

Research on Organize System of China Feed Trade Association

【作者】 毕杰

【导师】 史建民;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 饲料工业是连接种植业、养殖业、农副产品加工业等农业产业链条中极其重要的一个关键环节。但是由于企业数量众多,普遍规模较小、技术含量不高等问题导致我国饲料行业的竞争十分激烈,竞争环境不良,目前我国饲料行业的平均利润率已低于1%,饲料企业长期挣扎在亏损的边缘。残酷的竞争环境使得饲料行业需要规范的管理,尤其是行业协会对行业的管理和服务,以改善行业发展环境,提高行业盈利能力。本文正是在这样的背景下进行研究的。本研究以产业经济学的理论为主要工具,综合运用新制度经济学、产业组织学等理论,采用规范研究和实证研究相结合、系统分析和历史分析相结合、案例分析和理论研究相结合的研究路线进行研究。首先为了研究内容更为明确,对饲料及饲料行业、行业协会、组织制度的概念做了界定;其次通过对中国饲料行业产业组织特征尤其是市场结构特征的研究,总结出行业及企业对饲料行业协会的内在需求及对行业协会组织制度的要求;第三,以国家、省级、市级和县级四个层级的行业协会为范例,对中国的饲料行业协会组织制度进行了系统的研究,总结出了饲料行业产业组织特征与行业协会组织制度以及行业协会作用之间的关系;第四,对主要的饲料行业发达国家(或地区)行业协会的组织制度进行了研究,探讨及行业协会作用与其组织制度的关系,并取得了饲料行业协会发展和建设的经验;第五,在以上研究的基础上,得出了本文的主要研究结论,针对中国饲料行业产业组织状况及行业和企业对行业协会的需求,提出了中国饲料行业协会发展的政策建议。本文的主要结论及政策建议如下:一、中国的饲料行业的健康发展对行业协会有内在的需求,因为饲料行业协会的可以通过营造良好的市场环境、树立良好的社会形象、建立良好的生产标准和提高行业的科技水平等职能来提高行业的整体水平,改善企业的盈利能力。要想能够真正服务好行业,饲料行业协会需求建设的职能主要有:管理职能、代表职能、维护职能和服务职能。二、行业协会作用的发挥是由其组织制度的决定的。中国的饲料行业协会中,同时存在着不能发挥作用的和能够发挥一定作用的协会组织,在这些协会的组织制度中,能否发挥作用的决定性因素是组织属性、会员组成和政府关系,而在组织属性中,又以是自愿性、行业性作用更加突出。三、市场结构决定行业协会的组织制度。行业协会作为行业中企业的一种行为选择,必然受到市场结构的影响。通过对中国以及主要发达国家饲料行业协会组织制度的研究,证实了市场结构对行业协会组织制度的影响这一结论。受市场结构影响的组织制度要素主要是协会组织属性、会员组成、层级结构,而影响这些要素的市场结构要素包括:市场上的企业数量、市场集中度、企业对称性、市场关系、多重市场联系、产品差异化程度以及进入和退出壁垒。有利于企业组成或参与行业协会的市场结构特征是:企业数量少,市场集中度高,企业对称性好,市场关系密切,多重市场联系频繁,产品差异化程度小以及进入和退出壁垒高。从产业组织特征来分析,市场关系是企业组成或参与行业协会的基础,如果企业之间没有市场关系,就不可能产生对行业协会的需求。四、行业协会管理模式对行业协会的行为产生影响,进而影响行业协会的组织制度。法团主义模式下,行业协会具备“行业性”和“会员单一”的组织制度特征。而在在多元主义模式下,行业协会就形成了“综合性”和“会员多样化”的组织制度特征。五、社会和文化因素也是制约行业协会发展的重要因素。这种对行业协会的组成和发展起着消极作用因素包括厚重的历史文化沉淀和饲料行业企业家们自治的积极性并不高,自治能力也不强。广东省作为中国对外开放的重要门户,私营经济得到了快速的发展,从而培养了一批具有现代思想的企业家。同时,广东省作为中国行业协会改革试点的重点省份,在对行业协会环境培养等方面工作开展得比较有效,从而,使企业家的自治意识可以得到尊重和实现。六、对饲料行业协会发展的政策建议是从饲料行业管理体制的改革开始。为了加强对饲料行业的监管,笔者提出设立独立的饲料质量监察机构,以保证饲料乃至食品的安全,同时提出了“监察机构+行业协会+主管部门”的饲料行业管理模式,其中主管部门更多的任务是通过沟通了解行业的需求、协调政府关系等,而将原来大部分的管理职能转移给饲料行业协会。这种模式与现行的管理体制没有冲突,可以很顺利地完成现行模式的改造。七、根据饲料行业的实际情况,提出了自下而上建设饲料行业协会的组织模式,提出市(地)级饲料行业协会是饲料行业协会建设的重点。同时,根据中国的特点建立了协会与政府、协会与监察机构、协会与人大的关系网络。八、在饲料行业协会组织制度的设计上,首先对基层、省级、国家级饲料行业协会的会员组成做了重新的界定,提出以基层行业协会为基本的功能实现单元,其会员以饲料企业为主体,而更高一层的饲料行业协会则以下一级的行业协会为主体组成,同时吸收部分大型、跨地区经营的企业以及添加剂饲料作为企业会员。饲料行业协会会员分为正式会员和观察会员,以区别饲料行业和非饲料企业会员,强调协会的专业性。其次,在职能设计上,各级饲料行业协会有不同的侧重,基层的行业协会,承担更多具体的、实际的、管理性的职能,越高层次的协会,其职能越倾向于宏观的、指导性的职能。九、对于中国饲料行业协会的组建方式,笔者主张在现在的模式(即行业协会和行业主管部门合署办公,政会不分)上加以演变,逐渐将政府主管部门的职权向行业协会转移,并最终实现政会分离。同时,也应该看到,由于行业发展水平的差异,不同地区在协会发展上必然会有差别,因此,笔者提出了要以发展的眼光看待饲料行业协会的发展,不能搞一刀切,同时引入适当竞争的机制,以有利于饲料行业发展为出发点,多层次发展饲料行业协会。同时,为了加快饲料行业协会的发展,还应当采取措施逐渐培育有利于饲料行业协会发育的市场环境,并且注重对企业家自治意识的培养以及培养一批行业协会的管理人员。

