

"Non-Market Economy Status" and China’s Foreign Policy

【作者】 宋敏

【导师】 符启林; 王子昌;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国际关系, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 当今国际贸易救济制度中有关中国“非市场经济地位”的相关规定已经严重危及中国正常的对外贸易和中国的国家利益。这首先是因为与“非市场经济地位”规定相关的、在反倾销调查中确定倾销成立与幅度的替代国制度、反倾销报复中的一国一税制度让中国很难做出有力和到位的回应。其次,由于受“非市场经济”条款的约束,国外对华反补贴调查中也大量采用替代国的方法确定补贴率,从而更容易做出补贴成立的裁决、征收更高的反补贴税。另外,专门针对中国制定的特保措施设定了比一般的保障措施更低的门槛,这又成为国外对华滥用保障措施的根源。“非市场经济”问题是冷战思维在国际贸易领域的遗留的具体表现,其提出有着深刻的历史和政治背景,美国在该规则的产生和演变过程之中起着决定性的领导作用。中国在“入世”谈判中,为了早一些融入到WTO所倡导的、以保护自由公平竞争为目标的多边贸易体制中,分享全球经济一体化带来的利益,权衡利弊后在相关入世协议中加入了“非市场经济”条款,这就为其他国家抵制或限制从中国进口的产品提供了“合法的”借口。“非市场经济”问题对中国的影响反映在反倾销、反补贴和特保措施等国际贸易救济的整个体系中。受中国“非市场经济地位”相关规定的影响,中国不仅连续12年多成为世界上受反倾销危害最大的国家,而且也已经成为受反补贴措施危害最大的国家。反补贴调查的对象不仅包括涉案企业,而且包括政府的宏观经济政策,因而对中国的经济、政治和外交都造成了严重影响。对中国的“非市场经济地位”问题,我们既不能盲目乐观,也不能认为其无关大局、等闲视之,而是要理性看待、冷静分析欧美等发达国家在此问题上的真实意图和要价,通过合理利用、参与构建WTO贸易政策评审机制、WTO争端解决机制等多边机制以及建立区域经济一体化和自由贸易区等多种手段,并针对各国不同的利益诉求与之建立多层次、立体化的外交策略,重点争取美国、欧盟等中国主要贸易伙伴承认中国的市场经济地位,从而以点带面,争取在全球范围内尽早解决中国的市场经济地位问题,将可能遭受的损失降到最低,维护国家的经济利益和政治利益。

【Abstract】 The provisions on China’s "Non-Market Economy Status" in the current international trade remedy laws have been gravely endangering China’s proper external trade and national interest. Firstly, because the "surrogate approach" which is pertinent to the provisions of "Non-Market Economy Status" and used to establishing the existence of dumping as well as the dumping margin and "single countrywide duty rule" in the antidumping retaliation make China fail to make strong and suitable reaction. Secondly, owing to the restriction of "Non-Market Economy Status" provisions, overseas anti-subsidy investigations on China also adopt largely the surrogate country method to determine the subsidy ratio so as to make the decision of the existence of subsidy easily and levy the higher anti-subsidy tax. In addition, the special safeguards aiming at Chinese product enact the lower standard than that of general safeguards, which again become the roots of overseas abuses of protection measures aiming at China.The issue of "Non-Market Economy Status" is reservations of the cold war thinking in area of international trade, which birth has profound background of history and politics. The United States of America had played the decisive leading role in the process of this rule’s birth and evolvement.In China’s negotiations of "Access to the WTO", after balancing the advantages and disadvantages, China had added the "Non-Market Economy Status" provisions to the certain agreement on access to the WTO in order to integrate into the multilateral trade system——advocated by the WTO and aimed at protecting free and fair competition earlier, and to share the benefits of global economic integration, which gives the other countries the legal excuses on rejecting or restricting the products imported from China.The impact of the issue of "Non-Market Economy Status" reflects in the whole system of anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and specific safeguards. Influenced by the relative provisions on China’s "Non-Market Economy Status", China not only became the biggest country harmed by anti-dumping in more than 12 years, but became the biggest country injured by anti-subsidy measures. The objects investigated in anti-subsidy procedure include not only the company involved but the government’s macro-economic policies as well, which therefore affects severely China’s economy, politics and diplomacy.As to the issue of "Non-Market Economy Status", we should neither blindly feel optimistic nor fell neglected, but look at it rationally and analyze calmly the real intention and charges of western countries on this issue. To solve this issue, we should firstly make good use of and participate in the construction of the WTO Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM), the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism and other multilateral mechanisms, as well as establish the Regional Economic Integration and Free Trade Area. In addition, we should establish multilevel and tri-dimensional diplomatic strategy with western countries according to their respectively interest demands. In order to decrease the possible losses to a minimum and safeguard China’s economic interests and political interests, China should focus on persuading its major trading partners, such as the United States and the European Union, to recognize China’s market economy status, thereby struggle to resolve the issue of China’s "Non-Market Economy Status" thoroughly as soon as possible.

【关键词】 非市场经济地位规则实质影响外交策略
【Key words】 Non-market Economy StatusRulesEssenceImpactForeign Policy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期