

Research and Application on Design Methodology for Engineering-to-Order Product

【作者】 丁俊健

【导师】 谈士力;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 大批量定制将取代大批量生产,成为21世纪主流生产模式。其中按客户订单分离点的分类方法,在大批量定制生产模式中的适用范围较广。对于该分类方法中定制深度较深的ETO(Engineer-to-Order,按订单设计)定制方式的设计过程,目前还没有十分有效的描述方法。因此本论文对适用于ETO定制产品的设计理论和设计方法进行系统的研究,具有一定的理论意义和实用价值。论文在对ETO定制产品用户需求和技术特征分析的前提下,以规划好的定制产品族为基础,运用基于BP(Error Back Processing误差反向传播)人工神经网络的产品配置设计方法,实现ETO定制产品关键构成模块的设计;运用基于改进的TOPSIS(Technique for Order Preference bv Similarity to Ideal Solution,逼近理想解排序技术)技术的实例检索方法,得到ETO定制产品的总体布局设计。对以上两种设计结果进行变型设计,得到最终的ETO定制产品。论文在面向订单设计定制产品设计方法学的研究中,作了以下四项创新工作:ETO定制产品用户需求及技术特征分析:在借鉴和改造层次分析法的基础上,论文提出的基于HOQ(House of Quality)的用户需求及技术特征重要度的计算方法,能得到稳定无逆序、且客观合理的用户需求重要度和技术特征重要度。ETO定制产品族规划:在采用模糊聚类法得到定制产品族动态聚类的基础上,论文构造的产品族合适度计算方法,可得到既反映聚类数值数理统计规律,又反映产品技术特征属性的最佳产品族规划。ETO定制产品配置设计方法:论文构造的基于BP人工神经网络的产品配置设计方法,模拟ETO定制产品的设计过程,智能地实现其关键构成模块的设计。实例检索方法:论文构造了基于改进的TOPSIS技术的实例检索方法。该方法所构造的绝对正理想解和负理想解矩阵,克服了TOPSIS应用过程中可能产生的逆序现象。方法能有效地为ETO定制产品求得整体布局设计的参考实例。结合上述知识点,论文开发了面向订单设计(ETO)定制产品的设计原型系统,为ETO定制产品的设计提供了一个设计开发平台,实例说明了原型系统的有效性。

【Abstract】 The Mass Customization which will replace The Mass Production becomes the mainstream producing mode in the 21 century. Comparing with other classifying methods in the Mass Customization, the Customer Order De-coupling Point (CODP) is used widely. ETO( Engineering-to- Order) product which is one of the models classified by the CODP is very complex. At present, the ETO development system is not very efficient. So the article researches the design theory and design methodology of ETO product systematically, the result will improve the theory level of design methodology efficiently.At first, the article analyses the Customer Requirement and the Engineering Characters of ETO product. Then, on the base of designed product family, using the configuration design based BP(Error Back Processing) neural network to develop the key parts for the ETO product, and using case retrieval based on the improved TOPSIS(Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) technique to accomplish whole layout of ETO product. At last, dealing the above two results with variant design, the ETO product will be get.The article contributes to the ETO design methodology and design theory in following four aspects:Customer Requirement and technique character analysis: on the base of referenced and improved the AHP (analytic hierarchy process), the article brings forward an arithmetic to determine the importance of Customer Requirement and Engineering Character based on the relative matrix of HOQ(House of Quality). Using this arithmetic can get changeless and no rank reversal importance of customer requirement. The results is rational and objectiveETO product family layout: On the base of dynamic clusters of the ETO product by using fuzzy clustering method, the article puts forward a method to calculate the product family right degree, the right degree can reflects product family datum statistical rule and engineering characters. Configuration design: The article puts forward the configuration design based on BP neural network, using it to simulate ETO design can get key modules structure of ETO product intelligently.Case retrieval: the article can find out a optimal reference case by using case retrieval based on the improved TOPSIS technique, the method overcomes the rank reversal of TOPSIS. The result can redound to the whole layout design of ETO product.Based on the above knowledge, combining with Access database, Solidworks and Matlab, VB language is used to developed the prototype system, the system can be looked as a platform for ETO product design. The validity of the system has been proved by some cases.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期