

Study on Modern Land Use Planning in China

【作者】 董祚继

【导师】 王万茂;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 土地是先于人类而存在的自然物质,也是人类从自然界中分离出来之后最先接触到的客观对象。当土地被投入人类社会生产活动之后,就成为任何社会物质生产部门(包括农业、工业、建筑业、交通运输业等)所必需且不可替代的物质条件。随着人口增长和经济发展,土地面积的有限性和土地需求的增长性之间的矛盾就构成了土地利用及其规划的永恒主题,其间的相互不协调性愈加凸现。如何合理且有效地利用土地,合理且公平地分配和再分配有限的土地资源,是人类社会的不同发展阶段所必须应对的重大问题。“科学的产生与发展一开始就是由生产决定的”(恩格斯),如同任何一门科学一样,土地利用规划的产生有其历史的和现实的客观基础,是现代科学发展的必然结果和土地利用实践提出的迫切要求。人类社会发展的历史就是一部人类利用土地的历史。有史以来人类利用土地的丰富实践为土地科学的产生提供了丰富的营养和坚实基础。人类在土地利用过程中最原始的需求,就是丈量土地和分配土地。土地面积是有限的,随着人口的不断增长,人地矛盾不断扩大,这是土地利用规划产生的动因。人类为了生存和发展,调整土地利用方式,进而要求合理组织土地利用,以提高土地利用率和产出率,土地利用规划应运而生。土地利用规划作为人类社会经济活动,伴随着人类的出现而产生,并随着人类社会的演替和社会生产力的发展而不断更新和发展。各国从其基本国情和社会经济制度出发,建立和发展了适合本国实际的土地利用规划制度,为土地利用规划的深入研究提供了丰富多彩的经验和范例,值得系统地加以比较和借鉴。我国是文明古国,人民勤劳勇敢,在长期的生产和社会实践中,积累了丰富的素材和成果,对土地利用规划的发展做出了贡献。尤其是20世纪80年代以来,我国开展了史无前例的国土全覆盖的土地利用总体规划编制工作,对我国社会经济发展发挥了一定的作用,同时也面临一系列严峻挑战。认真总结这些宝贵经验与教训,对土地利用规划学科的发展和未来时期土地利用规划的编制工作具有重要的理论价值和实践指导意义。规划实践迫切需要科学系统的规划理论和规划方法的指导。中国现代土地利用规划研究在相关理论的指导下,综合评述前人的研究成果,对国外和地区土地利用规划制度进行分析比较,系统总结我国开展土地利用总体规划的经验与教训,根据现代土地利用规划的发展经验和发展趋势,构建了中国土地利用规划的理论和方法体系,开展了中国土地利用战略规划实证研究,为未来时期土地利用规划学科发展和土地利用规划工作的组织与开展提供重要的科学依据。社会因环境的变化而变化,而其中许多变化来自土地利用规划,从而使土地利用规划发展被看作是一个高度综合的过程。随着社会经济的发展,土地利用规划在理论和方法上也随之不断创新和完善。通过对国外和地区土地利用规划的比较与借鉴,揭示出一国和地区的土地利用规划制度因其基本国情、区情和社会经济制度的不同而存在明显差异。但是,由于土地利用国家干预的共同需要,各国土地利用规划的理论、体系、目标、方法、程序、管理等也有许多相似性,可供我们借鉴和吸取。通过对中国土地利用规划发展的历史回顾,充分显示了其发展轨迹与中国社会经济发展同步变化的态势。改革开放前土地利用规划适应集中计划经济体制和国营农场、人民公社发展的要求,以工程布局、技术设计和现场铺图为主要方法;改革开放以来土地利用规划适应市场经济发展和实施土地用途管制的需要,以总体规划为主要形式,形成了“地域(用地)分区+控制指标”为主的规划控制方法,可持续发展、公众参与等规划理念和方法日益得到重视。中国现代土地利用规划研究的结果表明:(1)对现代土地利用规划的产生和发展影响最大的有理想主义、理性主义、生态思想、人本主义、可持续性等思想观念,土地利用规划的理论基础主要是土地利用系统控制论、土地利用国家干预论和非均衡经济条件下的土地资源配置理论,现代土地利用规划的基本理论包括土地利用演化理论、土地利用组织理论和土地利用运行理论。(2)土地利用规划日益成为政府公共政策的重要组成部分,从公共政策视角出发建立土地利用规划方法论基础和方法体系成为必然,但以利用设计为主体的土地利用规划仍然十分必要。(3)未来社会对土地需求将会不断增长并呈多元化的特点,与有限的土地供给之间的矛盾和冲突呈日益加剧趋势,如何协调人口、资源、粮食、环境与发展关系问题是土地利用规划中的难点和重点。(4)未来一个时期我国土地利用战略规划应当集中体现粮食安全、生态安全、经济发展、社会和谐等各项国家重点发展战略的总体要求,促进集约、高效、科学、合理利用土地。

