

Studies on Forage Performance and Planting Technics of Wild Soybean

【作者】 翟桂玉

【导师】 沈益新;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 一年生野生大豆(Glycine soja Sieb.et Zucc.)为豆科草本植物,在中国、朝鲜、日本和俄罗斯远东地区有广泛分布,其中中国一年生野生大豆资源最为丰富,占世界总数的90%以上。一年生野生大豆是栽培大豆(Glycine max(L.)Merr.)的祖先种,具有适应性广,生态类型多,种子蛋白含量高,抗逆性强的特点,是优质高产栽培大豆育种中重要的遗传资源,正越来越被关注和重视。栽培大豆作为一年生野生大豆后代,用于饲草生产已有很长的历史,但对一年生野生大豆饲草生产性能和用于饲草进行栽培利用的研究国内外至今尚未见报道。为深入了解一年生野生大豆的生长发育规律和饲草生产性能,为一年生野生大豆资源饲草性开发和利用提供参考依据,本试验研究了栽培条件下一年生野生大豆饲草生产性能和栽培措施对饲草生产性能的影响,结果表明:一年生野生大豆具有良好的环境适应性和生长发育的可塑性。不同生态型一年生野生大豆间形态性状、饲草产量和营养价值的差异,主要与原产地生长环境类型有关。供试的8个生态型按生长习性、茎叶比等可以分为4大类型,原产地生长环境类型Ⅱ型中的生态型的全株、叶片、茎和荚的产量以及全株相蛋白含量均显著高于其它原产地生长环境类型(Ⅰ型、Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型)中的生态型,而NDF和ADF含量低于其它生态型.一年生野生大豆的形态性状影响饲草产量和质量,叶片多的生态型饲草产量和粗蛋白含量均高于叶片少的生态型;叶片长的生态型ADF含量较高;茎节数多和节间长度长的生态型NDF含量较高。供试一年生野生大豆8个生态型均有较好饲草生产性能,干物质产量为2.2-4.1t/hm2;不同时间种植的一年生野生大豆生态型平均粗蛋白含量为137.1g kg-1,相对饲料价(RFV)平均值为147。种植时间对一年生野生大豆的生长发育影响显著。推迟种植,各生态型一年生野生大豆的出苗时间均缩短,单位面积苗株数增多,营养生长期和全生育期均延长。不同生态型一年生野生大豆生长发育随环境温热变化的趋势相似,营养生长期的生长发育速率与生长积温(GDD)存在极显著的线性关系。温度变化对一年生野生大豆和栽培大豆的生长发育均有影响,一年生野生大豆和栽培大豆的叶片数均与GDD呈显著线性关系。一年生野生大豆和栽培大豆出叶速率差异显著,栽培大豆出叶速率显著高于一年生野生大豆;栽培大豆达到30片叶所需的GDD显著低于一年生野生大豆;种植时间由4月推迟至6月,一年生野生大豆出叶速率提高,栽培大豆出叶速率则减缓。一年生野生大豆比栽培大豆晚熟,茎长度比栽培大豆长73cm,叶片、茎和全株饲草产量比栽培大豆分别高54.3%,86.1%和22.6%,但栽培大豆荚产量是一年生野生大豆的6.4倍.试验中栽培大豆的生育期、形态性状和干物质积累无品种间差异,但一年生野生大豆不同生态型间的生育期、形态性状和物质积累差异显著,引自低纬度地区的生态型FJW-9不仅成熟晚,而且全株、叶片和茎的产量均显著高于引自高纬度地区的生态型HWL-18和当地生态型SDW-12;但FJW-9的荚产量低于HWL-18和SDW-12并且更易倒伏.一年生野生大豆产草量随收获时间的变化,可用相应的回归方程估算,一年生野生大豆最高草产量的收获时间为种植后的145d至155d;一年生野生大豆CP含量第二个峰值出现在播种后的150d至155d;收获时间推迟,一年生野生大豆叶片重提高;晚收获的叶片重是早收获的16倍以上;落叶增多会降低一年生野生大豆饲草产量.不同收获时期栽培大豆全株产量显著高于一年生野生大豆,盛花期、结荚期和成熟期分别高55.7%,36.4%和34.6%;盛花期,栽培大豆的叶茎产量比一年生野生大豆高20.4%,但结荚期和成熟期,则比一年生野生大豆分别低52.9%和78.1%;一年生野生大豆全株IVDMD高于栽培大豆,但CP含量却低于栽培大豆;一年生野生大豆叶片和茎的IVDMD和CP含量均显著高于栽培大豆;一年生野生大豆全株、叶片和茎的NDF和ADF含量均低于栽培大豆.栽培大豆和一年生野生大豆全株产量均为结荚期最高,分别达7.25thm-2和5.32t hm-2.推迟收获,一年生野生大豆和栽培大豆叶片产量均下降而茎产量均提高;全株的IVDMD均显著下降(P<0.05),全株的平均CP含量结荚期最高,比盛花期和成熟期分别高13.8%和32.6%;叶片和茎的IVDMD和CP含量随收获时间推迟而下降,全株、叶片和茎的NDF和ADF含量随收获时间推迟而提高.不同生态型一年生野生大豆全株、叶片和茎的产量均为:FJW-9>SDW-12>HLW-18;全株、叶片和茎的IVDMD以及叶片和茎的CP含量均是FJW-9>SDW-12>HLW-18;全株、叶片和茎NDF和ADF含量均是HLW-18>SDW-12>FJW-9.施用N、P和K肥对一年生野生大豆的全株、叶片和茎的产量和质量影响存在差异.全株产量的施肥效应比较,施用N肥提高最多,施用P肥次之,施用K肥最低;全株CP含量效应比较,施用N肥最高,K肥次之,施用P肥的最低。施用N肥和K肥对叶片生长和产量影响较大,而施用P肥影响较小;施用P和K肥对叶片CP含量的影响无显著差异,在施肥水平75kg hm-2时,施用N肥的一年生野生大豆叶片CP含量显著高于施用P肥和施用K肥.施用P肥对一年生野生大豆茎产量提高最多,施N肥次之,K肥提高最少;施用P肥时,一年生野生大豆茎的CP含量提高,而施用N肥和K肥茎的CP含量下降.肥料施用方法对一年生野生大豆生长发育、草产量和质量的影响存在差异。单施和配施肥料处理的均能提高一年生野生大豆的草产量。P,N和K肥单施,一年生野生大豆草产量分别比对照提高48.2,31.7和23.5%;肥料配施时,N、P和K三肥配施或N和P肥配施处理的一年生野生大豆草产量比对照分别提高了104.6和93.2%。施肥能提高一年生野生大豆冠层高度和主茎长度;肥料配施时,现蕾期、盛花期和结荚期一年生野生大豆草CP含量比对照平均提高21%,NDF和ADF含量则分别比对照平均低12.02和11.05%。单作和与禾本科作物间作的一年生野生大豆生长发育和草产量存在差异。生长前期,单作的全株、叶片和茎的产量以及叶面积指数、生长速率、净同化率和比叶面积系数均显著高于间作;但生长后期,间作的产量和叶面积指数、生长速率、净同化率和比叶面积系数均显著高于单作;与苏丹草[Sorghum sudanense(Piper)Stapf.L.]间作的一年生野生大豆的全株、叶片、茎和结荚的产量均高于与墨西哥玉米(Euchlaenamexicana Schrader.L.)间作。与苏丹草间作的一年生野生大豆草产量高于单作;间作降低野生大豆成熟度,而提高野生大豆的CP含量和IVDMD,比单作分别高10和7.2%,间作降低野生大豆的ADF、NDF和ADL含量,比单作分别低15.3,18.1和25.7%。间作一年生野生大豆的产量和质量与收获时间有关,收获期推后,间作对一年生野生大豆产量和质量的影响增大。间作对一年生野生大豆上部缠绕部分产量的影响大于对下部未缠绕部分,对茎产量的影响比对叶片产量的影响大。一年生野生大豆与不同禾本科作物间作时,单位面积植株数、间作草干物质和粗蛋白产量存在差异,一年生野生大豆与苏丹草间作的单位面积植株数、干物质和CP产量均高于与墨西哥玉米间作;间作时苏丹草和墨西哥玉米播种量增加,间作草干物质和CP产量均提高,间作中苏丹草和墨西哥玉米单位面积植株数均增加,但对一年生野生大豆单位面积植株数影响不显著。间作配置方式和间作苏丹草播种量影响苏丹草与一年生野生大豆的间作性能。不同间作配置对苏丹草、一年生野生大豆和间作混合草干物质产量均有显著影响,均表现为1x1>2x2>4x4;不同间作配置下,以干物质产量为基础和以CP产量为基础的土地当量比间作混合草分别为1.02-1.19和1.05-1.32;苏丹草分别为0.54-0.66和0.55-0.82;一年生野生大豆为0.48-0.53和0.36-0.49;间作中苏丹草生长优势明显。间作中苏丹草播种量增加,苏丹草和间作混合草的干物质产量和以干物质为基础的土地当量比均提高,但一年生野生大豆的土地当量比下降;苏丹草、一年生野生大豆和间作混合草的CP含量以及以CP产量为基础的土地当量比均提高。

