

Transition of Agriculture and Countryside in Mid-Jiangsu Province in the 20th Century

【作者】 周应堂

【导师】 王思明;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪以来,中国的政治、经济、社会、科技、文化等因素发生着剧烈的变革,中国从一个纯粹的农业社会逐渐向一个工业社会转型,在这一转型中,苏中农业、农村、农民也发生了巨大的变化,研究这一个长时段的农业、农村和农民的历史变迁,探讨经济转型过程中我国农业现代化的历史进程及其发展变化的原因,从历史变迁过程中探讨中国农业与农村现代化的运行轨迹及其运动规律,不仅有助于对苏中地区农业、农村经济发展规律的认识,也有助于对中国农业现代化的认识,对中国农业、农村、农民问题的解决起着重要的参考和指导作用。苏中地区是我国历史上著名的鱼米之乡,有着鲜明的地域经济特色、文化特色、资源特色。本文以20世纪一百年为研究时段,以经济发展变迁为主线,以江苏苏中地区的农业、农村、农民历史为研究对象,系统地研究20世纪苏中地区农业、农村、农民的历史发展进程,研究其发展变迁规律,运用SWOT战略分析工具,分析苏中地区农业、农村、农民所面临的机遇、威胁和优势、劣势,提出苏中农业、农村、农民发展战略,并具体提出了农业市场化、农业企业化、农业特色化、农民工人化的发展思路。全文分为四个部分:第一部分,即绪论部分和第一章,绪论部分包括选题的依据和意义、国内外相关研究现状、研究基础和条件、研究材料和方法,以及研究的创新之处等。第一章介绍了苏中地区农业和农村发展所依托的农业生态环境和社会经济条件,这些自然、社会经济条件是苏中地区农业、农村、农民发展的基本因素。第二部分(第二章-第四章),从苏中地区的农地制度、农业生产、农村社会结构等方面探讨20世纪苏中地区农业与农村变迁的轨迹和变迁的因素。农业土地所有制在20世纪苏中地区农村制度变迁中是最激烈的制度变革之一,这些变革对苏中地区农村经济发展带来了极为重要而深远的影响,晚清民国时期,苏中近代的土地制度特征有四个:土地的占有特征是集中,土地的使用特征是分散,土地的外观特征是零碎,土地的税赋特征是高税赋。新中国成立前后,在苏中地区进行了土地改革,彻底摧毁了封建地主土地所有制,为苏中地区农业经济的恢复和发展创造了条件。20世纪50年代到70年代,在这20年的时间内,由于对农民个体土地所有制的改造,逐渐演变成土地集体所有制,对农村经济的发展形成了较大的影响。但苏中土地的使用特征和外观特征没有多大的变化,而农业税则从较高的税赋趋于零,这是历史发展的一个必然趋势。在农业生产变迁中,主要介绍了苏中地区农业生产结构变迁,对种植业、畜牧业、渔业及蚕桑业的发展变迁做了系统的分析。并选择有代表性的农产品如水稻、棉花、油菜的播种面积,单产、总产量的百年变迁,说明解放前由于受到政治、经济、技术等因素的影响,苏中地区的主要农产品处于一个发展缓慢且不稳定的状态。而解放后,农产品的单产、总产都成倍增长,解决了人民的温饱问题。20世纪苏中地区的社会结构变迁,重点对农村城镇化和农业劳动力的转移进行了研究。苏中地区的城市化发展道路也显示出苏中地区的特色。基本可以分为三个时期,一是晚清至1949年,解放后,苏中地区城市化的发展受到不同时期的政策影响较大,二是1949-1983年的缓慢发展时期,三是1984-现在的快速发展期。苏中地区的城市化面貌正在发生着巨大的变化。由于苏中地区的人口密度较高,剩余劳动力的转移在20世纪的变迁中也是一个重要的内容,对晚清明国时期的农村转移规模、转移特征、转移影响做了较为系统的分析研究,对解放后农村劳动力的转移也作了一些分析。劳动力转移在苏中农村经济发展中是一个比较重要的因素,对促进农民收入的提高也起到了一定的作用。第三部分(第五章)重点讨论了苏中农业与农村发展的动力与条件。研究表明,制度变迁和政府农业政策的改变对苏中农业与农村的发展有着至关重要的作用。包括农业现代化进程的推进、人民公社化运动的开展及家庭联产承包责任制度的推行。农业市场化是苏中地区农业与农村经济发展的重要条件,在晚清民国时期,苏中地区结合市场需求,积极推进市场化进程,逐渐形成了区域化种植,经济作物和粮食作物都有了较大的发展。农业技术的变迁是农业发展的第一要素,特别是农作物新品种的开发与应用、施肥技术及农业机械化的发展对农业的增长和农村经济的发展起到了十分重要的作用。农业工业化的发展不仅起到了支持农业、装备农业的作用,对农业市场化、农业企业化和农业特色化、农民工人化也起到了不同程度的影响。第四部分(第六章-第七章)为问题和对策研究。其中第六章从历史和现实比较的基础上分析了苏中在江苏三个区域经济发展中的地位,它的优势和特色及其面临的挑战。通过对当前农村区域经济发展中的几个误区即如农业产业化的误区、新型农民的误区、传统农民的观念误区以及其它的一些误区的分析比较。第七章运用战略管理的思想和方法对苏中地区农村经济发展进行了SWOT分析,建立了苏中区域经济发展战略SWOT矩阵,提出了苏中地区农业与农村经济发展的战略定位和具体战略,即农业市场化、农业企业化、农业特色化、农民工人化(新型农民)。在农业市场化研究中认为,农业既要接受市场的挑选,顺应市场发展的潮流,满足人民的不断增长的对农产品的一般需求,但更要培育市场、开发市场、维护市场,特别要重视以高新技术提升农产品的品质和产量,以信息和物流技术来加快农产品的流通。在农业企业化的研究中,提出了宏观的发展路径如由农户企业化、逐渐发展成为农业企业化、最终能够形成农业经济特色化,在各个部分中的微观操作与发展步骤中提出了具体的建议。对农民工人化的培养前提、培养的方法和培养的途径也提出了自己的观点,对当前农业管理问题提出了具体的工作建议。

【Abstract】 Since 20th century, great change has taken place in politics, economic, society, technology and cultural fields. China is transferring from a pure agricultural society to an industrial society. In the climate of the conversion, the same change happened to agriculture, rural area and rural residents living in the mid-Jiangsu province. It is not only meaningful to make clear the track of the conversion happened to agriculture, rural area and rural residents in a long period, but also helpful to probe into the causes for agriculture developing and modernization in the course of economy conversion, and it helps us to learn about the situation in China and provide reference to the agricultural problems solving.With its own lively area economic, cultural and resource features, the mid-Jiangsu province is well known for it rice and fish in the history.The essay focuses on the history developing