

Study on the Dynamic of Biocommunity Structure and Biodiversity in Taipa-Coloane Reclamation Site, Macao

【作者】 梁华

【导师】 林小涛;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 水生生物学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本论文首次对澳门路凼填海区3个湿地包括莲花大桥滩涂湿地、路凼湿地及路凼邻区湿地的生物群落进行较为系统的研究,分析了红树林群落、底栖动物群落、底表动物群落、水鸟群落的结构特征、生物多样性及其时空动态变化,为澳门自然生态环境的研究提供基础资料。主要研究结果如下:1.红树林群落。2003年至2004年调查了莲花大桥滩涂红树林群落,并与1992年至1994年的路凼连贯公路滩涂红树林群落进行比较。莲花大桥滩涂红树林植物群落有6科6属6种,其中无瓣海桑Sonneratia apetala是外来入侵的物种。红树植物占莲花大桥滩涂红树林植物总数83.3%,半红树植物占总数16.7%。而以前路凼连贯公路滩涂红树林群落则有8科8属8种,其中红树植物及半红树植物各占总数50%。莲花大桥滩涂红树林植物种群的平均挤拥指数MCI最高是老鼠簕,约为462.40;而路凼连贯公路滩涂红树林群落的平均挤拥指数MCI最高是桐花树,约为311.86。路凼连贯公路滩涂红树林群落的生物多样性指数H′、Pielou均匀度指数及Simpson优势度指数远远大于莲花大桥滩涂红树林群落。相反,莲花大桥滩涂红树林群落的Margalef丰富度指数略大于路凼连贯公路滩涂红树林群落。2.大型底栖动物群落。于2004年对莲花大桥滩涂和路凼湿地的大型底栖动物群落进行周年调查。结果在两地共发现大型底栖动物38种,分别隶属于4门5纲24科,其中澳门莲花大桥滩涂的大型底栖动物有4门5纲23科34种,占两个湿地总种数的89%;路凼湿地大型底栖动物有3门4纲15科21种,占两个湿地物种数的55%。两个湿地大型底栖动物种数的季节变化表现为:莲花大桥滩涂春季19种、夏季20种、秋季20种、冬季12种,四季均出现的5种有:长尾虫Aspeudes sp.、光滑河篮蛤Potamocorbula laevis、光滑狭口螺Sternophyra gloabar、绷带腹螺Alvania ligata和日本拟背尾水虱Paraanthura japonica,长尾虫成为这里的优势种群;路凼湿地春季11种、夏季12种、秋季7种、冬季8种,四季均出现的3种包括:斜肋齿蜷Sermylariqueti、长尾虫Aspeudes sp.和瘤拟黑螺Melanoides tubercula,斜肋齿蜷成为这里的优势种群。莲花大桥滩涂大型底栖动物各季节的种数均高于路凼湿地,底栖动物的密度亦大于路凼湿地,而生物量则相反。两地相比,春秋莲花大桥底栖动物多样性指数较高,而冬夏路凼湿地的较高。3.底表动物群落。本研究在莲花大桥滩涂采到的大型底表动物共有31科58种,包括:鱼类36种、软件动物3种、甲壳动物19种。物种数目最多的是小型鱼类。底表动物在春季出现24种,夏季30种,秋季37种,冬季31种。各季度出现频数F=1-4,其中仅在一季出现的有21种,两季出现的有18种,三季出现的有11种,四季均出现的有8种。样本个体数量以冬季最多,为1336尾,样本总重量亦以冬季最大约2385.6g。而春季数量最少,仅296尾,重1835.4g。全年累计在高潮区采到938尾,计35种,中潮区共采到1547尾,计42种,低潮区共采到531尾,计40种。在四个季节中大型底表动物的优势种群均是脊尾白虾Palaemon carinicauda,其数量最高,占总数的52.02%,重量占总重量的35.38%。在四季中,大型底表动物的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、均匀性指数(J)、丰富度指数(D)和优势度指数(Sp)的变化,除丰富度指数以夏季最高外,其余3个生物多样性指标均以春季最高。多样性指数和均匀性指数以冬季最低,而丰富度指数和优势度指数以秋季最低。4.水鸟群落。2003年至2004年间对澳门路凼填海区三个湿地的水鸟进行调查,记录到三个湿地共有83种,隶属6目15科。其中莲花大桥滩涂48种、路凼湿地50种和路凼邻区湿地75种。水鸟地理区系以古北种最多,约有56种;其次是广布种,约有23种;东洋种只有4种。居留型以冬候鸟和过境鸟为主,其中莲花大桥滩涂冬候鸟19种,占三个湿地水鸟种类总数的22.89%,过境鸟17种占20.48%;路凼湿地冬候鸟18种,占水鸟种类总数的21.69%,过境鸟25种,占30.12%:路凼邻区湿地冬候鸟26种,占31.33%,过境鸟39种,占46.99%。生态类群主要是涉禽类及游禽类,这两种类群在3个湿地出现的种类数占三个湿地水鸟种类总数的比例分别为:莲花大桥滩涂涉禽39种,占三个湿地水鸟种类总数的46.99%,游禽9种,占10.84%;路凼湿地涉禽40种,占48.19%,游禽10种占12.05%;路凼邻区湿地涉禽63种,占75.90%,游禽12种,占14.46%。2003年至2004年,以路凼邻区湿地的物种多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数和Pielou均匀度指数最高,分别是2.77、7.10和0.64,而Simpson优势度指数以路凼湿地和莲花大桥滩涂较大,约为0.16。水鸟多样性的季度变化,以春季的生物多样性指数和Margalef丰富度指数最大,分别是3.11及7.50,出现于路凼邻区湿地。Pielou均匀度指数和Simpson优势度指数的最大值,发生于夏季及冬季,分别约为0.80和0.38,出现于路凼湿地。

【Abstract】 The spatio-temporal variation of the structure of the mangrove community, macrobenthic community, epifaunal community and waterbird community in the Taipa-Coloane reclamation site, including the Lotus Flower Bridge mudflat, Taipa-Coloane wetland and the wetland near the Taipa-Coloane area, were studied in this paper. The results were indicated as following:1 .A study on the mangrove plant in the mudflat of Lotus Flower Bridge was carried out from 2003 to 2004, and the result was compared to the investigation of mangrove community of Taipa-Coloane causeway mudflat from 1992 to 1994.There are 6 families, 6 genera, 6 species in the Lotus Flower Bridge mudflat. The mangrove species and the semi-mangrove species were respectively account for 83.3% and 16.7% of the total studied plants in the Lotus Flower Bridge mudflat.There are 8 families, 8 genera, 8 species in the mangrove community of Taipa-Coloane causeway mudflat and the mangrove species and the semi-mangrove species were respectively account for 50% of the total recorded plants in