

Study on the Comparative Superiority, Production Fluction and Factors Affecting Chemical Components of Flue-Cured Tobacco Leaves in Tobacco-Growing Areas of Henan Province

【作者】 李富欣

【导师】 许自成;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 烟草学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文采用野外调查与室内分析相结合的方法,对河南全省及8个主产烟县5年的392个烟叶样本化学成分、3362个土壤烤烟样品的各项指标进行了测试分析,对烟区30年的气候等相关资料进行分析,系统研究了河南烟叶生产比较优势的差异、烟叶产量波动的原因;分析了河南种植品种,研究了气候因素的变化与烟叶化学成分的关系,建立了烤烟烟叶化学成分与气候因子之间的关系模型;研究了河南烟区土壤主要养分含量的丰缺状况,划分了河南烟区植烟土壤养分等级;分析了河南烟区土壤养分与烟叶养分的关系。主要结论如下:1、分析了河南省烤烟生产累计28年的总产量、播种面积和单位面积产量数据。从长期看,目前河南省烤烟产量虽然仍处在下降阶段,但下降的速度越来越缓慢,可以预计在未来23年间新的拐点将出现,河南省烤烟产量将重拾上升势头。从短期看,河南烤烟生产波动频繁、剧烈,稳定性较差,从熨平河南省烤烟生产周期性波动,促进河南省烤烟生产稳定发展方面考虑,首先,稳定烤烟种植面积,加强基本烟田保护,尤其是适宜区优质植烟土地。其次,加强基础设施建设,通过加强基础设施建设,建立灾害保险体系,提高烟叶生产抵御旱涝等自然灾害的能力,确保烟农灾年不绝收。第三,充分发挥价格信号的导向作用,引导农民合理安排烤烟生产,促进烟叶生产稳定发展。第四,建立“补贴于土”的政策,引导农民自觉地实施土壤改良,有意识地增加有机肥、绿色肥的施用,从而实现土地的可持续发展。2、对全省12个产区烟叶生产的规模比较优势、效率比较优势和综合比较优势进行了分析。洛阳、三门峡、许昌、漯河、平顶山等5个地区烟叶生产比较优势明显。根据要素禀赋和资源特征,立足于比较优势的发挥,通过研究发现应把充分挖掘各地区烤烟生产的增长潜力,努力提高主产区烤烟生产水平,作为河南省烤烟生产发展策略的基本出发点和主要取向。通过比较各产区规模比较优势、效率比较优势和综合比较优势,发现河南省烤烟生产的综合比较优势主要集中在洛阳、三门峡、许昌、漯河、平顶山等5个地区,其中三门峡的综合比较优势尤为突出;而商丘、周口和信阳的综合比较优势指数基本上历年都小于1,它们的烤烟生产没有优势可言。从动态变化上看,三门峡的综合比较优势有进一步增强的趋势;许昌、漯河、平顶山的综合比较优势逐渐变弱,平顶山在进入90年代中后期其综合比较优势指数下降较快,三门峡的综合比较优势则不断走强;南阳由综合比较劣势转变为综合比较优势;驻马店由综合比较优势变为综合比较劣势。3、基于化学成分对河南烤烟品种进行了综合评价。应用DTOPSIS法对河南种植的8个品种6种化学成分进行综合评价。利用决策矩阵R中的决策分量与“理想解”和“负理想解”的距离进行品种比较。结果表明K326的C i值最大,该品种不仅钾素含量较高,而且其它主要性状接近“理想解”,是一个综合性状较好的品种;除K326外,其它品种的综合评价结果为:云烟87>RG17>云烟85>CF965>中烟9203>CF978>NC89。4、分析了不同产区、不同年份河南烟叶化学成分的关系。采用野外调查与室内分析相结合的方法,通过对河南烟区2001年2005年的8个主产烟县烤烟661个烟叶样品5种化学成分分析,得出如下结论:烟叶化学成分在年际间存在变异,在不同部位间也存在差异。变异的大小在不同的化学成分间也不相同。以烟碱和总氮年际间变异较小,而总糖、钾、氯年际间变异较大。5、分析了河南烟叶不同时期气候因素与烟叶化学成分的关系。对全省8个主产烟县35年烤烟大田生长期49月的逐旬积温、逐旬日照时数和逐旬降水量数据进行分析,把烟叶各生长期气候因素与化学成分进行回归分析,从而得出气候与烟叶化学成分关系。得出以下结论:(1)还苗期温、光、水等气候因子对总植物碱、总糖、氮的累积基本没有影响;降水和温度对氯离子的吸收有一定抑制作用,分别达到0.003个单位和0.0004个单位;降水和日照对钾离子的吸收也有不同程度的抑制作用,分别为0.0001个单位和0.0006个单位。(2)伸根期温度对总植物碱的累积有较为明显的促进作用,为0.037个单位,对总糖的累积也有一定的促进作用,为0.162个单位;伸根期氮的积累则与温、光、水这三个气候因子基本无关;伸根期日照时数与氯离子的吸收呈反相关关系,为0.0006个单位;伸根期温度对于钾离子的吸收有较为明显的抑制作用,为0.025个单位。(3)旺长期温度对于总植物碱的累积有一定促进作用,为0.02个单位;降水对于总糖的合成则有一定的抑制作用,为0.04个单位;气候因子温、光、水对氮的吸收和积累没有影响;旺长期日照时数的增加则可以抑制氯的吸收和积累为0.0004个单位;温度和光照的增加对于钾离子的吸收和积累具有较为显著的抑制作用为0.021个单位和0.001个单位。(4)成熟期对总植物碱累积有显著抑制作用的是降水和日照这两个气候因子,影响程度分别为0.01个单位和0.001个单位,而温度则有一定的促进作用,为0.022个单位;气候因子对于总糖的累积影响均不显著;成熟期气候因素对于氮素的吸收和积累有一定的影响,温度能够促进含氮化合物的合成,影响程度为0.014个单位,降水和光照对氮的吸收和积累有一定的抑制作用,分别为0.0003个单位和0.0007个单位;温度和降水在一定程度上能够抑制成熟期氯离子的吸收和积累,大小分别为0.012个单位和0.0002个单位;成熟期温度、降水、日照等气候因子对于钾离子的吸收和积累均有较为明显的抑制作用,大小分别为0.025个单位,0.0006个单位,0.001个单位。6、分析了河南烟区植烟土壤有机质、pH及大量、中量、微量元素的分布状况。对河南省主产烟区3362个土壤样品进行测试分析,结果表明:(1)河南烟区植烟土壤有机质含量各地平均值都大于10.0 g·kg-1,总体较少,小于15.0 g·kg-1的标准,低于湖南的15.0 g·kg-1,平均为13.3±3.2 g·kg-1,变异性小,变异系数为24.47%。河南8个重点植烟县植烟土壤有机质含量以襄城最高,为15.2 g·kg-1,以方城最低,为11.3 g·kg-1。由高到低顺序是灵宝、襄城﹥郏县﹥邓州﹥宜阳﹥泌阳﹥卢氏﹥方城。(2)河南烟区土壤pH总体含量适宜,平均为7.56±0.62,变幅为5.49.35,变异程度较小,变异系数为8.26%。其中,最适宜烤烟生长的土壤pH在67之间的样本占20.4%,适宜烤烟生长的土壤pH在6.08.0之间的样本占79.5%,影响烤烟生长的土壤pH>9.0的样本分别占1%。河南重点产烟县不同烟区土壤pH的大小顺序是襄城>灵宝>卢氏>宜阳>方城>泌阳>郏县>邓州。(3)河南省植烟土壤全氮含量总体较适宜,平均为0.84±0.16 g·kg-1,变异性小,变异系数为19.31%。河南主要产烟县植烟土壤全氮含量高低顺序为:灵宝﹥宜阳﹥邓州﹥襄城﹥卢氏﹥泌阳﹥郏县﹥方城,其顺序与有机质含量基本相同。