

’Deviation’ and ’Reconstruction’

【作者】 王晓燕

【导师】 金国华;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 社会学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本研究从角色理论的视角出发,提出当代大学生政治心理的变迁过程是社会变革与转型期大学生群体经历角色的多元化及其冲突与整合,克服角色偏离、实现政治人角色重构的过程。角色的冲突与整合构成了当代大学生“个人——社会”关系变动的重要内容,并对大学生政治心理的变迁产生重要影响。作为中国社会发展与历史变迁的真实写照,当代大学生政治心理的变迁过程体现出社会变革与转型期社会结构对于角色的重新安排以及个人在角色选择与角色扮演中的积极作用,折射出社会转型与全球化时代背景下中国社会结构变化的重要特征。文章内容一共包括八个部分。第一章,导言部分。介绍论文的选题及研究意义、研究进展以及研究的基本思路、研究假设、理论选择与核心概念,以及研究方法等内容。第二章,从角色社会化的视角分析大学生政治心理的内在结构及其特征、发生的机制与过程。大学生的社会角色具有过渡性、多重性和多变性特征。大学生政治心理的发生过程是大学生接受、学习和发展政治传统、政治知识、政治技能,形成相对稳定成熟的社会政治心理倾向,并开始以正式的和独立的政治人身份学习和扮演其在社会政治生活领域的角色,从而使自己逐渐由一个自然人或一个非政治人成长为政治人的过程。第三章,论证了社会因素对当代大学生政治心理及其变迁过程的外在制约性。全球化时代背景下中国经济、政治、社会结构乃至观念的变革,推动了传统政治角色向现代政治角色的转变,加速了当代大学生政治心理的成熟,促进政治心理培育方式的转变,但同时也对当代大学生的角色意识与政治心理产生负面影响,引发角色冲突与混乱、导致角色偏离与迷失。第四章,论证了个体意识的发展在当代大学生政治心理变迁中的主导作用。当代大学生角色的社会化过程是大学生群体主体地位的渐进获得过程。这是一个独特的社会角色类型走向独立、步入成熟的过程。自我意识的发展,主体意识的形成,以及价值取向的多元化构成当代大学生积极演绎多元社会角色的主观条件,既是引发当代大学生角色冲突与角色偏离的主观原因,也是克服角色偏离,实现角色重构的内在动力。第五章与第六章分别论证了当代大学生角色冲突与整合的过程对其政治心理的直接影响。第五章主要分析角色的多元化及其冲突导致政治人角色发生偏离。变革社会中多元化的价值取向带来当代大学生社会角色的多元化,引发了角色之间的相互冲突,从而使得政治人的传统身份与地位受到挑战,出现了部分偏离的现象;第六章主要分析角色冲突的化解与多元社会角色的整合推动了政治人角色的重新结构化,使得当代大学生政治心理经历了传统向现代的转变,政治人的身份和地位得以重新确立。第七章考察了当代大学生政治心理变迁的历史过程与现实表现、主要特点及存在的问题以及变化趋势。与角色的觉醒、冲突、调整与适应过程相一致,当代大学生政治心理的变迁经历了萌动、失衡、整合与重构的历史过程,在政治价值取向、政治认知、政治情感、政治评价以及政治行为选择方面体现出鲜明的时代特征,并呈现出理性化、功利化、现实化、多元化的主导趋势。第八章总结全文,得出结论,并对当代大学生政治人角色的培育和政治心理的健康发展进行了思考和展望。

【Abstract】 On a perspective of Role Theory,this thesis argues that the changing process of contemporary undergraduates’ psychology is a process of overcoming deviation of roles,achieving political roles of undergraduates as a collective group by dealing with diversity of roles and social and psychology crisis.The conflicts and integration of roles constitute an important part of the ’individual—society’ relation of undergraduates’ and affect the development of undergraduates’ political psychology changes.As the real reflection of Chinese social development and historical change,the change of contemporary undergraduates’ psychology embodies the social re-arrangement of roles and the individual’s active choice and action of roles in China’s Social Changes,and reflects the important characteristics of the changes of Chinese social structure during the period of social transformation and globalization.This thesis is divided into(?)chapters.Chapter 1 is the introduction.It introduces the subject and the meaning of this research,the research achievements,basic ideas,hypothesis,theories choice, core concepts and methodology.Chapter 2 deals with the inner structure,characteristics,mechanism and process of undergraduates’ psychology on a perspective of role socialization. The process of undergraduates’ psychology is a process during which they accept,learn and develop political traditions,knowledge and skills to shape comparatively stable political psychological political trends,to play the roles of formal and independent political actors,thus to turn them into political men from natural individuals or non-political men.Chapter 3 argues the Social factors’ positive influence on contemporary undergraduates’ psychology change.The changes of Chinese economical, political and social structures and ideas in globalization promote the transformation from traditional political roles to contemporary political roles, accelerate the growing of undergraduates’ psychology,advances the changes of methodology of cultivation of political psychology.But they also have negative influence on contemporary undergraduates’ role sense and political psychology by raising role conflicts and confusion,deviation and missing. Chapter 4 deals with the predominant influence of individual awareness on contemporary undergraduates’ psychology change.The socialization of contemporary undergraduates is a gradual process of gaining subjectivity, which is a unique kind of role’ turning into independence and growing up. The developing of self-awareness,shaping of subjectivity,together with values diversity constitutes the subjective conditions for contemporary undergraduates’ active multi roles,which are not only the subjective reasons role conflicts and deviation,but also the inner force to overcome role deviation to achieve role reconstruction.Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 deal with the direct influence of contemporary undergraduates’ socialization on their political psychology.Contemporary undergraduates achieve role integration and reconstruction of role of political men after role conflicts and deviation under the influence of society and individuals.Chapter 5 mainly deals with role diversity and role deviation led by role conflicts.The multi-value orientation in a changing society leads to the diversity of undergraduates’ roles and their role conflicts,to challenge the traditional identities and positions with role deviation in some degree. Chapter 6 argues that the resolving of role conflicts and integration of multi-roles promotes the re-structure of political men’s roles,to lead a transformation of undergraduates’ psychology from traditional one to a contemporary one and thus the re-construction of political men’ identities and positions.Chapter 7 deal with the history,current situation,main characteristics, problems and changing trends of contemporary undergraduates’ psychology. The same to role awareness,conflicts and integration,contemporary undergraduates’ psychology goes through a process of intimating, unbalancing and reconstruction.They show timely characteristics in political values,cognition,emotion,evaluation and actions.The dominant trend is to be rational,utilitarian,realistic and to seek diversity.chapter 8 concludes the thesis and deals with and outlook the cultivation of contemporary undergraduates’ political roles and the development of contemporary undergraduates’ healthy psychology.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期