

Interaction Effect and Mechanism of the Aromatic Rice and the Main Rice Pests

【作者】 彭传华

【导师】 雷朝亮;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 动物学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 香稻是一种自身含有香味物质的水稻。常作为单季晚稻种植.由于香稻自身的品质特性特征与普通(优质)水稻存在很大差异,同时作为单季晚稻种植改变了传统的种植模式,稻田生态发生了很大变化,这必然导致水稻主要害虫发生规律的变化,现有的测报防治方法不能简单套用到香稻生产上。为此本文以鄂香1号和优质杂交香稻武香988两种优质香稻为材料,并与普通优质稻(常规优质稻鄂中5号和杂交优质稻两优陪九)作对比,开展了香稻主要害虫发生危害特点调查,香稻对主要害虫的适合度,以及香稻形态和生化特征对适合度的影响研究,这些结果可用于指导香稻主要害虫的综合治理,进一步服务香稻生产。主要结果如下:1、通过田间和室内控制实验发现:优质香稻与普通优质稻(包括常规优质稻和杂交优质稻)田间主要害虫和天敌的群落结构(即物种丰富度)基本一致,但是群落结构动态和稳定性存在一定差异,而且随着时间的推移,差异程度不断变化,但总的来说,水稻生长后期,鄂香1号的群落结构稳定性高于普通优质稻,而武香988低于普通优质稻,但差异不显著。2、三种主要水稻害虫发生高峰期香稻田间密度显著高于普通优质稻;不同播插期相比,香稻主要害虫种类有显著变化,作为中稻种植时,二化螟的发生和危害程度较其他害虫严重,相同的品种也是做中稻种植的重于作单季晚稻种植的,而作单季晚稻种植的其稻纵卷叶螟发生程度重于二化螟,也重于作中稻的。3、香稻对三种主要水稻害虫的适合度高于普通优质稻,主要表现在香稻上二化螟种群趋势指数高于普通优质稻,褐飞虱单雌子代成虫数量多于普通优质稻,取食香稻的稻纵卷叶螟幼虫成活率、化蛹率、羽化率及其产卵量较普通优质稻高。4、叶鞘表面硅细胞密度鄂香1号与鄂中5号之间、武香988和两优陪九之间差异小,而前两种显著低于后两种,通过比较发现硅细胞密度低,二化螟蚁螟侵入率高。叶鞘脊高度、髓腔直径、维管束间距品种之间差异显著,但是与二化螟的幼虫侵入与存活率之间没有必然的联系。武香988植株较其他品种高大,叶片较其他品种宽,稻纵卷叶螟产卵高峰期田间落卵密度高于其他品种。稻纵卷叶螟产卵高峰期,叶绿素含量鄂香1号较其它品种低,但是落卵密度仅次于武香988。鄂香1号具有与其他水稻品种显著不同的生化特征,即分蘗期还原糖和氨基酸含量低于其他品种,而随着植株生长进程不断增加,到孕穗期高于其他品种,二化螟的危害率表现出相同的趋势,分蘗期二化螟危害率(枯心率)低于其他品种,而孕穗至灌浆期高于鄂中5号和两优培九。产卵笼试验表明,鄂香1号对二化螟产卵具有明显的诱集作用,武香988次之。褐飞虱雌成虫和二化螟幼虫对香稻和普通稻之间,显著趋向于香稻,而两种香稻之间差异不显著,稻纵卷叶螟幼虫对香稻挥发物的行为方应高于非香稻,但是差异不显著。气质连用分析水稻挥发物组分,鄂香1号峰次最多,其次是武香988、鄂中5号和两优培九,不同品种保留时间相同的组分出现的峰次序列位不同。以上研究结果表明:自然条件下,香稻田间二化螟、稻纵卷叶螟和褐飞虱三种主要害虫发生程度显著重于普通稻,而且随着播插期的变化主要种类也随之变化。香稻挥发物组分丰富,对害虫有明显的诱集作用。香稻对上述三种主要害虫的适合度高于普通稻,香稻氨基酸、含糖量、叶鞘表皮硅细胞密度、叶片形态特征等都是重要的影响因素。