河南省植烟土壤速效氮含量总体较适宜,平均为57.68±21.03 mg·kg-1,变异性小,变异系数为36.47%。河南省主要产烟县植烟土壤碱解氮含量高低顺序与各产区土壤有机质和全氮含量顺序有相似的趋势:泌阳﹥郏县﹥灵宝﹥邓州﹥方城﹥卢氏﹥襄城﹥宜阳。(4)河南省植烟土壤全磷含量总体适中,平均为0.84±0.16 g·kg-1,变异性小,变异系数为38.45%。各主产烟县植烟土壤全磷含量高低顺序是灵宝﹥宜阳﹥邓州﹥卢氏﹥泌阳﹥郏县﹥方城﹥襄城。河南省植烟土壤速效磷总体含量偏高,平均为12.89±9.15 g·kg-1,存在一定变异,变异系数为9.15%。河南省主产烟县植烟土壤速效磷含量高低顺序是泌阳﹥邓州﹥宜阳﹥灵宝﹥卢氏﹥郏县﹥方城﹥襄城。(5)河南省植烟土壤全钾总体含量适宜,平均为18.1±3.1 g·kg-1,变异不大,变异系数为16.84%。河南省8个主产烟县植烟土壤全钾含量高低顺序是:宜阳﹥卢氏﹥灵宝﹥襄城﹥颊县﹥泌阳﹥方城﹥邓州。河南省植烟土壤速效钾总体含量适宜,平均为158.39±64.78 mg·kg-1,存在一定程度的变异,变异系数为40.9%,有44.1%的土壤样品速效钾含量大于160.00 mg·kg-1。河南省主产烟县植烟土壤速效钾含量与土壤全钾含量有相似的趋势,以豫西卢氏、宜阳、灵宝最高,其中卢氏含量平均为201.15 mg·kg-1,有81.1%的土壤样品速效钾含量大于160.00 mg·kg-1;以豫南的泌阳、方城土壤速效钾含量较低,平均为100 mg·kg-1左右。(6)分析了河南烟区植烟土壤中量元素的分布状况。对河南省主产烟区3362个土壤样品中量元素进行化验分析,结果表明:①河南省植烟土壤钙含量总体偏高,平均为2219.34±1641.56 mg·kg-1,存在较大变异,变异系数为73.97%。河南省8个重点产烟县植烟土壤钙含量高低顺序是灵宝﹥宜阳﹥卢氏﹥郏县﹥襄城﹥邓州﹥方城﹥泌阳。②河南省植烟土壤镁含量总体适宜,平均为335.17±142.72mgl·kg-1,存在广泛的变异,变异系数为61.88%。河南省8个重点产烟县植烟土壤镁含量高低顺序是泌阳﹥邓州﹥方城﹥卢氏﹥灵宝﹥襄城﹥宜阳﹥郏县。③河南省植烟土壤硫含量比较丰富,平均为53.57±64.51 mg·kg-1,存在广泛的变异,变异系数为120.42%。有98.4%的土壤样品有效硫含量大于10 mg·kg-1,有34%的土壤样品有效硫含量大于50 mg·kg-1。河南省8个重点产烟县植烟土壤有效硫含量高低顺序是灵宝﹥郏县﹥卢氏﹥宜阳﹥方城﹥襄城﹥邓州﹥泌阳。(7)分析了河南烟区植烟土壤微量元素的分布状况。对河南省主产烟区3362个土壤样品微量元素进行化验分析,结果表明:①河南省植烟土壤有效硼含量偏低,平均为0.37±0.15 mg·kg-1,存在一定的变异,变异系数为39.94%,有64.8%的土壤样品有效硼含量小于0.4 mg·kg-1。河南省8个主产烟县植烟土壤有效硼含量高低顺序是灵宝﹥宜阳、襄城﹥方城、卢氏﹥郏县﹥邓州﹥泌阳。②河南省植烟土壤水溶性氯含量适宜,平均为42.25±37.32 mg·kg-1﹒存在广泛的变异,变异系数达88.34%。有87.5%的土壤样品水溶性氯含量满足优质烤烟生长。河南省8个主产烟县植烟土壤水溶性氯含量高低顺序是泌阳﹥卢氏﹥方城﹥灵宝﹥襄城﹥邓州﹥郏县﹥宜阳。土壤氯含量以宜阳最低,为18.64 mg·kg-1,以泌阳最高,卢氏次之,分别为61.76 mg·kg-1和59.47 mg·kg-1-1。因此这两个县在施肥是要控制含氯肥料的施用。③铁含量泌阳最高,为26.64 mg·kg-1,以灵宝最低,为2.33 mg·kg-1。④锰含量以泌阳最高,为15.79 mg·kg-1,以襄城最低,为2.26 mg·kg-1,均在中等以上。⑤锌含量以方城最高,为1.46 mg·kg-1,以灵宝最低,为0.72 mg·kg-1,且属于偏低的范围。⑥钼含量以郏县最高,为40.39 ppb,以宜阳最低,为18.13 ppb。7、分析了烟叶化学成分与土壤营养元素的相互关系。采用野外调查与室内分析相结合的方法,通过对河南烟区烤烟392个烟叶样品和3362个土壤样品的测试分析,结果表明:烟叶总氮含量与土壤中速效氮含量关系显著,相关系数达到0.81,通过5%的显著性检验。土壤中速效氮含量每增加1个单位,烟叶中总氮含量将增加0.0014个单位。烟叶钾含量与土壤速效钾含量相关关系显著,相关系数为0.88,达到1%的极显著水平;烟叶中钾含量与土壤中全钾含量也有一定的相关关系,相关系数为0.61。在土壤中全钾含量保持不变的条件下,土壤中速效钾含量每增加1个单位,烟叶中钾的含量将增加0.0052个单位;在土壤中速效钾含量保持不变的条件下,土壤中全钾含量每增加1个单位,烟叶中钾含量增加0.487个单位。土壤有效氯含量是影响烟叶氯含量的重要因素,河南省部分烟区烟叶氯含量偏高的主要原因可能是土壤有效氯含量偏高和灌水氯含量偏高所致。

【Abstract】 This study employed both field work and bench assay. It analyzed the chemical components of 392 sample leaves in 8 major tabocco counties, 3,362 soils sample in flue-cured tobacco field during five years, and the climate information within the past 30 years. The study systematically investigated the difference in comparative superiority of Henan tobacco, and the reason for the fluctuation in tobacco yield. It reviewed the tobacco variety in Henan province, studied the relationship between the climate and the chemical composition of tabocco leaves, and established the statistical model between them. We also recorded the abundance and deficiency of nutrients in the soils of tabocco fields, classified the soil nutrient grades, and found the correlation between the soil nutrients and leaf nutrients. Main conclusions are:1) The total production of flue-cured tobacco in Henan Province during the past 28 years. At present, the yield of flue-cured tobacco in Henan is still in the down trend, but the decreasing speed is getting