

Study on Sustainable Development of Golf Course

【作者】 张家骕

【导师】 夏洪胜;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 随着经济的发展,我国高尔夫球场从无到有,数量迅速增加,消费人群也随之壮大,但由于政府管理缺位和企业管理水平低下,导致了在高尔夫球场开发经营过程中资源占用过度、浪费严重等现象普遍存在,影响了高尔夫球场的可持续发展,使得我国的高尔夫球场开发经营引起了很多争议。为推动我国高尔夫球场的可持续发展,本文针对现存主要矛盾,运用可持续发展理论和循环经济理论提出了高尔夫球场可持续发展的循环经济模式,为解决高尔夫球场的可持续发展提供理论指导。本文首先评述了国内外关于高尔夫球场、循环经济和可持续发展的相关研究,并在对本文研究对象实地调研、案例分析的基础上,对我国高尔夫球场发展现状和问题以及与本文研究相关的可持续发展理论、循环经济理论、系统动力学理论、高尔夫经济理论、政府作用理论和绿色营销理论进行了理论研究;以此为基础,通过开放式问卷、封闭式问卷以及专家访谈收集数据,运用因子分析中的主成分分析法论证了我国高尔夫球场的可持续发展受政策因素、资源因素、环境因素、绩效因素以及社会需求因素这五大因素的影响,并分别对五大因素进行了分析,接着对五大影响因素进行了集成,建立了定量描述高尔夫球场系统发展态势的可持续发展度模型,并运用层次分析法确定了五大因素的影响权重,得出度量指标的综合集成方法,并对高尔夫球场可持续发展度进行评价,给出判据。最后就具体如何实现高尔夫球场的可持续发展,本文首先阐述了高尔夫球场可持续发展的系统动力学机制,揭示了其中的反馈回路和时间滞后原理,接着提出了实现高尔夫球场可持续发展的循环经济模式,具体以系统动力学理论为基础提出了对五种流(政策流、资源流、环境流、绩效流以及社会流)的循环经济管控模式。

【Abstract】 With the development of economy, starting from the scratch, the quantity of golf course in our country increases rapidly, followed by the increasingly large amount of consumers. However, lacking of management of government and low level of management of enterprise cause over-expenditure and waste of resources, and affect the sustainable development of golf course. As a result, there are many disputes over the development and management of golf course. To impel the sustainable development of golf course, aiming at the current main contradictions, using sustainable development theory and recycle economic theory, this thesis proposes recycle economic pattern of sustainable development of golf course, which is a theoretic guide for the sustainable development of golf course. This thesis is organized as follows.First describes related study on golf course, recycle economy and sustainable development, and after empirical investigation and case study, related researches about theory of recycle economics, theory of sustainable development, theory of government functions, theory of golf economy, theory of system dynamics and theory of green marketing are conducted. Based on that, using Principle Analysis method to analyze data collected by open questionnaire and closed questionnaire and expert interview, it demonstrates that the sustainable development are influenced by policy, resource, environment , performance and social demand. Then it analyzes these five factors respectively and integrates them, and obtains sustainable development degree model describing systematically developing trends of golf course quantificationally. In addition, it determines the effect weights of these five factors by hierarchical method and gets synthetic integrating method for measuring indexes, appraises the sustainable development degree of golf course and makes conclusion. Finally, to fulfill the sustainable development of golf course specifically, it discusses systematic dynamic mechanism of the sustainable development of golf course at first, and discloses its feedback loop and time lagged principle. After that, it proposes the recycle economic mode of sustainable development of golf course, which is based on the recycle economic management and control mode of the five flows, namely, policy flow, resource flow, environment flow, performance flow and social flow.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期