

【作者】 杨传林

【导师】 姜学民;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放三十年来,中国城乡劳动力市场分割的局面已经有了根本性改变,人口流动程度有了大幅度提高。然而,如此大规模的农村劳动力向城镇的转移并没有起到缩小城乡收入差距、地区收入差距的效果。中国特色的农民工问题形成的“二元”结构劳动力市场,现行的户籍管理制度等对人口流动的制约依然存在。从市场化国家成熟经验来看,农村劳动力向非农产业转移是大幅度缩小城乡差距的一个重要手段。这种转移的途径有两个,一是就地转移,二是向发达地区城市的转移。从当前现状和未来趋势来看,城市将是农村劳动力转移的重要地区。中国科学院可持续发展战略研究组提交的《2005中国可持续发展战略报告》提出:城市化是解决“三农”问题的根本出路。按人口城镇化率每年增加1个百分点测算,到2020年我国还将从农村转移出3亿左右的人口。如此大规模的人口流动显然是空前绝后的,其中可能蕴含的问题也是全新的,因此,不论是政府官员还是理论工作者都足以引起高度重视。近年来,由于积极推进城镇产业结构升级,实施城市带动农村、工业反哺农业的发展战略,人口城镇化率以每年超过1个百分点的速度增长。并且,各地政府合理规划,采取多种措施引导农村富余劳动力向非农产业转移,努力改善农民进城务工环境,促进农村劳动力有序流动。但是,应该看到,当前人口流动的障碍依然存在,集中反映在流动人口管理与服务体系严重滞后,亟待完善。具体表现在:流动人口就业、子女教育、医疗卫生、社会保障以及计划生育等方面的权益得不到有效保障,从而严重制约着人口的有序流动和合理分布,统筹城乡、区域协调发展面临困难。在中国市场化经济进程中,人口流动问题影响着劳动力资源的地域配置,影响着中国的城市化进程,进而影响着整个中国的经济增长。因此,有必要进一步考察制约劳动力流动的因素,使中国的人口流动与可持续发展形成有机的结合,这也是本文研究的目的和意义所在。本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的思想方法为指导,综合采用政治学、社会学、心理学、制度经济学等有关理论方法,从宏观出发,微观入手,注重调查研究,结合中国具体国情,对中国特色人口流动及劳动力转移问题进行系统的研究。本文所应用的具体理论和方法论如下:第一,历史与逻辑的统一。在理解社会制度的演变与人口流动的变化过程时,首先需要运用到的方法就是历史与逻辑的统一。在历史的变化过程中寻找到逻辑自洽的理论描述,在理论分析的整个过程中不能够有任何违背历史的环节。社会制度,例如户籍制度的形成、强化、松动和改革是重要的制度变迁,在变迁过程中有着明显的路径依赖,认识这一过程,理解各相关制度互相影响,共同变化的原因,历史与逻辑的统一是必须遵循、不可逾越的方法。第二,定性与定量相结合。本论文在研究过程中,较多地采用制度经济学常用的分析技术。这些分析手段以定性为主,它们是认识事物内在联系,进行逻辑推理必不可少的工具。但是,仅仅做定性分析是不够的,往往不能形成具体鲜明的结论。在论文的各章节里,都比较注重定量方法的运用。利用定量方法为论证过程提供具体、详尽的数据支持。可靠的数据是一座坚实的桥梁,把实际和理论紧密的结合起来。第三,模型分析方法。在经济分析中,模型分析是简化、抽象现实世界之后,有力构筑理论框架,支撑分析论点的重要方法。在本论文中,受国家统计系统统计数据的限制,我们只能以构筑理论模型为主,通过逻辑分析和问卷等各种社会调研检验模型。第四,规范和实证相结合。在本论文中,我们自始至终贯穿规范分析和实证分析相结合的方法。对于理论模型的分析和把握侧重于以规范分析为主,同时又通过大量的社会问卷调查及典型案例的分析等实证手段对此进行验证和补充。本研究包括导言在内共六章,沿着“背景分析→理论框架→实证研究→结论评述”的逻辑思路展开。第一章导言主要是提出问题,指出研究目的、意义、方法、框架及创新等论文的基本要素。第二章承前启后,提出具有中国特色的可持续发展基础上的人口流动论。中国特色的可持续发展以及中国特色的人口流动构成了整篇论文的基本理论框架。第三章综合考察古今中外农村城市化经验、教训及启示。第四章是对中国特色的农民工问题的研究。农民工问题是中国人口流动最大的特点和中国当代最重要的国情之一,对这一问题的研究将论文引向深入。第五章是对中国户籍管理制度的研究,户籍问题是造成中国人口现状最重要的制度根源,是农民工问题产生的制度基础,更是解读中国特色人口流动问题不可缺少的必然环节,对这一问题的研究和探讨为全文最终落脚于宏观经济政策的取向提供了过渡和基础。论文最后是结论部分。本论文的创新点主要体现于以下几个方面:第一,传统发展经济学所研究的经济类型主要是市场经济国家类型,经济理论的基本结论也是基于市场经济的逻辑之上的。对于我国这样有着明显自身特色的转轨国家,在不太容易借鉴其他国家人口流动与劳动力转移历程中的经验时,研究我国人口流动及劳动力转移的特殊规律,也是对发展经济学的丰富和发展。本论文以发展经济学为理论根基,以劳动力经济学为基本的方法论基础,在可持续发展的框架下,探讨具有中国特色人口的流动机制,既体现了发展经济学的新发展,又是对中国特色人口及劳动力理论的补充和完善。第二,由于受数据资料的限制,以往学术研究主要是通过规范分析的方法,定性的方法得出分析结论,本论文则以大量的数据、社会问卷调查以及典型地区的典型调查等方式为基础,侧重于定量和实证分析,从而所得出的结论更具说服力,可检验性强。尤其是对于农民工问题及户籍制度的研究更是如此。第三,户籍问题是造成中国特色人口流动的根源和制度基础,但是户籍制度同时又在中国历史上扮演过最重要的发展要素的角色,因此,如何全面的认识和把握这一问题是正确认识和处理中国特色人口流动问题的基础和前提。本论文以户籍制度的历史回顾展开研究,力求全面系统的分析中国户籍管理制度的产生与发展机制。本研究的不足主要体现于对于农民工问题及其发展趋势的研究未能深入展开。农民工是与中国改革开放相伴而生的,其本身也处于不断发展变化的过程中,本论文较多的是从宏观层面关注农民工问题,尽管注意到了宏观与微观层面的结合,但较少从农民工个人行为的微观视角来展开研究,对农民工个人及类型观察不够。当然,这也是农民工问题进一步深化研究的重要领域。

【Abstract】 Since 30-year reform and open policy, the division of rural and urban labor market has been changed basically and the population floating rage also increased largely. However, such a large scale labor force transfer from countryside to city doesn’t shorten the difference between the city and countryside’ revenue. The limitation to population movements such as the "duality labor market" caused by the Chinese characterized laborer problems and the household registration management system still exist.According to the mature experiences of marketing country, the laborer transferring from the countryside to the non-agriculture is an important means in reducing the city and countryside’ difference. It has two approaches, the first is local transfer and the second is developed country transfer. Based on the present reality and the future trend, the modernized city will be the mainly region of laborer transfer. Sustainable development strategy research team of CAS has submitted "the China’s sustainable development stratagem reports of 2005" which points that the city plan is the ultimately way in solving the "Three agricultural issues". If we go ahead in this way, until 2020 we will transfer around three hundreds million from countryside, which is unprecedented and might bring out many new problems. Therefore, it should be highly recognized by both officers and theory researchers.In recent years, on account of the city industry upgrading and