

Study on Rape Production and Development of Biodiesel in China

【作者】 刘春明

【导师】 王雅鹏;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 面临激烈的国际竞争,我国油菜产业的发展到了一个关键时期,迫切需要探索新的发展途径。同时开发生物质能源是解决全球能源危机的方向之一,当前世界各国对生物质能的研发非常重视。其中重要的一项分支就是以油料作物等可再生资源为原料制成的生物柴油。由于生物柴油是一种可替代石化柴油的清洁安全的新型燃料,具有优良的环保特性和可再生性,属理想的“绿色能源”,因而在能源危机的今天备受重视。选择油料产业与能源产业的交叉领域生物质能特别是生物柴油为契合点,研究油菜生产与生物柴油发展,不仅为解决能源危机提供了新的视角,而且对于保障能源安全、保护生态环境、促进农业和制造业发展、提高农民收入等都具有重要的战略意义。本论文在阐述国际油菜产业的发展趋势基础上,分析了国际生物柴油的发展状况,结合当今我国油菜产业和能源需求的现状,指出我国油菜生产与生物柴油发展的主要制约因素在于油菜籽原材料的产量和价格两方面。进而在产业经济学、地理经济学、集群理论、系统动力学等理论指导下,针对这两个问题,运用博弈理论、系统基模等方法建立研究模型,对油菜产业的组织发展模式展开分析研究,探索可持续的油菜生产与生物柴油发展之路。并立足于油菜产业,解决生物柴油发展过程中的上游环节——原材料供给问题,以确保油菜生物柴油工业化生产的原料需求。最后,针对性提出了系列政策建议。论文共分为七章:第一章:导言。论述研究背景、研究意义及研究框架。研究油菜生产与生物柴油发展,对于保障能源安全、保护生态环境、促进农业和制造业发展、提高农民收入等都具有重要的战略意义。本研究选择对油料产业同能源产业的交叉领域生物质能特别是生物柴油展开研究,探索可持续的油菜生产与生物柴油发展之路,立足于油菜产业的发展,主要解决的是生物柴油发展过程中的上游环节—原材料供给问题,确保油菜生物柴油工业化生产的原料需求。第二章:油菜生产与生物柴油发展研究的理论基础。阐述相应的理论基础。主要包括产业发展理论与农业产业化理论、技术创新理论、比较优势理论与竞争优势理论、产业集群理论、政府行为相关理论。第三章:世界油菜产业与生物能源发展概述。描述世界油菜产业的发展概况与生物能源的基本发展态势。经过新中国建国50多年、改革开放20多年的发展,中国已经成为能源大国。但是,在全面建设小康社会的过程中,特别是面向“十一五”及2020年,能源发展仍存在着许多深层次的问题,有些矛盾在新的形势下显得更加突出。主要表现为能源发展面临四大压力:能源供应的压力,能源需求的压力,能源节约的压力和能源环保的压力。油菜是我国发展生物柴油最理想的原料来源。大力发展油菜生物柴油,既能为我国能源安全战略做出重要贡献,也有助于保障我国的粮食安全,还有利于农民增收,具有十分重要的战略意义。但迄今为止,我国油菜生物柴油尚未大规模产业化。目前许多国家如美国、德国、法国、丹麦、意大利、爱尔兰和西班牙等对生物柴油采取了相应的扶持政策。第四章:我国油菜生产与生物柴油发展的现状分析。分析研究我国油菜生产与生物柴油发展的现实发展水平及存在的问题。我国生物柴油生产起步晚,给我们发展生物柴油工业带来了很大压力,同时也为我们创造了后发优势,使我们有机会借鉴其他国家成熟的生产技术和宝贵的推广经验,经过10多年的不断发展,生物柴油生产技术已基本成熟,。目前,制约油菜生物柴油产业发展的主要问题是原料成本较高,国外由于政府采取了税收减免、价格补贴等优惠政策,使得油菜生物柴油产业得以较快地发展。我国至今尚未针对生物柴油产业出台一套扶持、优惠和鼓励的政策办法,制约了我国油菜生物柴油产业的兴起与发展。第五章:我国油菜生产与生物柴油发展的组织模式分析。通过博弈分析推导出适合我国油菜产业采用的四种组织模式。油菜产业的发展要想达到能源化的原料供给保障要求,应采取生产要素结构升级、需求引导、相关产业支撑、推动产业内部与产业之间的竞争与协作等对策,充分发挥政府、产业和行业协会的作用,通过合理有效的发展模式,构建油菜产业集群,培育油菜产业的竞争优势,提高市场竞争力,抓住生物能源发展的有利契机,促进油菜产业新的发展。通过严谨的博弈分析表明,我国油菜产业可以有四类可供选择的组织发展模式,即集群发展模式,依托发展模式,带动发展模式,联合发展模式。第六章:我国油菜生物柴油的产业化与政策环境分析。针对我国油菜生物柴油进行了产业化分析与政策环境分析。我国生物柴油产业起步不久,且率先在民营企业实现。发展生物柴油,技术不是问题。真正制约生物柴油发展的关键是原料的供应。与国外相比,我国生物柴油的开发利用还处于初级阶段,未形成生物柴油的产业化;政府未对其实行扶持或优惠政策,更没有制定统一标准和实施产业化战略。为加快生物柴油的发展,使其在我国能源结构转变中发挥更大作用,尚需要通过应用试验来摸索生物柴油的使用性能,建立统一的产业规范(包括产品质量标准、应用体系等),宜积极探讨美国、欧洲等生物柴油产业规范在我国的适用性,在生物柴油产品推向市场的同时,逐渐改进完善,最终形成适用于我国的生物柴油的质量标准和产业规范。第七章:促进我国油菜生产与生物柴油发展的政策建议。根据前面章节的分析,针对性提出促进我国油菜生产与生物柴油发展的政策建议。主要包括促进油菜产业发展的合理布局政策、实行产业集群化经营、加强技术创新、加强质量监控、完善社会化服务体系等几方面。