【Abstract】 Wild soybean(Glycine soja Sieb.et Zucc.) is an annual legumous plant,which is widely distributed in China,Korea,Japan and the far eastern area of Russia.China is the main distribution country of wild soybean,with 90%of total distribution area all over the world.Wild soybean is considered to be the progenitor of soybean(Glycine max(L) Merr.). Wild soybean has been thought to be an important genetic resource with rare characters,for example,wide adaptability,abundant in ecotypes,high-protein and strong resistance.The cultivated type of soybean has been used as forage crop for a long time,but there are few reports on the forage properties of wild soybean.To better understand the growth pattern and forage performance of wild soybean and to develop and utilize wild soybean resources scientifically,the study on forage performance of wild soybean was conducted.The results were as follows:Eight wild soybean ecotypes collected from different growth environments were studied for plant morphological traits,yield and nutritive value.The results showed that the difference of wild soybean ecotypes in plant morphological traits,yield and nutritive value was mainly caused by the types of growth environment.There were no significant differences among different ecotypes in the same environment type.The wild soybean ecotypes in the environment typeⅡhad higher total heritage yield,leaf yield,stem yield, pod yield and crude protein(CP) concentration for than those in other environment types. The neutral detergent fiber(NDF) and acid detergent fiber(ADF) concentrations for wild soybean ecotypes in the environment typeⅡwere the lowest,and ecotypes in environment typeⅣ>typeⅠ>typeⅢ>typeⅡ.The plant morphological traits,yield and nutritive value of wild soybean ecotypes changed with different growth environments, planting years and harvest dates indicated wild soybean had good adaptability and plasticity.The plant morphological traits of wild soybean could affect its yield and quality,the effects of plant morphological traits of 8 wild soybean ecotypes on their yield and quality were analyzed with correlation analysis and path coefficient analysis.The results showed the yield of the wild soybean ecotypes with more leaf numbers was higher than those with fewer leaves.The correlation between leaf numbers of wild soybean ecotypes and CP concentration was significantly positive,the direct path coefficient and indirect path coefficient between leaf numbers of wild soybean ecotypes and CP concentration were both positive and great.These analysis results meant the CP concentration of wild soybean ecotypes with more leaves was higher than those with fewer leaves.The correlation between leaf length of wild soybean and the ADF concentration was positive,the direct path coefficient and indirect path coefficient between leaf length of wild soybean ecotypes and ADF concentration were both positive and great,this showed ADF concentration of the wild soybean ecotypes with long leaves was high.The node number and internode length positively correlated with NDF concentration,the direct path coefficient and indirect path coefficient between node number and internode length of wild soybean ecotypes and NDF concentration were both positive and great,the NDF concentration of the wild soybean ecotypes with more node numbers and long internode length was higher than those with fewer nodes and short internodes.The growth,development and forage production performance of wild soybean were affected by the ecotypes and planting dates.Eight different wild soybean ecotypes were studied to determine the effects of ecotypes and planting dates on growth,development, yield and nutritive value of wild soybean.The results indicated the forage