slower. On the long term it can be expected that the new inflection point will appear in the coming 2-3 years, and the yield will be in the rising trend again. On the short term, the production is unstable and undulation is frequenct, fierce. In order to control the periodic undulation, and to promote the steady progress of tobacco production in Henan province, firstly, we should stablize the sown area s for tobacco and strengthen the protection fro those basic tobacco fields, especially the land ideal for tobacco growth. Next, we should emphasize the construction on the infrastruture and establish an insurance system for farmers from disaster, which will enhance the tobacco leaf production, resist natural disaster, and to guarantee tobacco farmers decent incomes even in bad years. Thirdly, the guiding function of the price signal should be fully used to direct the farmers to make the correct planning on the tobacco production and to help the stabilication of tobacco production. Fouthly, we should establish the "subsidy to land" policy and guide the farmers to implement the soil amelioration on their own initiative to actively increase organic fertilizer and to employ the green fertilizer, thus realize sustainable development of land.2) Scale comparative superiority, the efficiency comparative superiority and the overall comparative superiority in 12 tobacco leaf producting areas of Henan province were analyzed. Tobacco production comparative superiority of Luoyang, Sanmenxia, Xuchang, Luohe, Pingdingshan is outstanding. According to the essential factor reported bestows on the resources characteristic, and based on the utilization of the comparative superiority, we should fully take advantage of the growth potential of local flue-cured tobacco production, improve the production level of major tobacco areas, and use theat as the basic starting point and direction for Henan’s tobacco industry. By comparing the scale comparative superiority, efficiency comparative superiority, and overall comparative superiority, it shows that the overall comparative superiority in Henan concentrates in Luoyang, Sanmexia, Xuchang, Luohe, Pingdingshan. Among them, Sanmenxia has the greatest overall comparative superiority, and Shangqiu, Zhoukou and Xinyang have an overall comparative superiority of less than 1 in each year, and have no advantage in the production of flue-cured tobacco. From a dynamic point of view, the overall comparative superiority of Sanmenxia is likely to be stronger. And those of Xuchang, Luohe, Pingdingshan will be weaker. Nanyang’s synthesis comparative superiority transformed from inferiority into superiority. Zhumadian’s synthesis comparative superiority transformed from superiority into inferiority.3) Chemical components in flue-cured tobacco leaf exists difference in different year. And it also exists difference in different positions. Mutation is also identical in different kinds of chemical components. Mutation in nicotine and the general nitrogen is less. It shows that they are effected less by natural and artificial effect. But, mutation in general sugar, potassium, chlorine are much