【Abstract】 Land exists as a natural substance with a much longer history than human beings.It was the foremost external object that men ran into when men were initially separated from the nature.Ever since land started to function in human society,land has been indispensable to all production activities like agriculture,industry,architecture,transportation,etc..With population increasing and economic growing,it has become an eternal subject for land use and planning on how to handle limited land area and rising demand on land,and the sharp conflict between these two factors is more and more obvious.It is a momentous problem for us to decide how to effectively utilize land,to rationally and fairly assign and reassign limited land resources in all developing stages.Engels said something to this effect that science was originated and developed from production activities.Just like any other science,land use planning was formed with certain historical and realistic background.Human history is the history of how to use land.The land use experiences throughout human history provide rich elements and solid base for the science of land use planning.In the course of land use,people’s primitive demand was to measure and distribute land.As the land is limited in area,with the population growing, the inevitable man-land conflict became the original incentive for land use planning.In order to survive and to develop,people had to adjust land uses and then to rationalize land uses so as to raise land productivity and output,and this led to the birth of land use planning.As a socio-economic activity of human being,land use planning came into being with human’s arrival on the earth;its upgrading and developing came along with succession of human society and progress of social productivity.All nations established and developed land use planning systems suitable to their own situations;each nation can provide valuable inheritance and profound experiences for us to further study land use planning and to have a systematic comparison and analysis.AS an ancient civilization,with its industrial and courageous people and thousands of years’ production and social experiences,China has accumulated sufficient materials and achievements and has contributed greatly to the development of land use planning.More significantly,ever since 1980s,China has been undertaking the unprecedented comprehensive land use planning which covers its entire territory;this work has definitely played a positive role for China’s socio-economic construction;but it has yet faced with grave challenges.To summarize these valuable lessons and experiences will surely awaken us to their important academic value and practical guiding for furthering the science of land use planning and improving our future work of comprehensive land planning.Our current planning job is in dire need of a scientific and systematical theory and methods.China’s modern land use planning has made references to all related theories,has taken lessons from all previous achievements,has studied and compared other countries/ regions’ land use planning systems,has systematically reviewed all rights and wrongs of China’s land use planning,has followed the latest developments and trends of modern land use planning;has worked out the theories and methods for China’s land use planning;and has initiated case studies of China’s land use strategic planning.All these have laid solid and scientific ground for China’s future progress of land use planning science and China’s land use planning work.Society changes with the changes of environment,and much of the changes come from land use planning.Hence,the development of land use planning is regarded as a highly synthesizing process.The social and economic development has been up-grading and perfecting land use planning theories and methods.Comparison study of land use planning in other countries and regions has enlightened us with the truth that land use planning systems vary sharply with the country or region’s basic conditions and social-economic systems.Yet,at the same time,the same need for government regulating on land use planning has brought about much similarities in theories,systems,goals,targets, measures,procedures and managements,which are valuable assets for us to learn from.The historical review of China’s land use planning adequately shows that its progress is in line with its social-economic growing trend.Before China’s opening and reform, China’s land use planning fitted well with its centralized economic planning and the need of its state-run farmland and rural communes;the then main planning methods consisted of projects layouts,technical design and on-site drawings.Ever since China started the opening-up and reforms,its land use planning has switched to meet the need of a market economy and the control of land uses;its main form has become comprehensive land use planning;its major planning measures are featured with "regional(uses) zoning plus quota controlling".More and more emphasis is put on theories and methods of sustainable development,public participation and the like.Here are some of the conclusions reached through studies on China’s modern land use planning.(1)Some theories have significantly influenced the forming and developing of modern land use planning,including idealism,rationalism,ecological-orientation, humanism,sustainability doctrines,etc.Yes its fundamental theories consist of systematic control of land uses,government regulating of land uses and land resources allocating under un-balanced economic situations.Theories of modern land use planning are made up of land use evolutions,land use organizing and land use functioning.(2)Land use planning has more and more become an important part of public policies.An inevitable trend is to set up land use planning methods and methodology from the perspective of public polices.Meanwhile,it is still a necessity to maintain the land use planning tradition of designing land uses.(3)The future will find an ever-rising and versatile demand on land and intensifying conflicts between land supply and demand.It will be a hard but vital task how to coordinate relations of population,resources,grain,environment and development. (4)The near future will require China’s land use strategic planning to focus on the integrated demand of the country’s key strategies like grain safety,ecological safety, economic development and social harmony and to promote intensified,efficient,scientific and rational use of land.

【关键词】 中国现代土地利用规划
【Key words】 ChinaModernLand usePlanning