production performance of all wild soybean ecotypes tested in this trail was good.Average dry matter yields were from 2.2 to 4.1 t hm-2;average CP concentration was 137.1 g kg-1 and relative feed value(RFV) was 147 for three planting dates.The growth and development of wild soybean was significantly affected by the planting dates,the later the wild soybean was planted,the shorter the days needed for emergency were and the more the plants for per acreage were.The planting dates also affected the vegetative growth stage,reproductive growth stage and whole growth stage of wild soybean,both of vegetative and whole growth stages of wild soybean became longer with delay of planting dates,there was a significant linear regression between the vegetative growth stage and whole growth stage.There were no consistent changes of the reproductive growth stages of wild soybean with the delay of planting dates.The linear regression was significant between the rate of growth and development of wild soybean ecotypes and the accumulated growth degree day(GDD) at vegetative stages,the results showed the effects of environment temperature and heating unit on the growth and development of wild soybean ecotypes.Temperature is one of the most important factors that affect growth and development of crops.Study on the effects of temperature and heating unit on the growth and development of wild soybean could help to optimize its forage production.Effect of planting date on leaf appearance rates(LAR) of wild soybean and soybean cultivar[Glycine max(L) Merr]were studied in this experiment.The results indicated that the leaf numbers of wild soybean and soybean cultivar were both significantly linear regressed with GDD, and all determination coefficients(R2) of linear regression functions were very high,these functions could be used to predict the leaf growth of wild soybean and soybean cultivar. LAR significantly differed between wild soybean and:soybean cultivar,LAR of soybean cultivar was higher than that of wild soybean,the GDD needed by soybean cultivar to reach 30 leaves was 300 and 350℃·day in 2004 and 2005 lower than that needed by wild soybean.Because LAR of wild soybean and soybean cultivar were affected by temperature, the different planting dates would cause the changes of temperature or GDD,the planting date could affect the LAR of wild soybean and soybean cultivar.With the delay of planting date from 20 April to 20 June,the LAR of wild soybean increased,but the LAR of soybean cultivar decreased.The growth,development and dry matter accumulation of three wild soybean ecotypes and two soybean cultivars were studied.The results showed wild soybean could potentially produce more forages than soybean cultivars.The wild soybean matured later than soybean cultivars.At the later growth stage,the two year average main stem length of wild soybean was 73 cm longer than that of soybean cultivars,the leaf,stem and whole plant yields of wild soybean were 54.3,86.1 and 22.6%higher than those of soybean cultivars,but the flower-pod yields of soybean cultivars were 6.4 times more than those of wild soybean, the lower flower-pod yields of wild soybean ecotypes would affect the quality of whole plant herbage.There was no difference in growth and development stages,morphological traits and dry matter accumulation between two soybean cultivars,but the differences in characteristics of growth and development and dry matter accumulation were significant among the wild soybean ecotypes.The leaf,stem and whole plant yields of wild soybean ecotype FJW-9 originated from the low attitude area were significantly higher than ecotype HLW-18 originated from the high