the development strategy of City led the rural areas, industry nurturing agriculture, the urbanization rate increases by 1 percentage per year. Moreover, according to the reasonable programming and multifarious methods, the regional government leads the margin laborer in the countryside to the rich, tries to improve the work condition, and promote the fluxion of labor force in an order. Meanwhile, we should know that the barrier of the labor force fluxion which focuses on the management of floating population and Service system seriously lagged behind still exist and should be improved. For instance, the employment of floating population, family education, medical treatment, social security and also family planning can’t be protected. Consequently, it restricts the reasonable population distribution and orderly floating and the unity of city and countryside.In the process of Chinese market-oriented economy, floating population problem influences the geographical allocation of labor resources and the urbanization course of China, and finally the economic rise of the whole country. Thereby, we need to searching about the restrict factor of the labor force floating, and combining the population floating and the sustainable development organically, which is just the purpose and significance of this article.This article utilizes the dialectical materialism and the historical materialism for direction, integrating politics, sociology, psychics, system economics and other theoretic method, which starts from the macroscopically point of view, and implements to the microcosmic action, pays great importance to Investigation and research, integrates Chinese realities, makes a systemic research on Chinese population floating and transfer of labor force. The specifically theory and method as below:The first is the unity of history and logistic. In the process of comprehending evolvement of the regime and change of the floating population, the first method we should use is the unification of history and logistic. We should find out the theory described with Self-consistent logic in the changing process of history, and should not goes against history in the process of analyzing the theory. Social system such as the formation of the household registration system, strengthening, and relaxation of the reform is an important system changes, which has obvious route to depend on. Understanding of the process, the relevant systems affecting each other, and common causes of the changes, the unity of history and logic must be followed, and it’s the insurmountable method.The second is the combination of qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative approach is the most important one among these methods and they are the essential tools for understanding the internal links between objects and logic reasoning. However, qualitative analysis is not enough, since it cannot usually generate detailed and specific conclusions, and therefore, quantitative method is used frequently throughout the whole essay, in order to provide more detailed and specific data supporting for the argumentation process. Reliable data is always a solid bridge which makes close connections between the theories and practices.The third is the modeling analysis method. Within economy analysis, modeling analysis is an important methodology of theoretic framework construction and argument analysis basis by simplifying and abstracting the real world. In this essay, because of the limitations of data provided by national statistic system, we could only identify the modeling by constructing theoretic framework, logic analysis, questionnaires, and other social research modeling.The fourth is the integration of criterion and demonstration. In this paper, we always run through both standardized analysis and empirical analysis. The analysis of theoretical model uses the analysis of criterion mainly, but also by a large number of empirical means such as social surveys and analysis of typical cases to verify and supplement.This article is composed by six chapters including introduction, getting along with the way