

The Semantic Pattern and the Quantity Manifest on the Existential Sentence with Shi as the Predicate

【作者】 刘俊莉

【导师】 萧国政;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 现代汉语中,“是”字存在句是尚未得到充分研究的一个存在句小类。本文主要研究主导“是”字存在句的表义模式及典型体现这一表义模式的表量成分。本文从表量足句成分的使用规则出发,从量的角度分析该句式中空间与存在物的关系,总结出“凸显与空间对应的存在物,达成空间与存在物的一一对应关系”是该句式表存在时必须满足的表义要求,其中反映出的“前后项一一对应”的抽象表义关系就是主导该句式的“表义模式”。以此表义模式为核心,对该句式中具有代表性的全量成分的使用做系统的个案研究。在此基础上,对比“有”字存在句,探讨“是”字存在句表义模式的成因,认为原句式的抽象表义关系对现存在句式的表义模式有决定性的影响力,句式结构负载并标示句式的表义模式,是这一影响力传递的中介。对于表静态关系义的句式而言,句式结构所反映的抽象表义关系是主导句式各层面使用的深层动因,其作用及影响往往集中体现为人们使用该句式时认知和描写现象的一种既定角度和方式。正是基于表义模式的主导作用,本文以此为核心,展开对“是”字存在句的全面分析与系统描写,有关存在物的量是反映该句式前后项对应关系最直观的方式,本文将两者结合,以全新的角度和思路分析“是”字存在句,力求全面深入地把握该句式,并为今后的研究做些铺垫性的工作。本文的整体研究立足于现代汉语本体,成果亦可导向对外汉语相关内容的教学。本文的研究共分为七章,各章主要内容如下:第一章:绪论。阐释了选题的缘起和意义,概述了前人和时贤关于存在句及“是”字存在句的研究成果,扼要介绍了本文研究的基本思路和核心概念,并对语料的来源与构成进行了说明。第二章:“是”字存在句表量成分的足句规则及使用特点。从信息角度确定该句式足句成分为语义上与存在物相关的成分,选取了其中以量的方式呈现句式表义规则的表量成分来集中分析该句式的足句规则,以期从句式足句的必备语义成分探讨其表义的共性内核。从语言事实的分析中归纳出全量成分和非全量成分的足句规则,分析了这两类成分的具体组成及使用特点,全量成分对存在物量的说明必须达成物与空间在分布上的对等关系,非全量成分代表了其它非表量足句成分的使用规则,以凸显空间内的焦点存在物形成物与空间意念指称上的一一对应关系,形体显著度是此类成分使用时对存在物的选择倾向,也是制约这类成分足句的关键因素。全量关系及非全量关系事实上反映了“是”字存在句的基本表义类型。第三章:“是”字存在句的表义模式。本章将表量成分的足句规则及表义类型验证于该句式其它类型的足句成分,证明了表量成分的典型性。在全面分析该句式足句成分的基础上,归结“是”字存在句的表义模式为“前后项之间的一一对应关系”,具体体现为“凸显与空间对应的存在物,达成空间与物的一一对应关系”。并通过与“有”字存在句在孤立语境、上下文语境、不同语体中的替换对比,以涉及语形结构、基本语义、附加义、语篇功能及修辞效果的比较,全面分析和验证了“是”字存在句表义模式的存在及其对句式使用的影响。第四章和第五章选取了总括空间的全量成分作分类个案描写,这类全量成分典型直观地体现了“是”字存在句表义模式的要求,同时也是对外汉语教学中需要进行规约性说明的一类。对这类全量成分的描写与分析也是从量的角度对现代汉语中部分表总括的范围副词或形容词的重新认识和解读。第四章:“都”类全量成分。此类全量成分具有总括空间内事物同质性的功能,主要包括“都”、“全2”、“尽”、“净”。对“都”的个案研究可为此类代表,分析主要从句式结构特点、基本语义功能及与其它全量成分的合用三方面进行,分析显示,“都”是不自足的全量成分,不具备指示空间的功能,使用时必须与指示空间成分同现,这类指示空间成分包括周延性的方位成分和全量成分,以及非周延性的方位成分,整体上形成了“都”使用频率高但大多与其它全量成分合用的使用格局。“全2”、“尽”、“净”不同程度地兼有总括空间完整性与事物同质性的功能,但三者在这两方面各有侧重,“全2”侧重于强调空间的完整性,“尽”说明同质事物对空间的遍布,“净”说明遍布空间的事物的同质性。由于“都”类全量成分位于句中状语位置,都不带有指示空间的功能,这意味着句首主语都带有方位成分,其中,“全2”对空间完整性的强调导致所在句周延性主语的使用频率偏高。第五章:“满”类全量成分。此类全量成分都具有说明空间完整性的功能,其中,处于主语的定语位置的全量成分是自足的,主语位置不再出现其它方位成分。“满1”类全量成分包括“满1”、“浑”和“遍”,内部具有很大共性。这类成分都位于主语的定语位置,都在说明空间完整性的同时暗含存在物对空间的遍布意义,都具有说明空间性质或存在物存在方式的附加义,单用时都形成使用受限的类熟语结构,结构的扩展集中于宾语部分,且需伴以状语位置全量成分的添加。“满2”处状语位置,句法位置影响了语义及语法功能,语义上强调存在物的遍布状态,语法上不具备指示空间的功能。“全1”处主语的定语位置,表义不及“满1”类具象,多修饰代表职能的抽象空间,指示空间及完整性的功能相对较弱。由句法位置影响功能而形成的同型全量成分还有“到处1”和“到处2”,“到处1”呈现处于主语位置的指代处所词的特点,“到处2”仍为表任指的范围副词。从全量成分的角度分析,“到处”与“处处”的区别不仅止于具象与抽象,“到处”具有表达具象存在现象的优势及暗含整个空间的语义特点,在该句式中的使用相对占有优势。第六章:“是”字存在句表义模式的句式语义基础。本章分析“是”字存在句表义模式的成因,分析从句内分析和句外对比两方面进行。作为表静态关系的非动作动词句,“是”、“有”字存在句都存在主导使用的深层表义模式;作为借用句式,表义模式的形成都受原句式表义关系的影响,句式结构的借用是其中的关键,句式结构负载并标示表义模式,原判断句式的对应关系和原领有句式的不对等关系由此成为现存在句式的表义模式。这两个句式构成了一个由表义模式主导句式使用的句类系统,使本文对“是”字存在句表义模式的分析具有了一定的系统性和普遍意义,分析还显示了表义模式对其它表静态关系义句式的主导性影响力。在表义模式分析的基础上,本文认为,表义模式在句式使用中体现为人们认知和描写存在现象的一种既定角度和方式,由此完成了对“是”字存在句由表及里的全面分析,所涉及的理论假设与构想是我们今后研究的方向。第七章:结语。概括了本文的主要内容及观点,说明了本文分析中的不足及需要进一步深入研究的问题。

