

Construction of the Four Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory and Methodology of Modern Research

【作者】 王鹏

【导师】 王振国;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 目的:总结中药四性理论形成发展源流,明确其构建形成的背景、条件和模式。明确中药四性理论现代研究工作的总体研究思路和研究要点,分析其总体研究和分支研究的主要方法学框架。方法:在文献研究正本清源的基础上,梳理中药四性理论形成发展源流,分析其构建形成的社会背景、思想背景、基本条件、构建模式。对中药四性理论现代研究工作进行系统回顾分析,指明其存在的主要问题,分析其主要研究思路,探讨总体研究工作要点和研究路向;围绕总体研究要点,就文献研究、中药性状-药性相关性研究、中药成分-药性相关性研究、中药功效-药性相关性研究、数据分析挖掘研究等分支研究领域的主要目标、研究要点、研究要求、研究路向等进行分析探讨。结果:①认为中药四性理论构建模式存在如下特点:首先,个药定性是基于证-功效-药性基础上的分类归纳模式;其次,自体理论形成是基于无序实践经验基础上的总体认知模式;第三,归属于中医学理论体系过程属逻辑贯穿与同一化改造模式。②开展现代研究应坚持如下思路:以中医药基本理论为指导并贯穿始终的研究思路;文献研究、实验研究、临床研究相结合的研究思路;宏观研究与微观研究相结合、定性研究与定量研究相结合的研究思路;开放式、多学科协同攻关的研究思路;注重开展中药基础物质成分体内代谢组学研究的思路;既注重单一成分药效作用,又注重多种成分群体效应的研究思路。③总体研究要点应包括:中药四性理论体系内涵研究;样品中药四性属性界定研究;性状-药性相关性研究;成分-药性相关性研究;功效-药性相关性研究等。④文献研究要点应包括:中药四性理论形成发展源流与构建模式;研究中药四性属性;中药四性传统判别要素;述评中药四性理论现代应用与研究工作等。⑤性状-药性相关性研究要点应包括:品种;用药部位;生态环境与道地性;采收时节;性状特征等。⑥物质-药性相关性研究要点应包括:初生物质成分、次生物质成分、无机物质成分与寒热药性间可能存在的相关规律性等。⑦功效-药性相关性研究要点应包括:基于证候模型的寒热中药功效-药性相关性研究;基于证候模型的寒热物质组分群与寒热中药作用相关性研究;基于正常模型的寒热中药作用特征及其规律性研究;基于寒体、热体模型的寒热中药作用特征及其规律性研究;基于不同模型的寒热中药作用机制对比研究等。结论:①中药四性理论构建模式属群体性构建模式而不是个体性构建模式,属同质性构建模式而不是异质性构建模式,属关联性构建模式而不是排他性构建模式。②中药四性理论现代研究应坚持两大基本原则:遵循四性认知规律开展研究工作;基于现代科学水平阐释理论内涵。③中药四性理论现代研究面临的主要难点有理论方面的,有研究思路方面的,还有方法和技术方面的,其中,理论难点最为突出。④研究方法“西化”是中药四性理论现代研究的客观需要。⑤研究中药四性理论,应点面结合,纵横结合,总体把握,分层推进,从不同层面对药性内涵进行全面阐释。充分借助现代生物学、化学、物理学、信息科学、计算机科学等学科的方法和手段,与分子生物学、植物学、遗传学、生药学、微生物学、生态学等相关学科紧密结合,宏观研究与微观研究相结合、定性研究与定量研究相结合,多层次、多因素、多靶点、动态性开展研究工作。在保持自身特色的前提下,深化方法论研究,构架严谨的方法学体系,在整理和挖掘传统研究方法的同时,充分吸收现代自然科学方法论思想,多学科共融,搭建技术平台,使其研究技术和方法真正实现跨越式发展,从而切实保障研究工作的顺利开展和圆满完成。

【Abstract】 Object:To summarize the origin and development of Chinese crude drug four nature theory,identify the construction background, essence and mode。clear-cut the overall pathway and highlight of modern researches on Chinese crude drug four nature theory, to analyze the main technology of overall researchs and branch researchs.Method:In base of literature research,make clear of the origin and development of Chinese crude drug four nature theory,analysis the construction society background,thought backbround,essence and mode. review and analysis of system of Chinese crude drug four nature theory modern study,to demonstrate the key issue, essay main research route,approach total main point and direction of study works;literature research,associativity research of herbs’char-property, associativity research of material-efficacy,associativity research of efficacy-property,data dig analysis,etc. To make all that branch study clear of main target,highlight,highlight and directions。Result:①the construction mode char of Chinese crude drug four nature theory: firstly,each drug’s nature all base on the mode of syndrome-efficacy- property.Secondly,the theory come into being depend on the total recognition mode of disorder practice experience.Thirdly,the theory relegate to TCM is the mode of logic penetrate and samely reform..②Route of modern study and research should be perseveranced :under direction of TCM basic-theroy;Combine with literature,empirical study and clinical research;conjuncting macroscopy and microexamination,qualitative investigation and quantitative study ; open style and multi-subjects cooperation ; to emphasize metabolism of substructure COMP in vivo;single drug COMP and multi drug COMP action are all important.③overall research highlight: connotation research of Chinese crude drug four nature theory;definition four nature of TCM,character and drug nature;char-property,associativity research of material-efficacy,associativity research of efficacy-property,etc.④literature research: Chinese crude drug four nature theory and the development;Chinese crude drug four nature theory;tradition distinguish four nature of chich chick. Comment TCM Herbs with modern and research.but it’s a safe workspacease. four nature theory research of modern use and ancient usr.⑤char-drugnature associativity research point: species,Medication position,biogeocoenosis and genuine;harvest time, characteristic , etc.⑥material-drug property associativity research point: firstling component、derviative component、inorganic matter and chills and fever drug property,and the correlated regularity among that.⑦efficacy - drug property associativity research point:efficacy-drug property associativity research on cold and febricity herbs in views of syndrome model;cold and febricity material group swarming and the associativity with chills and fever herbs;cold and febricity herbs’affect-char and regularity research in views of normal model;Study on cold and febricity herbs’function character and regularity in views of cold body and Pyretic body model;contrast research on cold and febricity herbs’mechanism of action in views of models.Conclusion:①Chinese crude drug four nature theory is constructed in mode of colonial,homogenicity and relevance,not in mode of individuality,heterogeneity and repellency.②Westernize method of research is objective demand in Chinese crude drug four nature theory study.③Chinese crude drug four nature theory study should follow two basic principle:Research should follow cognition rule of four nature;To explain the theory connotation should under the level of modern science.④Chinese crude drug four nature theory study should integrate point and sphere,length and breadth,grasp in total,layer upon layer impel. To explain the drug nature connotation overall from every level.to draw fully assistance from modern biology,chemistry,physics,information science,computer science and any useful subjects,together with relative subjects as molecular biology,botany,genetics,pharmacognosia,microbiology,ecology.To dynamic evolve research Conjugate Macroscopy and microexamination,qualitative investigation and quantitative study,multistrata,multiple factor and target.Under the premise of maintain self-idiomatical,deepen methodology research,establish rigorous methodology system. At the same time of unscrambling and excavation tradition methods,to ample absorb modern natural science methodology,multi-subjects chiasm and build platform of technology,to make method and technique develop by strides implement,to ensure the researchs develop smoothly and successfully complete.