higher, it explains that these components can through such as the cultivation, applying fertilizer, irrigation to change.4) Based on chemical components, we evaluated the flue-cured tobacco variety in Henan. Eight cultivars and six chemical components of tobacco which are planted in Henan are examed by using the DTOPSIS method. Comparison using the distance between the components of decision-making matrix R and the "ideal solution" and "negative ideal solution" shows that the Ci of K326 is the largest. This variety not only contains high concentration of potassium, but its other major features are very close to the "ideal solution", indicating it has good overall features. Besides K326, the results of other cultivars are: Yunyan 87 > RG17 > Yunyan 85 > CF965 >Zhongyan9203 > CF978 > NC89.5) Relations between tobacco leaf chemical components and climatic factor in different time in Henan Province had been analysed. The temperature, sunshine time, and precipitation of every ten days from April to September were studied for all the eight main tobacco counties during the past 35 years. And regression analysis was performed on climateic factors and tobacco chemical composition. The conclusions are as follows:a. During the seedling stage, temperature, light and rain water have no effect on nicotine, the total sugar accumulation, the nitrogen synthesis. The precipitation and the temperature have the certain inhibitory action on the chloride ion absorption by 0.003 unit and 0.0004 unit respectively. The precipitation and the sunshine also have inhibitory effect by the varying degree on the potassium ion absorption by 0.0001 unit and 0.0006 unit respectively.b. During the root growing stage , temperature have significant promoting effect on nicotine accumulation by 0.037 unit, also have some promoting effect on the total sugar accumulation by 0.162 unit. In this stage, these three meteorological factors-the temperature, light, and water have basically nothing to do with nitrogen accumulation. Sunshine hours has a negative correlation with the chloride ion absorption by 0.0006 unit.Temperature has significant inhibitory action on the potassium ion absorption by 0.025 unit.c. During prosperous growing stage, temperature has some promoting action on nicotine the accumulation by 0.02. unit The precipitation has some inhibitory effect on the synthesis of total sugar by 0.04. unit Meteorological factors as temperature, light, and water have no effect on the nitrogen absorption and accumulation. During the prosperous growing stage the increase of sunshine hours may suppress the chlorine absorption and accumulation by 0.0004 unit. Increase of the temperature and the sunshine hours has the more remarkable inhibitory action on the potassium ion absorption and the accumulation by 0.021 unit and 0.001 unit.d. During the mature period the precipitation and the sunshine hours have the remarkable inhibitory effect on nicotine accumulation by respectively 0.01 unit and 0.001 unit. But the temperature has some promoting effect on nicotine accumulation by 0.022. unit The meteorological factors do not have significant effect