

A Study of "Han’s Family with Phoenix Trees Around" in Chinese Song Dynasty

【作者】 杨恒平

【导师】 张其凡;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 历史学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 桐木韩氏家族,是宋代极具代表性的以政治、学术显世的北方世宦大族。其家族从韩亿以科举入仕,身居宰执高位。至其子韩综、韩绛、韩维、韩缜一代,产生了两宰相、一副宰相、一知制诰,衣冠之盛,一时为天下冠,传为当朝佳话。后世也能传承其忠孝家法,考取进士,成为台谏、馆阁等朝廷近臣。而且,其家族主要生活中北宋中后期,家族成员又多为朝廷重臣,尤其是韩绛、韩维及韩缜,又各有政治主张,故对当时的政治影响不容忽视。宋朝南渡,又涌现出韩元吉、韩淲父子,韩元吉官居二品,与其子又以文声名世,对当时的政治、学术,都具有重要影响,仍能维系其家声。故桐木韩氏在仕宦上走向家族事业的巅峰的同时,其家族在学术方面的成就同样也需要认真考量。本文考察了其家里籍变迁及世系传承情况,在窥其家发展踪迹的基础上,重点研究了韩氏起家的关键人物韩亿及其子韩综、韩绛等兄弟一代,对韩氏兄弟在政治上的成就及对当时政治的影响作了相应论述。北宋中后期及宋室南渡后,韩氏家族步入衰落,结合其家族的代表人物,分析了其家道中衰之缘由,并对韩元吉时虽再次兴起,维系其家声不坠,最终仍未达到韩绛等一代时高度的情况进行考察,结合当时政治环境作相关分析。同时,对其婚姻及家庭生活作全面研究,分析婚姻及家庭生活对其家族兴衰发展的影响。结合当时社会背景,对其家族整体交游情况进行考述,分析其交游圈子为维持其家族的长盛不衰的积极因素及消极影响。又对其家族学术成就进行了探讨,并对其家族文献的现存情况及散佚文献情况作了系统地考证。纵观桐木韩氏家族的发展历程,不难发现,作为北人的韩氏家族,由平民家族,通过科举,逐步迈向世宦大族的巅峰。科举和当时政治大环境对贵显家族的发展至关重要,诸如韩氏家族的兴衰往往可以窥见整个宋朝兴衰发展的轨迹。附录是为韩氏整个家族所编的大事简表,为更好地了解其家族迁移兴衰提供帮助。

【Abstract】 Han’s(a surname) Family,with Phoenix Trees around,is an extremely typical one in northern Song Dynasty,renowned for politics and learning.The family started to become noble owing to literature from a member called Han Yi and he himself occupied a high position of prime minister in that Dynasty.Of his sons(Han Zong, Han Jang,Han Wei and Han Zhen),two assumed the office of prime minister,one became the vice prime minister and one was the official who wrote rescripts for the emperor.As it were,this family reached the highest nobility and enjoyed the greatest reputation for a long time.In addition,his descendants could also inherit his family tradition—gaining official positions through examination and devoting themselves to the Court as emperor’s favorite officials.Because many of his family members held high official positions in the Court,his family has great influence on both politics and learning of that time,which also kept the family’s reputation.Therefore,besides their achievement in politics,the learning achieved by Han’s Family is worth studying as well.This paper probes into the change of Han’s Family and its lineage so as to look at the trace of his family development.It focuses on the studies of the key figure—Han Yi,who made his family eminent,and his sons including Han Zong and Han Jiang, who pushed the family to the peak of nobility and had great influence on the politics of that time.In the middle-late Northern Song Dynasty and after Song Court moved to the South,the Han’s family gradually weakened,so the paper analyzes the reason by studying the typical family members then.The family rose again in Han Yuanji’s time but it was not as prosperous as it was in Han Jiang’s time,therefore,the paper also probes into the situation and analyzes it with the political environment then.In the meantime,the paper makes an all-around study of Han’s marriage and his family life and analyzes the influence of marriage and his family life on the up-down development of his family.It makes a survey of the whole social circle of his family and analyzes the positive and negative factors which kept his family ever-unfading with the help of his social circle.Finally,the paper explores the academic achievement of Han’s Family and makes a systematic research of the family’s existing literature and the lost.It is not difficult for us,following the developing line of Han’s family,to understand how his family gradually reached the peak of power from an average family.Chinese imperial examination system and the macro-environment then played an un-substitutive role in the development of eminent families.For example,the ebb and flow of Han’s family mirrors the developing track of Song Dynasty from up to down.The appendix is a list of the great events of Han’s Family,which will make it easier to understand the move as well as the ebb and flow of the family.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】771