

On Zenggong’s Cultural Character and His Creation upon Poetry and Prose

【作者】 喻进芳

【导师】 戴建业;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 曾巩文化品格的形成与宋代文人社会有着密切的关系,曾巩对儒家“内圣之学”的开拓,影响了他的政治观、人生观,及其诗文创作。本文力图从儒道与人生、儒道与文学的关系入手,对曾巩的为人、为文作具体细致的分析。全文包括以下二部分:上编“文化品格”分为三章。第一章分析宋代士人的社会关怀和文化心态,曾巩文化品格的形成与北宋中期的儒学复古主义运动的关系。第二章阐述曾巩对“道”的理解和“道”对曾巩的影响。作为一名醇儒,曾巩对道的理解有着独特之处,曾巩的道偏重于心性修养,他认为一个人只要能“尽性”就能达到“诚”的境界,就可以同流于天地,因此他特别注重心性涵养,做到去就语默都不悖于理。由于他强调修身为本,他的政治思想以教化为主。第三章阐明曾巩的人生思考和处世方式,曾巩在现实生活中常以对道的持守来超越现实困境。下编“诗文创作”共六章。第一章分析曾巩的文道观,并与欧阳修、王安石、苏轼等古文家的文道观进行比较,他的文道观与他的哲学思想密切相关,由于他的政治思想重在教化,因此他很看重文学的社会政治功用。第二章对他的文章体式进行分析,包括九种文体。第三章着重从情感态度、文章结构、语言运用三个方面探讨其散文的艺术特点。第四章分析曾巩散文的语言特点。第五章阐述曾巩古文对宋代朱熹、明代唐宋派、清代桐城派的影响。第六章分析曾巩的诗歌主张及诗歌创作。对曾巩诗歌内容进行分析;对曾巩诗歌进行前后分期;对诗歌的语言运用、意境营造、情感态度三个方面进行分析。对曾巩诗歌的特点与缺点进行探讨,曾巩在诗歌创作上虽然谈不上是名家,但他以自己的创作实绩对宋调的形成起着推波助澜的作用。

【Abstract】 Zonggong’ s cultural character dated back to literati society of Song Dynasty, Zenggong focused on temperament training of Confuciannism. This influenced his standpoint of politics、view of life and his Poetry and Prose works.This essay discuss Zenggong’s life style、Poetry and Prose works which base on the relationship of Confuciannism and life、Confuciannism and liturature.Part one is concerned with Zenggong’ s cultural character. It is made up of three chapters. Chapter one is about sociel care and cultural psychology of Song Dynasty’ literati. that is, Zonggong’ s cultural character dated back to the mid-Song Dynasty when the society under a great change ,which had a deep influence on sociel culture. The formation of his cultural character is based on his thinking of Confuciannism and contemporary atmosphere. Chapter two is about Zonggong’ s view on "dao" and "dao" influence his thoughts. As a pure Confucian literati, Zenggong shows his distinctive view on "dao" .Zenggong thought that a person could attain sincerity if he payed attention to temperament training, and this person would change as universe. Due to emphasizing temperament training,his political thoughts stressed enlightening people by education. Chapter three is about Zenggong’ s life thinking and life style. he exceeded reality difficulty by lofty spirit which came from his persisting "dao" .The second part focus on Zenggong’ s poetry and prose works, including six chapters. Chapter one is about Zenggong’ s "wen dao doctrine" , his "wen dao doctrine" is linked with his philosiphy thoughts, because he stressed enlightening people by education,he focused on literature’ s politicle and social function. Chapter two disscusses Zenggong literary works’ form, including nine form of literary works. Chapter three is about Zenggong’ s prose style and the foundation’ cause from his feelings、structure and language. Chapter four is about Zenggong’ s prose language which includs Zenggong’ s thingking on language and his prose language feature. Chapter five is about Zenggong’ literature thoughts which influence upon Zhuxi of Song Dynasty, Tangsong group of Ming Dynasty and Tongcheng group of Qing Dynasty. Chapter five discusses the poetic content, the poetic periods and the poetic artistic manifestation, which contains three sections:language、the special expression and feelings. at last, focusing on feature and shortcoming of Zenggong’ poems. Zenggong’ poems are not excellent,but his working makes a stormy sea stormier to Song accent’ starting.

【关键词】 曾巩文化品格散文诗歌影响
【Key words】 Zenggongculture characterprosepoeminfluence
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】649