

Studies on "Five Eulsa Treaty"

【作者】 朴哲

【导师】 金成镐;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 世界史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本论文拟以“乙巳五条约”为研究主题,来论述日本对韩国确立保护权,并说明该条约是日本明治维新以来的既定大陆政策的结果,也是日本强迫韩国皇帝和政府大臣签订的条约。按照时际法原则和传统国际法对“乙巳五条约”进行法律评价,认定该约是自始无效。论文共分七大部分,即由四个章节构成论文主体,还包括绪论、结论、文献资料。第一章主要把“征韩论”的出笼到“韩日协定书”的被迫缔结作为断限,论述日本“征韩论”的实施导致了中日甲午战争的爆发,进而阐明日俄战争就是甲午战争的继续。日本不顾韩国局外中立宣言,强占韩国全境,逐步确立对韩国的“顾问政治”体制。第二章以日本策划、缔结“乙巳五条约”的过程为主要内容,论述该约是在韩国大臣们被禁闭在会议厅内并受到肉体刑罚的威胁下签订的。《乙巳五条约》的签订,立即引起韩国广大人民的不满和强烈反对。第三章视“乙巳五条约”缔结到高宗皇帝被迫退位为断限,论述高宗皇帝不仅未曾裁可该约,而且直到其被迫退位前夕,不懈进行使该约无效化的密使外交斗争。光武帝绝对未曾投降于日本。也未曾主动屈服而玷污过神圣的国体。第四章以国际法理论评价“乙巳五条约”。不论是根据当时大韩帝国的国内法,还是适用“时际法”原则依照19、20世纪之交的国际法,可以说该约从未成立,而以此为基础的1910年《韩国并合条约》当然也无效。这样一来,日本在韩国的“殖民统治”将成为军事强占行为。因此,日方应对韩国36年间的非法占领行为进行赔偿并补偿自己的过失。本论文在充分吸收前人研究成果的基础上,在如下方面有所创意:一,研究100年前日本强占大韩帝国的过程,以明了日本对韩国确立保护权,是日俄战争前后出笼的“指导”、“保护”、“监理(control为支配之意)”三个侵略阶段之一的第二个阶段,其侵略目的为最终吞并韩国;二,早在1904年5、6月之交,日本内阁和天皇首次决定对韩国实行保护权或加以吞并的侵略计划;三,明确了“乙巳五条约”是强迫韩国皇帝和政府大臣签订的条约,而高宗皇帝则“从未允准”;四,按照当时的国际法和韩国国内法,“乙巳五条约”是不存在和自始无效的。

【Abstract】 This paper is intented to "Five Eulsa Treaty(乙巳五条约)" to be research topices to discuss that Japan established protective power to Korea.And show that it has been the results of the established "Continent Policy"(大陆政策) since the Japan Meiji Restoration,moreover it is that Japan forced the Emperor of the DAEHAN(Korean) Empire and Government Ministers to sign the treaty.In the light of the principles of intertemporal law,also according to traditional international law,"Five Eulsa Treaty" gets legal evaluation,which is cognized invalidation from beginning.The paper consists of seven major parts,namely,the subject of this paper is constituted by the four chapters,including introduction, conclusion and bibliography.ChapterⅠ,importantly thinking of the process from the appearance of "the Theory of Overwhelming Korea(征韩论)"to the forced sign of"Agreement between Korea and Japan(韩日协定书)" as a range, discusses t hat t he implementation o f Japan’s "the Theory of Overwhelming Korea" led to break out Sino-Japanese War,and further proves "the Russo-Japanese War" was the continuation of "the Sino-Japanese War".Japan grabed the whole borders of the DAEHAN(Korean) Empire regardless of declaration of neutrality of Korea(韩国局外中立宣言),and gradually established "The Politics of Consultation(顾问政治) "system to the DAEHAN(Korean) Empire.ChapterⅡ,regarding the process which Japan planed and concluded "Five Eulsa Treaty" as the main contents,discusses that the treaty was signed when the Ministers of the DAEHAN(Korean) Empire were confined in the assembly hall and subjected to the human body penalty.The signing of"Five Eulsa Treaty" immediately aroused dissatisfaction of the majority of the people of Korea and intense opposition.ChapterⅢ,looking upon the process from the conclusion of"Five Eulsa Treaty" to the abdication, which Emperor GOJONE(高宗皇帝)was forced to give up his throne as a range,discusses that Emperor GOJONE(高宗皇帝) not only never consented to it but also carried on secret envoy diplomacy struggle untill the eve of his forced abdication.Absolutely Kwangmu Emperor(光武帝) never surrendered to Japan.Never did he volunteer to yield and attaint the holy soil either.In ChapterⅣ"Five Eulsa Treaty" is evaluated by the theory of international law.Whether according to domestic law of the DAEHAN(Korean) Empire of the time,or making use of "the principle of intertemporal law",and in accordance with the international law between the end of 19 century and the beginning of 20century,we can say that this treaty has never been come into existence.But on the basis of"Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty"(韩国并合条约) in 1910,of course it is also null and void in law. Thus,Japan’s "the colonial rule"(殖民统治) in Korea would become the behavior of military forcible occupation.Therefore,the Japanese side should carry through compensation to the action that he occupied Korea illegaly in 36years,and make up its defects.This paper fully absorbs the results of predecessors’ studies and on the basis of them,it shows several creative viewpoints in the following aspects:Firstly,it studies the process which Japan grabed the DAEHAN(Korean) Empire 100years ago in order to illustrate that his protective power which Japan established to the DAEHAN(Korean) Empire is the second phase of one of the three aggressive stages, that is,"guidance","protection",and "control"(control here means domination),which are appeared before and after the Russo-Japanese War.Its aggressive purpose was to swallow up the DAEHAN (Korean) Empire finally.Secondly,as early as during May and June of 1904,for the first time the Japanese cabinet and the Emperor of Japan decided to carry out the aggressive plan that they performed the power of protection to the DAEHAN(Korean) Empire or annexed it.Thirdly,it is definited that "Five Eulsa Treaty" is treaty which the Emperor of the DAEHAN(Korean) Empire and Government Ministers were forced to sign.Nevertheless Emperor GOJONE(高宗皇帝) "never permited".Fourthly, according to the international law and domestic law in the DAEHAN(Korean) Empire of the time,It is believed that "Five Eulsa Treaty" never exists and is null and void.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期
  • 【分类号】K313.4;K312.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】251