on the total sugar accumulation. During the mature period, climatic factors have some influence on the nitrogen compound absorption and the accumulation. The temperature can promote the synthesis of nitrogen compound by 0.014 unit. The precipitation and sunshine hours have the certain inhibitory action on the nitrogen absorption and the accumulation by 0.0003 unit and 0.0007 unit respectively. During the mature period, the temperature and the precipitation can in the certain degree suppress chloride ion absorption and accumulation by is 0.012 unit and 0.0002 unit respectively. During mature period, meteorological factor such as temperature, precipitation, and sunshine have the more obvious inhibitory action on potassium ion absorption and the accumulation by 0.025 unit, 0.0006 unit, 0.001 unit.6) Distribution of organic matter, pH, and the massive elements in Henan tobacco planting area soil had been analysed. Assay on 3,362 soil samples in Henan Province from main flue-cured tobacco areas show that:a. The mean value of soil organic matter content are greater than 15.0g·kg-1. It is smaller than the 15.0% standard and is far lower than Hunan 15.0 g·kg-1.The average is 13.3±3.2 g·kg-1 and variation is small. The coefficient of variation is 24.47%. Soil organic matter content of Xiangcheng is the highest in the eight major growing counties by 15.2 g·kg-1. But Fangcheng is the lowest by 11.3 g·kg-1. the order from high to low is the Lingbao, Xiangcheng, Jia county, Dengzhou, Yiyang, Biyang, Lushi, Fangcheng.b. Soil pH of Henan tobacco growing area is suitable overall. The average is 7.56±0.62, the amplitude is 5.49.35 and the variation is low. The coefficient of variation is 8.26%. Among them, soil with pH between 67, which is most suitable for flue-cured tobacco growing samples, accounts for 20.4%. Soil with pH between 6.08.0, which is suitable for flue-cured tobacco growing samples, accounts for 79.5%. If soil pH is higher than 9.0, it will affect the flue-cured tobacco growing. This kind of samples accounts for 1%. The order of soil pH of eight counties from high to low is Xiangcheng, Lingbao, Lushi, Yiyang, Fangcheng, Biyang, Jia county, and Dengzhou.c. Soil total nitrogen content in Henan Province is overall comparatively suitable, the mean is 0.84±0.16 g.kg-1 and the variation is small. The coefficient of variation is 19.31%. The order of soil total nitrogen content in 8 main growing counties from high to low is: Lingbao, Yiyang, Dengzhou, Xiangcheng, Lushi, Biyang, Jia county, Fangcheng. It is almost same as the order of organic content. Hydrolyzing nitrogen content in Henan province is overall comparatively suitable and the average is 57.68±21.03 mg.kg-1. The variation is small and the coefficientof variation is 36.47%. The order of soil hydrolyzing nitrogen content has the similar tendency in various production areas as the total nitrogen content order, which is Biyang, Jia county, Lingbao, Dengzhou, Fangcheng, Lushi, Xiangcheng, Yiyang.d. Soil total phosphorus content in Henan Province growing area is overall suitable, the average is 0.84±0.16 g.kg-1, variation is small, the coefficientof