

The Periodicals of Selected Works and the Development of Contemporary Novels

【作者】 罗执廷

【导师】 朱寿桐;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本论文以在当代文坛颇有影响的《小说月报》《小说选刊》《中篇小说选刊》等当代性文学选刊为研究对象,深入考察了它们对当代小说发展的多方面的促进作用,并分析总结了其运作的经验与作用的方式,揭示了其运行的逻辑根据。此外,本论文还分析反思了选刊现存的一些问题,提出了一些建议和对策,希望以此重构出较为理想的当代文选机制及运作模式,使其更好地发挥积极作用。论文共分三大部分:绪论部分:概述了当代文学选刊的产生与发展,选刊在当代文坛的角色和地位,提出了选题意义和研究思路。认为选刊兼具文学传播、文学评价、生产导引三重角色,是当代文学场中的一个重要存在,一股重要的文学运作力量,对繁荣当代小说、促进其发展具有显著功绩。认为研究选刊可以对这种当代性文选(包括选刊、年选本、作品选等)的运作起到参考、指导作用。正文部分:第一章,考察了选刊在“扶植作家成长”、“推动创作潮流”、“文学导向”三个方面对当代小说的繁荣与发展起到的作用,认为选刊培植了一代中国作家的中坚,推动了“改革小说”、“新写实小说”、“现实主义冲击波小说”、“底层叙事”这些小说潮流,并引导了当代小说的现实诉求。第二章,归纳出了选刊作用于小说发展的几种主要模式——发现模式、集结模式、倡导模式、炒作模式,认为选刊通过这些模式有效介入了当代小说的发展。第三章,分析了选刊运行及发挥作用的内在逻辑根据——信任问题,分析了信任的生成(公信力)、转化(权威与权力)以及选刊公信力与权威性的维护等问题。认为选刊运行和起作用的逻辑基础不是权力,而是信任及由此生成的公信力与权威性,信任主要产生于受众的需要和选刊自身品质、能力、表现的遇合,选刊应该从其内在品质入手维护和提升其公信力与权威性。余论:分析了选刊所存在的负面问题及问题的根源,从“谁来办”、“为谁办”、“怎样办”等方面重构出了理想的当代文选运行机制,并提出了“当代选学”的必要性与可能性问题。认为选刊的缺陷主要是文学性标准弱化、审美趣味单一,而这都是因选刊运作受制于政治场与经济场而缺乏文学自主性的结果;认为选刊应该加强其对严肃文学的身份认同,在功能定位上以选优为基础,适当注重发现、扶植、导向等功能。

【Abstract】 This paper studies about the periodicals of selected works such as Selected Stories,Story Monthly,which play an important role in contemporary Chinese literary world.The paper deeply inspects these periodicals’ multiple effects on the development of contemporary novels,and summarizes their basic operating experiences and acting patterns, and analyzes the logical foundation for their operations and actions.Moreover,this paper analyzes some defects of these periodicals and their negative influences on the production of contemporary novels,and gives some advice or countermeasures directionly.The author expects hereby reconstruct an idealized operating mechanism for contemporary analecta, which would bring about better positive impact on the development of contemporary novels.This paper includes three parts:Preface,Body,and Discussion.The Preface introduces the comeabout and growth of those periodicals and describes their roles and status in contemporary Chinese literary world,and propose their research values and possible research approach.Those periodicals act as literature oganizaions of spread,evaluation and product-leading,and they form significant forces in contemporary Chinese literary world.So they can play an important role in booming contemporary novels ’ production and boosting its development.The author believes this research about these periodicals has practical worth,it can guide the opertions of "the contemporary analecta".In Body part,author uses three chapters to expand his paper.The Chapter I inspects those periodicals’ some effects on the development of contemporary novels,which mainly manefest in fostering novelists,promoting literature currents and steering literature’s direction.The author considers those periodicals have cultivated the nucleus of one Chinese novelist genertion,have promoted some literature currents such as "The Reform-novel","The New-Realistic-novel","The Shock Wave of Realistic" and "The Substrate-For novel",and have leaded the realistic appeal for the development of contemporary novels.The ChapterⅡsums up four valid acting approaches from those periodicals’ operation experiences,that is "Find-patterns","Assembly-patterns", "Advocate-patterns" and "Hype-patterns".Through these methods those periodicals have got involved the development of contemporary novels effectively.The ChapterⅢanalyzes the logical reason for those periodicals’ actions and operations:the trust.This chapter talks about the buildness of trust,the credibility’s transform:authority and power, the maintenance of credibility and authoritative.The author considers the logic foundation of those periodicals’ operations and actions is trust but not power.This trust engender mainly from readers’ demand and those periodicals’ good quality,capability and performance.So those periodicals should maintenance their credibility and authoritative through upgrading its intrinsic quality and performance.In Discussion,author points out some defects of these periodicals and their negative influences on the production of contemporary novels,and gives some suggestion through recollecting some problems such as "who host(periodical)?","service for whom?","how to operate?" Finally,the author puts forword the necessity and possiblity of "the contemporary analecta-ology".The author considers that those priodicals are weak in literariness and lack of diversity in aesthetic style,which root in those periodicals’ survival surrounding:they are enslaved to politic field or enomic field and therefore lack of literary autonomy.And the author also discusses those periodicals’ self-identity and function-located.Thus the author expect to reconstruct a desirable operating mechanism for "the contemporary analecta".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期