course and conversion rules of agriculture, rural area and rural residents in mid-Jiangsu province systematically in the background of 100 years of 20th century, taking economic change as a clue, and aiming at the object of agriculture, rural area and rural residents. It analyses the chances, threats, advantage and disadvantage the rural residents in this area would face up to under the help of tactic analysis tool SWOT, and puts forward the developing strategy for the agriculture, rural area and rural residents in mid-Jiangsu province and the developing ideas for agricultural commodities markets, agricultural enterprises , rural residents to workers’ reansfer and agricultural characteristic.The essay consists of 4 partsThe first part is composed of an introduction and Chapter 1. The introduction covers significance and warrant for the topic, research development at home and abroad, research foundation and conditions, research material and method, innovation in our research and so on. Chapter 1 presents agricultural circumstance and social economic conditions under which agriculture and rural area develop in mid-Jiangsu province. The natural and social environments provide the basic guarantee for the development.The second part (Chapter 2—Chapter 4) discusses the conversion track and causes for Land tenure, agricultural production rural society construction during the agriculture and rural transition in mid-Jiangsu province through 20th century.Land tenure is one of the most powerful reforms in rural conversion in mid-Jiangsu province, because it influences the rural economy development a lot in this areaIn the times of late Qin and the period of Republic of China, land tenure in China has four features: the land occupation in China was controlled by the government. The land employment was distributed, the land patterns were bits and pieces, and the land tax was high. After the liberation, the land reform was launched. The feudalism land tenure system by landlords was destroyed, thus, it created opportunity for the agricultural economy in mid-area to get recovered and developed. From 50s to 70s in 20th century, land system gradually evolved from individual owners into collectivity owners because of land reform, Although it has a great effect on the development of agricultural economy, the feature for land employment and land patterns didn’t change a lot, meanwhile, agriculture tax regulation dropped from a high point and was approaching zero, it is a trend in the course of history development.The essay mainly introduces the agriculture production construction in the agriculture production transition in mid-Jiangsu province and focuses on some typical produce changes in one hundred years, such as planting area, yield per-mu, total yield for rice, cotton and rape. Before liberation, the main produces planted in mid-Jiangsu province were in a slow and unsteady developing condition on account of political, economic and technical reasons, but after liberation, change has taken place in yield, the yield per-mu as well as total yield has increased doubly, people there needn’t worry about their food and dresses any more.In the research on society construction transition in mid-Jiangsu province, we put our emphasis on urbanization and labor force transfer. The way to urbanization in mid-Jiangsu province has its own