【Abstract】 Feed industry is a key link of the agricultural industrialization chain. But the feed industry is extremely competitive, and in worse competitive environment because of the large amount of enterprises, Small scale, and less of higher technology. As a result, the average profit margin has been less than 1%, feed enterprises struggling in the long-term loss verge. The China’s feed industry needs to be standardized management, and the management and services by the industry trade associations to improve the industry’s development environment, and improve industry profitability.In this study, Industrial Economics is used as the main theory tool. And the New Institutional Economics, the theory of Industrial Organization are used synthetically. The study method is combined with Standardized Research and Empirical Studies, System analysis and Historical analysis, Case analysis and theoretical research study. First, in order to study more clearly, the concepts of feed and feed industries, trade associations and organize systems have been defined. Secondly, through the study of Industrial Organization of China feed industry, particularly the characteristics of the market structure, summed up the inherent demand of the industry association and the requirements to it’s organize system. Thirdly, with trade associations of four levels that is the national, provincial, municipal and county, summed up the relations of industrial organization characteristics and feed industry trade associations organize system as well as the association’s role. Fourthly, through the study of feed trade associations’ organize systems of developed countries (or regions), sum up the relations between the roles and organize system of there feed trade associations. And have achieved the experience of feed industry association developing and constructing of those countries. Fifth, on the basis of the above study, draw conclusions of this study. As a final, put forward the development of China Feed Industry Association of policy recommendations according to the China’s feed industry organization, trade associations organize system and the demands of the industry and enterprises. The main conclusions and policy recommendations are as follows:1. The healthy development of China’s feed industry has inherent demands with trade association. Because trade association can help creating good market environment, establishing a sound social impression, a good production standards and raising the technological level of industries, improving the industry the overall level of the profitability of enterprises. To achieve good service industries, feed industry associations must have constructed such functions: management, delegation, protection and service.2. The role of trade association is decided by it’s organize systems. In China’s feed trade associations, some valid, and some invalid at the same time. The role of association is decided by it’s organize system’s factors that is organizational attributes, membership and government relations. And in the organizational attributes, voluntary and industrialization are more effective.3. Industry Association organizational system is decided by market structure. The elements of association organize system that decided by market structure are: organizational attributes, membership and level structure. And the impactable elements of market structure include: the number of enterprises on the market, market concentration, enterprises symmetry, market relations, multiple market linkages, as well as product differential and entry-exit barriers. A market structure conduce to trade association should be: less number of small enterprises, high market concentration, good symmetry of enterprises, closing market, frequent and multiple markets contact, low degree of product differential and high barriers to entry and exit. Market relations is composed of enterprises or industry associations involved in the foundation, if no market relations between enterprises, it is impossible to generate trade associations demand.4. Management model of the industry associations have an impact industry associations’ conduct, thereby affecting it’s organize system. Under corporatism mode, the industry associations have "industrialize" and the "single-member" features. In the pluralism mode, the trade association result in "comprehensive" and "diversification-member" features.5. Social and cultural are also important factors that constrained the development of trade association. The factors that play negative role in the development of trade associztion are: heavy precipitation of the history and culture, low autonomy enthusiasm of the feed industry entrepreneurs, less of capacity for self government.6. Policy recommendations start from the feed industry management system reform. In order to strengthen the feed industry regulation, the authors propose the establishment of an independent quality monitor to ensure the safety of food and feed, found a "monitoring department - industry association -authoritie department" feed industry management system. The authorities main tasks should be: understanding the needs of industry through communication, government relations and coordination. Most of the management functions will be transferred to the feed industry association. This system is not in conflict with the existing management system, so it can be smoothly completed the transformation from the existing model.7. In accordance with the feed industry’s actual situation, establish a bottom-up construction of the Feed Industry Association organization and propose that the construct of city (region)-leveled Feed Industry Association should be the emphasis. At the same time, according to the characteristics of our country, establish Association-government, Association-supervisor and Association-Congress relationships network.8. In the organize system design of Feed Industry Association, first of all, re-definition the membership of different level, that are the grassroots level, the provincial level and the National level. Trade associations of grassroots level to put forward for the realization of basic functional unit and its members are feed enterprises. The higher level of the Feed Industry Associations composed with lower level trade association, large, cross-regional-operated enterprises and feed additive enterprises. Feed Industry Association Member can be divided into full membership and observer members, to distinguish between feed industry enterprises and non-feed enterprise members, stressed the professionalism of the Association. Secondly, in the functions designation, different levels have different emphasis. Grassroots trade associations, to assume more concrete, practical, management functions. The higher levels of Association, more incline, macro and guidance functions.9. In the establish model of China’s Feed Industry Association, the author advocates to evolve from the present system. The government should gradually transfer authorities to the association, and ultimately realize Government-association separat. At the same time, we should also note that in different regions the association development inevitably differential because of the differences of development of the industry. Therefore, we should take the development of the feed industry association with a development sight, cultivate environment that propitious to Feed Trade Association healthy develop. The environment includes policy, law, culture, society and market.

  • 【分类号】F326.5;F203
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