

Study on Relation between Soil Ecosystem and Tobacco Leaves Quality in Nanyang Tobacco Production Area

【作者】 沈笑天

【导师】 刘国顺; 介晓磊;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 烟草学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 土壤是人类赖以生存和发展的基础。作物生长与土壤的生态环境有密切联系。烟草是一种特殊的叶用经济作物,其生长发育和质量形成有自身的规律与特点。以往对烟区土壤的研究往往局限于物理与化学特性,一定程度上忽视了土壤生物学性状,而土壤生物学生态指标已被公认为肥力与健康的敏感指标。本研究在系统测定南阳不同生态类型烟区土壤生态指标与烟叶质量指标的基础上,运用相关分析、聚类分析、模糊评价、主成分分析、典型相关分析等方法,系统分析了南阳烟区土壤生态学指标体系中生物学性状、化学性状、物理性状的相互关系;南阳烟叶质量特色;南阳烟区土壤生态与烟叶质量的关系。此外,采用分子生物学手段对烟区土壤微生物区系进行了深入研究;运用显微镜、透射电镜动态观察以及基因表达量分析等方法研究不同区域与不同改良措施下烟叶质量形成过程,进一步分析其机理。最后,应用理论成果合作开发了具有显著效果的新型土壤改良剂。为烟区土壤生态评价、改良与烟叶特色研究提供科学依据和技术支持。结果如下:南阳烟区土壤生态指标中主成分为有机质、酶活性、微生物数量等与生物学有关的综合指标,土壤改良措施能改变土壤生物学性状和理化性状,为抓住主要矛盾从不同层次研究和改良南阳烟区土壤生态条件提供科学依据。南阳烟区烤烟主要化学成分不同年份间存在着广泛的变异。总糖、总氮、烟碱、氯、还原糖、钾、糖碱比、氮碱比和钾氯比的年度间差异都达到了极显著水平,南阳烟叶内在化学成分年度间不够稳定。虽有局部烟叶单叶重、含梗率、厚度接近国际优质烟,但总体有较大差距,表现为单叶重轻、含梗率高、叶片薄。国际优质烟钾含量远远高于国内的,国内的云南大理与湖南桂阳比南阳略高,但南阳烟叶镁含量高于云南大理与湖南桂阳,有的甚至略高于巴西。南阳烤烟矿质元素及主要化学成分次适宜因子为磷钾、钙、钠、烟碱、总糖、还原糖、淀粉;南阳烟区各样点烟叶中性香气物质总量与津巴布韦烤烟相差不大,但巨豆三烯酮的百分含量均明显低于后者。聚类分析、模糊评价的方法评价烟叶质量具有一定的客观性和可行性。土壤生态影响烟叶质量,烟叶质量反应土壤生态,土壤生态与烟叶质量密切相关,改良土壤特别是改良土壤生物学性状可望改善烟叶质量。揭示了烟叶显微结构与超显微结构变化一般规律。不同烟区及不同土壤改良措施下的差异主要表现在后期,栅栏组织细胞出现收缩与海绵组织细胞间隙扩大及细胞的降解的程度不同;叶绿体高基粒片层、嗜锇颗粒、淀粉粒的数量差异大。施草炭的细胞大幅度收缩,细胞间隙扩大;施用饼肥的嗜锇颗粒数量明显多于其他处理,纯施化肥的最少。施草炭、施饼肥比对照叶绿体高基粒片层多。纯施化肥的淀粉粒后期迅速增大超过其他处理。不同地域和不同土壤改良措施下烟叶从糖类物质积累向脂类物质积累的转变的程度不同,烟叶土壤改良措施能够进行有效调节。通过分析特异表达基因,了解芝麻饼肥促进烟草生长及品质形成的有关机理,揭示出一些潜在的生物学规律,为研究烟草栽培生理提供有价值的信息。根据研究获得的从土壤生物学性状着手改良烟区土壤的理念,我们改变传统改良土壤的方法,开发新产品,通过创造微生物适宜生长条件来改良土壤获得显著效果。2008年被河南省烟草公司确定为技术改进项目,重点示范推广,已示范应用面积1000ha以上。本研究的主要创新点:1系统地研究烟区土壤生态指标的相关性,建立新的烟叶质量特色评价模式,多角度架构土壤生态指标与烟叶质量的关系。2运用透射电镜和基因芯片等先进技术深入分析土壤生态对烟叶质量影响的机理。3提出从土壤生物学性状着手改良烟区土壤的理念,改变传统改良土壤的方法,开发新产品,通过创造微生物适宜生长条件来改良土壤,并获得显著效果。