the Taipa-Coloane causeway mudflat.The MCI of Acanthu ilicifolius, with the value of 462.3975, was the highest of the mangrove plants in the Lotus Flower Bridge mudflat, and that of Aegiceras comiculatum, with the value of 311.8578, was the highest in the Taipa-Coloane causeway mudflat. The Margalef’s species richness of the mangrove community had no abvious difference between Lotus Flower Bridge mudflat and Taipa-Coloane causeway mudflat, but the Shannon-Wiener index, Pelou’s evenness index and Simpson dominance index of mangrove community were low in the Lotus Flower Bridge mudflat.2.These seasonal variations of macrofauna community structure were researched were examed on the mud flat of the Lotus flower bridge and the Taipa-Coloane of Macao in 2004. The results showed that 38 species of the macrofauna were identified in the mud flat of the Lotus flower bridge and the Taipa-Coloane of Macao, belonging to24 families, 5 classes, and 4 phyla.We found a total of 34 species in the mud flat of the Lotus flower bridge of Macao, belonging to23 families, 5 classes, and 4 phyla. The macrofauna of the mud flat of the Lotus flower bridge constituted 89 % of all species of two mud flats. There were 21 species in the mud flat of the Taipa-Coloane of Macao, belonging to15 families,4 classes,and 3 phyla, and they constituted 55 % of all species of the two mud flat.The number of the species of macrofauna of the Lotus flower bridge mudflat in the spring, summer, autumn and winter were respectively 19, 20, 20 and 12, respectively. The Aspeudes sp., Potamocorbula laevis , Sternophyra gloabar , Alvania ligata and Paraanthura japonica were discovered in the four seasons of the Lotus flower bridge mudflat. The number of the species of macrofauna of the Taipa-Coloane wetland in the spring, summer, autumn and winter were respectively 11, 12, 7 and 8. Sermyla riqueti , Aspeudes sp and Melanoides tubercula were discovered in every season of the mud flat of the Taipa-Coloane wetland. The results also indicated that the species number of the mud flat of the Lotus flower bridge was higher than that of the mud flat of the Taipa-Coloane in every season.3.The seasonal investigation were performed in the intertidal flat of Lotus Flower Bridge in 2004. The results indicated that there recorded 58 species of epifauna on the mud flat, which belong to 31 families, including 3 species of molluscks, 19 species of crustacean and 36 species of fishes. The main species of epifauna were fish which are generally small species with slow activity. They are usually discovered in the coast of the South China Sea and became the natural food for the large size fishes and waterbirds.Epifauna community had 24 species in spring, 30 species in summer, 37 species in autumn and 31 species in winter. The number of species occurring frequency in spring, summer, autumn, and winter were 21, 18, 11 and 8, respectively. The individual number and total fresh weight were the largest in winter, which were 1336 inds and 2385.6g, respectively, while the individual number and total fresh weight were small in the spring, with the values of 296 inds and 1835.4g, respectively. The individual number and species were discovered 938 inds and 35 species at high tidal flat, 1547 inds and 42 species at middle tidal flat, and 531 inds and 40 species at low tidal flat. The dominant species of benthos were Palaemon carinicauda in four seasons. The largest individual number and the heaviest fresh weight of the dominant species were 52.02% of the total individual number and 35.38% of