attitude area and local ecotype SDW-12,the flower-pod yield of FJW-9 was lower than that of HLW-18 or SDW-12.The main stem length and node number of main stem of FJW-9 were longer and more than of HLW-18 or SDW-12,the ecotype FJW-9 also matured later than HLW-18 and SDW-12.The susceptibility of ecotype FJW-9 to lodging was higher than HLW-18 and SDW-12. Total herbage yield and CP concentration of wild soybean herbage changing with delaying the harvest date could be estimated by functions.Total herbage yields were greatest from 145 to 155d after planting and CP concentration of herbage reached the second highest peak within from150 to 155d after planting.The leaf weights increased with the delaying harvesting time,the leaf weights harvested in latter date were 16 times higher than those harvested in earlier date;Defoliation of wild soybean decreased its herbage yields.The herbage yields of two soybean cultivars were 55.7,36.4 and 34.6%greater than those of wild soybean ecotypes at full-blooming,podding and mature stages,respectively; Although leaf/stem ratio of soybean cultivars was higher than that of wild soybean ecotypes at full blooming stage,the leaf/stem ratios of wild soybean ecotypes were higher than those of soybean cultivars both at podding stage and mature.The in vitro dry matter digestibility(IVDMD)of wild soybean whole plant was greater than soybean cultivars,but the CP concentration of wild soybean was lower than soybean cultivars.Both of IVDMD and CP concentration in wild soybean leaf and stem were higher than those of soybean cultivars;the NDF and ADF concentrations in wild soybean whole plant,leaf and stem were lower than soybean cultivars.The harvest stages affected the yields and nutritive values of wild soybean and soybean cultivars,the highest yields were harvested at podding stage,the herbage yields for soybean cultivars and wild soybean ecotypes were 7.25and 5.32Mgha-1,respectively.For soybean and wild soybean,the leaf yields decreased but the stem yields increased with delaying harvest stage;the IVDMD of whole plant harvested at mature was significantly lower than those at full-blooming and podding stages(p<0.05;the highest CP concentration in whole plant harvested at podding stage was 20.4%,it was 13.8 and 32.6%higher than those in whole plant harvested at full bloom and mature stages;the IVDMD and CP concentrations of leaf and stem decreased with increasing maturity, full-blooming stage>podding stage>mature stage,NDF and ADF concentrations in whole plant,leaf and stem increased with the increasing maturity.Contrast of yields of whole plant,leaf and stem among different wild soybean ecotypes,there was a constant tendency as follows:FJW-9>SDW-12>HLW-18.The nutritive value of different wild soybean ecotypes were compared,the IVDMD and CP concentration of whole plant,leaf and stem were FJW-9>SDW-12>HLW-18,NDF and ADF concentrations in whole plant,leaf and stem were HLW-18>SDW-12>FJW-9.Fertilizer is the important nutrient basis for forage crop growth and development, fertilizer application has the potential to increase forage,crop productivity and to improve the forage quality.The study showed the effect of N,P and K fertilizer on the wild soybean yield and CP concentration was different.The increase in total herbage yield of wild soybean was the highest with N fertilizer application,the P fertilizer application followed and the lowest with K fertilizer application.The CP concentration of total herbage was highest with N application,K fertilizer application followed and the lowest with P application.The total herbage yield of wild soybean with P application was higher than that with K application,but