究的重要意义,并指出教育技术价值的研究必须指向人和人的发展;第二章以技术本质认识为基础,辩证地分析技术与教育的相互作用关系,对教育技术的涵义与本质进行了深入的讨论,阐明了基于技术哲学视角的教育技术本质;第三章以技术价值论为基础,对教育技术价值负荷问题、价值二重性问题进行讨论,对教育技术的技术理性进行批判性反思,指明教育中人的发展是教育技术的价值尺度,教育技术要关注生命的成长与发展,要为人的发展来设计和使用教育技术;第四章批判性地解析了技术与教师的关系,并对教师与教育技术的相互作用、教育技术对教师发展的作用、教师应掌握哪些技术和如何使用技术等方面进行了阐述;第五章分析了教育技术对学生发展的正负面影响,从学生的生活疆域、经验方式、学习过程等几个方面讨论了教育技术的作用,并从教育技术有利于发展学生信息素养和变革学生学习方式两个方面进行了分析;结语部分对全文进行了总结,并对教育技术价值问题研究的未来走向进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Looking back into the history of the world, countless miracles and dreams are realized by technology. Therefore, it’s inevitable for us to perceive information technology as an evolutionary factor leading to the fulfillment of our educational orientations and expectations. With the wide application of the information techniques in the educational practice, it has caused waves of profound innovations in educational concepts and its daily practices. However, it’s unlucky that the revolution of technical support education hankered after by technology idealists, hasn’t turned up yet. The technology idealists believe in the huge and doubtless value of technology application in education, so they are certain that technology is the dominant force of educational revolution. On the other side, the technology pessimists suspect value of technology in education, for they can prove the value of educational technology is extremely limited or sometimes even negative. Is it worthwhile to adopt the educational technology? Against the backdrop of technology especially information technology make available in the field of education widely , educational informatization has become irreversible trend, with which we can do nothing but to admit as it is, we must think it over that what is the value of educational technology on earth?If trying to seek the answer to the question, firstly we must probe the history and reality of the development in educational technology, most of all, the problems in theory and practice of educational technology should be pointed out. After detailedly analyzing the past and present, I think the central cause of misunderstanding the value of educational technology lies in the erroneous understanding towards the essence of educational technology and mishandling the relationship between technology and education, technology and human beings. Therefore, it requires us to cognize the essence of educational technology from both standpoints of the essence of technology and relationship between technology and education; it also requires us to analyze the value of educational technology from the standpoint of advancing mankind development, at the same time, it is of great significance to investigate how educational technology can enhance the development of teachers’ and students’ perception of its own values.This thesis investigates educational technology from the perspective of the philosophy of technology. It analyzes the essence and value of educational technology by mainly using the related cognitive theories in the technological essence and value for reference. Through analyzing the meaning and essence of technology, the author considers that: from the connotation, educational technology is a sum of embodied technology and intelligent technology to meet the requirements of teaching and learning; from the essence, educational technology is an embodiment of essential strength, a mode for modern education to display and uncover truth, a medium and concrete form for technical rationality to expand in the field of education. Though analyzing the technologic values, the author raises that the true sense of the value in educational technology is to promote mankind development, so its essence of value is the value of development. Educational technology must be applied from the standpoint of promoting human development, which is the origin of the value in educational technology and judgment basis to see whether its value realizes or not in the end. In all the design, development, application, extension, etc of educational technology, the first place should be taken by human development, which is also the only measure value to evaluate every product, tool and activity. This thesis also elucidates the value duality in educational technology towards teachers and students, and expounds the strategy of educational technology development value realization, through analyzing the relationship between educational technology and teachers and students.This thesis analyzes and criticize the concepts of technological determinism, instrumentalism of technology, instrumental rationality, etc ,which exist widely in the field of educational technology, the author also believes that educational technology is immensely valued, we should pay more attention to the construction of the value in educational technology at the same time criticizing it. The technological rational essence of educational technology should be treated dialectically, because technological rationality is the unification of instrumental and value rationality. Educational technology should be designed and made use of at the precondition of carrying forward the value rationality. It needs to be prevented the extrusion of value rationality caused by overexpansion of instrumental rationality and the utter denial of technological rationality caused by over-exaggerated negative aspects in educational technology.The thesis is composed of seven parts: The exordium mainly poses the problems and analyzes the existing circumstances, research thinking and methods are introduced in it, too; in chapter one, the author reveals the process of the evolution in educational technology and the changes in technical awareness, proposes the important meaning of the essence of educational technology and the research in value problem, puts forward that the research of educational technology value must point to mankind and mankind development, by analyzing the past and present of educational technology; chapter two is based upon the understanding of technological essence, it analyzes dialectically the interaction relationship between technology and education, and thoroughly discusses the connotation and essence of educational technology, elucidates the essence of educational technology from the perspective of philosophy of technology; chapter tree is based upon axiology of technology, it carries on the discussion to the problems of laden value and value duality in educational technology, it also has critical reflection on the technical rationality of instruction technology to designate that the value measure of educational technology is human development in education, the concern of educational technology is growth and development, the design and application of educational technology is for the purpose of human development; chapter four has a critical analysis on the relationship between technology and teachers, it expounds the interaction between teachers and educational technology, the acts on the development of teachers, what technologies should be mastered by teachers and how to use them well; chapter five analyzes the negative effects towards students from educational technology, it discussed the roles of educational technology from the factors of students’ life boundaries, experience mode and learning process. It also analyzes from two aspects: the positive role of educational technology to develop information literacy of students and the revolution to learning style; the last part is a summary, which gives prospects to the future trend of the problem research in educational technology value.

  • 【分类号】G40-057
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】4359