of "Background Analysis→Framework→Empirical Study Review→Conclusions". Chapter 1, introduction, puts forward the question about the purpose of the study, and also points out the basic elements like the significance, method, and innovative framework of the article. Chapter 2, inheriting the past, bring forward the theory of population floating with Chinese characteristics based on the sustainable development, which constitutes the basic thesis of the entire theoretical framework. Chapter 3 studies the ancient and modern urban farmers experiences, lessons and inspiration synthetically. Chapter 4 investigates the problems of migrant workers with Chinese characteristics The Migrant workers issue is the distinct characteristic of population floating and one of the most important current Chinese conditions, which leads this paper to deep research. Chapter 5 makes a research on China’s household registration management system, which is the most important institutional root of the current status of China’s population. And it’s also the system base of migrant workers problems, and the inevitable and indispensable part for reading the population floating with Chinese characteristics. The study and research of this issue provides the transition and basis for the whole essay to settle in macroeconomic policies. The final chapter is the conclusions.The creative aspects of the thesis are represented as follows:Firstly, traditional development economics by the type of economic research is mainly a market economy country type, and the basic conclusions of the economics theories are also based on the logic of market economics. However, for China, a country which is in transition and with special characteristics, it is not so easy to follow the examples of other country’s to investigate the issues of population floating and laborer transfer, which enriches and develops the development economics. This essay, based on development economics theories and the methodology of labor economics, under the frame of sustainable growth, discusses the Chinese characterized population floating mechanism, which will not only demonstrate the new development of development economics, but also complete and improve the Chinese characterized labor theories. Secondly, due to the limitation of the data, previous academic researches were mainly based on normative analysis and qualitative analysis to obtain the results and conclusion. Unlike the previous ones, this essay which emphases more on quantitative and empirical analysis uses plenty of data, questionnaires and surveys, and typical surveys in typical regions, in order to reach more convincing and examinable conclusion, especially for the studies of the issues of migrant workers and the household registration system.Thirdly, the household registration issue is the basic reason and system root of the populationfloating with Chinese characteristics, but it also played a most important role in the Chinese history. Therefore, how to fully understand and grasp this issue is the foundation and premise to deal with population floating with Chinese characteristics correctly. This thesis starts with the history of the household registration system, and tries to make a comprehensive and systematic analysis on the Chinese household registration management system and development mechanism.The disadvantage of this study lies in the lack of deep research of migrant workers and the development trends. The migrant worker, which evolves constantly, is associated with China’s reform and open policy. This paper pays more macro-level attention to the issue of migrant workers, which uses the macro-and micro-level of integration, but it lacks some research on the acts of migrant workers from the micro perspective, and the study of individual migrant worker and the types of personal observation is also not enough. Of course, this is also the important area of the migrant workers issue which needs to be studied and researched deeply.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】C924.2;F249.2
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】2258
  • 攻读期成果