【Abstract】 Facing the fierce international competition, the oil industry of our country has developed into a key period, and we need to explore the new approach to develop the oil industry urgently. It is one of the orientations of solving the global energy crisis to develop the biomass energy; the countries all over the world pay much more attention to the research and development of biomass energy at present. One of important branches is the biodiesel oil made by the renewable resources as raw materials, such as oil crops ,etc, it is a kind of new-type fuel with safe cleanness that can substitute the petrochemical industry diesel oil, because it has fine environmental protection characteristic and renewable, belongs to the ideal " green energy ". The ones that choose to research the biomass energy of fields, especially biological diesel oil, which crossed the fields of the oil industry and the energy industry, study on the rape production and development of biodiesel, has an important strategic meanings for the energy security, the ecological environment protection, promoting agriculture and manufacturing industry development, raising peasant’s income ,etc..This dissertation analyzes the developing statement of the international biological diesel oil based on explaining the development trend of the international rape industry. According with the current situations of the rape industry of our country and energy demands, we have a conclusion that the main two restrictive factors that draw the rape production and development of biodiesel of our country are the production and price of the raw materials of rape seed, and then to these two questions we use methods to set up research model, such as the theory, system base mould ,etc, under the guidance of the theories, such as industrial economics , geographical economics , industrial cluster theories , system engineering ,etc., analyze the development model and operating mechanism of organization of the industry of the rape, explore the way of sustainable the rape production and development of biodiesel, solve the raw material supplements that is the upper reaches link in the development of biodiesel based on the development of the rape industry, guarantee the raw materials demands for the biological diesel oil industrialization of the rape. Finally, we pertinence puts forward the policy recommendations.The thesis is divided into seven chapters:ChapterⅠ: Introduction.Describe research background, research meaning and research frame. Study the rape production and development of biodiesel, for ensuring the strategic meanings all with importance, such as energy security, ecological environment protection, promoting agriculture and manufacturing industry to develop, raising peasant’s income, etc. This research is chosen crossing to oil industry and energy industry the biomass energy of fields especially biological diesel oil launch research, explore the way of sustainable rape production and development of biodiesel, base on the development of the industry of the rape, it was the upper reaches link in the development of biodiesel that was solved mainly - -The raw materials are supplied with the question, guarantee the raw materials demand produced in biological diesel oil industrialization of the rape.ChapterⅡ: Theoretical foundation studying of rape production and development of biodiesel. Explain the corresponding theoretical foundation. Mainly including the industry develops the theory and agricultural industrialization theory; collect a group of theories, relevant theories of government’s behavior in technological innovation theory, comparative advantage theory and competition advantage theory, industry.ChapterⅢ: The industry of the rape and biological energy develop all over the world the summary. Describe the development overview and basic developing state of the biological energy of the industry of the rape all over the world. Found the state one one year , reform and opening-up 20 development for one year through new China, China has already become the energy big country . However, during the process of building the well-to-do society in an all-round way, especially face " eleven five" and 2020 years, energy is it have the problem that a lot of are profound still to develop, a bit contradictory to seem outstanding under new situation. Shown as energy development and faced four major pressures mainly: The pressure of energy supply, the pressure of the energy demand, the pressures of the pressure that the energy economizes and energy environmental protection. The rape is that our country develops the biological most ideal raw material sources of diesel oil. Develop biological diesel oil of rape in a more cost-effective manner, can make important contribution for the energy security strategy of our country, contribute to ensuring the grain security of our country too, and help peasants to increase income, have very important strategic meanings. But up until now, the biological yet extensive industrialization of diesel