

The Influence of Taoist on BeiJing School Novels

【作者】 冯晖

【导师】 刘绍瑾;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 从20世纪初伊始,关于传统与现代、东方与西方的交融、碰撞与选择,就已成为一个热点话题,且这个话题历久弥新,一直延续至当下。老子和庄子作为中国传统哲学、美学的重要资源,在中西文化碰撞的现代语境中,以何种姿态进入现代文学视野,浸濡了中西文化的现代作家又如何阐释、接受与消化老庄,理所当然是这个热点话题的题中之义。本论文“京派小说与道家因缘”即是通过比较诗学中的影响研究、原型研究、文学人类学与阐释学相结合的方法与视野,考察老庄这一古典美学资源在主题、文学观、人生意蕴、美学表现等方面对京派小说的影响,显示出它参与中国现代小说建构的方式与途径,进而呈现道家对于中国现代文学审美品格形成的价值和意义。京派小说家为数甚众,为严谨起见,本文选取五位有确凿证据表明确与老子、庄子有深刻“道”缘而又能代表京派小说最高成就的作家:废名、沈从文、凌叔华、卢焚与汪曾祺,并以他们的作品作为分析与阐释对象,从中追源出它们与老庄的美学与文化渊源,以显示出现代文学在脱离草创期走向成熟期时对传统文化的理性接纳与创造性转化。由于京派小说对老庄美学的吸收与接受,使得它成为中国现代文学史上“纯文学精神”的象征,而这显然能为当下所热议的“中国古典美学、古代文论的现代转换”这一重要理论问题出示一份鲜活的个案并提供重要启示。

【Abstract】 From the beginning of the 20th century on, the communication between tradition and modern, east and west has been under vehement discussion. As an important aesthetic resource of Chinese traditional philosophy and aesthetics, Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu have exerted great influence to the modern writers under this cross-cultural context. The way those modern writers interpreted and assimilated the two philosophers’ ideas undoubtedly became the bull’s eye during this discussion. With the approaches of archetypal research, comparative study, and the combined method of literary humanity and hermeneutics, this dissertation endeavors to probe how Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu’s aesthetics has influenced Beijing School novels on topics, literary value, outlook on life, aesthetic representation and etc., so as to show how the two philosophers’ ideas find their way into China’s modern novels and further emphasize the importance of Taoist to the aesthetic formation of Chinese modern novels.Of the many novelists belonging to the "Beijing School", only five (Fei Ming, Sheng Congwen, Ling Shuhua, Lu Fen and Wang Zengqi) can best represent the Taoist and have made astonishing achievements in this field. This dissertation will focus on their works and analyze their cultural and aesthetic links with traditional Taoist aesthetics, thus to explain how Chinese Modern Literature transited to traditional Chinese culture during the growing process from infantry to maturity. With the acceptance of Taoist aesthetics, Beijing School novels has become the symbol of "Pure Literary Spirit" in Chinese modern literature history, providing a vivid case study for the current popular topic of "the Modern Transition of Chinese Classical Aesthetics and Literary Theory".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期