【Abstract】 Aromatic rice contains scented substances.It is often planted as late single-season rice.Because the characteristics of aromatic rice are particularly different from ordinary (quality) rice,and the cropping patterns has been changed into late single-season rice. Ecological status in the rice paddy is bound to change a lot.This lead to the occurrence of major pests(Chilo suppressalis,Cnaptalocrocis medinalis,Nilaparvata lugens) in rice changes accordingly.Old forecasting methods can not applied directly to pests on aromatic rice.In this paper,EX-1 and WX-988 were used to survey occurrence characteristics of the main rice pests on aromatic rice.The fitness of aromatic rice to major pests,as well as the impact of aromatic rice morphology and biochemical characteristics on the fitness was studied,In all the experiments,ordinary(non-aromatic) rice LYP-9 and EZ-5 were used as control.These results can be used to guide the main pests management for aromatic rice and further service to the aromatic rice production. Main results are as follows:1.Through field and laboratory experiments found that field major pests and community structure of natural enemies in aromatic rice paddy was similar to which in ordinary rice paddy,but difference on the dynamics and stability of the community structure between aromatic and ordinary rice existed and changed with time.Pests community structure on EX-1 were more stable than that on ordinary rice,but on aromatic rice WX-988 was vise visa.2.The peak density of the three major rice pests in paddy of aromatic rice was significantly higher than ordinary rice;different seeding period was associated to different pest species.In single season cultivation,extent of the incidence and danger of C.suppressalis was higher when compared with other serious pests.This is so for the same varieties cultured for single season rice and late single-season rice3.The fitness of aromatic rice to C.suppressalis,C.medinalis,and N.lugens was higher than ordinary rice.The index of the general population trend of and the offspring adults of N.lugens female on ordinary rice was higher than on ordinary rice.The rate of larvae survival pupation emergence and the amount of egg of C.medinalis on aromatic rice was higher than ordinary rice.4.Silicon cell density on sheath surface of WX-988 were lower than LYP-9,but they were significantly higher than EX-1 and EZ-5.Higher invasive rate of C. suppressalis borer was found on varieties,EX-1 and EZ-5,with lower silicon cells density by comparison.Sheath ridge height,medullar cavity diameter,spacing vascular significantly different among varieties,but with the borer larvae survival rate and invasive were not necessarily linked.WX-988 plant taller than the others,leaves wider than the others,higher egg density than others were found during the oviposition peak of C.medinalis.C.medinalis spawning peak,chlorophyll content of EX-1 lower than other varieties,but eggs density just lower than WX-988.EX-1 with significantly different biochemical characteristics,namely at tilling stage sugar and amino acid content lower than other varieties,and with the ever-increasing plant growth process,to boot stage higher than other varieties,the C.suppressalis damage rates showed the same trend.At tillering stage Blight heart rate caused by C.suppressalis lower than that of other varieties,but at heading and filling stage,it is higher than that of EZ-5 and LYP-9.Spawning cage experiments show that C.suppressalis females layed more egg on EX-1.More N.lugens macropterous female,C.medinalis borers and C medinalis larvae move towards aromatic rice between aromatic and ordinary rice,between the two kinds of fragrant rice is not significant,Aromatic Rice Leaf Roller larvae of volatile compounds from actors should be higher than that of non-scented rice,but the difference was not significant.Temperament linked rice ice volatile components analysis,and EX-1 peak at the most,followed by the WX-988,and EZ-5 andLYP-9, different varieties retention time of the same components in different peaks order.All results above showed that:under natural conditions,the population of C. medinalis,C.suppressalis,and N.lugens in aromatic rice field were higher than that in ordinary rice paddy,and changed along with the growing season adjusting.The volatile components extracted from the aromatic rice had obvious attraction to the pest.The aromatic rice was more fitness to these three rice pests than ordinary rice.Amino acids and sugar content,silicon cell density of sheath epidermal,and morphology were important factors influencing the occurrence of these three pests on aromatic rice.