【Abstract】 The soil is the base of human subsistence and development. The crop growth is close related to soil ecosystem. Tobacco is a special economic crop at leaves used and has a law and character itself of growth, development, and quality formation. Previously research always focused the physical and chemical character of soil while agrobiologic one neglected. Agrobiologic character of soil has been thought a recognition sensitivity index for soil fertility and health. In this research soil ecosystem and tobacco quality indexes were systematically studied basing on correction analysis, cluster analysis, fuzzy evaluation, principle component analysis, canonical correlation analysis to explore the relationship between Nanyang tobacco leaves feature and soil ecosystem. In addition the soil edaphon was researched by molecule biology methold, the microstructure and ultrastructure dynamical changes and gene expression of tobacco leaves during different area and different soil improvement measures were studied by optical and electrical microscopes and gene clip to know the quality forming process and mechanism. After that we cooperated and empoldered the new production which could meliorate the soil remarkable. It offered scientific gist and technique support for the tobacco production area soil ecosystem evaluation, melioration and tobacco leaf feature research .The results were showed as follows. The principle component was organic matter, the activity of enzyme and the number of microbes intergrated indexes in the soil ecosystem of Nanyang tobacco production area. Soil imporvement measures did effect to soil biology properties, physical and chemical ones. There was different effect for different soil improvement measures. This will offer scientific base in different hierarchy for the research and amelioration with key points to the soil ecosystem of Nanyang tobacco production area.There was an extensive variation among chemical compositions of flue-cured tobacco in Nanyang area in different years. The difference among years were significant at 1% level of total sugar, total nitrogen, nicotine, chlorine, reducing sugar, potassium, ratio of total sugar to nicotine, the ratio of total nitrogen to nicotine and the ratio of potassium to chlorine. We discovered the single leaf weightiness was lighter, the weightiness ratio of peduncle to leaf was higher, the thickness was thinner ,the content of Mg was higher , the less suitability mineral elements were P,K,Ca,Na and less suitability chemical compositions were nicotine, total sugar, reducing sugar and starch in Nanyang flue-cured tobacco leaves according to the diversity of physical and chemical indexes of flue-cured tobacco leaves of Nanyang compared with that of Zimbabwe, Brazil tobacco production areas. The diversity of the total contents of neutral aroma components in flue-cured tobacco leaves between Nanyang tobacco-production areas and Zimbabwe was indistinctive. But the relative contents of megastigmatrienone were distinctly less than the latter. Chemical composition analysis combining with cluster analysis and fuzzy evaluation to assess the quality of tobacco leaves showed that the method to assess the tobacco leaves’quality was suitable.The soil ecosystem affects the tobacco leaf quality and the tobacco leaf quality reflects the soil ecosystem. The relationship between them was very closely. Especially the soil agrobiologic character improvement measures might ameliorate the tobacco leaf quality.The study released the common changing rule of the microstructure and ultrastructure of tobacco leaves with optical and electrical microscopes cultivated in different area and different measures improved soil. The result showed that cell compactness was from high to low and cells shrinked and disaggregated in the ending growth phase. The starch grains in chloroplasts decreased in prophase and increased in anaphase steadily. The cell chloroplast density and higher granum lamellae decreased too .Osmiophilic globules increased rapidly. There were significant difference about intercellular space, the degree of disaggregation and the number of higher granum lamellae, granum stacks, starch grains and osmiophilic globules in different area in the anaphase. There was significant difference among treatments too. The peat treatment intercellular space was the biggest one and CK was the smallest one after transplant 53d. The cake fertilization treatment osmiophilic globules were more than other treatments and the CK was the lest. The number of higher granum lamellae and granum stacks of the cake fertilization treatment and the peat treatment were more than other treatments. The starch grains accumulated rapidly in anaphase in the CK and more than other treatments. The conclusion was that the degree of transformation from the accumulation of glucide to oil was different during different area and different soil improvement measures and the soil improvement measures could adjust it. To study the mechanism in tobacco plant under cake fertilizer changes of gene expression of tobacco leaves were analyzed by cDNA microarray analysis. RNAs of tobacco leaves with or without (CK) cake fertilizer were extracted and subjected to analysis of cDNA microarray based on Arabidopsis genomic sequence. By analyzing the differently expressed genes some formative mechanism of tobacco leaves quality plant under cake fertilizer were researched and knew some underling biology rule , the valuable information were offered to tobacco planting physiology.According to the research result that we should meliorate the tobacco planting soil through optimize the agrobiology properties. We changed traditional soil melioration method and empoldered the new production which chould meliorate the soil remarkable through providing edaphon the suitable increasing condition and the demonstration and applaction area was more than 1000 ha. Henan tobacco company decided it was the technology amelioration item to lead the way in 2008.The innovation points of this research were as follow:1 We studied the correlation of soil ecosystem indexes across-the-board and we established new tobacco leaves quality feature evaluation pattern. In addition we construct the relation between soil ecosystem and tobacco leaves quality in Nanyang tobacco production area in different degree.2 We analyzed more the influencing mechanism of soil ecosystem to tobacco leaves quality with advance technique such as electrical microscopes and gene chip.3 We put forward the idea that we should meliorate the tobacco planting soil through optimize the agrobiology properties and we changed traditional soil melioration method and empoldered the new production which could meliorate the soil remarkable through providing edaphon the suitable increasing condition .

【关键词】 烟草土壤生态烟叶质量关系机理产品
【Key words】 tobaccosoil ecosystemtobacco leaves qulityrelationmechanismproduction