

The Literature Study of Nourishing Yin and Body Fluid Treating with the Primary Lung Cancer

【作者】 马廷行

【导师】 欧阳兵;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 原发性支气管肺癌是一种常见疾病,其发病率和死亡率均居恶性肿瘤首位。本文通过对中医历代肺癌相关文献进行广泛搜集、整理和分析,从病名、病因、证型等方面梳理其病机,探究疾病的初发证候和必现证候,进而发现肺癌病程演变过程中的关键所在。研究发现,肺热阴津损伤是肺癌病程及治疗中较常见的证候,并可进一步演变为气阴两虚、阴阳两虚等证。因此认为,肺热阴津损伤是肺癌发病的始动原因。通过建立当代治疗肺癌的方药数据库,统计高频药物,分析养阴生津法的用药特点,进而提出该证如能得到早期治疗,则有可能阻止或延缓疾病的进一步发展。

【Abstract】 The primary lung cancer is a common disease and it is the leading cause of morality and recurrence among malignant tumors。There are no breakthroughs in prevention and treatment of this disease in TCM fields. Prolonging of the survival time with TCM is limited. The article studied the initial syndromes and the certain syndromes based on TCM in order to find the causes and mechanism of this disease。Lung heat causing body fluid impairment is a common syndrome in the progress of lung cancer and it can advance in asthesia of qi and yin asthesia,and then asthesia of yin and yang. So we think that Lung heat causing body fluid impairment maybe a key point for treatment of lung cancer. Based on this theory, we want to build a data bank of chines herbs and prescription, analyze the character of medicine and propose that if Lung heat causing body fluid impairment can be found and treatment in time, the progress of lung cancer may be blocked.