oil of rape of our country. A lot of countries have adopted the corresponding support policy to the biological diesel oil such as U.S.A., Germany, France, Denmark, Italy, Irish and Spain ,etc. at present.ChapterⅣ: Rape production and development of biodiesel current situation analysis of our country. Analyse and research the rape production and development of biodiesel realistic development level of our country and existing problem. The biological diesel oil of our country is produced and started late, has developed biological diesel oil industry for us and brought very great pressure, create newcoming advantage for us too at the same time, make us have an opportunity to use other countries’ ripe production technologies and valuable popularization experiences for reference, through the constant development of more than 10 years, the biological diesel oil production technology has been already ripe basically. At present, the subject matter of restricting biological diesel oil industry’s development of rape is that a cost of material is relatively high, because the government has adopted preferential policies; such as deductions and exemptions of taxes, price subsidy, etc. abroad, make the biological diesel oil industry of the rape must use faster development. Our country has not issued a set of fostering, favourable and policy method encourageds to the biological diesel oil industry yet so far, have restricted the rise and development of the biological diesel oil industry of rape of our country.ChapterⅤ: Rape production and development of biodiesel organization mode analysis of our country. Analyse through playing chess that it suits four kinds of tissue modes that the rape industry of our country adopts to derive out. If the development of the industry of the rape wants to reach energy raw materials supply and ensure requiring, should adopt factor of production structure upgrade, demand lead , relevant industry support, promote industry and competition and cooperation countermeasure of industry, fully give play to the role of government , industry and employer’s organization, pass the rational and effective development model, structure rape industry collect group , cultivate competition advantage , rape of industry , raise the market competitiveness, catch the favorable opportunity of biological energy development, promote the industry’s new development of rape. Analyse through the rigorous chess match that indicates, the rape industry of our country can have four kinds of organization’s development model suitable for choosing, namely collect a group of development model, rely on the development model, drive the development model, and unite the development model.ChapterⅥ: Rape biological diesel oil industrialization and environmental analysis of the policy of our country. Have carried on industrialization analysis and environmental analysis of the policy to the biological diesel oil of rape of our country. The biological diesel oil industry of our country starts just, and takes the lead in realizing in the enterprise run by the local people. Developing biological diesel oil, technology is not a question. The key that really restricts biological diesel oil development is the supply of raw materials. Compared with foreign countries, the development and utilization of the biological diesel oil of our country is still at primary stage, have not formed the industrialization of the biological diesel oil ; The government has not implemented supporting or preferential policy to it, has not made and sought unity of standard and implemented industrialization strategy even more. In order to quicken the development of biological diesel oil one , make it play a greater role in our country’s energy structure is changed , the serviceability of the biological diesel oil still needs trying to find out through using the test, set up unified industry norm (including the quality level of the products , system of using etc.), should probe into the biological suitability in our country of industry’s norm of diesel oil, such as U.S.A. , Europe ,etc. actively , while the diesel oil products of living beings are introduced to the market, it is perfect to improve gradually, form the biological diesel oil quality level suitable for our country and industry’s norm finally. ChapterⅦ: Promote the policy recommendations of rape production and development of biodiesel of our country. According to the analysis of the front chapter, pertinence puts forward the policy recommendations of promoting rape production and development of biodiesel of our country. Include the rational overall arrangement policy that brings about an advance in industry of the rape mainly, implement industry collect group is it deal in , strengthen technological innovation , strengthen quality control, perfect social service system ,etc. several respects to take.

【关键词】 油菜生产生物柴油能源发展
【Key words】 Rape ProductionBiodieselEnergyDevelopment
  • 【分类号】F326.12;F426.22;F224.32
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1914