

Researches on Brand Value and Brand Strategic Management of China’s Agricultural Products

【作者】 李敏

【导师】 易法海;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业贸易与农村金融管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 农产品品牌化是农业生产市场化、专业化和社会化发展的必然结果。农产品品牌是品牌概念在农产品中的延伸和运用,是指农产品经营者及其产品产地和质量的识别标志,代表着农产品经营者的信誉及其对消费者的承诺,是农产品经营者的无形资产,是农产品经营者与消费者沟通的桥梁。与工业品和其它服务产品品牌相比主要有以下特点:农产品品牌的载体是农产品,农业的生产过程是在广阔的自然空间里进行,其劳动方式对产品质量的影响难于监测,因而需要实现农业产业化和标准化生产管理。农产品品牌代表着自然资源禀赋优势。大多数农产品品牌的创立,常常以产地的特色资源为基础。农产品品牌价值受原创性技术影响大。由科技水平决定的质量和效率,成为提升农产品品牌价值的主导因素。二十世纪八十年代末以来,实施农产品品牌战略,提升农产品品牌竞争力,一直是我国农业企业和理论界关注和研究的热点。李德立(2006)从中国农业产业化经营角度,确立品牌诊断、品牌战略设计和品牌战略实施的品牌战略逻辑框架;徐元珍(2006)主张我国农产品品牌建设应从农业标准化入手,并提出加强农产品标准化建设促进农产品品牌建设的基本思路。刘玲玲(2007)通过对原产地标志的研究,提出品牌发展战略。本文从农产品品牌价值这一视角,通过梳理相关文献,构建基础理论,并运用于我国农产品品牌战略管理研究,有利于更好地把握农产品品牌战略管理的本质。提出以提升品牌价值为核心的农产品品牌战略管理思想,有别于发达国家“以超强经济实力为支撑”、“以规模性、文化性和高质量为重点”、“以差异化、标准化和形象化为特征”的战略管理模式,不仅有利于突出农产品品牌价值在农产品品牌战略管理中的中心地位,而且使品牌战略管理的内容更加多样化,战略管理重点选择更具灵活性。本文研究从以下几个方面展开:首先,本文对品牌与品牌价值理论内涵等进行了梳理和提炼,以此为基础,对国内外品牌价值评价方法进行借鉴,提出一种适合中国农产品品牌运行特点的农产品品牌价值评价法,并对“德炎”品牌进行价值评估。品牌价值构成体系和评价方法揭示了影响品牌价值成长和增值的一系列重要因素,是企业品牌的培育、经营和延伸发展的动态跟踪、改进、调整和评判的重要依据,使企业能够更有针对性地经营品牌价值资产。本文参照农产品品牌价值评价指标体系的品牌质量安全控制力、品牌市场力、品牌创新力和品牌生命力等指标,对我国农产品品牌价值进行评价,特别针对思想观念、市场环境、营销管理和法律法规等制约品牌价值提升因素进行了研究分析,探寻我国农产品品牌价值偏低的症结所在。依据品牌价值理论对美国、欧盟和日本等发达国家实施农产品品牌战略进行比较分析,总结他们之间的各自的特色和共性所在,作为我国实施农产品品牌战略的借鉴。通过对以上问题的分析,揭示出品牌价值、品牌竞争和品牌战略管理的内涵和规律,提出我国农产品品牌战略管理的政策建议,这些政策建议是:第一,运用工业思维发展农产品品牌物质基础;第二,运用品牌营销构建农产品品牌的内涵和整体形象;第三,培育品牌发展和谐的市场环境;第四,充分发挥政府宏观调控职能,完善品牌发展的长效机制。

【Abstract】 Brand establishment in agricultural products is the inevitable outcome of commercialization of agricultural products, specialization of agricultural products as well as socialization of agricultural products. Agricultural brand, which comes from the brand application in agricultural products, refers to the identity of farm product operator, place of origin and quality. It stands for the prestige of agricultural product operator and the promise to consumer. Agricultural brand built a bridge between the farm product operator and consumer and compose the intangible property to the operator. Comparing to brands in other industries, agricultural brand has the features as following: agricultural brand is built on farm products. Due to the unpredictable of working process, which is proceeding under vast natural environment, the industrialization and standardization production management of agricultural is required. Agricultural brand also represents the advantages in some natural resources. Most of the brand establishment is based on the special resources of origin. As the result, the original skill has a large effect on the agricultural brand value, which also determines the quality of product and the working efficiency, and became the leading factor to improve the agricultural brand value.Since 1980s, agricultural brand strategy and agricultural brand competitive ability have been catching a lot attention from agricultural enterprises and theorists. Deli Li(2006) forms a brand strategy logic from Agricultural Industrialization Management in China, which includes brand diagnosis, brand strategy design and brand strategy implement; Yuanzhen XU(2006) advocates building agricultural brand on the base of agricultural standardization ,thereby to improve the development of agricultural brand. Lingling Liu(2007) puts forward the brand development strategy through the study of origin marks. From the standpoint of agricultural products brand, this paper cards the interrelated literatures to put forward the fundamental frame of the theories and uses those theories to research the brand management of Chinese agricultural products. It will make it better to grasp the essence of the management. It also advances the core thought of improving the brand value which is different from the developed countries’ strategic management models which are "a super economic power to support", " focusing on scaling, culture and high-quality"," the characteristics of differentiating, standardization and visualizing". This model doesn’t only stand out the center status of agricultural products brand’s value in the management, but also make the strategic management more diversified and flexible.Based on carding and abstracting the connotations of the brand and the brand value theory, this paper analyses the evaluation of domestic and international brand value methods, and puts forward the Agro-brand assessment method which is suitable for the characteristics of China’s agricultural products’ operation. Meanwhile, this paper also evaluates the "De YAN" brand. The structure of brand value system and judging methods reveal an imperative series of factors which have great effects on the growth and increment of brand value. Those factors are the cultivation of the brand, the dynamic track of the brand management and extension, the evidence of improvement, adjustment and judging. They will be useful to make the management more efficient.This paper refers to some indices from the index system of agricultural products brand evaluation, including the quality and security control index, the brand market power index, the brand innovation index and the brand life-force index etc., to evaluate the brand value of China’s agricultural products and explore the sticking points of China’s agricultural products’ low value. In particular it analyses ideas and concepts, the market environment, marketing management and laws and regulations which restrict the promotion of brand value.According to the brand value, this paper compares with the agricultural strategies of the U.S, EU and Japanese. And it summarizes their own characteristics and commonness, in order to use the experience of them for reference.Based on the analysis of the above-mentioned problems, this paper reveals the connotations and regulations of the brand value, the brand competition and the brand strategic management. And it opens out the policy recommendations of China’s agricultural products brand management strategy. These policy recommendations are: First, using the industrial thinking to develop material foundation of China’s agricultural products brand strategic management; Second, using the brand marketing to construct the connotations and unitary feature of agricultural products; Third, cultivating the harmonious market environment; Fourth, giving full play to the government’s macroeconomic functions to consummate a long-effect mechanism in the brand-building.

【关键词】 农产品品牌品牌价值战略管理
【Key words】 agricultural productsbrandbrand valuestrategic management