

Energy Saving Study on a New Variable Displacement of Double-action Vane Pump

【作者】 陈磊

【导师】 孙玉清;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 轮机工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 近些年来,随着汽车工业的迅速发展,人们对汽车的舒适性和安全性有了更高的要求。上世纪80年代,为提高行驶的安全性和驾驶的舒适性,国内外生产的汽车大都安装了液压式动力转向系统。经过分析研究无论是国外还是国内的动力转向系统都存在较大的能量损失,整个转向系统要消耗原动机约3%的能源,但真正转向消耗的能量约占其中的40%,另外60%左右的能量不仅白白浪费掉了,而且还会增加液压系统的发热量,降低使用寿命,产生噪声和增加尾气排放。目前世界汽车保有量约7.5亿辆,并且还在迅速增长。它给人类以巨大贡献的同时也对环境造成了巨大的危害,其中许多方面都与燃用矿物燃料的汽车有直接关系。因此,降低汽车燃油消耗,降低废气的排放,对于改善和提高城市的空气质量也是不容忽视的。据估计汽车用油可能占到目前世界石油消费总量的40%,如果尽可能地降低汽车这一“用油大户”的耗油量,无疑将对世界能源形势产生积极影响。其实汽车技术领域的节能研究一直在进行着,但在以往的工作中,研究人员主要关注的是如何降低发动机和传动系统的能耗,甚至为了在每百公里降低零点几升的油耗而投入大量成本,而对辅助系统如转向系统等则关注较少。本文在前期收集国内外相关文献的基础上,提出了一种含有浮动块的新型平衡式变量叶片泵,该泵应用在汽车转向泵等工况。这是针对现有液压动力转向系统中转向泵能量损失较大而研究设计的一种具有速度补偿功能的叶片式转向泵。它从泵本身的结构入手,通过改变叶片泵内部机械结构而达到节能降耗的目的。主要侧重于对叶片泵降能耗理论分析及结构改进的研究,分析变量机构在不同转速下的工作特性,合理设计其结构,从而降低叶片泵的能耗损失。与传统的平衡式叶片泵比较来看,新型变量叶片泵在保持现有平衡式定量叶片泵转子径向受力平衡等优点的基础上,还能够十分方便的按照转速的不同要求,自动改变排量。重点分析了变量机构浮动块体在不同转速条件下的运动规律,根据力学原理推导了变量机构的动力学模型,应用Adams软件对变量机构进行动力学仿真分析,获得变量机构的运动参数曲线。同时关注不同转速条件下,变量机构所能达到的变排量效果,建立叶片泵的流量输出方程,在此基础上进行Matlab仿真分析流量输出动态性能。根据大连液压件厂的生产条件设计、制造基于全新变量原理的平衡式变量叶片泵样机,利用大连液压件厂试验台进行试验。从试验的角度验证平衡式变量叶片泵基于速度补偿原理实现变量的可行性。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of automotive industry recently, people are requiring higher quality for the comfort and safety of cars. In the 80s of last century, hydraulic power steering system is used in cars domestically and abroad in order to improve the driving safety and comfort. However both domestic and overseas power steering system have serious energy loss: the entire system will cost 3 percent energy of the engine, but only 40 percent of it will transfer to consumed energy, while the other 60 percent of the energy will be wasted. Also it will increase the heat of the hydraulic system, reduce the using life, produce noise and increase exhaust emission.The number of cars in the world is about 0.75 billion at present and is still keeping increasing. With the tremendous contribute to people, cars are causing serious damage to the circumstances, most of them are related with the cars using mineral fuel. Therefore, reducing the fuel consuming and exhaust emission is playing an important role in improving the quality of the air. According to the estimation, the fuel used by cars is about 40 percent out of the total usage of fuel for the world. So if we can minimize the fuel cost by cars, it will definitely have a positive impact on the energy position. The research of energy saving in cars technology is always ongoing. However in the previous research, the researchers put more attention on the consume of engine and drive system, cost a lot to save little fuel within one hundred kilometer, while paid little attention on auxiliary system, e.g. steering system.Based on the related literature collection, a new variable displacement of double-action vane pump is presented in this thesis which is applied in auto steering pump etc. With respect to the serious energy cost of present hydraulic power steering system, the proposed vane steering pump has the ability of rate compensation. Designed according to the pump structure, it can reduce energy loss by changing the interior structure of the pump. Based on the research of the energy saving theory and structure improvement of vane pump and the working conditions and characteristics of the variable frameworks under different speeds, a reasonable structure is designed to reduce the machine energy cost. As compared with the traditional double-action vane pump, the new vane can not only keep the advantage of balance of radial suffer force for rotor but also change its exhaust quantity automatically according to different rotate speeds.The transformation rule of the variable framework floating block under different rotate speeds is analyzed and the dynamics model of variable framework is derived according to the engineering dynamics principles. The dynamic estimation of the variable framework utilizing ADAMS is also analyzed, and figures of the dynamic parameters can be obtained. Concerning with the variable effects under different rotate speeds, the theoretical flux output equation is provided; and some MATLAB simulations are given upon this to give a theoretical feasibility proof of the project. According to the real machining ability and level of technology of Dalian Hydraulic Component Company, a sample machine of variable displacement of double-action vane pump is designed and produced based on the new variable theory, and some tests have been done on the synthetic test-bed in Dalian Hydraulic Component Company. The practice feasibility of the double-action vane pump is validated from the experimental perspective.