【Abstract】 The researches on existential sentence with shi as the predicate are not adequate in modern Chinese. This dissertation mainly focuses on the semantic pattern of the sentence and the quantity component that typically indicates the semantic pattern. Beginning with sentence-completion regulars of quantity components for analyzing the relation between the space and the substance, the result is that making the substance salient to be corresponding to the space is the essential semantic demand of the sentence, the corresponding relation is the semantic pattern of the sentence, which is the most important concept of this dissertation. The respective research on the main generalizing scope adverbs and adjectives as the representative full quantity components of this kind of sentence is for confirming the basic influence of the sentence semantic pattern. The cause analysis of the semantic pattern is from two sides, one is the internal sentence structure, the other is the external element from the existential sentence with you as the predicate. The analyzing course draws a conclusion that the formal sentence structure is the main measure to deliver and symbolize the semantic pattern. Furthermore, the sentence semantic pattern reflects some stationary angle or mode of cognition.This dissertation is composed of 7 chapters as follows.Chapter 1 is the introduction. The reason and the significance of this research is explained, an overview of the research on existential sentence and a specific introduction of existential sentence with shi as the predicate are given, the chain of thought on this issue are mentioned, and the key concept is defined.Chapter 2 analyses the sentence-completion regulars and using features of different types of quantity components. With the angle of information, the sentence-completion components are confirmed to be related with the substance on semantic meaning. The quantity component is the typical representative of the sentence-completion component. There are two types of quantity components used in completing the sentence. The full quantity component must make the substance equal to the space on spatial scope. The non-full quantity component protrudes the substance to be the focus corresponding to the space with the shape salience being stressed. The two types of quantity components reflect the semantic types of the existential sentence with shi as the predicate.Chapter 3 discusses the semantic pattern of the existential sentence with shi as the predicate. The sentence-completion regulars concluded from the quantity components are tested in other sentence-completion components for proving the typicality. Based on all-around analysis of the sentence-completion, the semantic pattern is concluded as an abstract corresponding relation between the protruded substance and the space. This semantic pattern is tested by comparing with the existential sentence with you as the predicate with the substitutions in different conditions.Chapter 4 and chapter 5 are the respective descriptions of the full quantity components of generalizing the space. That type of full quantity component reflects the semantic pattern of this sentence directly and typically. At the same time they are also necessary to be explained in Chinese teaching as the second language, and that’s the same course to understand the main generalizing scope adverbs and adjectives in modern Chinese.Chapter 4 is about the full quantity components of dou type. This type has the function to generalize the same quality of the substance existing in the space, including dou, quan2, jin and jing. The description is carried from the basic semantic function, the structure feature and the co-occurrence with the other full quantity components. dou is the representative of this type. It has the highest using frequency as well as the highest co-occurrence rate with the components of space–indication function, because it has no function to give or indicate the spatial character of the thing as the subject of the sentence. Quan2, jin and jing can show the whole scope of the space as well as the same quality of the substance, but they stress different parts on the two meanings.Chapter 5 describes the full quantity components of man type. This type has the function to indicate the spatial character of the subject and its meaning stress is on the scope of the space. Man1 type includes man1, hun and bian, these three components have the common basic semantic function and structure feature , and they all have additional meaning to show the features of the space or the existing method of the substance. Man2 has no space-indication function because of the adverbial position. Quan1 prefers to describe abstract functional space. Daochu is divided in two variants, daochu1 has the character of demonstrative pronoun because of the position of the beginning of the sentence where there is no space subject. Daochou2 is still an adverbial with the position before the predicate. Both the two variants of daochu have the function to generalize the whole space by arbitrary reference. At last, the differences between daochu and chuchu are discussed.Chapter 6 researches the cause of the semantic pattern of this sentence. The analysis is from two sides, the internal side is the main cause. The assertion sentence structure decides eternally the semantic pattern of this existential sentence by copying the original semantic pattern of the assertion sentence. The external side is the comparison with the semantic patter of the existential sentence of you, the same analyzing mode is used in you sentence, and it’s proved to be reasonable and effective.Chapter 7 is the conclusion of the whole dissertation. The contents and main achievements of this dissertation are summarized as some issues needed to be researched further are listed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】H146.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】728