features. it can be mainly divided into three stages, the first, from late Qin to 1949, after liberation, the urbanization development in mid-Jiangsu was greatly influenced by different period’s policies. the second stage, 1949—1983, a slow stage, the third one is a rapid stage , from 1984—now, A great change is taking place for the city’s outlook now. Because of high density of population in this area, the transfer of surplus labor force has been brought about in 20th century, this is another point we focus on, and we also analyze the transfer scale, characters and the effect it brought in late Qin, meanwhile we analyze the labor force transfer after liberation as well. The labor transfer is a much more important factor in rural economy development in mid-Jiangsu. It plays a certain role in increasing rural residents’ income.Part three (Chapter 5) mainly discusses power and conditions available in agriculture and rural area in mid-Jiangsu. We conclude that it is the system change and agricultural policies that play a key role in its development, agriculture modernization, people’s Commune and family-contract responsibility system are its achievements. And agricultural marketing is the guarantee for the rural economy development in this area. In late Qin and the Period of Republic of China, mid-Jiangsu had its own region plantation, in the course of marketing in terms of market demand .Then crops and food supply found its own way . It is the innovation in agriculture technology that leads to a great agricultural development in this areas. And improved mechanical tools, optimization of seeds and improved fertilization method also play the important roles in the development; Industrialization in agriculture development not only plays an important role in supporting and equipping agriculture but also impacts on agriculture marketing, agriculture industrialization, agriculture characteristics and rural residents-to workers’ transfer.In Chapter 7, we build up a SWOT matrix for economy developing region in mid-Jiangsu by the means of tactic and SWOT analysis on the economy development. And in the part we also put forward the strategy that should be adopted in agriculture and rural economy development in mid-Jiangsu, namely, agriculture marketing, agriculture industrialization, agriculture characteristics and rural residents-to workers’ transfer( new mode rural residents). In the part of agriculture marketing, we get the conclusion that agriculture should not only face up to the marketing competition, fit into developing trend in market, meet the increasing demands for produce, moreover, it has the responsibility to cultivate, develop and maintain markets, especially to put its emphasis on produce quality and yield by the means of high technology, to speed up its circulation under the help of information and logistic technic. In the research on agriculture industrialization, we show a wide developing way how a rural household industrialization develops into agriculture industrialization and then form rural economy with its own feature. In every part of the essay, we present some detail suggestions on how to operate, and put forward our own view for cultivation premise and method of rural residents-to-workers’ transfer, we also put forward some other practical suggestions for current agriculture management issues.