CP concentration in total herbage of wild soybean with P application was lower than that with K application.The effects of N and K application on wild soybean leaf yields were greater than that of P application,there were no significant difference in effects on leaf CP concentration between P and K application,leaf CP concentration of wild soybean with N application at 75kg hm-2 application rate was higher than with P or K application.The fertilizer application could increase stem yield,the increase in stem yields of wild soybean with P application was the highest,followed by N application and the lowest with K application.The stem CP concentration was improved by P application,N and K application might lower the stem CP concentration.Fertilizer application has the potential to improve the wild soybean productivity,but the effects of different fertilizers and combination of different fertilizers on wild soybean yield and quality were different.This study was to determine the effects of single and combined fertilizer application on the growth and development,yield and quality of wild soybean.The results indicated both single and combined fertilizer application could increase wild soybean dry matter yield.The 34.5%of average yield of wild soybean was increased by single fertilizer application compared with no fertilizer application.The combined fertilizer application increased the yield of wild soybean by 77.3%.The wild soybean yield was increased by 48.2,31.7 and 23.5%,respectively,when P,N and K fertilizer were single applied.The yields of wild soybean with N,P and K fertilizer combined application and N and P fertilizer combined application were 104.6 and 93.2% higher than those in control.The fertilizer application could increase the canopy height and main stem length of wild soybean,the canopy height of wild soybean applied with P or K fertilizer was 11.3 and 11cm higher than that applied with N,respectively,the main stem length of wild soybean applied with P or K was 27.3 and 25.3cm longer than that applied with N.The P and K combined application or N,P and K combined application could increase the canopy height and main stem length.There was no significant difference in CP concentration of wild soybeans between single-applied with N,P or K and no fertilizer applied at budding and flowering stages,but CP concentration of wild soybean single -applied with fertilizer was significantly higher than no fertilizer applied at pod-setting stage.The NDF and ADF concentration of wild soybean single-applied with N,P or K were not significantly different with control at three growth stages.The combined fertilizer application increased CP concentration of wild soybean herbage and decreased NDF and ADF concentration,CP concentration in herbage of wild soybean applied with combined fertilizer was 21%higher than that of control,NDF and ADF concentration in herbage of wild soybean applied with combined fertilizer were 12.02%and 11.05%lower than that of control.The growth,development and yield of wild soybean grown in monocropping and intercropping with sudangrass[Sorghum sudanense(Piper)Stapf.L.]and teosinte (Euchlaena mexicana Schrader.L.) were studied.The results indicated that total herbage yield,leaf yield and stem yield of monocropping wild soybean were higher than those of intercropping wild soybean at the early growth stage,but the intercropping wild soybean were higher than monocropping wild soybean at the later stage.Leaf area index(LAI),crop growth rate(CGR),net assimilated rate(NAR) and specific leaf area(SLA) of monocropping wild soybean were higher than those of intercropping wild soybean at early stage,but were lower