variation is 38.45%. The order of soil entire phosphorus content from eight main producing counties is Lingbao, Yiyang , Dengzhou, Lushi, Biyang, Jia county, Fangcheng, Xiangcheng. As a whole, soil fast-acting phosphorus total content in Henan Province is high, the average is 12.89±9.15 g.kg-1, it has some variation. The coefficient of variation is 9.15%. The order of soil fast-acting phosphorus content from eight main producing counties is Biyang, Dengzhou, Yiyang, Lingbao, Lushi, Jia county, Fangcheng, Xiangcheng. e. Soil total potassium overall content in Henan Province is suitable, the average is 18.1±3.1 g.kg-1, the variation is small, the coefficient of variation is 16.84%. The order of soil total potassium content from eight main producing counties is Yiyang,Lushi ,Lingbao, Xiangcheng , Jia county, Biyang, Fangcheng, Dengzhou. Soil fast-acting potassium overall content in Henan Province is suitable, the average is 158.39±64.78 mg.kg-1. It has a some degree of variation, the coefficient of variation is 40.9%.About 44.1% soil fast-acting potassium content is greater than 160.00 mg.kg-1. The order of fast-acting potassium content from eight main producing counties has the similar tendency as total potassium by Lushi, Yiyang, Lingbao being the highest, Lushi’s content is 201.15 mg.kg-1. 81.1% of its soil fast-acting potassium content are greater than 160.00 mg.kg-1. Biyang, Fangcheng soil fast-acting potassium content is lower, average is about 100 mg.kg-1.f. The distribution of medium quantity element of flue-cured tobacco soil in Henan province had been analysed. The soil calcium content, magnesium content, and effective sulfur of 3,362 soils samples in Henan Province had been analyzed. The results indicate that :The soil calcium content in Henan Province is high overall, the average is 2219.34±1641.56 mg.kg-1, the variation is in certain degree, the coefficientof variation is 73.97%. The order of soil calcium content from eight main producing counties is Lingbao, Yiyang, Lushi, Jia county, Xiangcheng, Dengzhou, Fangcheng, Biyang. The soil magnesium content in Henan Province is overall suitable, the average is 335.17±142.72mg.kg-1, but it has a widespread variation however. The coefficient of variation is 61.88%. The order of magnesium content from the eight counties is Biyang, Dengzhou, Fangcheng, Lushi, Lingbao, Xiangcheng,Yiyang, Jia county. The soil sulfur in Henan Province is quite rich. The average is 53.57±64.51 mg.kg-1. It exhibits a widespread variation. The coefficient of variation is 120.42%. About 98.4% soils sample has an effective sulfur of more than 10 mg.kg-1, about 34% soil samples’ effective sulfur of higher than 50 mg.kg-1. The order of soil magnesium content is Lingbao, Jia county, Lushi, Yiyang, Fangcheng, Xiangcheng, Dengzhou, Biyang.g. The distribution of soil trace element of flue-cured tobacco growing soil in Henan province had been analysed. Results from 3,362 soils samples suggest that: The trace elements content are not high in growing plant, and are also low in the soil, but they are indispensable to a growing plant. Lack of those elements can affect tobacco