the total fresh weight. Four species diversity indices (the Shannon-Wiener index, Pelou’s evenness index, Margalef’s species richness index and Simpon index)of the benthic community were various in the four seasons. Margalef’s species richness index was the highest in the Summer, and the other values were the highest in the Spring. The values of Shannon-Wiener index and Pelou’s evenness index were low in the Winter,and Margalef’s species richness index and Simpon index were low in the Autumn.4.The investigation on the waterbirds in the Taipa-Coloane reclamation site, which included the Lotus Flower Bridge, the Taipa-Coloane and the wetland near the Taipa-Coloane area were conducted in 2003 - 2004. The result revealed that there are 83 species of waterbirds in the reclamation site. 40 species of these birds can be found in the Lotus Flower Bridge wetland, 50 species can be found in the Taipa-Coloane wetland and 75 species can be found in the wetland near the Taipa-Coloane zone, and they respectively accounted for 57.83%, 60.24% and 90.36% of the total waterbirds recorded in Macao Taipa-Coloane reclamation site. In these 83 waterbirds species, 56 of which are Palaearctic birds, 23 are widespread birds and 4 are Oriental birds.Both the winter birds and Passage migrant were dominant in the Taipa-Coloane reclamation site in Macao, among which 19 species of winter birds and 17 species of Passage migrant were found in the Lotus Flower Bridge wetland, respectively accounting for 22.89% and 20.48% of the total number of types of waterbirds recorded in the Taipa-Coloane reclamation site. 18 species of winter birds and 25 species of Passage migrant were in the Taipa-Coloane wetland, which account for 21.69% and 30.12% of the total number of waterbirds recorded in the Taipa-Coloane reclamation site. 26 species of winterbirds and 39 species of Passage migrant were found in the wetland near the Taipa-Coloane area, which account for 31.33% and 46.99% of the total number of waterbirds found in the Taipa-Coloane reclamation site.In these waterbirds, 39 species of wader birds and 9 species of swim birds were in the Lotus Flower Bridge wetland, which account for 46.99% and 10.84% of the total number of waterbirds in Macao, respectively. 40 species of wader birds and 10 species of swim birds were in the Taipa-Coloane wetland, which account for 48.19% and 12.05% of the total number of waterbirds in Macao, respectively. 63 species of wader birds and 12 species of swimmer birds were recorded in the wetland near the Taipa-Coloane zone, which account for 75.90% and 14.47% of the total number of types of waterbirds recorded in Macao.The Shannon-Weiner index, Margalef species richness index and Pielou equitability index of the wetland near the Taipa-Coloane area, with the values of 2.77, 7.10 and 0.64, respectively, were higher than other wetlands from 2003 to 2004. The Simpson dominance index of the Taipa-Coloane wetland and the Lotus Flower Bridge wetland, with the value of 0.16, was higher than that of the wetland near the Taipa-Coloane area in the same season. In the spring, the Shannon-Weiner and the Margalef species richness index of the wetland near the Taipa-Coloane area, with the values of 3.11 and 7.50, respectively, were higher than those of other wetlands. In the Summer and Winter, the Pielou equitability index and the Simpson dominance index of the Taipa-Coloane wetland, with the values of 0.80 and 0.38, respectively, were higher than those of other wetlands.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期