than those of intercropping wild soybean at later stage;There was no significant difference in leaf to stem ratio(L/S) between monocropping and intercropping wild soybean during the whole growth period.Total herbage yield,leaf yield,and stem yield of wild soybean intercropped with sudangrass were higher than those intercropped with teosinte.At the middle growth stage,LAI,CGR and SLA of wild soybean intercropped with sudangrass were significantly higher than those intercropped with teosinte,but there were no significant difference in LA/,CGR and SLA of wild soybean between two intercrops at the early or later stage.The NAR and L/S of wild soybean were not significantly different between intercropping with sudangrass and teosinte during the whole growth period.The growth,development and yield of wild soybean monocropped or intercropped could be evaluated by the regression functions,the determination coefficients of all functions were higher.The yield of intercrops between wild soybean and sudangrass was significantly higher than that of monocropping wild soybean.Wild soybean intercropping with sudangrass was less mature than that of monocropping.Intercropped wild soybean had 10%more CP concentrations and 7.2%higher IVDMD than monocropping wild soybean,but ADF,NDF and acid detergent lignin(ADL) concentrations in intercropped wild soybean were 13%, 18.1and 25.7%lower than those in monocropping wild soybean.The twined plant part of wild soybean on the top were more affected than the untwined part on the base by intercropping,stem yields of wild soybean were more affected than leaf yield by intercropping,and the leaf and stem yields of twined plant part on the top were affected more than the untwined plant part on the base by intercropping.The plant numbers per square meters of wild soybean intercropping with sudangrasss were significantly higher than those with teosinte.The dry matter yields and crude protein yields of intercrops of wild soybean intercropping with sudangrass were higher than those of intercrops of wild soybean intercropping with teosinte.The plant numbers per square meters of wild soybean were not affected by the cereal seeding rate,but the cereal plant numbers per square meters increased with their increasing,seeding rates.Dry matter yield and crude protein yield of intercrops were increased by the sowing rate of cereal increased.The advantages of Intercropping sudangrass with wild soybean were dependent on the intercropping configuration and the sowing rates of sudangrass.The results were as follows:The effects of intercropping configuration on dry matter yields of intercrop components were significant,1×1>2×2>4×4.The land equivalent ratio(LER) of intercrops ranged from 1.02 to 1.19 on a dry matter yield basis and from 1.05 to 1.32 on a protein yield basis,indicating a production advantage of sudangrass-wild soybean intercropping. The LER of sudangrass in intercropping ranged from 0.54 to 0.66 on a dry matter yield basis and from 0.55 to 0.82 on a protein yield basis,the LER of wild soybean in intercropping ranged from 0.48 to 0.53 on a dry matter yield basis and from 0.36 to 0.49 on a protein yield basis,indicating a growth advantage of sudangrass over wild soybean in intercropping.The dry matter yields and LER on a dry matter yield basis of sudangrass and intercropping combined forage yields were increased with sudangrass sowing rate increased, but the dry matter yields and LER on a dry matter yield of wild soybean were decreased at the same time.With increasing sudangrass sowing rate,CP concentration and LER on a protein yield basis of sudangrass,wild soybean and sudangrass-wild soybean were all increased.