growth. Taking chlorine as an example, if the content in the tobacco leaf surpasses 1%, it can cause the tobacco leaf to burn power to drop. The soil effective boron content in Henan Province is somewhat low. The average is 0.37±0.15 mg.kg-1. It has a certain variation. The coefficient of variation is 39.94%. About 64.8% soils sample effective boron content is lower than 0.4 mg.kg-1. The order of soil effective boron content from eight main producing counties is Lingbao,Yiyang, Xiangcheng, Fangcheng, Lushi, Jia county, Dengzhou, Biyang. The soil soluble chlorinity in Henan Province is not suitable. The average is 42.25±37.32 mg.kg-1. It has large variation which amounts to 88.34%. About 87.5% soils sample’s water-soluble chlorinity can satisfy the growth of high quality flue-cured tobacco. The orde of soluble chlorinity from eight main producing counties is Biyang, Lushi, Fangcheng, Lingbao, Xiangcheng, Dengzhou, Jia county, Yiyang. Soil chlorinity in Yiyang is the lowest by 18.64 mg.kg-1. The highest is Biyang by 61.76 mg.kg-1. Lushi is next to Biyang by 59.47 mg.kg-1. Therefore these two counties must reduce the use of low or none chlorine fertilizer . The highest Fe content is in Biyang by 26.64 mg.kg-1, Lingbao is the lowest by 2.33 mg.kg-1. Biyang has the highest Manganese content by 15.79 mg.kg-1, but Xiangcheng is the lowest by 2.26 mg.kg-1. Fangcheng’s Zinc content is the highest by 1.46 mg.kg-1. Lingbaoto is the lowest by 0.72 mg.kg-1, both of them belong to the low scale. Molybdenum content in Jia county is the highest by 40.39 ppb. Yiyang is the lowest by 18.13 ppb.7) Relationship between chemical components in flue-cured tobacco leaf and soil chemical element was analyzed. Field investigation and bench assays were employed. Nitrogen, potassium, and chlorine content in soil samples of 3,362 soils samples and 392 flue-cured tobacco leaf samples were analyzed. The results demonstrate that: fast-acting nitrogens between tobacco and soil have significant correlation, bu thte relation on potassium and chlorine content between soil and leaf is not significant. The leaf nitrogen content and the soil fast-acting nitrogen content are correlated with a coefficient 0.81 at 5% significant level. the other two tayes of nitrogen contents are not correlated. For each increase of 1 unit on fast-acting nitrogen content in soil, the total nitrogen content in the leaf increases 0.14‰. The tobacco leaf potassium content and the soil total potassium content also have some correlation with a coefficient of 0.61. Under the constant content of total fast-acting potassium, every increase of 1 unit on the total potassium will generate 0.52‰increase on potassium content in the leaf. Keeping the potassium content constant, 1% increase of soil total potassium content will generate 0.49% increase of potassium content in the leaf. The available chlorine content in soil is an important factor on leaf chlorinity. The reason that the chlorinity in flue-cured tobacco leaf in some areas of Henan is a little high possibly is that their soil available chlorine content is high, and that the water chlorinity content is high.
